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Hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy and the Apgar scoring

system: The experience in a resource‑limited setting
Ibrahim Aliyu, Teslim O. Lawal1, Ben Onankpa2

Department of Paediatrics, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/Bayero University Kano, Kano, 1Department of Paediatrics, Federal Medical Centre,
Birnin Kebbi, 2Department of Paediatrics, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

Introduction: Virginia Apgar developed the Apgar scoring which has shown relevance in
assessing the general well‑being of the newborn at delivery and also determining the response
and effectiveness of resuscitation. This includes the 1st, 5th, and even the 10th and 20th min scores.
However, the first and fifth scores have been severally used in defining perinatal asphyxia.
This study, therefore, seeks to assess the performance of Apgar scoring in a resource‑limited
setting in determining hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Materials and Methods: This
was a retrospective study. The medical records of 142 admitted newborns with a diagnosis
of perinatal asphyxia were reviewed over a 1‑year period. Results: There were 86 males and
56 females with perinatal asphyxia and a male‑to‑female ratio of 1.5:1. Most cases had a 1 min
Apgar score in the range of 4–5 (62.0%), whereas using the 5th min Apgar score, majority of
the cases had scores of 6 and more. Sixty‑five cases (45.8%) had HIE, whereas Stage 1 HIE
was the most recorded form of encephalopathy. The 1st min Apgar scoring showed that most
cases with a score of 4–5 had Stage 1 HIE, whereas all the nine cases with Stage 3 HIE had a
score of 0–3 (Fisher’s exact test = 132.074; P = 0.00); furthermore, most cases with Stage 1 HIE
Address for correspondence: had a 5 min score of 6 and above, but all the cases with Stage 3 HIE had a score between 4
Dr. Ibrahim Aliyu, and 5 (Fisher’s exact test = 49.024; P = 0.00). Conclusion: The Apgar score still remains an
Department of Paediatrics, Aminu important tool in neonatal resuscitation and monitoring; asphyxiated neonates need to be
Kano Teaching Hospital/Bayero actively and effectively resuscitated.
University Kano, Kano, Nigeria.
E‑mail: ibrahimaliyu2006@yahoo. Key words: Apgar score, birth asphyxia, hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy, resource‑limited
com setting

INTRODUCTION afterward, resuscitation should be called off.[5] Till date,

controversy still persists on the scope of its utilization,
The Apgar score was developed by Virginia Apgar in while some researchers believe that it could predict
the year 1952[1,2] to assess the well‑being of newborn at long time neurologic outcome,[6,7] others hold contrary
birth; therefore, identifying those who need attention opinion.[8‑10] Furthermore, the isolated use of the Apgar
and immediate resuscitation. It consists basically of score for defining perinatal asphyxia has been discontinued
observation of five physical parameters with a score of over the years in developed countries. Therefore, the
0–2 assigned to each.[3] These scores are determined in the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College
1st and 5th min of life. However, it has been modified over of Obstetrics and Gynecology definition stipulate that other
the years with the 10th min and 20th min Apgar scorings evidences of hypoxemia such as acidemia, encephalopathy,
included.[4] To avoid ambiguity, several regulatory bodies and multiorgan dysfunction should be present before the
such as the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation diagnosis could be made.[11] Some of these guidelines are
recommends that the duration of Apgar scoring should be often difficult to implement in some resource‑constraint
limited to the 10th min in the absence of any sign of life;
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
Access this article online
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Quick Response Code: author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Website: For reprints contact:

DOI: How to cite this article: Aliyu I, Lawal TO, Onankpa B.

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and the Apgar scoring system: The
experience in a resource-limited setting. J Clin Sci 2018;15:18-21.


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Aliyu, et al.: Hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy and the Apgar scoring system

settings, for instance, blood gas analysis. The pertinent of significance and P < 0.05 was adjudged statistically
question then will be done we suspend the diagnosis significant.
of perinatal asphyxia in such settings? The resounding
answer will be a no. The bottom line of perinatal asphyxia RESULTS
is the presence of hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Therefore, this study seeks to determine how efficient There were 1600 recorded deliveries and 142 neonates
and effective is the 1st and/or 5th min Apgar scoring in fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the study; 86 males
defining and classifying birth asphyxia and also comparing and 56 females with a male‑to‑female ratio of 1.5:1. There
its score with the clinical manifestation of HIE using the were 30 (21.1%) preterms and 112 (78.9%) term infants.
Sarnat‑Sarnat classification.[12] The birth weight ranged from 1.9 kg to 4.00 kg with a
mean of 2.6 + 0.5 Kg. They were all appropriate for their
MATERIALS AND METHODS gestational age.

