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Tools for Sustainable Design

Design for the Triple Top Line: New

Tools for Sustainable Commerce
William McDonough and Michael Braungart*

The triple bottom line has been, and remains, a useful tool for integrating sustainability into
the business agenda. Balancing traditional economic goals with social and environmental
concerns, it has created a new measure of corporate performance. A business strategy
focused solely on the bottom line, however, can obscure opportunities to pursue innovation
and create value in the design process. New tools for sustainable design can refocus product
development from a process aimed at limiting end of pipe liabilities to one geared to creating
safe, quality products right from the start.
This new design perspective creates triple top line growth: products that enhance the well
being of nature and culture while generating economic value. Design for the triple top line
follows the laws of nature to give industry the tools to develop systems that safely generate
prosperity. In these new human systems, materials become food for the soil or flow back to
industry forever. Value and quality are embodied in products, processes and facilities so
ecologically intelligently designed, they leave footprints to delight in rather than lament. When
the principles of ecologically intelligent design are widely applied both nature and commerce
can thrive and grow. ! 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

William McDonough is an architect, industrial Tel.: q49-40-8797-620; fax: q49-40-8797-6226;

designer, and educator. He is the founding prin- E-mail:
cipal of William McDonough&Partners, Architec-
ture and Community Design.

Michael Braungart is a chemist, university pro-

fessor, and the founder of EPEA Internationale
Umweltforschung GmbH, a scientific consultancy As the concept of sustainability takes root
based in Hamburg, Germany. In 1995 the authors in corporate culture, many business leaders
co-founded McDonough Braungart Design Chem- today are discovering what it means to meas-
istry, a product and process development firm ure performance against the triple bottom
assisting companies with material assessment, line. This triad of concerns – economic
material flows management, and life-cycle design. growth, environmental protection and social
Their new book, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the equity – was once considered an impractical,
Way We Make Things, was published in 2002 by blue-sky ethic. Yet today it has begun to
North Point Press.
define both long-term strategy and everyday
*Corresponding Author: Braungart Consulting, Oster- practice for leading manufacturing corpora-
strasse 58, 20259 Hamburg, Germany; tions all over the world.

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1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. ! 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
Tools for Sustainable Design

Business people typically begin their com- taining rather than sustainable, which sug-
mitment to sustainability with a clear under- gests to us a more fulfilling agenda than the
standing of their economic goals – a sense maintenance of a damaging system. Why
of purpose that comes from having built an choose a meager, limiting diet when we can
create real sustenance with designs as safe,
nutritious and productive as those nature
Creating a sustaining industrial gives us?
system calls for a new definition
of quality in product, process Creating a sustaining industrial system calls
for a new definition of quality in product,
and facility design. process and facility design. From our per-
spective, quality is embodied in designs that
enterprise that creates wealth and provides allow industry to enhance the well being of
jobs – and a belief that they would like to nature and culture while generating economic
‘‘do better by the environment’’. Often, sus- value. Pursuing these positive aspirations at
tainable business practices generated from every level of commerce anchors intelligent,
this perspective tend to be resource efficien- sustaining design deep within corporate
cy measures or ‘‘end-of-pipe’’ initiatives that business strategy. And when good design
meet the triple bottom line by minimizing the drives the business agenda, the path toward
impacts of industry. These are important first sustainability turns from trying to be ‘‘less
steps toward identifying problems, but ulti- bad’’ to identifying new opportunities to gen-
mately they are strategies for managing neg- erate a wide spectrum of value. If one ap-
ative effects – an agenda built on trying to proaches the design process asking, ‘‘How
be ‘‘less bad’’. can I grow prosperity, celebrate my commu-
w1x nity, and enhance the health of all species?’’
But is being less bad being good? the results are likely to be far more positive
and enriching than those gained by using
We don’t think so. Minimizing the impact of less material to make an existing product or
industry might slow down ecological destruc- measuring its performance against a bottom
tion; an efficient use of resources might keep line standard.
the engines of commerce running a few more
years. But waste reduction and other pallia- We could call this change of perspective a
tives aim for mere sustainability, which is, shift from the triple bottom line to the triple
after all, a minimum condition for survival – top line. The triple bottom line, a concept
hardly an inspiring prospect. developed by John Elkington, has been, and
remains, a useful tool for integrating sustain-
We are pursuing something entirely different. ability into the business agenda. Balancing
It’s a strategy of change that sees today’s traditional economic goals with social and
innovations as the first steps in a transition environmental concerns, in language that
from the maintenance of an aging system to works in the boardroom, it has created a new
the creation of a new one. Rather than trying measure of corporate performance. Unfortu-
to limit economic growth or reduce the im- nately, in ways Elkington did not intend, the
pact of industry, we are creating the foun- triple bottom line often becomes a measure
dation of a system in which products and of the degree to which a company has mini-
industrial processes are so intelligently de- mized a liability. The concept of the triple top
signed they don’t need to be regulated. In- line moves accountability to the beginning of
stead, they create wholly positive effects, a the design process, assigning value to a
large and beneficial ecological footprint. We multiplicity of economic, ecological and so-
might call this new world of commerce sus- cial questions that enhance product value.

