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ID Start time Completion time Email

1 8/17/20 16:21:18 8/17/20 16:52:09 04151914036@student.q

2 8/17/20 15:05:47 8/17/20 16:54:06 04151914010@student.q
3 8/17/20 16:35:36 8/17/20 16:54:54 04151914016@student.q
4 8/17/20 15:00:28 8/17/20 16:57:24 04151914026@student.q
5 8/17/20 15:01:09 8/17/20 16:57:57 04151914009@student.q
6 8/17/20 15:01:31 8/17/20 16:58:45 04151914023@student.q
7 8/17/20 17:01:05 8/17/20 17:01:27 04151914007@student.q
8 8/17/20 15:00:48 8/17/20 17:02:35 04151914015@student.q
9 8/17/20 15:03:30 8/17/20 17:03:03 04151914006@student.q
10 8/17/20 15:05:35 8/17/20 17:03:36 04151914032@student.q
11 8/17/20 17:03:03 8/17/20 17:04:43 04151914003@student.q
12 8/17/20 17:04:26 8/17/20 17:04:49 04151914012@student.q
13 8/17/20 15:16:35 8/17/20 17:05:11 04151914024@student.q
14 8/17/20 15:01:19 8/17/20 17:05:16 04151914017@student.q
15 8/17/20 15:00:23 8/17/20 17:05:59 04151914028@student.q
16 8/17/20 15:01:26 8/17/20 17:06:12 04151914014@student.q
17 8/17/20 15:00:28 8/17/20 17:06:14 04151914045@student.q
18 8/17/20 15:05:40 8/17/20 17:06:27 04151914013@student.q
19 8/17/20 15:04:41 8/17/20 17:06:50 04151914030@student.q
20 8/17/20 15:03:03 8/17/20 17:07:08 04151914043@student.q
21 8/17/20 15:01:29 8/17/20 17:07:21 04151914039@student.q
22 8/17/20 15:00:58 8/17/20 17:07:36 04151914004@student.q
23 8/17/20 15:02:41 8/17/20 17:07:38 04151914027@student.q
24 8/17/20 16:01:49 8/17/20 17:07:46 04151914031@student.q
25 8/17/20 15:03:47 8/17/20 17:08:38 04151914034@student.q
26 8/17/20 15:00:56 8/17/20 17:08:40 04151914035@student.q
27 8/17/20 15:01:11 8/17/20 17:08:43 04151914040@student.q
28 8/17/20 15:01:44 8/17/20 17:08:48 04151914018@student.q
29 8/17/20 15:01:22 8/17/20 17:08:51 04151914046@student.q
30 8/17/20 16:37:13 8/17/20 17:09:51 04151914022@student.q
31 8/17/20 15:00:37 8/17/20 17:09:56 04151914019@student.q
32 8/17/20 16:34:56 8/17/20 17:09:59 04151914041@student.q
33 8/17/20 17:09:06 8/17/20 17:10:06 04151914037@student.q
34 8/17/20 15:02:57 8/17/20 17:10:17 04151914020@student.q
35 8/17/20 17:11:31 8/17/20 17:11:56 04151914011@student.q
36 8/17/20 17:07:44 8/17/20 17:16:10 04151914038@student.q
Name Total points Quiz feedback Grade posted time
04151914036 Student Q 29
04151914010 Student Q 46
04151914016 Student Q 71
04151914026 Student Q 70
04151914009 Student Q 64
04151914023 Student Q 50
04151914007 Student Q 78
04151914015 Student Q 65
04151914006 Student Q 77
04151914032 Student Q 58
04151914003 Student Q 52
04151914012 Student Q 67
04151914024 Student Q 52
04151914017 Student Q 57
04151914028 Student Q 71
04151914014 Student Q 73
Waqar Hussain 74
04151914013 Student Q 58
04151914030 Student Q 69
04151914043 Student Q 45
04151914039 Student Q 63
04151914004 Student Q 71
04151914027 Student Q 51
04151914031 Student Q 54
04151914034 Student Q 60
04151914035 Student Q 61
04151914040 Student Q 43
04151914018 Student Q 80
04151914046 Student 60
04151914022 Student Q 53
04151914019 Student Q 78
04151914041 Student Q 57
04151914037 Student Q 52
04151914020 Student Q 52
04151914011 Student Q 52
04151914038 Student Q 35
Answer the next question(
Points - Answer the next Feedback - Answer the nex
Answer the next question(
4X and 104 0 4X and 3Y
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
4X and 104 0 4X and 3Y
5X and 16 0 5X and 3Y
None of these 0 None of these
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 16 0 4X and 3Y
5X and 120 2 5X and 3Y
5X and 16 0 5X and 3Y
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 16 0 4X and 2Y
5X and 120 2 4X and 3Y
None of these 0 3X and 4Y
4X and 20 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 16 0 5X and 3Y
5X and 16 0 5X and 3Y
5X and 16 0 4X and 2Y
4X and 20 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 120 2 3X and 4Y
4X and 20 0 4X and 3Y
5X and 120 2 3X and 4Y
5X and 120 2 4X and 3Y
4X and 20 0 4X and 2Y
4X and 20 0 3X and 4Y
4X and 20 0 3X and 4Y
4X and 104 0 4X and 3Y
None of these 0 4X and 2Y
5X and 120 2 4X and 3Y
5X and 120 2 3X and 4Y
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 120 2 3X and 4Y
4X and 20 0 5X and 3Y
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 16 0 3X and 4Y
4X and 104 0 3X and 4Y
5X and 120 2 5X and 3Y
Points - Answer the next Feedback - Answer the nex
Answer the next question(
Points - Answer the next
0 156 2
2 156 2
0 156 2
0 156 2
0 None of these 0
2 156 2
0 156 2
0 136 0
0 156 2
2 156 2
0 136 0
0 136 0
2 156 2
2 156 2
0 156 2
0 136 0
0 156 2
2 156 2
2 156 2
0 156 2
2 156 2
0 156 2
0 None of these 0
2 156 2
2 136 0
0 156 2
0 None of these 0
0 None of these 0
2 156 2
2 156 2
2 156 2
0 156 2
2 156 2
2 156 2
2 None of these 0
0 84 0
utility of product X is 40 units
of product
Y is 24 units.
