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Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol. 24,3 (2003) pp.


A new design guideline for the heating and

cooling curve in AHU units of HVAC systems
PA Elkhuizena , HC Peitsmana and WJ Wienkb
TNO Building and Construction Research, Delft, The Netherlands
NOVEM Dutch Energy and Environmental Agency, Utrecht, The Netherlands

New Dutch ofŽ ce buildings are built under strict energy efŽ cient legislation and
are well equipped with insulation, condensing boilers, heat recovery systems, and
so on. Despite this, many buildings do not have good energy efŽ ciency and also
do not meet comfort requirements. This has led to a large number of complaints.
The problem seems to be that ‘common’ energy control strategies (heating/ coo-
ling curves) are often used, most of the curves were based on buildings with
low levels of building shell heating resistance, no additional insulation and single
glazing. When these control strategies are used in modern ofŽ ce buildings, too
much energy is used due to a mismatch between heating and cooling demands.
Energy savings of up to 35% can be realized without signiŽ cant Ž nancial invest-
ments by devoting extra attention to the settings of the heating/ cooling curve in
the central air handling units (AHUs) of HVAC systems without loss of comfort.
In most cases the number of complaints will also be reduced. The design method
can be used in both new and existing buildings. The Ž rst part of this paper
presents a brief description of the method used to realize this energy saving. The
brief description is followed with a practical example of this method. The intention
is that the approach will generate a building-speciŽ c heating/cooling curve based
on an energetic optimum between the demand for heating and cooling in the
zones. The input data used to generate the function cover the characteristics of
the building, the organization, and the HVAC equipment.

1 Background fort and excessive energy consumption. Even in

new ofŽ ce buildings, well-built under strict
The majority of Dutch ofŽ ce buildings are legislation, or in retroŽ t buildings, the same
equipped with HVAC systems that conditions problems occur and the predicted energy con-
the supply air in a centralized air handling unit sumption or energy savings are unobtainable.
(AHU). A heating/cooling curve, as part of the Several studies on energy consumption conŽ rm
control strategy, is used to condition the supply the existing gap between prediction and reality.
air to the zones. The common used settings to Figure 1 shows the interaction between the cen-
adjust the heating/cooling curve in most ofŽ ce tral AHU and the cooling demand in the zones.
buildings lead to problems relating to user com- The energetically optimized heating/cooling
curve will help to decrease the existing gap
between prediction and reality. The
Address for correspondence: PA Elkhuizen, TNO Building and heating/cooling curves for a long time were not
Construction Research, Van Mourik Broekman weg 6, Postbus 49,
NL-2600 AA, Delft, The Netherlands. E-mail: p.elkhuizen@- subject to further research and were a forgotten subject. This project shows that it is a very inter-
esting subject for research, since there is a strong
First presented at System Simulation in Buildings, Sixth Inter-
national Conference, 16–18 December 2002, University of relation between the actual heating/cooling curve
Liège, Belgium and energy consumption and comfort.
Ó TNO Building and Construction Research 2003 10.1191/0143624403bt071oa
192 Heating and cooling curve

Figure 1 The control strategy determines the supply air temperature as a response to the dynamic behaviour of the
building (data points per hour)

In the Dutch mild climate the need for space demand proŽ le. The demand for heating and
heating is reduced due to insulation and air- cooling at the same time occur 40% of the time.
tightness, but on the other hand, the need for The control strategy determines how the
room cooling is increased. During normal winter HVAC installation responds to these con icting
conditions or during summer conditions there energy demands. In the majority of the buildings
seems to be no problem, there is a full load con- there will be a contradictory heating and cooling
dition. But, with moderate temperatures there is supply at the same time, which will lead to
a part load condition and a need for cooling and excessive energy consumption. The development
heating at the same time. Figure 2 shows a typi- of control strategies has stood still. The most
cal ‘modern’ building heating and cooling commonly used control strategies were