252 W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. ! 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
Tools for Sustainable Design

When asked upfront, these questions can insights offered by the fractal triangle turn
drive intelligent product development and this notion on its head: Intelligent design,
lead to design decisions that yield positive rather than balancing economy, ecology and
effects rather than limited liabilities. equity can employ their dynamic interplay to
generate value (see Figure 1).
When designing a new textile line, for ex-
ample, we asked how an upholstery fabric The fractal triangle, first of all, reminds us
could replenish nature, totally eliminate that every product, whether or not it is de-
waste, and provide a safe working environ- signed with environmental health in mind, is
ment for the employees of a textile mill. The produced and used in an interconnected
result was a beautiful fabric created with world. This is the fundamental insight of
ingredients so safe it filtered the water run- ecology and the reason why the famous triad
ning through the mill during production, mak- of sustainable development is on the table in
ing regulations and health concerns obsolete. the first place. But our value systems often
After its useful commercial life as an uphol- obscure that fact; most of us still in some
stery fabric, the material can be composted way identify with one of the prevailing ideol-
and used to restore soil – the trimmings from ogies of the 20th century.
the mill, in fact, become mulch for the local
garden club. Distributed by an international
textile design firm, the fabric has been a Capitalism, even in a social market economy,
splendid success. No waste. No liabilities. identifies value almost exclusively in the ec-
Lower costs. Higher margins. In short, only onomic realm. Yet products designed for
assets and positive effects. economic gain have an enormous impact on
the social and ecological world as well. The
The triple top line doesn’t obviate the need environmental groups and regulatory agen-
for triple bottom line accounting. Keeping cies that have emerged in response to the
close track of the bottom line is indispensa- unintended consequences of industry tend
ble: You won’t achieve sustainability unless to identify value primarily in preserving envi-
you stay in business. In practice, however, ronmental health. Social movements that see
triple bottom line accounting tends to focus economic aims as threatening are inclined to
on economic concerns, with ecological or value the pursuit of equity most highly.
social benefits sometimes considered as an
afterthought. Lost in this scenario are rich
opportunities to transform triple bottom line
analysis into a strategic design tool generat-
ing new business opportunities and triple top
line growth.

Understanding Values with the

Fractal Triangle
In our work with corporate clients such as
Ford Motor Company, Nike, Herman Miller
and BASF we have found that a visual tool,
a fractal triangle, helps us apply triple top
line thinking throughout the design process.
Typically, meeting the triple bottom line is
seen as a balancing act, a series of compro-
mises between competing interests played
out in product and process design. The key Figure 1

W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002) 253
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. ! 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
Tools for Sustainable Design

