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Golf Swing Transition

How To Develop A Great Golf Swing – Part 4

Part 4 of 7 Previous Next
So far in this series we’ve covered a good takeaway, continued into a good halfway back position and completed the
backswing into a good top position…
Next in the golf swing sequence is the transition - the point at which you begin the downswing.
The transition is one of the most important parts of the swing and an area that I see a lot of amateur golfers struggle with. If
you start your downswing incorrectly, you’ll lose a lot of power and find it very difficult to control the direction of your shots –
at least with any real consistency.
In the video below and the drills associated with it (which you’ll find beneath the video), I outline how you can create an
efficient, repeatable transition in your golf swing:

Golf Swing Transition Video Summary

 To initiate the downswing, start by shifting your hips to the left, in a small lateral slide or ‘bump’ (see image #1
 Simultaneously draw your right elbow downwards and slightly backwards, towards your right hip pocket (see image
#2 above).
 This will also allow your weight to start moving forwards towards your left foot – encourage this to happen quickly
by driving the weight off your right foot (see image #3 above).
 As your hips now start to turn, your body uncoils and your chest should turn past the golf ball pulling your hands
forwards. Feel as though your hands are leading the club into impact.

Golf Down Swing Drill #1

This downswing drill will help you with the transitional part of your golf swing…
The transition is one of the most important parts of your swing – it’s that changing from the top of the backswing to the start
of the downswing.
There are a couple of key movements in the downswing and the first is driving your bodyweight off the right side and on to
left side (for the right-handed golfer).
A mistake I see in a lot of amateur golfers is a downswing that begins too much with the hands and arms pulling the club into
the ball. Instead, we need to begin the downswing with a drive of the hips to transfer weight correctly…
One of the ways you can do this is to think about your right heel at the top of the backswing. We want the right heel to lift
before we get to impact.
The heel normally lifts as a result of the hips driving across, but you can try exaggerating that movement of the heel to get a
feel for an early drive and a bit of extra weight transfer.
See the video drill below for details:

Downswing Golf Drill – Video Summary

 From the top of your backswing, feel as though your right heel pushes off the ground to drive your bodyweight over
to the left
Golf Down Swing Drill #2
This quick and simple golf downswing drill will help you to bring the club down into the ball on the right path…
Golfers that slice the ball tend to bring the club down on an out-to-in swing path, cutting across the golf ball. Likewise, hook
shots are often caused by a swing path that is too flat and on too much of an in-to-out swing path.
A nice way to get the club travelling down on plane (not too steep and not too flat) is to place a tee peg in the top of the grip
to act as a visual marker. Watch the video or see the summary below for details of this drill:

Golf Downswing Drill – Video Summary

 Place a long tee peg in the hole at the end of the grip.
 Pause at the top of your backswing and pull the club down by focusing on pulling the tee peg into the back of the
 Also, as the club reaches a position that is parallel to the ground, make sure that the tee peg is pointing directly
down your target line (see the image above)

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