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Expresiones Comunes en Inglés

1. ANYTHING ELSE? = ¿Algo más?

Oración: Carla, you have anything else to tell


2. HURRY UP! = ¡Apúrate!

Oración: Jose, I'm waiting for you at the house. Hurry


3. WHO CARES? = ¿A quién le importa?

Oración: You saw that the new neighbors arrived. Yes

who cares?

4. TELL ME EVERYTHING = Cuéntamelo todo

Oración: You went to Paris, tell me everything

5. SERIOUSLY? = ¿En serio?

Oración: Seriously?, you married Laura?

6. THAT'S ALL = Eso es todo

Oración: I'm done with your homework, that's all.

7. I HOPE SO = Espero que si

Oración: I invite you to the cinema, I hope so you can go.

8. I HOPE NOT = Espero que no

Oración: I hope not, you're late to the house today.

9. IT'S OKAY = Está bien

Oración: I'll wait for you in the park, it's okay, I'll be

10. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT = Haz lo que quieras

Oración: I will arrive at dawn. Do whatever you want.

11. READY? = ¿Listo?

Oración: Juan, you are ready for the exam?

12. I DOUB IT = Lo dudo

Oración: You learned to cook, I doubt it.

13. I UNDERSTAND = Lo entiendo

Oración: I'm late for the rain, I understand.

14. WHATEVER = Lo que sea

Oración: What would you like to work on? In whatever.

15. EITHER WAY IS FINE WITH ME = Me da igual

Oración: You have very ugly hair, I either way is fine

with me

16. OH WELL = Ni modo

Oración: You want to eat soup, I don't like it but oh

17. I DON'T THINK SO = No creo

Oración: Are you pregnant Claudia? I don`t think so.

18. I DON'T UNDERSTAND = No entiendo

Oración: I don't understand the math classes.

19. IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL = No es gran cosa

Oración: You have a big house, it's not a big


20. IT'S NOT FAIR! = ¡No es justo!

Oración: It's not fair that I was fired from work.

21. I'M NOT SURE = No estoy seguro

Oración: You're going on a trip? I'm not sure.

22. NO, THANK YOU = No, Gracias

Oración: Do you want a glass of milk? No


23. NO PROBLEM = No hay problema

Oración: Can I use your washing machine? Yes, no problem.

24. IT DOESN'T MATTER = No importa

Oración: It doesn't matter if Juan comes with us? No,

he can come.

25. I DON'T BELIEVE IT! = ¡No lo creo!

Oración: Did you fail your exam? I don`t believe it!

26. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! = ¡No lo puedo creer!

Oración: I can't believe it, I got a high score in Spanish.

27. DON'T TELL ME! = ¡No me digas!

Oración: Buy a house, don't tell me!

28. I DON'T CARE = No me importa

Oración: Did you see who your ex is dating? No, I do not


29. I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED = No me sorprendería

Oración: Your car is very old and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets damaged again.
30. IT CAN'T BE! = ¡No puede ser!

Oración: You are fired! Can not be!

31. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU = No te creo

Oración: I don't believe you lost the snack money.

32. DON'T WORRY = No te preocupes

Oración: I ran out of work, don't worry, you'll get another


33. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE = No tiene sentido

Oración: It doesn't make sense to me that you keep

spending money on cigarettes.

34. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE = No tiene ningún


Oración: Will you return with your girlfriend? No it doesn't

make any sense.

35. FORGE IT! = ¡Olvídalo!

Oración: Did you tell me something? It's nothing, forget
36. OF COURSE = Claro que sí

Oración: Will you go to the movies with me? of course

37. OF COURSE NOT = Claro que no

Oración: Can I sleep all day at your house? Of course not.

Oraciones Exclamativas

1. WHAT A RELIEF! = ¡Qué alivio!

Oración: I'm almost late for work. What a relief!

2. HOW GROSS! = ¡Qué asco!

Oración: How gross! Someone vomited in my dress.

3. HOW AWFUL! = ¡Qué barbaridad!

Oración: Drinking soda again, what an awful lot.

4. THAT`S GREAT! = ¡Qué bien!

Oración: That`s great for your new shoes, they are very beautiful.

5. WHAT A GREAT IDEA! = ¡Qué buena idea!

Oración: What a great idea is to go to the park today.

6. HOW EXCITING! = ¡Qué emocionante!

Oración: Do you want to go shopping? yes, how exciting!

7. HOW STRANGE! = ¡Qué extraño!

Oración: Julia has not been to school for three days, how

8. HOW FUNNY! = ¡Qué gracioso!

Oración: How funny it is to see the Boy of Eight.

9. HOW CUTE! = ¡Qué hermoso!

Oración: Do you like the beach? yes, how beautiful it is.

10. HOW INTERESTING! = ¡Qué interesante!

Oración: How interesting it is to watch documentaries

about animals.
11. WHAT A SHAME! = ¡Qué lástima!

Oración: What a shame your dog died.

12. WHAT A MESS! = ¡Qué lío!

Oración: What a mess! my computer was damaged

13. WHAT DOES IT MATTER! = ¡Qué más da!

Oración: Juan couldn't come to dinner, what does it

matter! we will eat alone.

14. WHAT A MIRACLE! = ¡Qué milagro!

Oración: What a miracle! you came to visit us from


15. HOW RIDICULOUS! = ¡Qué ridículo!

Oración: Did you see how Susana is dressed? yes, how

ridiculous it looks.

16. WHAT A SURPRISE! = ¡Qué sorpresa!

Oración: Thanks for my birthday. What a surprise it was.

17. HOW SAD! = ¡Qué triste!
Oración: How sad! in the end the protagonist of the novel died.

18. HOW EMBARRASING! = ¡Qué vergüenza!

Oración: I fell in the bathroom. How embarrasing!

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