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Essay "what I think about surgery"

The teaching that the Cooperative University gives us regarding courses so

necessary and basic for our professional life, such as nursing care for complex health

situations, is of quality, supervised by specialized teachers in each service, in which we

always seek to promote health , prevent disease, intervene in the treatment, rehabilitation

and recovery of health, relieve pain and provide well-being measures to our patients.

At this time, despite the fact that a remote (virtual) methodology has been carried

out, I feel that the teachers have been sensible and concise regarding each topic, or at least

that is what I have managed to identify with these 2 weeks that I have been in rotation of


It is very satisfying as a student to have teachers like Maribel Plata who strives for

each student to be clear about each topic seen, in which the constant support and

accompaniment from her to us is seen.

In general I feel that despite the adversities the University and teachers have carried

out an excellent methodology.

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