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Contoh Soal UN SD/MI Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci

Jawabannya 2019/2020

Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions by ticking the letters A, B, C or D before
the correct answer.

The football match between PSS and Persebaya ended in victory by Persebaya. The atmosphere of the game is
very lively. Fans had flooded the Maguwoharjo Stadium before the match began. They looked after each other, so
there wasn’t much commotion until the match was over.
The meaning of the supporting word in the paragraph is …
A. audience
B. Supporters
C. Interested
D. Audience

Corn planting begins with sowing seeds. After three to four days the plants appear on the ground. Farmers can
harvest corn after the plants are three and a half months old. This is the phase where farmers grow corn.
The main idea of the paragraph is …
A. Grain cultivation techniques
B. the beginning of a long day economy
C. Stages of corn cultivation
D. Age of harvested corn

Wastewater from the textile industry is very dangerous. The water contains poison. This poison can affect human
The meaning of the word waste in this paragraph is …
A. something that is not used
B. the rest of the production process
C. other industrial materials
D. Material sorting plant
The tree looks short.

The short word antonym in the sentence is ….

A. Good
B. Height
C. Length
D. leafy

The Dutch want to defeat Diponegoro, but they are unsuccessful. The Netherlands lied to defeat him. The Dutch
leadership claimed to have invited Diponegoro to the negotiations in Magelang. However, Diponegoro was
arrested. He was exiled to Batavia, then to Manado. Finally, Diponegoro was moved to Makassar until his death on
June 8, 1855.
How the Dutch defeated Diponegoro …
A. Arrest
B. Deception
C. Alienation
D. abduction

Each school promotes the literacy movement with various activities. One of them read a book ten minutes before
class began. The aim is to promote reading habits. Reading increases students’ knowledge and insight.

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