Each of these schools of thought – capital- Figure 2). As we plan a product or system,
ism, socialism, ecologism – was inspired by we move around the fractal inquiring how a
a genuine desire to improve the human con- new design can generate value in each cat-
dition. But taken to extremes – reduced to egory. Again, the goal is not to balance
isms – the stances they inspired can neglect competing perspectives but to optimize and
factors crucial to long-term success. Even maximize value in all areas of the triangle
ecological concern, stretched to an ism, can through intelligent design. Often, we discover
neglect social, cultural, and economic inter- our most fruitful insights where design deci-
ests to the detriment of the whole system. In sions create a kind of friction in the zones
short, holding one of these concerns as the where values overlap. Returning to the eco-
ultimate goal often puts economy, ecology logical metaphor, we might call these areas
and equity at cross-purposes. So does ecotones, the boundaries between natural
measuring your performance by how well you communities notable for their rich diversity of
are managing the bottom line liabilities that species. In the fractal, the ecotones are ripe
arise from these seemingly conflicting inter- with business opportunities.
When applying the fractal triangle to our own
Triple top line thinkers, rather than trying to projects, we begin asking questions in the
limit the influence of one or the other of these extreme, lower-right corner, which represents
value systems, discover opportunities in hon- the EconomyyEconomy sector. Here we are
oring the needs of all three. In an infinitely in the realm of extremely pure capitalism and
interconnected world, they see rich relation- the questions we ask would certainly include,
ships rather than inherent conflicts, much the Can I make my product or provide my service
way an ecologist sees infinitely complex and at a profit? We tell our commercial clients
productive natural communities where others that if the answer is no, don’t do it. As we
see ‘‘nature, tooth and claw’’. see it, the goal of an effective company is to
stay in business as it transforms, providing
This concept is embodied in the fractal tri- shareholder value as it discovers ways to
angle. Representing the ecology of human generate positive social and environmental
concerns, it shows how ecology, economy effects.
and equity anchor a spectrum of value, and
how, at any level of scrutiny, each design Moving to the EconomyyEquity sector, we
decision has an impact on all three (see consider questions of profitability and fair-

Figure 2

254 W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
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Tools for Sustainable Design

ness. Are the employees producing a prom- the focus of the design process from nega-
ising product earning a living wage? As we tive value judgments to questions of quality.
continue on to EquityyEconomy, our focus It draws attention to the fundamental ques-
shifts more towards fairness – we begin to tion of design: What is my intention?
see Economy through the lens of Equity. Here
we might ask, Are men and women being
paid the same for the same work? Are we As we survey the landscape of
finding new ways to honor everyone involved, 21st century industry, we see a
regardless of race, sex, nationality or relig-
ion? In the extreme Equity corner, the ques-
system that generates a host of
tions are purely social: Will the new factory unintended consequences«
improve the quality of life of all stakeholders? w2x
In the Ecology corner of the Equity sector, As we survey the landscape of 21st century
the emphasis shifts again; Equity is still in industry, we see a system that generates a
the foreground, but Ecology has entered the host of unintended consequences – the pol-
picture. The questions arising at this inter- lution, waste, and ecological destruction we
section of values might explore the ways in are all too familiar with. Most of these con-
which a product, such as the ecologically ditions are not the result of a grand, carefully
sound upholstery fabric, could enhance the conceived plan; they are the signals of flawed
health of employees and customers. Contin- design. And they are everywhere. The sys-
uing to EcologyyEquity, we consider ques- tems we inherited from the Industrial Revo-
tions of safety or fairness in relation to the lution are built on a ubiquitous, cradle-to-
entire ecosystem: Will our product contribute grave manufacturing model that generates
to the health of the watershed? products designed for a one-way trip the
landfill. In fact, as much as 90 percent of the
In the pure Ecology sector: Are we obeying materials used to create today’s products are
nature’s laws? Creating habitat? In this realm cast off as waste, much of it toxic.
we try to imagine how humans can be ‘‘tools
for nature’’. Shifting to EcologyyEconomy, Environmentalists and business leaders sen-
commerce reenters the picture: Is our eco- sitive to this legacy have tried to limit the
logical strategy economically viable? Will it consequences of industrial production by re-
enable us to use resources effectively? Fi- trofitting the systems of industry to reduce
nally, we come to EconomyyEcology, where their harm. The sustainable development
we encounter many questions that relate to agenda, for example, typically aims to re-
the triple bottom line. Here the inquiry tends duce, re-use and recycle, creating ‘‘more
to focus on efficiency: Will our production goods and services while using ever-less
process use resources efficiently? Will it re- resources and producing less waste and pol-
duce waste? lution’’.
Each of these questions presents an oppor-
tunity for creating value. Together, they signal As well-meaning as these goals may be, they
the possibility of acting with positive inten- don’t change the fundamental design of in-
tions across a wide spectrum of human con- dustrial production. They fine-tune the en-
cerns. Such intentions introduce a new stan- gines of industry, diluting pollution and slow-
dard of product quality, performance and ing the loss of natural resources without
success. examining the design flaws at their source.
The system remains based on a cradle-to-
A New Design Standard grave model. In fact, these reforms take for
One of the most refreshing benefits of using granted – institutionalize, even – the antago-
the fractal triangle is the way in which it shifts nism between nature and industry. The result:

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Tools for Sustainable Design

business strategies built on restricting indus- one organism’s waste becomes food for an-
try and curtailing growth, an unappealing other. When designers apply this principle –
compromise based on the limitations of a waste equals food – to product conception
century-old industrial model. This is a com- and material flows management, they can to
mercial cul de sac, the dead end created by begin to create goods and services that flow
an intention to be less bad. effectively within closed-loop systems, pro-
viding after each useful life either nourish-
ment for nature or high quality materials for
Cradle-to-Cradle Design can lay new products. Ultimately, we think Cradle-
the foundation for a transition to-Cradle Design can lay the foundation for
a transition from products designed for a
from products designed for a one-way trip to the landfill to industrial sys-
one-way trip to the landfill« tems that restore nature, eliminate the con-
w3x cept of waste, and create enduring wealth
An entirely different intention, embodied by a and social value – human industry as a
strategy we call Cradle to Cradle Design", regenerative force.
offers a compelling alternative. Cradle to Cra-
dle Design rejects the assumption that the The Fractal at Work: Designing
natural world is inevitably destroyed by hu- New Facilities
man industry, or that excessive demand for This is not just wishful thinking. The Fractal
goods and services is the ultimate and inev- Triangle moves these concerns to the top
itable cause of environmental ills. Industrial line in the minds of designers. In projects
design is flawed because its foundations underway today we have been using the
developed in a world in which few under- fractal in the design process, looking in each
stood or appreciated the interconnectedness sector for ways to generate positive effects.
of people and nature, the relationship be- Inquiries such as these inherently spark an
tween economy and ecology, or the princi- explosion of creativity, yielding projects that
ples of the earth’s natural systems. produce new value in ways that would never
have been imagined when approached from
Today, with our ever-growing knowledge of a purely economic perspective.
the living earth – with ecological intelligence
– design can reflect a new spirit. Cradle to Consider, for example, the restoration of Ford
Cradle Design incorporates this new aware- Motor Company’s Rouge River plant in Dear-
ness at every level of human endeavor. Its born, Michigan. Built between 1917 and
principles are modeled on natural systems, 1925, the Rouge is one of the world’s largest
the perpetual flows of energy and nutrients industrial sites. Once an enormously produc-
that support the earth’s biodiversity. Its inten- tive complex of blast furnaces, stamping
tion: to apply the intelligence and effective- mills, warehouses and assembly buildings
ness of these systems to product and proc- capable of producing automobiles from raw
ess design, so that commerce can grow materials, the plant fell into disrepair late in
prosperity, celebrate cultural diversity and the 20th century. The aging facilities were
enhance the health of all species. rusting and out of date and decades of
manufacturing had taken a toll on the soil
From an industrial design perspective this and water.
means developing materials, products, sup-
ply chains, and manufacturing processes that In May 1999, Ford decided to invest $2 billion
replace industry’s cradle-to-grave manufac- over 20 years to transform the Rouge into an
turing model. In its place: systems modeled icon of 21st century industry. Led by then
on nature’s cradle-to-cradle cycles, in which chairman William Clay Ford, Jr., the company

256 W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
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Tools for Sustainable Design