Figure 2 Building related heating and cooling demand proŽ le over the period of a year (data points per hour)
PA Elkhuizen et al. 193

developed during a time when buildings had no 2 Revealing the problem

insulation or double glazing and high internal
heat loads, so the energy proŽ le was clear. The Excessive energy consumption occurs during the
standard control strategy was fulŽ lled with no 40% period when there is a demand for heating
real problem, either you needed cooling or you and cooling at the same time. The common used
needed heating. The question why the building heating/cooling curve does not Ž t the energy
should be controlled in that manner was never demands with the energy supply. Figure 3 shows
asked. the standard heating–cooling curve for an AHU.
The problem that occurs nowadays with
modern build ofŽ ce buildings or retroŽ t ofŽ ce
buildings is that the control strategy does not Ž t
the energy demand with the energy supply, too
much energy is used due to a mismatch between
demand and supply. Not only is too much energy
used but there are also more comfort-related
complaints than expected. In order to optimize
the energy consumption and to reduce the com-
plaints there should be much more attention to
the control strategy and the heating/cooling
Despite many years of optimization of single
components, such as condensing boilers, there is
no common knowledge about how to design Figure 3 Standard heating/cooling curve for AHU
your control strategy or how to design the
heating/cooling curve. The fact is that there is
no literature known about the relation between Figure 4 shows the same building related energy
comfort, energy efŽ ciency or energy consump- proŽ le with the effect of the standard curve.
tion and heating/cooling curves. Figure 5 presents the heat load proŽ le, for
TNO Building and Construction Research typical Dutch conditions, for a whole year. The
developed the design method called ‘Energeti- Ž gure shows that for a limited number of hours
cally optimized cooling/ heating curves’, which the HVAC system works in full load conditions.
allows designers and facility managers to design The design of an energetically optimized
and check the optimal settings for their ofŽ ce heating/cooling curve, which can match the
buildings. The design method generates a demand with the supply, decreases the energy
building-speciŽ c heating/cooling curve for the consumption by up to 35%.
centralized AHU system, which is optimally
tuned to the building and the organization occu- 2.1 How does the design method work?
pying it. The optimal settings relate to the build- The design method is based on the hourly
ing’s heating and cooling requirements and the heating and cooling demand within the building,
climate-control system’s delivery of heating and which can be determined using a building simul-
cooling. Input data for the calculation method ation program such as the Dutch computer pro-
include building data, characteristics of the occu- gram VA114. It is also possible to use a simpli-
pying organization, and data relating to the Ž ed design method. This method is published in
climate-control system. the Dutch ISSO publication 68.
The method is brie y broken into Ž ve major
steps, see Figure 6.
194 Heating and cooling curve

Figure 4 Energy mismatch due standard heating/cooling curve

Figure 5 HVAC load proŽ le over a year

2.2 Who can use the calculation method? the type of HVAC system; and 3) the building
Customers for whom the design method is user.
developed, are: 1) designers; 2) installers; 3)
building managers; and 4) TAB (testing, Sample building
adjusting and balancing) companies. The method This example relates to a recently completed
will be available as a computer application in ofŽ ce building (year of construction: 1998).
VABI building simulation tool VA 114. A representative ground plan and the façade
view are shown in Figure 7.
Step 1: Collect all necessary data
Step 1 is based on the collection of the neces- Building
sary ‘Project’ data which are relevant for the · R value building : 2.5 [m2 · K/W]
determination of the Energetically Optimized shell
Heating/Cooling Curve. The ‘project’ parameters/ · Window percentage : 40%
data are related to 1) the building properties; 2) exterior (north and
PA Elkhuizen et al. 195

Figure 6 The main Ž ve steps to design the heating/cooling curve

Figure 7 The ground plan and the façade of the selected building

south wall) HVAC system

· Gross  oor area : 6895 m2 · Heated/cooled ventilation air, heating and
(FGA) cooling by means of 4-pipe induction
· Window system : U value glass = system
(HR+ glass) 1.5 [W/(m2 · K)]: · Set point : winter = 22°C;
: ZTA value glass = summer = 24°C
0.60 · Quantity of fresh air : 50 m3/h per person
Organization Step 2: Determine the heating and cooling
· Average internal heat : 35 [W/m2] demand as a function of the outside temperature
production (including frequency Step 2 is the determination of the heating and
workspaces of use) cooling demand of the building as a function of
196 Heating and cooling curve

