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1. What are the main differences between Anglo-American Law &Continental

2. Give the main characteristics of Continental Law? Consistency and
uniformity of enforcement.
3. Give the main characteristics of Anglo-American Law?
4. What does the applicable law govern?
Questions concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of the

5. What are the principles of an enforceable contract?

6. The Entire Agreement?

7. What is The Whereas Recital? Why is it necessary? It is the Background/

preamble of the Contract.

8. What is discharge by performance?

9. What is termination? Name the two types of termination.

10.What is Cancelation?

11.What is Rescission?

12.What are the ways to solve disputes?

13. What is a panel of arbitrators?

14. What are the advantages of using a panel of arbitrators?

15. What may create no- contract situations?

16. How does a contract come about?

17. When a contract does not specify an applicable law, what can decide the law to

18. When is a contract unenforceable?

19. What does the arbitration clause specify?

20. Why do parties agree on a definite language contract?

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