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Introduction of Web Development 1


Unit 1: Introduction of Web Development

1.1 The Web Server
1.2 The Application Server
1.2.1 An Example
1.2.2 Caveats
1.3 Database Server
1.4 SQL Server 2005
1.5 Static and Dynamic Websites
1.5.1 Static Website
1.5.2 Dynamic Website
1.6 Server-side Technology
1.6.1 Explanation
1.6.2 Languages
1.7 Client-side Technology
1.7.1 Client-controlled or Client-generated Client-side Scripting
1.7.2 List of Client-side Scripting Languages
1.8 Search Engine Optimization Tools and Techniques
1.9 Search Engine Optimization Techniques
1.9.1 Preventing Crawling
1.9.2 Increasing Prominence
1.9.3 White Hat versus Black Hat Techniques
1.10 Web Hosting
1.10.1 Managed Web Hosting
1.10.2 Managed Web Hosting Account Applications
1.11 Small Business Administered Web Hosting
1.11.1 High-end Managed Web Hosting
1.11.2 What is Managed Web Hosting?
1.11.3 Managed Web Hosting Pros
1.11.4 Managed Web Hosting Services
1.11.5 Managed Web Hosting Cons
1.12 Summary
1.13 Check Your Progress
1.14 Questions and Exercises
1.15 Key Terms
1.16 Check Your Progress: Answers
1.17 Case Study
1.18 Further Readings

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Notes Objectives
After going through this unit, you should be able to know:
● Web Server, Application Server and Database Server
● Type of Websites
● Client and Server Site Technology
● Search Engines
● Web Hosting and Administration
● A Case Study based on this Unit

1.1 The Web Server

A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. When the Web server receives an HTTP
request, it responds with an HTTP response, such as sending back an HTML page. To
process a request, a Web server may respond with a static HTML page or image, send a
redirect, or delegate the dynamic response generation to some other program such as
CGI scripts, JSPs (Java Server Pages), servlets, ASPs (Active Server Pages),
server-side Java Scripts, or some other server-side technology. Whatever their purpose,
such server-side programs generate a response, most often in HTML, for viewing in a
Web browser.
Understand that a Web server’s delegation model is fairly simple. When a request
comes into the Web server, the Web server simply passes the request to the program
best able to handle it. The Web server doesn’t provide any functionality beyond simply
providing an environment in which the server-side program can execute and pass back
the generated responses. The server-side program usually provides for itself such
functions as transaction processing, database connectivity, and messaging.

While a Web server may not itself support transactions or database connection
pooling, it may employ various strategies for fault tolerance and scalability such as load
balancing, caching, and clustering—features oftentimes erroneously assigned as
features reserved only for application servers.

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1.2 The Application Server Notes

As for the application server, according to our definition, an application server
exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols, possibly
including HTTP. While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a
Web browser, an application server provides access to business logic for use by client
application programs. The application program can use this logic just as it would call a
method on an object (or a function in the procedural world).
Such application server clients can include GUIs (graphical user interface) running
on a PC, a Web server, or even other application servers. The information travelling back
and forth between an application server and its client is not restricted to simple display
markup. Instead, the information is program logic. Since the logic takes the form of data
and method calls and not static HTML, the client can employ the exposed business logic
however it wants.
In most cases, the server exposes this business logic through a component API,
such as the EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) component model found on J2EE (Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition) application servers. Moreover, the application server
manages its own resources. Such gate-keeping duties include security, transaction
processing, and resource pooling, and messaging. Like a Web server, an application
server may also employ various scalability and fault tolerance techniques.

1.2.1 An Example
As an example, consider an online store that provides real-time pricing and
availability information. Most likely, the site will provide a form with which you can choose
a product. When you submit your query, the site performs a lookup and returns the
results embedded within an HTML page. The site may implement this functionality in
numerous ways. I’ll show you one scenario that doesn’t use an application server and

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another that does. Seeing how these scenarios differ will help you to see the application
server’s function.

Multiple Application Server (MAS) Environment

Windows NT 4.0 Maxima Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0

Office Maxima Advantage
Advantage DATABASE Maxima Advantage


ACD Report Server LAN TCP/IP



Other Maxima Advantage

BRIDGE/ROUTER Workstations or Sites/ACDs


Scenario 1: Web Server without an Application Server

In the first scenario, a Web server alone provides the online store’s functionality.
The Web server takes your request, and then passes it to a server-side program able to
handle the request. The server-side program looks up the pricing information from a
database or a flat file. Once retrieved, the server-side program uses the information to
formulate the HTML response, and then the Web server sends it back to your Web
To summarize, a Web server simply processes HTTP requests by responding with
HTML pages.

