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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Regrets from the dying


1. What is one of the most common regrets dying people, particularly men,

2. When dying people are asked about their regrets, what are the most
common themes they mention?

3. In the article they mentioned that happiness is a choice. What do you think
this means?

1.The most common regret that dying men have is “I wish I hadn't worked so
hard”. That is because they spent their whole life working so hard for sure
have much more money for themselves or for their family despite of share
time with their children and their wives so,many people specially men regret
of worked so hard.

2. When dying people talk about their regrets the most common themesare:
to work so hard and have no time for their relatives, they regret about have
no courage to express their feelings and live their life insadness because
they didn’t let themselves be happy by thinking inothers’ opinion, also they
regret about no stayed in touch with theirfriends.

3.I think “Happiness is a choice” means that many people live their lifein the
misery without think about it can be different, they can change the way they
do the things but they are used to live like that all their life and it is only when
they are about to die when they realise that thethings can be different
change some things and do it for living better.
A. Using the answers from part A question 2, describe how things would have
been different if they had changed their actions in each situation. Read the
example below:


Regret: They wish they hadn’t wasted time on silly arguments.

Reflection: If they hadn’t wasted time on silly arguments, they would have
enjoyed the company of others more.


Regret: They wish they had the courage to live a life true to them selves,
and notthe life others expected of them.

Reflection: If they had courage to live a life true to themselves and not the
lifeothers expected of them, they would have enjoyed their life living one in

Regret: They wish they hadn't worked so hard.

Reflection: if they hadn’t worked so hard, they would have spent much more
time with their family and they’d have enjoyed their children’s youth.

Regret: They wish they had the courage to express their feelings.

Reflection: If they had the courage to express their feelings, they would have
beenhappy because they’d have enjoyed their life.

Regret: They wish they had stayed in touch with their Friends

Reflection: if they had stayed in touch with their friends they would have
shared their life with people, who really care of them,

Regret: They wish theyhad let themselves be happier.

Reflection: if they had let themselves be happier they would haven’t regret
about their sad life, and they would have enjoyed much more their life

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