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Paragraph About a bad experience I have

had. I remember when I was a child I had a bad

experience. I remember that I was studying at
school and the weather had been very bad all
week, there was a heavy rain. It was at the end
of the week, I think maybe it was Friday
morning, while we were in drawing class and a
terrible storm was happening outside. There
were thunder and lightning and extremely heavy
rain. As we were sitting there in the class, some
water started to drip through the ceiling into the
classroom. At first, it didn't seem very serious,
and the teacher called for someone to come and
clean it up while we continued with the lesson,
but after 10 minutes we had to evacuate the
classroom because the slow drip started to
become much worse. We were standing outside
in the corridor while the teacher was trying to
find another classroom, when we all heard and
saw that a large part of the ceiling had fallen into
the classroom. Finally, that day they suspended
classes and we all went home.
Paragraph about a person that I admire.
Johnny Depp is one of the most famous people
in Hollywood. Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in
the state of Kentucky, United States. He is an
actor, producer, director and musician. He was
nominated three times for Oscar and received a
Golden Globe. He began his career in the horror
movie named Freddy Krueger. He has a brother,
Daniel, who is a writer, and two sisters: Christie,
who works as his personal administrator, and
Debbie. Before acting as an actor, he worked as
a pen salesman on the phone, which was very
boring for him and he quit that job. His most
famous films have been the Pirates of the
Caribbean saga with more than 3.9 billion
dollars, followed by Charlie and the chocolate
factory. He earns approximately 100 million
dollars a year. In 2003 and 2009 he was chosen
as the sexiest man in the world by the American
magazine People. Finally, all this made Johnny
Deep very famous.
Paragraph about the biography of Eugenio
Derbez. Eugenio Derbez is one of the most
important actors in Mexico. Eugenio González
Derbez was born on September 2, 1961 in
Mexico City. He is an actor, comedian, writer,
producer and film director. He is son of Mexican
actress Silvia Derbez and Eugenio Gonzalez.
Since he was very young, he liked to act a lot,
and in 1973 he worked as an extra in soap
operas. In 1980 he began to take formal acting
classes at the Artistic Education Center of
Televisa. He also studied as a film director and
film director at the Mexican Institute of
Cinematography. In 1998, El created a new
sketching program named "Derbez en cuando",
this program made him famous internationally.
In this year he also created the series "La familia
P. Luche"Derbez is a vegetarian. He has two
sons and a daughter. He is currently married to
Alessandra Rosaldo and they live in California.
In recent years, Eugenio Derbez has made many
famous films, these films had many awards in
the United States. In conclusion, he lives really
happy with his family and with a lot of money.
My Childhood Memories. Most of my
childhood was very beautiful. When I was child
my father bought me same toys, but the most
important was a bike that he bought me when I
was five years old. My mother also bought me
many toys, she bought me the dragon ball toys.
At age 7, I had my first videogame console, I
had a lot of fun playing with my cousin and with
my friends. I also remember that at a Christmas
my uncle gave me a big toy car, I played all
night with that car. Another happy memory is
the birth of my sister. However, I was a little sad
when my father traveled to Spain when I was ten
years old, because in Ecuador he did not have a
job, but he returned after one year because he
missed us too much. In conclusion, these were
the moments that I remember most from my
Childhood and I think most of them were.
Paragraph about a story. Last vacation I went
to Mancora beach with my girlfriend. My
girlfriend and I traveled by bus to get to
Mancora, we spent the whole weekend enjoying
the beach. We arrived very happy at Mancora,
because there was beautiful sun. We ate ceviche
with beer for breakfast, this breakfast was really
good. After lunch we went to buy clothes to
swim on the beach, we bathed a lot on the beach
and had a lot of refreshments. In the afternoon,
we ate lobster soup, my girlfriend loved this
soup, after lunch we went to walk along the
seashore all afternoon. In the evening, we ate
grilled meat, then went to bar to drink cocktail,
two hours went by and we went to a dance club,
my girlfriend found it very funny because they
played the music that she likes. Finally, we
arrived at a hotel at 2’clock in the morning to
sleep, this we did all weekend. In conclusion,
this vacation in Mancora with my girlfriend was
Paragraph about an event that has changed
your life or has impacted your life. The day I
lived away from my parents changed my life. I
was 18 years old and I went to live in Cuenca,
where my uncle was, I lived in Arenillas and
Cuenca is far from there. Cuenca is a big city,
full of possibilities for a young person to live
there. I wanted to find a job, save and be able to
study. I started studying electrical engineering,
but I did not look for work because I did not
have time for my studies. Then, my uncle treated
me badly and at 3 months I went to live alone.
My uncle's help was important, because when
you have nothing, having a roof and food is a
great help. When I started living alone, I had to
cook and wash my clothes. I have been living in
Cuenca for some years and I hope to finish my
university career soon. In conclusion, this
experience taught me that sometimes, if you
want to achieve your goals, you must sacrifice
some things and not give up your dreams.
Paragraph about one or two achievements. I
have had many academic achievements in
school. I used to regularly score the highest
grades in the class each year. My teacher used to
give me a medal for the same distinction. I loved
the Mathematics and Social Studies subjects. I
always used to get the highest score on the same
subjects. I remember once at the school where
the Math teacher could not solve a problem on
the classroom blackboard, but I solved it. Apart
from that, I was also the center of attention of
the class and I was given a lot of responsibility
to manage the class during the absence of the
teacher, I used to prepare the class and review
the homework of my classmates. They also
rewarded me as the best student for two
consecutive years, because I studied every day
and presented my homework on time. In
conclusion, I think that this has been one of the
best achievements in my life.

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