the outside air temperature. The determination outcome of Step 3 is: (3a.1) the calculated value
of the heating/cooling demand of the building is of the turn-over temperature (free temperature)
a complex analysis and is based on the use of of the building. The turn-over temperature is the
building simulation programs. Because not temperature where no heating or cooling is
everybody is able to work with sophisticated required (3a.2) the transition range and (3a.3) the
building simulation programs, a simpliŽ ed sensitivity of the heating and cooling demand in
method has been developed to solve this prob- relation to the outside air temperature.
3a) Determine the turnover (free) temperature
Figure 8 shows a typical building heating and
and transition range
cooling demand proŽ le. The demand for heating
3a1) Turnover (free) temperature
and cooling at the same time occur 40% of the
In general, when the outside temperature is
equal to the ‘turn over temperature’ (Figure 9),
Step 3: Determine the basic shape of the new no heating or cooling demand exists within the
curve building. This is also called ‘free temperature’
Step 3 is a very important step. In a new of the building. That means, no heating or coo-
design, the designer has to make his principle ling is supplied to the ventilation air.
choice for the type of HVAC system and how
3a2) Transition range
the required capacity is split over the air and
The transition range (Figure 9) can be deŽ ned
water supply.
as the temperature interval for the outside tem-
The basic shape of the Energetically Optim-
perature in which either heating or cooling
ized Heating/Cooling Curve is determined and
demand may exist. No heating or cooling is
is thus a description of the heating and cooling
therefore added to the supply air.
production of the HVAC system. This will be
done on the outcome of the calculated heating 3b) Determine your principal choice of HVAC
and cooling demand as calculated in Step 2. The installation

Figure 8 Heating and cooling demands over a year (data points per hour)
PA Elkhuizen et al. 197

Figure 9 Determination of the turnover temperature and transition range

The designer has to make a principal decision

about the type of HVAC system to match the
heating and cooling demands. In our sample the
choice is made for a central AHU with a local
4-pipe induction unit system.
3c) Split the required capacity into a part for
the central AHU and for the individual room sys-
In the sample the choice was made to make
maximum effort from the free heating/cooling
condition. This means that the air supply tem-
perature only follows the outside temperature
dependency and will contribute a small part to Figure 10 The yellow line is the basic shape for the new
the required heating or cooling demands. The heating/cooling curve of the AHU
local units will contribute for the remaining part
of the demands and are able to match with room
3e) Redraw the basic shape as a function of the
differences through their individual control
supply air temperature
In view of the fact that the heating/cooling
3d) Determine the basic shape of the new curve is not expressed in temperature differences
heating/cooling curve but in actual temperature levels, the desired heat-
When there are two supply (transport) media ing and cooling must be added to the outside
available, the basic shape of the heating/cooling temperature. This is shown in Figure 12. The
curve for the AHU will look like the yellow line dotted line is the Y = X line, which means that
in Figure 10. If there is only one supply media the base is equal to the outside temperature. To
available the basic shape of the heating/cooling add the desired heating or cooling the basic form
curve is shown in Figure 11. (see Figure 10) is added to the Y = X line.
198 Heating and cooling curve

Figure 13 shows the in uence on the basic

shape when the effect of recirculation of the
exhaust air is taken into account.
Heat recovery
The use of a heat recovery system in the
HVAC system should not be con icting with the
optimum heating/cooling curve. It is important
to make sure that when the heat recovery system
is operated the optimum energetic heating/ coo-
ling curve is not exceeded and/or that the cooling
curve is not fallen short of. The energetic effect
of heat recovery and the areas in which this
Figure 11 Basic shapes of the heating/cooling curve if
there is only one media available

Step 4: Discount other aspects of the HVAC sys-

tem in the heating/cooling curve
Discount the energetic contribution of the dif-
ferent HVAC components (AHU, fans, heat
recovery, etc.) into the basic shape (Step 3) of
the heating/cooling curve. A number of aspects
of the air-conditioning system that affect the
heating and cooling supply have not yet been
included. These aspects are as follows:
· heat recovery (affects the heating and cooling
supply in the air-handling unit)
· recirculation (affects the temperature level of
Figure 13 The effect of recirculation of the exhaust air
(purple line) is taken into account. The basic shape is
the heating/cooling curve). changed into the u heat, the green line