X is 40
of product
Y isof24X units.
is 40
Y isof24X units.
is $5. T
Feedback - Answer the nex
of Y is: of Y is: of Y is:
$4 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$4 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$3 per unit. 4
$2 per unit. 0
$1 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
None of these 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$2 per unit. 0
$3 per unit. 4
$1 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
$2 per unit. 0
None of these 0
Which is an explanation Points - Which is an exp Feedback - Which is an eMicroeconomics deals pri
the law of increasing opp 0 dynamics, partial equilib
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 dynamics, partial equilib
the law of diminishing mar 1 dynamics, partial equilib
the law of diminishing mar 1 None of these
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 None of these
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, gene
the law of increasing opp 0 dynamics, partial equilib
normal goods 0 comparative statics, gene
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, gene
the law of increasing opp 0 None of these
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 dynamics, partial equilib
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, part
None of these 0 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, gene
the law of diminishing mar 1 None of these
the law of supply 0 comparative statics, gene
the law of increasing opp 0 dynamics, partial equilib
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, part
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, gene
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, part
the law of supply 0 comparative statics, part
None of these 0 comparative statics, gene
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, gene
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, gene
the law of supply 0 None of these
the law of increasing opp 0 None of these
the law of supply 0 comparative statics, gene
the law of diminishing mar 1 comparative statics, part
the law of supply 0 comparative statics, part
the law of increasing opp 0 comparative statics, part
Points - Microeconomics Feedback - Microeconomic
If there are 1000 identic Points - If there are 100
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 None of these 0
2 None of these 0
0 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
2 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
2 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
2 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
2 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
0 Qdx = 8– Px cet: par: 0
2 QDy =1000(Qdx) 0
0 QDx =1000(Qdx) cet: par 0
Feedback - If there are 1 Suppose the supply for prPoints - Suppose the suppl
Feedback - Suppose the su
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium price and 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium quantity w 1
None of these 0
the equilibrium price and 0
None of these 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price will 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price and 0
the equilibrium price and 0
If the coefficient of inc Points - If the coefficie Feedback - If the coeffic If the demand for agricult
can not be determined. 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will decrease; 2 the percentage decrease
will increase; 0 the percentage decrease
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
can not be determined. 0 the percentage decrease
will decrease; 2 the percentage decrease
will decrease; 2 the percentage decrease
can not be determined. 0 the percentage decrease
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will remain constant; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 the percentage decrease
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 the percentage decrease
will remain constant; 0 the percentage decrease
can not be determined. 0 the percentage decrease
can not be determined. 0 as the prices decrease,
will decrease; 2 the percentage decrease
None of these 0 rising prices do not lead
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will decrease; 2 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 rising prices do not lead
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will remain constant; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 the percentage decrease
will remain constant; 0 the percentage decrease
can not be determined. 0 as the prices decrease,
can not be determined. 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 as the prices decrease,
will increase; 0 None of these
will increase; 0 rising prices do not lead
will increase; 0 the percentage decrease
can not be determined. 0 rising prices do not lead
will increase; 0 rising prices do not lead
Points - If the demand forFeedback - If the demandThe
f price of the product Points - The price of th
0 unit elastic; 2
0 elastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 can not be determined fr 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
2 inelastic; 2
2 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
2 inelastic; 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 None of these 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 unit elastic; 2
2 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
2 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
2 inelastic; 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 inelastic; 2
0 Perfectly inelastic 2
0 elastic; 2
0 can not be determined fr 2
Feedback - The price of The price of the product Points - The price of the Feedback - The price of
inelastic; 1
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
elastic; 0
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
can not be determined fr 0
unit elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
elastic; 0
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
unit elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
can not be determined fr 0
elastic; 0
inelastic; 1
elastic; 0
unit elastic; 0
elastic; 0
can not be determined fr 0
inelastic; 1
Choose the false statemePoints - Choose the falseFeedback - Choose the faIf the demand curve for p
for a company whose produ 0 Both goods A and B are in
after a long period of ti 0 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 Both goods A and B are in
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are substitute go
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are complementa
after a long period of ti 0 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are substitute go
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are substitute go
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are substitute go
in general, the demand fo 0 Both goods A and B are in
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
for a company whose produ 0 A is an inferior good, and
in general, the demand fo 0 A and B are substitute go
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are substitute go
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A is an inferior good, and
if the price and the prod 2 A and B are complementa
after a long period of ti 0 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A is an inferior good, and
for a company whose produ 0 A and B are complementa
if the price and the prod 2 A is an inferior good, and
for a company whose produ 0 Both goods A and B are in
Points - If the demand cuFeedback - If the demandSuppose the price of a g Points - Suppose the pric
0 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the company's expenses r 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by 1
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the company's expenses r 0
1 the revenues are not inf 0
0 the revenues earned by 1
1 the revenues are not inf 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by 1
1 the revenues earned by 1
0 the revenues are not inf 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues earned by 1
0 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues are not inf 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues earned by 1
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the revenues are not inf 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
1 the revenues earned by 1
0 the revenues are not inf 0
1 the revenues earned by p 0
0 the company's expenses r 0
0 None of these 0
Feedback - Suppose the pSuppose the price of a g Points - Suppose the pricFeedback - Suppose the p
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the company's expenses r 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the company's expenses r 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the company's expenses r 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by 0
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
the revenues earned by p 2
If a price increase of 50%Points - If a price increa Feedback - If a price incr If a price increase of 50%
½ 0 ½
½ 0 2
½ 0 ¼
2 1 ¼
2 1 ¼
¼ 0 2
2 1 ½
1 0 ½
1 0 ½
2 1 2
1 0 ½
½ 0 None of these
2 1 2
2 1 2
¼ 0 None of these
½ 0 2
1 0 None of these
2 1 2
2 1 2
None of these 0 1
2 1 2
¼ 0 ¼
None of these 0 ½
½ 0 2
½ 0 2
¼ 0 ¼
½ 0 None of these
2 1 1
2 1 2
2 1 2
1 0 2
2 1 2
2 1 2
2 1 ½
¼ 0 2
½ 0 ½
Points - If a price increa Feedback - If a price incr The total utility coincidesPoints - The total utility
0 at the saturation point 0
0 at the saturation point 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 only for the irrational c 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 at the saturation point 0
0 at the saturation point 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 only for the irrational c 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
2 at the saturation point 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 at the level of the last 0
2 at the saturation point 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 at the saturation point 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 only for the irrational c 0
0 for the first unit consum 1
0 only for the irrational c 0
0 at the level of the last 0
c. energy costs for manufacturing;
c. energy costs for manufacturing;
c. energy costs for manufacturing;
Feedback - The total utili d. expenditure for gener...
d. expenditure for gener...
d. expenditure for gener...
