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Community Banking

R18.5 Release Notes

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Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Table of Contents
Document History ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Document Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Release Components ................................................................................................................................... 4
What’s New in Release R18.5 ...................................................................................................................... 6
Core Banking............................................................................................................................................. 6
Ref. 3353093: Trade finance module .................................................................................................... 6
Micro Banking............................................................................................................................................ 6
Ref. 3271848: Customer mnemonic with apostrophe ........................................................................... 6
Ref. 3277144: Cannot edit customer when document expiry date is in the past .................................. 6
Ref. 3298872: Cannot load TELLER,EM.SPLITS.CUI version ............................................................. 6
Ref. 3298946: Cannot read GIC.DEP.ENQ menu ................................................................................ 6
Ref. 3305274: Fixed asset lease hold status not updated .................................................................... 6
Group Management .................................................................................................................................. 6
Ref. 3273472: Group collection screen to include individual loans ....................................................... 6
Single Customer View ............................................................................................................................... 6
Ref. 3278105: Loan repayment amount in portfolio enquiry ................................................................. 6
Ref. 3289954: Parameterisation of products included in total assets amount ...................................... 6
Product Builder .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Ref. 3228841: New eligibility rules not recognized ............................................................................... 7
Loan Origination ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Ref. 3242350: New eligibility settings in loan product overview ............................................................ 7
Ref. 3276817: Settlement tab not available for topup application ......................................................... 7
Ref. 3282402: DSR Calculation ............................................................................................................ 7
Document Output ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Ref. 3287652: Document “Rebuild” action fix ........................................................................................ 7
Channels ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Ref. 3273470: Standing order “last day of the month” frequency ......................................................... 7
Ref. 3282413: Online loan application repayment start date ................................................................ 7
Ref. 3293523: Multiple activation codes on the same day .................................................................... 7
Ref. 3297937: Standing order payment reference ................................................................................ 7
Ref. 3305274: Reactivation option in SCV channels enquiry ................................................................ 7
Ref. 3305590: Authentication server update for reactivation ................................................................ 7
Reporting ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3300900: Incorrect status (WOF) in extended loan scheduler ...................................................... 8
External Components Installation ................................................................................................................. 9
EM_BrowserCustomization ....................................................................................................................... 9
EM_DocOutput .......................................................................................................................................... 9

2 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Document Output / Jasperreports Libraries ........................................................................................ 10

Document Output Support Files .......................................................................................................... 10
Document Output Repository Viewer .................................................................................................. 11
DocRepoWebApp Application ............................................................................................................. 11
BrowserWeb Plugin ............................................................................................................................. 12
EM_ReportingExtract .............................................................................................................................. 13
Further Information ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Document History

Author Version Date

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.0 4th October 2019


3 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Document Purpose
This document highlights new functionality, enhancements and fixes introduced in the R18.5 release of the
Temenos Community Banking model bank. The following tags are used to mark the different items.

 NEW New feature – new functionality that did not exist before

 ENH Enhancement – change/improvement of existing functionality

 FIX Bug fix – fix to a problem found in existing functionality

Release Components
The following EM components are included in this release. New components introduced in this update are
marked in red. Optional components are marked with yellow background, non-T24 with blue background.
R18_EM_CZFramework_1 (install only if CZ module is used)
R18_EM_IslamicIntegration_4 (install only if IS module is used)

4 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

R18_EM_Sepa_5 (install only if EP module for SEPA is used)
IMPORTANT: The R18_EM_BrowserCustomization, R18_EM_DocOutput and R18_EM_ReportingExtract
components contain non-T24 objects. The relevant .zip files need to be removed from the update pack
before running T24 Updater tool and installed manually in the environment. Please refer to the External
Components Installation section at the end of this document for more details.

5 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

What’s New in Release R18.5

Core Banking
NEW Ref. 3353093: Trade finance module
This item contains configuration of the trade finance (LC) module. Please refer to the user guide for more
details about the new functionality.

Micro Banking
FIX Ref. 3271848: Customer mnemonic with apostrophe
This fixes a problem in generating customer mnemonic in an environment based on MS SQL database.
The problematic apostrophe character is now being removed from customer mnemonic to avoid the error.

FIX Ref. 3277144: Cannot edit customer when document expiry date is in the past
This fixes a problem in editing CUSTOMER record when the expiry date of identification document is before
the system’s today date.

FIX Ref. 3298872: Cannot load TELLER,EM.SPLITS.CUI version

This fixes a problem in loading the TELLER,EM.SPLITS.CUI version because of invalid character.

FIX Ref. 3298946: Cannot read GIC.DEP.ENQ menu

This fixes a problem in loading the GIC.DEP.ENQ helptext menu because of invalid character.

FIX Ref. 3305274: Fixed asset lease hold status not updated
This fixes a problem where the fixed asset lease hold status was not updated properly after write-off.

Group Management
ENH Ref. 3273472: Group collection screen to include individual loans
With this enhancement, it is now possible to select group member’s individual loan when entering a group
collection record.