Figure 12 The basic shape of the heating/cooling curve

PA Elkhuizen et al. 199

should be operated is shown in Figure 14. The · humidifying and dehumidifying

heat recovery system may only be operated if · draught risks.
water humidifying is applied so that the fall in
temperature in the air humidiŽ er can be compen- The major effect of these risks is that the free-
dom of design is limited to avoid problems. Fig-
sated with the extra recovered heat.
ure 15 shows the boundaries of different risks
Step 5: Discount other preconditions limitations related to the heating/cooling curve.
in the heating/cooling curve
The effect of the physical boundary conditions 3 Results
of the HVAC system should be taken into
account. It gives the limit within which the The result of these Ž ve steps is the energetically
heating/cooling curve could be deŽ ned without optimized heating/cooling curve as shown in
complaints being received from the users of Figure 16.
the building.
If the boundary conditions as calculated in this 3.1 Energy saving
step hinder the right choice of the heating/ coo- The energy saving that can be realized by
ling curve, it may be necessary that the design adjusting the heating and cooling curve from the
conditions of the HVAC system must be standard curve to the energetically optimized
adjusted. In this case we will have to go back heating and cooling curve for the ‘case’ building
to Step 4. is as follows (see Figure 17):
Preconditions such as:
· comfort aspects
· for cooling 10%
· condensing risks
· for heating 13%.
· characteristics of air supply grids If an organization with an average internal

Figure 14 Operating strategy for heat recovery systems

200 Heating and cooling curve

Figure 15 Boundaries limit the freedom of design

Figure 16 An energetically optimized heating/cooling curve

thermal load and equal to the thermal load as 3.2 Improved comfort
speciŽ ed in the operational requirements (= 50 The comfort improvement is shown in Figure
W/m2 NE) is occupying the same sample build- 18 by comparing the occurring room tempera-
ing, the energy saving is even higher (36% for tures in the ‘case’ building to the temperatures
heating and 19% for cooling). speciŽ ed for the standard heating and cooling
PA Elkhuizen et al. 201

temperatures do not occur until an outside

temperature of 10°C is reached.
High room temperatures in a winter situation
will lead to complaints regarding the thermal
comfort. The number of comfort-related com-
plaints is reduced considerably when the ener-
getically optimized heating and cooling curve
is applied.

4 Conclusions

· The method described in this paper shows the

serious need of an optimal tuning of heating/
cooling curves in HVAC systems;
· The method described in this paper shows
how to use heat recovery systems and recircu-
lation of the exhaust air in the right way and
Figure 17 Energy saving for heating and cooling
how they should be controlled and taken
into account;
curve (in red colour) and the energetically opti- · Use of general common (standard) heating/
mized heating and cooling curve (in blue cooling curves can contribute to complains of
colour). comfort and to high energy consumption;
The situation with the standard heating/ coo- · The optimal heating/cooling curve is determ-
ling curve shows that the room temperatures of ined by building physics and building loads;
24°C (set point cooling) occur at an outside tem- · RetroŽ t of buildings require retuning of the
perature of 4°C. In the case of the energetically heating/cooling curves;
optimized heating and cooling curve, these room · Important change in building use or internal

Figure 18 Improved comfort through adjusting the heating/cooling curve

202 Heating and cooling curve

heating load required re-tuning of the project and ISSO chaired the scientiŽ c steering
heating/cooling curve; group committee. We would like to acknowl-
· The energy saving potential of optimal heat- edge the members of the ISSO steering group
ing curves presents an expected energy saving committee for their timely, insightful and con-
of 5–35% in relation with common heating structive criticism during the execution of the
curves. work.

4.1 Remarks References

The full beneŽ ts of this method will only
come to account if the HVAC system is A detailed description of the method can be found
hydraulically sound and air balanced. in the Dutch ISSO publication 68, ‘Energetically
optimised heating and cooling curves.’ The
Acknowledgements publication (Dutch language) can be ordered by
ISSO. Internet:
This project was a co-operation between ISSO, 1 Elkhuizen PA, Peitsman HC. A new design
TNO Building and Construction Research (TNO guideline for the heating and cooling curve in
Bouw) and NOVEM, the Dutch Energy and AHU of HVAC systems (a method for the
Environmental Agency. TNO Bouw did the optimal adjustment of AHU in HVAC systems).
theoretical development of the design method. IEA Annex 40, Brussels, Belgium. 2–4 October
NOVEM was the main Ž nancial sponsor to the 2002.

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