Scenario 2: Web Server with an Application Server

Scenario 2 resembles Scenario 1 in that the Web server still delegates the response
generation to a script. However, you can now put the business logic for the pricing lookup
onto an application server. With that change, instead of the script knowing how to look up
the data and formulate a response, the script can simply call the application server’s
lookup service. The script can then use the service’s result when the script generates its
HTML response.
In this scenario, the application server serves the business logic for looking up a
product’s pricing information. That functionality doesn’t say anything about display or how
the client must use the information. Instead, the client and application server send data
back and forth. When a client calls the application server’s lookup service, the service
simply looks up the information and returns it to the client.
By separating the pricing logic from the HTML response-generating code, the
pricing logic becomes far more reusable between applications. A second client, such as a
cash register, could also call the same service as a clerk checks out a customer. In
contrast, in Scenario 1, the pricing lookup service is not reusable because the information
is embedded within the HTML page. To summarize, in Scenario 2’s model, the Web
server handles HTTP requests by replying with an HTML page while the application
server serves application logic by processing pricing and availability requests.

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1.2.2 Caveats
Recently, XML Web services have blurred the line between application servers and
web servers. By passing an XML payload to a Web server, the Web server can now
process the data and respond much as application servers have in the past.
Additionally, most application servers also contain a Web server, meaning you can
consider a Web server a subset of an application server. While application servers
contain Web server functionality, developers rarely deploy application servers in that
capacity. Instead, when needed, they often deploy standalone Web servers in tandem
with application servers. Such a separation of functionality aids performance (simple web
requests won’t impact application server performance), deployment configuration
(dedicated web servers, clustering, and so on), and allows for best-of-breed product

1.3 Database Server

Database server is the term used to refer to the back-end system of a database
application using client/server architecture. The back-end, sometimes called a database
server, performs tasks such as data analysis, storage, data manipulation, archiving, and
other non-user specific tasks. Client-server architecture (client/server) is a network
architecture in which each computer or process on the network is either a client or a
server. Servers are powerful computers or processes dedicated to managing disk drives
(file servers), printers (print servers), or network traffic (network servers). Clients are PCs
or workstations on which users run applications. Clients rely on servers for resources,
such as files, devices, and even processing power.

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Another type of network architecture is known as a peer-to-peer architecture

because each node has equivalent responsibilities. Both client/server and peer-to-peer
architectures are widely used, and each has unique advantages and disadvantages.
Client-server architectures are sometimes called two-tier architectures.
Generically, any database management system (DBMS) that can respond to
queries from client machines formatted in the SQL language. When capitalized, the term
generally refers to either of two database management products from Sybase and
Microsoft. Both companies offer client-server DBMS products called SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by

Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of

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storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications which may run
either on the same computer or on another computer across a network (including the
Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed
at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications
to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users.
SQL Server uses as its primary query languages T-SQL and ANSI SQL.
SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 included modifications and extensions to the
Sybase code base, adding support for the IA-64 architecture. By SQL Server 2005, the
legacy Sybase code had been completely rewritten.
Since the release of SQL Server 2000, advances have been made in performance,
the client IDE tools, and several complementary systems that are packaged with SQL
Server 2005. These include:
● An Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Tool (SQL Server Integration Services or
● A Reporting Server
● An OLAP and Data Mining Server (Analysis Services)
● Several Messaging Technologies, specifically Service Broker and Notification

1.4 SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005 (formerly codenamed “Yukon”) released in October 2005. It
included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this
purpose, it defined an XML data type that could be used either as a data type in database
columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas;
XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal
binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were
made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery; SQL Server 2005
added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in
T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML that
allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database
server to be exposed over web services using Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets
encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed over web
services, results are returned as XML.
Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was introduced with this version,
enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. For relational data,
T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features (try/catch) and support for
recursive queries with CTEs (Common Table Expressions). SQL Server 2005 has also
been enhanced with new indexing algorithms, syntax and better error recovery systems.
Data pages are checksummed for better error resiliency, and optimistic concurrency
support has been added for better performance. Permissions and access control have
been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of
queries in a more efficient way. Partitions on tables and indexes are supported natively,
so scaling out a database onto a cluster is easier. SQL CLR was introduced with SQL
Server 2005 to let it integrate with the .NET Framework.
SQL Server 2005 introduced Multi-version Concurrency Control. User facing
features include new transaction isolation level called SNAPSHOT and a variation of the
READ COMMITTED isolation level based on statement-level data snapshots.