(a,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,c) 0
(a,c,d) 0
None of these 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
None of these 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(b,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(b,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,c) 0
(b,c,d) 0
None of these 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,c) 0
(b,c,d) 0
(a,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(b,c,d) 0
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
(a,b,d) 2
d) Variable cost exist onlyd)inVariable
long runcost exist onlyd)inVariable
long runcost exist onlyc)inVariable
long runcost exist both in short run and long
e) Variable... e) Variable... e) Variable... d) ...
Only “a & e” 2 (a, b, c & d)
Only “d” 0 (a & c)
All the options from “a” t 0 Only "a"
All the options from “a” t 0 (a, b, c & d)
Only “b &c” 0 None of these
Only “d” 0 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & b)
Only “a” 2 Only "a"
Only “a & e” 2 Only "a"
Only “b &c” 0 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & b)
Only “a & e” 2 (b & c)
Only “b &c” 0 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (b & c)
All the options from “a” t 0 (a, b, c & d)
Only “e” 0 (b & d)
Only “a” 2 (b & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & b)
Only “a” 2 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & c)
All the options from “a” t 0 (a, b, c & d)
Only “d” 0 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a, b & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & d)
Only “b &c” 0 (a & b)
Only “e” 0 (a, b & c)
All the options from “a” t 0 (a & d)
Only “e” 0 Only "a"
Only “a & e” 2 (a & c)
Only “d” 0 (a & b)
Only “a” 2 (a & c)
Only “e” 0 (a & c)
Only “a & e” 2 (a & c)
Only “d” 0 (a, b, c & d)
c) Variable cost exist bothc)inVariable
short run
andis long
cost is cost;
higher than the variable cost;
d) ... d) ... d. the variable cost is higherd. the
the fixed
is higher than the fixed cost
0 (a,b,c) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (a,b,c) 0
0 (b,c,d) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (b,c) 2
0 None of these 0
0 (b,c,d) 0
0 (b,c) 2
0 (b,c,d) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,b,c) 0
0 (b,c) 2
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,b,c) 0
0 (b,c,d) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (b,c,d) 0
0 (b,c) 2
0 (a,b,c) 0
2 (a,c) 0
0 (a,b,c) 0
0 (b,c,d) 0
2 (a,c) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,c) 0
0 (b,c) 2
0 (a,c) 0
0 (a,d) 0
0 (a,c) 0
c. the fixed cost is higher than the variable cost;
d. the variable cost is higher
than the
cost.fixePoints - Calculate the aveFeedback - Calculate the
None of these 0
10 0
200 0
200 0
20 2
20 2
1060 0
None of these 0
200 0
20 2
200 0
1060 0
1060 0
20 2
None of these 0
200 0
200 0
200 0
20 2
10 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
200 0
200 0
None of these 0
1060 0
200 0
200 0
200 0
None of these 0
1060 0
20 2
200 0
None of these 0
10 0
Calculate the variable cosPoints - Calculate the varFeedback - Calculate the W
v hich of the following st
410 2 monopoly involves a singl
210 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
210 0 monopolistic competition
10 0 monopolistic competition
None of these 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
None of these 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 the oligopoly involves se
410 2 monopolistic competition
10 0 monopolistic competition
210 0 monopolistic competition
210 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
210 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 the oligopoly involves se
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
200 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
None of these 0 monopolistic competition
210 0 None of these
210 0 monopolistic competition
410 2 monopolistic competition
410 2 None of these
200 0 monopolistic competition
200 0 monopolistic competition
None of these 0 monopolistic competition
10 0 monopolistic competition
210 0 None of these
Points - Which of the follFeedback - Which of the O
f n the market with perfePoints - On the market w
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 input barriers are minima 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 None of these 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
2 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 input barriers are minima 0
2 the companies’ products a 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
0 the firm is a "price-make 0
0 the firm is a "price-taker 1
2 the firm is a "price-taker 1
Feedback - On the marketWhich of the following coPoints - Which of the fol Feedback - Which of the
producers` profits are hi 0
producers` profits are sm 0
producers` profits are sm 0
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
producers` profits are sm 0
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
producers` profits are hi 0
None of these 0
producers` profits are sm 0
individual demand is perfe 1
None of these 0
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
producers` profits are hi 0
individual demand is perfe 1
total supply is inelastic 0
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
total supply is inelastic 0
individual demand is perfe 1
producers` profits are hi 0
total supply is inelastic 0
total supply is inelastic 0
producers` profits are sm 0
producers` profits are sm 0
individual demand is perfe 1
producers` profits are hi 0
total supply is inelastic 0
individual demand is perfe 1
individual demand is perfe 1
total supply is inelastic 0
None of these 0
The profit maximization co
Points - The profit maximiFeedback - The profit maxi
Which of the following s
MC = P 0 there is only one produc
MR = ATC 0 there is only one produc
MR = MC 1 input barriers are low.
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MC = P 0 there is only one produc
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are several compan
MR = ATC 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are several compan
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = ATC 0 None of these
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MC = P 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are several compan
MR = ATC 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there is only one produc
MR = MC 1 there is only one produc
MC = P 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
None of these 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there is only one produc
MR = ATC 0 there are no competitors
MR = MC 1 there are several compan
MR = ATC 0 there are no competitors
MR = ATC 0 input barriers are low.
MR = MC 1 there is only one produc
MR = MC 1 input barriers are low.