committed to not only rebuilding the complex be trying to meet an environmental respon-
but to restoring it to a healthy, life-supporting sibility as efficiently as possible.
place. Here was a blue chip company with a
sharp focus on the bottom line taking a step Instead, we tried to design a manufacturing
toward something truly new and inspiring. facility that would create habitat, make oxy-
Could inspired innovation and profits co- gen, connect employees to their surround-
exist? ings and invite the return of native species.
The result is a day lit factory with 450,000
square-feet of roof covered with healthy top-
Well, yes. Using the Fractal Triangle as a
soil and growing plants – a living roof. In
design tool, we worked with Ford’s execu-
concert with porous paving and a series of
tives, engineers, and designers to begin to
constructed wetlands and swales, the living
explore innovative ways of creating share-
roof will slow and filter stormwater run-off,
holder value. Rather than using economic
obviating the need for expensive technical
metrics to try to reconcile apparent conflicts
controls, and even regulations. All this with
between environmental concerns and the
first cost savings of up to $35 million, with
bottom line, the company began to ask triple
the landscape thrown in for free.
top line questions. Innovations would still
need to be good for profits, but Ford’s lead-
This is the power of intelligent design
ers began to explore how profits could be
maximized by design decisions that also
maximized social and ecological value. The Fractal at Work: Conceiving
New Products
Designers can also apply the fractal triangle
Triple top line thinking energized the com-
and triple top line thinking to the design of a
pany’s decision-making process. Ford began
single product – or even product packaging.
to ask revolutionary questions: How can we
Imagine that you are the CEO of an ice cream
make the Rouge a place we would allow our
company. You sell an all-natural product you
children to play? How do we design a man-
are very proud of. It brings pleasure to your
ufacturing facility that creates prosperity and
customers while supporting the dairy farmers
health for employees? What innovations will
of your region, and it generates great profits,
create habitat for native species? How do
too. But you have a problem: after a recent
we create healthy soil? These are all positive,
outdoor event downtown, hundreds of wrap-
pro-active questions. They ask not how to
pers from your popular ice cream sandwich
‘‘clean up’’ but how to create life-support
littered the city parks. You did the right thing
when you sent out a crew to clean up the
mess, but clearly, that’s not something you
The systems for storm water management want to do for the long-term. You also realize,
on the site illustrate how designs that support when forced to face this problem, that your
life can create tremendous economic value. packaging is also dyed with chemicals you’d
Expensive technical controls are a typical never put in your ice cream. What to do?
response to storm water regulations. Ford
estimated that new pipes and treatment If we were advising you, we’d suggest some
plants would cost up to $48 million. If we triple top line thinking with the fractal triangle
had approached the flow of water on the to try to generate an innovative solution. We
Rouge site from a triple bottom line perspec- would not ask how to reduce the chemicals
tive, we might have tried to cut costs by in your packaging or how to work with the
using pipes made with less material, or by city on litter control. Instead, we’d wonder
finding ways to treat water with fewer harmful what kind of positive effects you hoped to
chemicals. If we followed this path, we would create. Maybe you’re interested in continuing

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Tools for Sustainable Design

to provide the pleasure of a delicious sweet ate fabrics that feed the soil, giving us pleas-
while offering a healthful package that cre- ure as garments and as sources of nourish-
ates new value for your community. ment for our gardens. We can tap into the
flows of energy and nutrients in the natural
Working with the fractal, we might begin to world, designing astonishingly productive
see that ice cream packaging could be de- systems that create oxygen, accrue energy,
signed for biodegradability with new bio- filter water, and provide healthy habitats for
polymers and safe dyes. This light, healthful people and nature.
packaging could be economically produced.
You might decide to provide added value by As we have seen, designs such as these are
embedding the seeds of a native wildflower generators of economic value too. When the
packaging designed to dissolve in a day after principles that guide them are widely applied,
use – when children toss it on the ground at every level of industry, productivity and
they’d be planting seeds rather than discard- profits will no longer be at odds with the
ing trash. Suddenly, your problem starts to concerns of the commons. Instead, we will
become an asset: You’re supporting the pop- be living in a world of sustaining prosperity,
ulation of native plants; your customers are a world in which both nature and commerce
excited to be young ‘‘Johnny Appleseeds’’; can thrive and grow.
the city parks are blooming with colorful
flowers; and your sales are through the roof.
Not bad for packaging. Who knows, such a
product could someday make ‘‘Adopt-a-
Highway’’ programs obsolete.

Seeing the Future, Today

These examples begin to suggest some of
the ways in which triple top line thinking and
the fractal triangle create business opportu-
nities. Applied throughout the design proc-
ess, they introduce a new standard of quality,
adding ecological intelligence, social justice,
and the celebration of creativity to the typical
design criteria of cost, performance, and
aesthetics. Design driven by these positive
aspirations could lay the foundation for a
truly inspiring era in which we transform
industry by remaking the way we make

We will do so, we believe, by engaging in a

true partnership with nature. Expressed in
designs that resonate with natural systems,
this new partnership can take us beyond
sustainability – a minimum condition for sur-
vival – toward commerce that celebrates our
relationship with the living earth. We can build
factories that inspire their inhabitants with
sunlit spaces, fresh air, copious views of the
outdoors, and cultural delights. We can cre-

258 W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. ! 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

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