This was a retrospective study of inborn neonates Table 1 described the 1st and 5th min Apgar scores and the
admitted into the Special Care Baby Unit of our health frequency of HIE of the cases. It showed that most of the
facility with a diagnosis of birth asphyxia from January 1, cases had a 1 min Apgar score in the range of 4–5 (62.0%);
2012, to December 31, 2013. Their medical records were using the 5th min Apgar score, majority of the cases had
reviewed, and information on bio‑data including sex, scores of 6 and more. Sixty‑five (45.8%) of the subjects
weight, gestational age, and information on Apgar score had HIE; Stage 1 HIE was the most recorded form of
and clinical features diagnostic of HIE were extracted encephalopathy.
and entered into the study pro forma. Newborns with Table 2 compared the Apgar scores of the 1st and 5th min
Apgar scores <7 at 1st min were included in the study; with the clinical stages of HIE: the 1st min Apgar scores
furthermore, only those scored by health personnel well showed that 22 of the newborns with a score of 4–5 had
trained in neonatal resuscitation were included in the Stage 1 HIE, whereas all the nine cases with Stage 3 HIE
study. In our institution, pediatricians attend deliveries of had a score of 0–3 (Fisher’s exact test = 132.074; P = 0.00);
high‑risk pregnancies, cesarean sections, and complicated furthermore, most cases with Stage 1 HIE had a 5th min
labors; and they ascribe the Apgar score; however, the score of 6 and above; however, none had a score of 0–3,
obstetricians and trained obstetric nurses score in but all the cases with Stage 3 HIE had a score between 4
noncomplicated deliveries. Files with incomplete records and 5 (Fisher’s exact test = 49.024; P = 0.00).
and nondocumented Apgar scoring were excluded in the
data analysis. Infants <34 (completed) weeks’ gestation
were also excluded from the study.
The Apgar scoring has been applied variedly in different
The Apgar score is interpreted as normal (reassuring)
settings. While some use the 1st min Apgar score in defining
if the score is 7–10, 6 is a fairly low score, 4–5 is low,
perinatal asphyxia,[12] majority use the 5th min Apgar
whereas 0–3 is very/critical low in the term infant and
score.[17,18] Therefore, this may account for the varied
late‑preterm (near‑term) infant.[13,14] Perinatal asphyxia
prevalence, and severity of perinatal asphyxia reported in
had been previously defined based on the Apgar scoring
several studies.[19‑21]
alone. therefore, the 5th min Apgar score of <7[15] and
the 1st min Apgar score of <7[16] have been variedly used In the 1st min Apgar score, about 62.0% of the subjects
to define perinatal asphyxia. The severity of perinatal were moderately asphyxiated with only 9.9% being mildly
asphyxia was classified as mild, if the Apgar score is 6, asphyxiated; this improved significantly (P = 0.001)
moderate perinatal asphyxia is Apgar score of 4–5, whereas with no documented score of 0–3 at the 5th min Apgar
a score of 0–3 is severe perinatal asphyxia.[16] We, therefore, score and the score of 6–7 increased to 26.8% signifying
compared how effective was the 1st or the 5th min Apgar the relevance of Apgar scoring in monitoring of
in determining newborns who subsequently develop HIE. resuscitation.[22,23]
HIE was classified using the Sarnat and Sarnat criteria.[12]
Our findings showed that a low 1st and 5th min Apgar score
Data analysis was associated with the clinical features of HIE in 45.8% of
Data obtained were entered in a computer and were the cases, whereas the rest had no clinical manifestations
analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences of HIE. Therefore, newborns who had critically low 1st min
version 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). Quantitative Apgar scores were more likely to develop severe forms
variable was summarized as a mean and standard of HIE (Stages 2 and 3); however, most of those whose
deviation, whereas qualitative variables were summarized 1st min Apgar scores were in the moderate range (4–5)
in percentages. The Fisher’s exact test and one‑sample and the 5th min scores of 4–5 and 6, respectively, mostly
Chi‑square binomial tests were adopted as the tests had Stage 1 HIE.

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Aliyu, et al.: Hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy and the Apgar scoring system

Table 1: The Apgar scores distribution and system in their routine delivery and newborn assessment
hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy staging among protocol. With constant practice, training, and retraining,
the study group consistency in scoring may be achieved.[25] Even in tertiary
Frequency (%) P centers, there are also concerns of interobserver variability
1 min Apgar in Apgar scoring;    O’Donnell et al.[26] reported significant
0‑3 40 (28.2) 0.001* interobserver differences in the Apgar scores of up to 2.4
4‑5 88 (62.0) points among staffs involved in newborn resuscitation;
6 14 (9.9) however, retraining and use of simulations can significantly
Total 142 (100) improve the reliability of the Apgar score. Nadler et al.[27]
5 min Apgar reported a significant correlation between reported Apgar
0‑3 0 0.001** scores by clinicians participating in simulation exercise and
4‑5 104 (73.2)
that of experts who designed the program.
>6 38 (26.8)
Total 142 (100)
Stage 1 33 (47.9) 0.001***
Stage 2 23 (39.4) The Apgar score still remains an important tool in newborn
Stage 3 9 (12.7) assessment and monitoring the progress of resuscitation
Total 65 (100) in a resource‑poor setting. Both the first and 5th min Apgar
*One sample Chi‑square test, **One‑sample binomial test, *** One sample scores showed a good correlation with clinical features of
Chi‑square test. HIE=Hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy
severe forms of HIE.

Table 2: Comparing the Apgar scores with the Financial support and sponsorship
hypoxic‑ischemic encephalopathy staging status Nil.
HIE staging
Conflicts of interest
1 2 3 No HIE Total
There are no conflicts of interest.
Apgar score (1 min)#
0‑3 6 19 9 6 40
4‑5 22 3 0 63 88 REFERENCES
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