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SQL Server 2005 introduced “MARS” (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method of
allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.
SQL Server 2005 introduced DMVs (Dynamic Management Views), which are
specialized views and functions that return server state information that can be used to
monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.
Service Pack 1 (SP1) of SQL Server 2005 introduced Database Mirroring, a high
availability option that provides redundancy and failover capabilities at the database level.
Failover can be performed manually or can be configured for automatic failover.
Automatic failover requires a witness partner and an operating mode of synchronous
(also known as high-safety or full safety). Database Mirroring was included in the first
release of SQL Server 2005 for evaluation purposes only. Prior to SP1, it was not
enabled by default, and was not supported by Microsoft.

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Introduction of Web Development 9

1.5 Static and Dynamic Websites Notes

Websites that only use HTML and CSS are called static websites and websites with
scripting are called dynamic websites.

1.5.1 Static Website

A static website is the simplest kind of website you can build. Static websites are
written in HTML and CSS only, with no scripting. The only form of interactivity on a static
website is hyperlinks.
If you intend your website to be a small one (3 pages or less), then a static website
might be the easiest way to go. But if you want to share elements between pages (such
as logos or menus), you’ll have to duplicate the HTML on each page.
Static websites are easier to make than dynamic websites, because they require
less coding and technical knowledge. However, fully static websites are very uncommon
these days, since there is so much that scripting can do.
There are many static websites on the Internet, you won’t be able to tell immediately
if it is static, but the chances are, if the site looks basic and is for a smaller company, and
simply delivers information without any bells and whistles, it could be a static website.
Static websites can only really be updated by someone with knowledge of website
development. Static websites are the cheapest to develop and host, and many smaller
companies still use these to get a web presence. Here, at ED interactive web
development, we can advise or help to develop both static and dynamic websites.

Advantages of Static Websites

● Quick to develop
● Cheap to develop
● Cheap to host

Disadvantages of Static Websites

● Requires web development expertise to update site
● Site not as useful for the user
● Content can get stagnant
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is the code that all web pages
are written in. The best way to think of HTML is that it’s a way of annotating a mass of
plain text to turn it into a web page. By doing this, it can describe each and every part of
the page’s structure.
HTML adds structure to text by annotating it with tags. A tag is made up of a word or
abbreviation surrounded by angled brackets. In HTML, tags are placed at the beginning
and at the end of the text they are structuring. These tag-content-tag combinations form
HTML elements, or nodes. Here’s what an element looks like:
Note that the closing tag includes a forward slash immediately inside of the opening
bracket. Closing tags are very important, since they mark where an element ends.
OK, enough of the theory! Here are some real-world HTML tags.

To make text bold, websites use the <strong> tag. Here’s an example:
Closing tags are <strong>very</strong> important.

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Here’s the result:
Closing tags are very important.
The word ‘very’ has been bolded because it is surrounded by the <strong> tag.
Italics are much the same, but the <em> tag is used. Example:
In HTML, <strong>bold</strong> is for <strong>making text stand out</strong>, and
<em>italics</em> are for <em>emphasis</em>.
In HTML, bold is for making text stand out, and italics are for emphasis.
Another important tag is the <h1> tag. This is used to indicate the heading of a web
page. Example:
<h1>Free HTML Unit</h1>
Each web page has one pair of <h1> tags. This page’s <h1> is the heading at the
top of the page that reads ‘Free HTML Unit’.
For subheadings, there is a similar tag <h2>. In fact, there’s an <h2> coming up on
this page right now…

HTML Structure
Moving on, every web page written in HTML shares a common structure, an
example of which is below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A Web Page</title>
<h1>A Web Page</h1>
<!DOCTYPE html> is the first and most important line of an HTML document. It
ensures that web browsers will correctly read the HTML that follows. If you visit a page
that doesn’t include it, the page might not display as the owner intended.
Next, there is an <html> tag that contains the entire contents of the page. There are
only two tags immediately inside of <html>, and they are <head> and <body>.
<head> is the place for information about the web page – the title, a description, its
correct URL, keywords to describe the page, etc.
<body> is where you’ll find everything that shows up on the page itself. This
includes headers, main content, sidebars and footers.

