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Social actions reveal facets of the social in the way it give way to what we
called our past, present and future with others. Social action is not done by
doing alone; it is done with others and in that way interaction happens.
Conversely, a group of people together does not constitute social action
unless they start interacting. Social action should involve meaningful
comprehension of the social action of others. So, social action is confined to
situations where the actor’s behavior is meaningfully related to behavior of
2. These facets promote social awareness about our cultural
practices/traditions. It also makes some feel some sense of belonging while
strengthening socials bonds within their society.

We live in a complicated world where sex no longer corresponds with

gender. Now, gender (male or female) may be the reason for the kind of social
person we are today. Significant opportunities have been afforded to us based on
our gender. Also there are many constraints we constantly encounter as we
navigate the social world, with many of them based on gender.

As someone who is female, my actions are that of a female and expected of

a female. While we live in a gender equal world, there are still gender-roles that we
need to fulfill. That means despite being gender-equal, many men still expect
me/us female to become an old-fashioned woman (the Dalagang Filipina thing)
even we are in the 21st century wherein being a modern one is also good. And
sometimes I act as Dalagang Filipina not because I am compelled by gender
expectations but because I believe it is the right thing to do. Abiding by what is
good and proper has brought me several benefits including being admired by other
people. My upbringing as a female person as well has shaped how I behave today.
I was told to always think of how I do things or act because it may reflect on me
(though I am not saying being a modern woman is not respectable, it is just base on
how elders say) and in this way I can be a role model to my fellow women. When
someone else, a man or a woman is in need of help or in need of understanding, I
try to help or understand them the best way I can. But of course, it is not always
smooth sailing. There are also hindrances, for example the issue about women
wanting to wear revealing clothes without getting harassed. Some men think that it
is our fault of being harassed and I just can’t understand why they put the blame on
us when there are so many evidences that regardless of what a woman wear,
harassment can always happen depending on the way men thinks. This puts women
at a disadvantage because it refrain them to express their feelings through their
choices of clothes because they might think it can make them safe but what really
can make them safe is for some men to not harass women. But either way,
whatever happens, I think what is important is mutual and deep respect. Whatever
our gender orientations are, if we have respect for each other, then the world will
be a better place. Our way of expressing ourselves need not be defined by our
gender roles. So being male, or female should not matter, we are all humans.

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