Single Customer View

FIX Ref. 3278105: Loan repayment amount in portfolio enquiry
This fixes a problem in displaying loan repayment amount in the customer portfolio enquiry, where the
system displayed projected repayment amount instead of actual repayment amount.

ENH Ref. 3289954: Parameterisation of products included in total assets amount

With this enhancement it is now possible to parameterise the list of products (categories) included in the
total assets calculation in Single Customer View. The parameterisation is available on EB.PARAM >

6 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Product Builder
FIX Ref. 3228841: New eligibility rules not recognized
This fixes a problem in loan product wizard, where during eligibility stage an error “At least one of eligibility
conditions needs to be set” was displayed, even though the newly introduced rule was used.

Loan Origination
FIX Ref. 3242350: New eligibility settings in loan product overview
This fixes a problem in the loan product overview enquiry, where the recently introduced new eligibility rules
were not displayed in the enquiry.

ENH Ref. 3276817: Settlement tab not available for topup application
This enhancement introduces a new parameter SHOW.SETTLE.VER.TOPUP.RES in EB.PARAM > ALL-
LO.PARAMS configuration record; when the parameter is set to YES then the Settlement tab is available
in the loan application screen also for loan topup / reschedule actions.

FIX Ref. 3282402: DSR Calculation

This fixes a problem in DSR calculation on the income and expenditure table, for joint loan applications.

Document Output
FIX Ref. 3287652: Document “Rebuild” action fix
This fixes a problem in TAFJ environments, where an existing .jrxml document layout template was not
rebuilt correctly when “Rebuild” action was used on the document definition.

FIX Ref. 3273470: Standing order “last day of the month” frequency
This fixes a problem in handling the “last day of the month” frequency in standing orders displayed in TCxB.

FIX Ref. 3282413: Online loan application repayment start date

This fix introduces a check for the “Repayment Instruction” stage of the online loan application, to validate
that repayment start date is greater than the loan value date.

FIX Ref. 3293523: Multiple activation codes on the same day

This fixes a problem in reactivating channel access for customer, where the activation code could not be
generated more than once on the same day.

FIX Ref. 3297937: Standing order payment reference

This fix exposes the payment reference field for standing orders maintained from TCxB.

ENH Ref. 3305274: Reactivation option in SCV channels enquiry

This enhancement adds access reactivation option in the channels section of Single Customer View.

FIX Ref. 3305590: Authentication server update for reactivation

This fixes a problem during external user reactivation, where the authentication server update flag was not
triggered during reactivation.

7 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

FIX Ref. 3300900: Incorrect status (WOF) in extended loan scheduler
This fixes a problem in the extended loan scheduler enquiry, where the WOF status was displayed for a
loan that was totally paid off.

8 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

External Components Installation

The EM_BrowserCustomization component contains images and stylesheet for the browser
(BrowserWeb.war) application, for proper display of the Inclusive Banking Suite role based home pages.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

This whole structure needs to be copied into the BrowserWeb.war application installed in the web server
in the environment, replacing any existing files.

The EM_DocOutput component contains jasperreport libraries for producing PDF documents, sample
document templates and images, and repository PDF viewer application.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

9 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Document Output / Jasperreports Libraries

The document output / jasperreports libraries from the DocOutputLibs/jars/DocumentOutput folder:

Should be copied into the t24lib/DocumentOutput folder of a TAFJ environment (keeping the above folder
structure), and then the libraries need to be configured in the modules.xml file.

Document Output Support Files

The files included in the DocOutputSupportFiles should be copied into the main T24DocumentOutput
module folder, as defined in the Document Output main parameter file in the T24 environment (example
path below):

10 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Document Output Repository Viewer

The PDF repository viewer can be installed in a TAFJ environment in two ways:
 As a standalone DocRepoWebApp.war application in jboss
 As a BrowserWeb.war plugin (recommended)

The two options are described below.

DocRepoWebApp Application
This web application should be manually deployed in jboss.

Some configuration changes are required to point the repository viewer to where the PDF documents
generated from T24 are stored – this is manual task – edit web.xml file below:

And update the below parameters to the same paths that are defined on the main Document Output
parameter file in T24 (DO.PARAMETER).

11 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

BrowserWeb Plugin
This method requires the DocRepo.jar library to be copied into the BrowserWeb.war/WEB-INF/lib folder,
and the following changes should be done in the BrowserWeb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml file (at the end of
<context-param> section) – the paths should be set to the document output locations from the main
Document Output parameter file in T24.

Then after the <servlets> tag, the following should be added:

12 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

When Browser plugin method is used, also the Repository Viewer URL (setup on Document Output Main
Parameter file) should be: http://<browser_host>/BrowserWeb/DownloadServlet, example below:

The EM_ReportingExtract component contains sample SQL scripts (for PostgreSQL database) to create
external reporting database structure and sample batch files to import extracted data from csv files into
the reporting database, and documentation.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

The installation guide for this component is available in the Documentation folder –

13 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.5 Release Notes

Further Information
For further information and additional details relating to any of the features highlighted in this document,
please email the Community Banking Suite Product Manager, Lynn Petersen, at

14 Community Banking Suite Product

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