None of these 0 there are several compan
Points - Which of the fo Feedback - Which of the There are differences be Points - There are diffe
0 homogeneity of products 1
0 market entry 1
0 homogeneity of products 1
1 the market power of com 1
1 homogeneity of products 1
0 None of these 1
1 the market power of com 1
1 market entry 1
1 homogeneity of products 1
0 the number of sellers an 1
1 the number of sellers an 1
0 None of these 1
1 homogeneity of products 1
0 homogeneity of products 1
1 the market power of com 1
1 the number of sellers an 1
1 the number of sellers an 1
1 homogeneity of products 1
0 the market power of com 1
1 the number of sellers an 1
0 homogeneity of products 1
0 the number of sellers an 1
1 the market power of com 1
1 market entry 1
1 the market power of com 1
1 market entry 1
1 None of these 1
1 market entry 1
0 None of these 1
1 homogeneity of products 1
0 the market power of com 1
1 the number of sellers an 1
0 the number of sellers an 1
0 market entry 1
0 homogeneity of products 1
0 the market power of com 1
Feedback - There are dif Which of the following caPoints - Which of the fol Feedback - Which of the f
may be positive or negat 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by exclu 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
may be positive or negat 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by exclu 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are state-owned 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
may be positive or negat 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by exclu 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by exclu 1
are state-owned 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by exclu 1
are characterized by non- 1
are characterized by non- 1
are state-owned 1
are characterized by non- 1
None of these 1
are characterized by non- 1
Normally, the natural ec Points - Normally, the naFeedback - Normally, theWhich of the following f
perfect competition 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are not concurrent
None of these 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
perfect competition 0 do not disappear momentar
perfect competition 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the preponderance of pr 0 are unlimited in number
the preponderance of pr 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
perfect competition 0 do not disappear momentar
perfect competition 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
the preponderance of pr 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
price formation through 0 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in capacity
price formation through 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 are unlimited in number
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
price formation through 0 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
the satisfaction of the i 1 do not disappear momentar
Points - Which of the fo Feedback - Which of the Economic scarcity arises Points - Economic scarcit
0 limited wants and limitle 0
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited wants and limitle 0
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 exploration 0
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 None of these 0
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited wants and limitle 0
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
1 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 limited resources and lim 1
0 None of these 0
Feedback - Economic scarFundamental economic pr Points - Fundamental ecoFeedback - Fundamental
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
turmoil in the stock mark 0
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
the unequal distribution 0
the unequal distribution 0
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
None of these 0
our wants exceeding our 1
the unequal distribution 0
the fact that society has 0
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
the fact that society has 0
our wants exceeding our 1
the unequal distribution 0
the fact that society has 0
the unequal distribution 0
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
turmoil in the stock mark 0
our wants exceeding our 1
our wants exceeding our 1
The study of the decisionPoints - The study of the Feedback - The study of tThe branch of economics
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 microeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
macroeconomics. 0 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 microeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
macroeconomics. 0 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
macroeconomics. 0 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 macroeconomics.
microeconomics. 1 None of these
Points - The branch of ecFeedback - The branch ofWhich of the following isPoints - Which of the fol
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 only land and labor. 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 None of these 0
1 the fundamental source 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
0 the inputs used to produ 1
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 only land and labor. 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
0 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 None of these 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 only land and labor. 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 only land and labor. 0
1 only land and labor. 0
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 the fundamental source 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 only land and labor. 0
1 only land and labor. 0
1 the fundamental source 0
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 the inputs used to produ 1
1 None of these 0
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 land, labor, the price sys 0
1 only land and labor. 0
0 only land and labor. 0
Feedback - Which of the fOpportunity cost is best Points - Opportunity costFeedback - Opportunity co
all the alternatives that 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
None of these 0
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
None of these 0
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
the highest-valued altern 1
None of these 0
the highest-valued altern 1
how much money is paid 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
all the alternatives that 0
the highest-valued altern 1
all the alternatives that 0
Statistics for $35,000.00 aStatistics
year. Thefortwo
other offers
were offers
a year.
two other
were offers
for $28,000 a... for $28,000 a... for $28,000 a... The marginal benefit is t
the $32,000 you would h 0 loss of the highest-valued
the $35,000 you are paid 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $35,000 you are paid 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
None of these 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $35,000 you are paid 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $35,000 you are paid 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
None of these 0 additional cost from one
the $32,000 you would h 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 0 additional gain from one
the $28,000 you would h 0 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 1 loss of the highest-valued
the $32,000 you would h 1 additional gain from one
the $32,000 you would h 0 additional gain from one
Points - The marginal bene
Feedback - The marginal A
b cost due to an increasePoints
i - A cost due to an i
0 The total cost 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 The total cost 0
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 an incentive loss. 0
0 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 The total cost 0
1 a marginal cost. 1
0 a marginal cost. 1
1 a marginal cost. 1
1 an incentive loss. 0
A lawn service is decidingPoints
- A lawn
to addservice
an additional
is Feedback
- A lawntoto
anis additional
crew. The
Feedback - A cost due to marginal
a cost of hiring this
of hiring
on the
of hiring
on the
this worker depends on t
total amount paid to the 1
the additional revenue c 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to prev 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
the additional revenue c 0
the total amount paid to 0
total amount paid to the 1
the total amount paid to 0
the additional revenue c 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
None of these 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
the total amount paid to 0
total amount paid to prev 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
the additional revenue c 0
the total amount paid to 0
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
total amount paid to the 1
the additional revenue c 0
the additional revenue c 0
To decide whether to go Points - To decide whetheFeedback - To decide wheA positive statement is
compare marginal cost to 1 what should be but is not
not make the post hoc fal 0 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is desirable.
compare marginal cost to 1 what should be but is not
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 None of these
compare marginal cost to 1 what is desirable.
unscramble cause and eff 0 what is desirable.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what is and what should
compare marginal cost to 1 what is and what should
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what should be but is not
unscramble cause and eff 0 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is and what should
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what is and what should
compare marginal cost to 1 what is desirable.
unscramble cause and eff 0 what is.
unscramble cause and eff 0 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what is desirable.
not make the post hoc fal 0 what is.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is desirable.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what is desirable.
compare marginal cost to 1 what is and what should
not make the post hoc fal 0 what is.
