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GROW: grow / grew (gru) / grown

1. Crecer
2. Cultivar
Some farmers grow coffee, other farmers grow corn.

HORIZON (joraizon): horizonte

SHRINK: encogerse

As: a medida que

As the climate changes: a medida que el clima cambia.

A memory: es un recuerdo.

WILD: salvaje, silvestre

In the wild: en estado salvaje, en el bosque
BY FAR: por mucho.
The other phone is better by far.

Noun: sabor
Verb: degustar, saborear.

Sweet, salty, sour, bitter

BITTER: amargo.

SPECIES ( spíshiiis)

MILD: leve, suave. Mild , Medium, Hot

SMOOTH: 1. delicado y fino / 2. liso

Noun: calido, tibio
Verb: calentar. Heat up the coffee = warm the coffee

BY HAND: a mano made by hand = hecho a mano.

CENTURY (cenchuri): siglo

CLIMATE (clÁimet) = weather (wether) = clima

TAKE A TOLL: pasar factura, cobrar un precio.

RELY ON: depend on rely on / relied on (relaid)

My grandma relies on us.
I rely on my job to be able to pay my mortgage.
The farmers rely on the coffee
Those people who relied on the coffee industry (past)

VANISH: disappear

That’s what’s happened.

That is what “has” happened.

UNBEARABLE: insoportable

FUNGUS : moho, hongos / the plural is FUNGI (fongai)

IN FACT: de hecho, en realidad,

I’m late because of the traffic.

We are going to stay home because of the rain.
We didn’t go out because of the rain.

PROFITABLE (prófitabl / prófirabl): rentable.

Profit: ganancia economica, money$

PURCHASE (púrches) = buy

LONG = large

CROPS : cultivos.

ALONG : junto con / junto a

TURN INTO: turned/turned (convertirse, volverse)

Clark Kent turns into Superman, Peter Parker turns into spider man

My toy robot turns into a car.

This party turned into a mess = it became a mess.

SUPPORT: apoyar – apoyo, mantener

THRIVE: surgir, progresar, salir adelante. THRIVING.

SEVERAL (séveral-sévral): varios/ varias

Several of my Friends have bikes.

Varios de mis amigos tienen bicis.

I went several times.

There are several bakeries in my neighborhood.


Sombra que cubre – para taparse del sol.

Let´s go under the shade of that tree.

SHADOW: es la sombra de un objeto o persona.

That´s your shadow on the wall.

FALL APART: desbaratarse, cayendose.

This old house is falling apart.

This car is so old that it´s falling apart.

My toy fell apart.

She fell apart = she had an emotional collapse.

FLOOD (flohd): inundacion / inundar

BREAK EVEN: not making $ but not losing $ either.

I sold my apartment
Did you make any money?
No, I broke even.

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