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Museum of the Past

People are naturally nostalgic. We are obsessed with the past. There is something about
revisiting the long-gone moments that bring us comfort and assurance. These are the things
I say to myself as we pass by a long line of museum-goers on a hot afternoon.

They say that if you want to get to know someone, you should look at the things they hold
dear. If I were to set up a museum of my own, my most prized possessions will be there
for the world to see. I will highlight those objects that take me back to my favorite moments
in the past, like my first overseas trip or an academic milestone I’d never thought I’d
achieve. Visitors will leave the museum feeling like they have known me all their life.

A large-sized version of my nursery crib card, which I believe is the very first thing I
owned, will greet the guests at the museum entrance. I want the experience to be a trip
down the memory lane, so the items displayed are arranged by date. Notebooks from
different points in time are featured as well, and they would provide insights on how my
writing improves, so as the other facets of my life.

We all have moments we want to preserve in a bottle to make it may last forever. Sadly,
we also know it’s impossible to do. The beauty of life is that it’s ever-changing and that
the end of one thing signals the birth of another. Looking at the past reminds us of how
much we have changed. At times we might fail to admit, but the past also makes us wonder
what other future changes will life throw at us, and that excites us more than it makes us
scared. People are naturally nostalgic but are also natural problem-solvers. As for as long
as we’re in this adventure, we’ll continue to let go of moments we once hold dear to create
new memories that add to the beauty of life.

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