not make the fallacy of c 0 what should be but is not
Points - A positive state Feedback - A positive st Normative economic sta Points - Normative econ
0 deal with economic hypot 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what ought to b 1
0 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
0 deal with economic hypot 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what ought to b 1
0 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what ought to b 1
0 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what ought to b 1
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
0 describe what is rather t 0
1 describe what is rather t 0
0 deal with economic hypot 0
Feedback - Normative ecThe statement "Unemploym
Points - The statement " Feedback - The statement
a prediction. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a prediction. 0
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
an assumption. 0
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a positive statement. 0
a positive statement. 0
a normative statement. 1
a prediction. 0
If total revenue rises by Points - If total revenue Feedback - If total reven Income elasticity of dem
Demand is perfectly inela 0 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Complementary goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Substitute goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is unit elastic 0 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is perfectly inela 0 Complementary goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Substitute goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Substitute goods
Demand is price elastic 0 Complementary goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Inferior goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Demand is price inelastic 1 Normal goods
Points - Income elastici Feedback - Income elastiThe production possibilitPoints - The production po
0 the maximum amount of la 0
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 combinations of goods an 0
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum rate of growt 0
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 combinations of goods an 0
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 combinations of goods an 0
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 combinations of goods an 0
0 the maximum rate of growt 0
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
1 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum levels of pr 1
0 the maximum rate of growt 0
Suppose the country of Popcorn
Points - produces
Suppose the
- Suppose
If Popcorn
only produce
of and
If P
Feedback - The production
more jets without giving more
up corn,
say that
up corn,
say that
up corn,
has we
say that Po
the highest opportunity c 0
the highest opportunity c 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
the highest marginal bene 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
the highest opportunity c 0
the highest opportunity c 0
the highest marginal bene 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
the highest opportunity c 0
the highest marginal bene 0
production efficiency. 1
the highest opportunity c 0
the highest marginal bene 0
the highest opportunity c 0
the lowest marginal cost. 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
the lowest marginal cost. 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
the lowest marginal cost. 0
the highest opportunity c 0
production efficiency. 1
production efficiency. 1
tons of butter and 150 cars. The opportunity co
A reduction in the amou Points - A reduction in Feedback - A reduction A)
shifts the production poss 0 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 1 None of these
moves the economy's point 1 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
shifts the production poss 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 50 cars.
shifts the production poss 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 1 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 None of these
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 200 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 200 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 100 cars
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 100 cars
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 300 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 50 cars.
shifts the production poss 0 50 cars.
shifts the production poss 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 0 50 cars.
moves the economy's point 1 None of these
tons of butter and 150 cars.
of butter
and 150
of above
butter illustrates
is cost of
to havethat
C1 -from
if this cC
A) A) moving from point B to point movingA, itfrom
will point B to point A, it will
0 Require that all the une 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Require that all the une 0
0 In-sufficient information 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Require that all the une 0
0 In-sufficient information 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Be unable to do so until 0
0 Require that all the une 0
1 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
1 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
0 Require that all the une 0
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Be unable to do so until 0
0 Be unable to do so until 0
0 Require that all the une 0
0 Have to find additional wo 0
0 Have to sacrifice m2 - m1 2
Feedback - The figure above illustrates that if this country wishes to have C1 -from C2 additional civilian goods (Butter) by
moving from point B to point
A, it will
opportunity cos Points - Increasing opportFeedback - Increasing opp
the fact that it is more d 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
None of these 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
firms' needs to produce p 0
the fact that resources ar 1
firms' needs to produce p 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
None of these 0
the fact that resources ar 1
taxes. 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that it is more d 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that it is more d 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
None of these 0
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that resources ar 1
the fact that it is more d 0
the fact that it is more d 0
the fact that resources ar 1
The fact of increasing oppPoints - The fact of incre Feedback - The fact of in In the above table, the op
shift outward over time. 0 80 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 Option 2
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
shift outward over time. 0 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 80 cases of soda.
be a straight line. 0 0 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 0 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 80 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 95 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 Option 2
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 0 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 95 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
shift outward over time. 0 95 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 80 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 Option 2
bow outward. 1 15 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 80 cases of soda.
bow outward. 1 Option 2
Points - In the above tablFeedback - In the above tWhen the price of a produPoints - When the price o
0 C) substitution effect w 0
0 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 D) substitution effect w 0
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 0
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
0 D) substitution effect w 0
0 D) substitution effect w 0
0 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 0
2 income and substitution 1
2 C) substitution effect w 0
0 C) substitution effect w 0
0 D) substitution effect w 0
2 D) substitution effect w 0
2 None of these 0
2 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 1
2 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 0
0 C) substitution effect w 0
2 D) substitution effect w 0
0 income and substitution 1
0 income and substitution 0
The reason the substitution
- The
to encourage
the substitution
a consumer
- effect
The reason
of a a effect
consum w
Feedback - When the price
product when its price increases
product is:
when its price increases
product is:
when its price increases is:
the real income of the c 0
the real income of the c 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
E) the product is now rela 2
other products are now r 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
other products are now r 0
the real income of the c 0
the real income of the c 0
other products are now r 0
the real income of the c 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
other products are now r 0
E) the product is now rela 2
the real income of the c 0
other products are now r 0
the real income of the c 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
other products are now r 0
E) the product is now rela 2
the real income of the c 0
the product is now relati 0
other products are now r 0
the product is now relati 0
other products are now r 0
the product is now relati 0
E) the product is now rela 2
E) the product is now rela 2
the real income of the c 0
the product is now relati 0
the product is now relati 0
for George. Suppose the for
of pizzaSuppose
the for
of pizza
of pizza
discs will: discs will: discs will: The total utility of a prod
increase due to a negativ 0 multiplying price times qu
None of these 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 None of these
increase due to the substi 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
remain unchanged, since t 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the substi 0 summing the marginal util
remain unchanged, since t 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the substi 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to a negativ 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying the marginal
increase due to the substi 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the substi 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
None of these 0 summing the marginal util
remain unchanged, since t 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying price times qu
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 None of these
increase due to a negativ 0 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 summing the marginal util
increase due to the incom 1 multiplying the marginal
increase due to a negativ 0 summing the marginal util
Points - The total utility Feedback - The total utiliWhich of the following dePoints - Which of the foll
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the total satisfaction re 0
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the total satisfaction re 0
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
1 the additional satisfact 1
0 the additional satisfact 1
0 the maximum amount of s 1
Feedback - Which of the fWhich best expresses thePoints - Which best expreFeedback - Which best exp
The less consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The less consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 1
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 0
The less consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 0
The more consumption of a 0
Which situation is consistent
- Which
the law
of diminishing
- Which
of isdiminishing
who refuse
with to
of diminishing
at d
A) A) A) the marginal utility of Brussels sprouts is:
The more pizza Usman eat 0 less than the total utility.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eat 0 negative.
None of these 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eat 0 zero.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 less than the total utility.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eat 0 negative.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 zero.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 positive, but decreasing.
The more pizza Usman eat 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eat 0 positive, but decreasing.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 positive, but decreasing.
Usman's marginal utility 0 less than the total utility.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
None of these 0 negative.
Usman's marginal utility 0 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
The more pizza Usman eats 1 negative.
Usman's marginal utility 0 zero.
Points - Children who refuse
to eat -Brussels
who refuse
at dinner
to eat
the statement
at dinnerthat
are making the statement that
the marginal utility of Brussels
the marginal
is: of Brussels
is:utility is de
Points - When marginal util
0 decreasing at an increasi 0
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at an increasin 0
1 None of these 0
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 increasing at an increasin 0
0 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 decreasing at a decreasin 0
1 increasing at an increasin 0
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 decreasing at a decreasin 0
1 decreasing at an increasi 0
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 increasing at an increasin 0
1 None of these 0
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
1 increasing at a decreasing 1
0 decreasing at an increasi 0
Feedback - When marginal
A consumer
u with a fixed Points - A consumer withFeedback - A consumer wi
total utility is the same 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
marginal ut ility per dol 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
total utility is the same 0
marginal ut ility per dol 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
total utility is the same 0
total utility is the same 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
marginal utility per dolla 1
total utility is the same 0
marginal utility of each 0
total utility is the same 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
None of these 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal ut ility per dol 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
marginal ut ility per dol 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
None of these 0
marginal ut ility per dol 0
marginal utility of each 0
marginal utility per dolla 1
None of these 0
marginal utility per dollar spent on product Beta
If a rational consumer is Points - If a rational con Feedback - If a rational c income on these two produc...
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 None of these
None of these 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 None of these
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
total utility becomes zero 0 maximize marginal utility
a reallocation of income 0 maximize total utility but
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 None of these
the marginal utility per l 1 maximize marginal utility
the marginal utility per l 1 maximize total utility but
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 maximize total utility but
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 maximize total utility but
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
a reallocation of income 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 increase total utility by
the marginal utility per l 1 maximize marginal utility
the marginal utility per l 1 None of these
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
the marginal utility obta 0 increase total utility by
marginal utility per dollarmarginal
spent onutility
spent on product
who spendBeta,allconsumers
their who spend all their
income on these two produc...
income on these two produc...
Laboratory (or controlle Points - Laboratory (or
1 Economics is a natural sc 0
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Of resource scarcity 0
0 Economics is a social sci 1
1 None of these 0
1 Of resource scarcity 0
1 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a natural sc 0
0 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Of the difficulty of dist 0
0 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Of resource scarcity 0
0 Of resource scarcity 0
1 Of resource scarcity 0
1 Of resource scarcity 0
0 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a natural sc 0
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a social sci 1
0 Economics is a natural sc 0
0 None of these 0
1 Economics is a social sci 1
0 None of these 0
0 Of resource scarcity 0
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Economics is a social sci 1
1 Of resource scarcity 0
Feedback - Laboratory (oThe former Soviet Union Points - The former Sovi Feedback - The former S
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
Dictatorship 0
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
Dictatorship 0
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
Dictatorship 0
None of these 0
Dictatorship 0
A mixed economy 0
None of these 0
Dictatorship 0
A mixed economy 0
None of these 0
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
None of these 0
A planned economy 1
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
Dictatorship 0
A planned economy 1
Dictatorship 0
(a) Comparing the net benefit
(a) Comparing
of a choice
a choice
a choice
(b) Weighing up total costs
Weighing up total costs(b)a...
Weighing up total costs(c)a...
Efficient, infeasible and ine...
The best answer is “b” & 0 Only “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “c” 0 The best answer is “b” &
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “e” 0 Only “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “c”, “d” 2 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
The best answer is “b” & 0 Only “e”
Only “c”, “d” 2 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “c” & “a” 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
The best answer is “b” & 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “c” & “a” 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “c”, “d” 2 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “c” 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “c” & “a” 0 Only “c” & “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
None of these 0 Only “b”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “e” 0 Only “d” is correct answe
Only “d” is correct answe 0 The best answer is “b” &
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “e” 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
The best answer is “b” & 0 Only “b”
The best answer is “b” & 0 The best answer is “b” &
Only “e” 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
Only “e” 0 Only “b”
Only “e” 0 Only “e”
Only “c” 0 Only “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “a”, “b” & “c”
Only “e” 0 Only “e”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “e”
None of these 0 Only “c” & “e”
(b) The distinction between (b) micro
The distinction
and macroeconomics
between(c) Goods
micro and
(c) Goods markets
(c) Efficient, infeasible and(c)ine...
Efficient, infeasible and
Substitute and perfectly...
d) Substitute and perfectly...
0 Only “e” 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “e” 0
0 Only “d” is correct answe 0
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “d” is correct answe 0
2 None of these 0
0 Only “b” 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 The best answer is “b” & 0
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 The best answer is “b” & 0
0 Only “c” & “e” 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “b” 0
0 Only “e” 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “c” & “e” 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 None of these 0
2 Only “e” 0
0 None of these 0
0 Only “c” & “e” 0
0 Only “d” is correct answe 0
0 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
2 Only “a”, “b” & “c” 2
0 Only “e” 0
0 Only “b” 0
0 Only “d” is correct answe 0
(c) Goods markets (c) As prices fall, demand(c)
As prices fall, demand(c)
As prices fall, demand increases
d) Substitute and perfectly...
(d) As prices rise, qu... (d) As prices rise, qu... (d) As prices rise, qu...
Only “c”, “d” & “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
None of these 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
None of these 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “c”, “d” & “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “c”, “d” & “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “a” & “b” are corre 2
Only “c” 0
Demand curves in P-Q spa Points - Demand curves iFeedback - Demand curves
Suppose the demand for g
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Unrelated goods
Incomes and tastes 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Unrelated goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Inferior goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Consumer tastes and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Inferior goods
Consumer tastes and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Inferior goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Unrelated goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Inferior goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Consumer tastes and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Complements
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Complements
Incomes, tastes, the pric 2 Substitutes
Consumer tastes and the 0 Inferior goods
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Substitutes
Incomes, tastes, and the 0 Inferior goods
Consumer tastes and the 0 Complements
Points - Suppose the demFeedback - Suppose the dIf the demand for coffee Points - If the demand fo
0 A normal good 0
0 A normal good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 An inferior good 1
1 A substitute good 0
1 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
1 A complementary good 0
1 An inferior good 1
1 An inferior good 1
1 A substitute good 0
0 An inferior good 1
0 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 A complementary good 0
0 A normal good 0
0 A complementary good 0
1 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
0 An inferior good 1
1 An inferior good 1
0 An inferior good 1
0 An inferior good 1
1 A complementary good 0
0 A substitute good 0
1 A normal good 0
1 A complementary good 0
0 An inferior good 1
1 A substitute good 0
0 A substitute good 0
1 A substitute good 0
0 A normal good 0
0 A substitute good 0
(b) A change in wealth (b) A change in wealth (b) A change in wealth
Feedback - If the demandc) A decrease in the pricec)o...
A decrease in the pricec)o...
A decrease in the price o...
Only “d” is correct answe 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “c”, “d” & “f” 2
Only “d” is correct answe 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “c” 0
Only “d” is correct answe 0
Only “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “c”, “d” & “f” 2
Only “c” & “e” 0
Only “c”, “d” & “f” 2
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “c” 0
Only “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “c”, “d” & “f” 2
Only “c” & “e” 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
The best answer is “b” & 0
Only “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “e” 0
Only “c” & “e” 0
(a) As the price of calculators
(a) Asrises,
the price
the supply
of calculators
of calculators
(a) Asrises,
the price
of calculators
of calculators
rises, the
supply ceteris
of calculators
paribusincreases, ce
(b) As the price of calculators
(b) Asfalls,
the th...
price of calculators
(b) Asfalls,
the th...
price of calculators
The price
falls, of
computer ch
Only “c” 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “e” 0 A decrease in the quantit
The best answer is “b” & 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the supply
None of these 0 An increase in the supply
Only “d” is correct answe 0 An increase in the supply
Only “d” is correct answe 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” 0 A decrease in the quantit
Only “d” is correct answe 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 A decrease in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the quanti
The best answer is “b” & 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “c” 0 A decrease in the quantit
Only “c” & “d” 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the supply
None of these 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “d” 0 A decrease in the quantit
Only “e” 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “c” & “d” 0 An increase in the supply
Only “e” 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “c” 0 An increase in the supply
The best answer is “b” & 0 An increase in the supply
The best answer is “b” & 0 A decrease in the supply
Only “c” & “d” 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “d” 0 An increase in the quanti
The best answer is “b” & 0 A decrease in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the supply
None of these 0 An increase in the supply
Only “e” 0 A decrease in the quantit
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the quanti
None of these 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” 0 A decrease in the quantit
Only “e” 0 An increase in the quanti
Only “e” 0 An increase in the supply
Only “c” & “e” 2 An increase in the quanti
Points - The price of co Feedback - The price of When there is an excess Points - When there is an
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
0 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
0 Price to fall 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
0 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
1 Price to rise 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
1 Price remains same 2
0 Price to fall 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
1 Price to fall 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
0 Price remains same 2
1 Price to rise 0
0 Price to rise 0
0 Price to fall 0
1 Price to rise 0
0 Quantity demanded to in 0
Feedback - When there isEquilibrium in the marketPoints - Equilibrium in t Feedback - Equilibrium i
None of these 0
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
When there is no surplus 2
When all of what is prod 0
All of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
None of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
When there is no surplus 2
All of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
None of these 0
When all of what is prod 0
(b) A fall in income (b) A fall in income (b) A fall in income (b) a fall in income
(c) An increase in the price
(c)ofAna increase
in the price
(c)ofAna increase
in the price
(c)ofA achange
in tastes such that...
Only “b” & “d” 0 Only “c” & “d”
Only “a” 0 Only “d” is correct answe
None of these 0 Only “a”
None of these 0 Only “a”
Only “e” 0 The best answer is “b” &
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
None of these 0 Only “a”
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
Only “a” 0 None of these
Only “a” 0 Only “e”
Only “e” 0 Only “b” & “d”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “d” is correct answe
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
Only “a” 0 Only “c” & “d”
None of these 0 Only “a”
None of these 0 Only “a”
None of these 0 Only “a”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “e”
Only “e” 0 Only “c” & “d”
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “a”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “d” is correct answe
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “a”
Only “b” & “d” 0 Only “b” & “d”
Only “b” & “d” 0 Only “a”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “d” is correct answe
Only “c” & “b” 2 The best answer is “b” &
Only “b” & “d” 0 Only “b” & “d”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “a”
Only “a” 0 Only “d” is correct answe
Only “a” 0 Only “e”
Only “c” & “b” 2 Only “b” & “d”
Only “a” 0 Only “e”
Only “a” 0 Only “a”
Only “d” is correct answe 0 Only “c” & “d”
(b) a fall in income (b) a fall in income
(c) A change in tastes such
A change in tastes such
A movement
that... along the dem
Points - A movement alon
0 A fall in the number of s 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A fall in the number of s 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 An increase in supply 0
2 A rise in the price of a 0
0 A fall in the number of s 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 An increase in supply 0
2 A rise in the price of a 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A rise in the price of a 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 A rise in income 0
0 A fall in the number of s 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 A fall in the number of s 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 a decrease in supply 2
2 A rise in the price of a 0
0 An increase in supply 0
2 A rise in the price of a 0
0 An increase in supply 0
0 a decrease in supply 2
Feedback - A movement Interferences
al with the opPoints - Interferences wi Feedback - Interferences
Price fixing 0
Price fixing 0
Price rationing 2
Price and quantity ration 0
Price fixing 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Price fixing 0
Quantity setting 0
Price rationing 2
Price and quantity ration 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Quantity setting 0
Price fixing 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Price fixing 0
Quantity setting 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Price rationing 2
Price fixing 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Price rationing 2
Price fixing 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Price rationing 2
Price rationing 2
Price fixing 0
Price fixing 0
Price fixing 0
Price and quantity ration 0
Quantity adjustment 0
Quantity adjustment 0
What will happen to equilPoints - What will happenFeedback - What will happ
Hint/Information: An equi
Price falls unambiguousl 2 The effect on both price
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Price falls unambiguousl
Both price and quantity 0 Price falls unambiguousl
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Both price and quantity
Both price and quantity 0 Both price and quantity
The effect on both price 0 Both price and quantity
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Quantity falls unambiguo
Both price and quantity 0 Both price and quantity
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Both price and quantity
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Price falls unambiguousl
The effect on both price 0 Both price and quantity
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Both price and quantity
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Quantity falls unambiguo
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 The effect on both price
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Both price and quantity
Both price and quantity 0 Quantity falls unambiguo
Both price and quantity 0 Price falls unambiguousl
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Quantity falls unambiguo
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Both price and quantity
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Price falls unambiguousl
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Both price and quantity
Price falls unambiguousl 2 The effect on both price
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Price falls unambiguousl
Both price and quantity 0 Quantity falls unambiguo
Both price and quantity 0 Both price and quantity
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Price falls unambiguousl
The effect on both price 0 Both price and quantity
Both price and quantity 0 Quantity falls unambiguo
The effect on both price 0 Price falls unambiguousl
Both price and quantity 0 Price falls unambiguousl
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Both price and quantity
The effect on both price 0 Both price and quantity
Both price and quantity 0 The effect on both price
Price falls unambiguousl 2 Quantity falls unambiguo
The effect on both price 0 Both price and quantity
Quantity falls unambiguo 0 Both price and quantity
Points - Hint/InformationFeedback - Hint/InformatiA price ceiling imposed Points - A price ceiling
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 2
2 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 2
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
2 Either of these 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
0 When the price ceiling is 0
Feedback - A price ceili What is the effect of an uPoints - What is the effecFeedback - What is the eff
Both price and quantity r 0
Both price and quantity r 0
Both price and quantity r 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price falls, quantity raise 2
Price falls, quantity raise 2
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price falls, quantity raise 2
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Both price and quantity r 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price falls, quantity raise 2
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price falls, quantity raise 2
Both price and quantity r 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Both price and quantity fa 0
Price rises, and quantity f 0
Price falls, quantity raise 2
The need for rationing a Points - The need for ra Feedback - The need for If the “regulated-market”
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
A surplus exists 0 Demand will be less than
A surplus exists 0 Demand will be less than
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
There is a perfectly inel 0 Quantity demanded will b
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
Demand exceeds supply 0 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
Supply exceeds demand 2 Quantity demanded will e
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will e
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
Demand exceeds supply 0 Demand will be less than
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will e
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
Demand exceeds supply 0 The quantity demanded wi
There is a perfectly inel 0 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will e
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will b
There is a perfectly inel 0 Quantity demanded will b
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
There is a perfectly inel 0 Quantity demanded will b
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will b
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will b
There is a perfectly inel 0 Demand will be less than
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will b
Supply exceeds demand 2 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will b
Demand exceeds supply 0 Quantity demanded will e
A surplus exists 0 Demand will be less than
A surplus exists 0 The quantity demanded wi
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will b
A surplus exists 0 Quantity demanded will e
Points - If the “regulate Feedback - If the “regula The furniture business is Points - The furniture bu
2 Are inferior goods 2
0 Are inferior goods 2
0 Are inferior goods 2
0 Have many complementa 0
2 Are complementary good 0
0 Are inferior goods 2
0 Have few complementary 0
2 Are normal goods 0
0 Are complementary good 0
0 Are inferior goods 2
0 Are normal goods 0
0 Have few complementary 0
0 Have many complementa 0
2 Have many complementa 0
0 Have many complementa 0
0 Are complementary good 0
0 Have few substitutes 0
0 Have few substitutes 0
2 Are inferior goods 2
2 Are inferior goods 2
0 Are complementary good 0
2 Have many complementa 0
2 Have few complementary 0
0 Have few substitutes 0
2 Have many complementa 0
2 Are inferior goods 2
0 Have few complementary 0
2 Are complementary good 0
0 Are normal goods 0
2 Are inferior goods 2
2 Are inferior goods 2
0 Are normal goods 0
0 Are inferior goods 2
0 Have many complementa 0
2 Have few substitutes 0
0 Are normal goods 0
Feedback - The furniture Since the beginning of thPoints - Since the beginnFeedback - Since the begi
Inferior 0
Normal 0
Complements 2
Complements 2
Substitutes 0
Complements 2
Inferior 0
Inferior 0
Complements 2
Complements 2
Inferior 0
Complements 2
Substitutes 0
Substitutes 0
Substitutes 0
Inferior 0
Complements 2
Inferior 0
Complements 2
Substitutes 0
Substitutes 0
Complements 2
Inferior 0
Inferior 0
Complements 2
Inferior 0
Substitutes 0
Complements 2
Complements 2
Complements 2
Substitutes 0
Complements 2
Normal 0
Substitutes 0
Normal 0
Complements 2
Read the following passagPoints - Read the followinFeedback - Read the folloThe coefficient of price e
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Elastic 0 Elastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Perfectly elastic 0 Perfectly elastic
Elasticity cannot be dete 0 Inelastic
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Inelastic 0 Elastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Inelastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Inelastic 0 Elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Unitariy elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Unitariy elastic
Perfectly elastic 0 Elastic
Elasticity cannot be dete 0 Perfectly elastic
Elasticity cannot be dete 0 Perfectly elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Inelastic 0 Perfectly elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Inelastic 0 Perfectly elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Perfectly elastic
Perfectly elastic 0 Perfectly elastic
Inelastic 0 Elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Unitariy elastic
Inelastic 0 Elastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Must have been decrease 0 Elastic
Elastic 0 Inelastic
Elastic 0 Inelastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Perfectly elastic 0 Perfectly elastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Unitariy elastic
Perfectly inelastic 2 Elastic
Elastic 0 Inelastic
Elastic 0 Elastic
Points - The coefficient oFeedback - The coefficient
The coefficient of cross Points - The coefficient
0 Substitutes 2
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Substitutes 2
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Complements 0
2 Complements 0
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Complements 0
0 Normal goods 0
2 Normal goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Substitutes 2
0 Substitutes 2
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Complements 0
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Complements 0
0 Unrelated goods 0
0 Substitutes 2
0 Complements 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
0 Complements 0
0 Substitutes 2
0 Substitutes 2
2 Normal goods 0
2 Unrelated goods 0
0 Substitutes 2
0 Normal goods 0
0 Complements 0
0 Substitutes 2
2 Unrelated goods 0
0 Normal goods 0
Feedback - The coefficie If the quantity demandedPoints - If the quantity Feedback - If the quantity demanded of beef inc
4.17 0
0.24 2
0.23 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
4.17 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
4.17 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.23 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
-0.25 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
4.17 0
4.17 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
-0.24 0
0.24 2
0.25 0
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.24 2
0.23 0
ty demanded of beef increases by 6% when the price of chicken increases by 25%, the cross-price elasticity of demand between beef a
of demand between beef and chicken is?

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