Title Tag
You probably noticed the <title> tag and that it has the same contents as the <h1>
tag. What’s the difference?
While <h1> is what appears on the page itself, <title> is used as the title of the
browser window or tab. <title> is also used in search engine results. The contents of
these two tags don’t need to be identical, but sometimes they are.

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1.5.2 Dynamic Website Notes

A dynamic website is a website that not only uses HTML and CSS, but includes
website scripting as well. There are two main reasons why you’d want to use website
scripting on your site:
1. You want an interactive web app that people can use, not just read
2. You want to be able to share HTML code between your pages.
This website is a dynamic website, for both of the above reasons. It’s not a
full-blown web app like Face book or Google, but it does have interactive elements like
contact forms and search boxes. This website also shares the same HTML code for the
header, menu and sidebar between all pages of the site.
If you want a dynamic site, you will need to learn a coding language such as
JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails or ASP.NET.
Dynamic sites on the other hand can be more expensive to develop initially, but the
advantages are numerous. At a basic level, a dynamic website can give the website
owner the ability to simply update and add new content to the site. For example, news
and events could be posted to the site through a simple browser interface. Dynamic
features of a site are only limited by imagination. Some examples of dynamic website
features could be: content management system, e-commerce system, bulletin/discussion
boards, intranet or extranet facilities, ability for clients or users to upload documents,
ability for administrators or users to create content or add information to a site (dynamic

Advantages of Dynamic Websites

● Much more functional website
● Much easier to update
● New content brings people back to the site and helps in the search engines
● Can work as a system to allow staff or users to collaborate

Disadvantages of Dynamic Websites

● Slower/more expensive to develop
● Hosting costs a little more

1.6 Server-side Technology

Server-side scripting is a technique used in web development which involves
employing scripts on a web server which produce a response customized for each user’s
(client’s) request to the website. The alternative is for the web server itself to deliver a
static web page. Scripts can be written in any of a number of server-side scripting
languages that are available (see below). Server-side scripting is distinguished from
client-side scripting where embedded scripts, such as JavaScript, are run client-side in a
web browser, but both techniques are often used together.
Server-side scripting is often used to provide a customized interface for the user.
These scripts may assemble client characteristics for use in customizing the response
based on those characteristics, the user’s requirements, access rights, etc. Server-side
scripting also enables the website owner to hide the source code that generates the
interface, whereas with client-side scripting, the user has access to all the code received
by the client. A downside to the use of server-side scripting is that the client needs to
make further requests over the network to the server in order to show new information to
the user via the web browser. These requests can slow down the experience for the user,

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place more load on the server, and prevent use of the application when the user is
disconnected from the server.
When the server serves data in a commonly used manner, for example according to
the HTTP or FTP protocols, users may have their choice of a number of client programs
(most modern web browsers can request and receive data using both of those protocols).
In the case of more specialized applications, programmers may write their own server,
client, and communications protocol that can only be used with one another.
Programs that run on a user’s local computer without ever sending or receiving data
over a network are not considered clients, and so the operations of such programs would
not be considered client-side operations.
Netscape introduced an implementation of JavaScript for server-side scripting with
Netscape Enterprise Server, first released in December, 1994 (soon after releasing
JavaScript for browsers).
Server-side scripting was later used in early 1995 by Fred DuFresne while
developing the first website for Boston, MA television station WCVB. The technology is
described in US patent 5835712. The patent was issued in 1998 and is now owned by
Open Invention Network (OIN). In 2010, OIN named Fred DuFresne a “Distinguished
Inventor” for his work on server-side scripting.
Today, a variety of services use server-side scripting to deliver results back to a
client as a paid or free service. An example would be Wolfram Alpha, which is a
computational knowledge engine that computes results outside the client’s environment
and returns the computed result back. A more commonly used service is Google’s
proprietary search engine, which searches millions of cached results related to the user
specified keyword and returns an ordered list of links back to the client. Apple’s Siri
application also employs server-side scripting outside of a web application. The
application takes an input, computes a result, and returns the result back to the client.

1.6.1 Explanation
In the earlier days of the web, server-side scripting was almost exclusively
performed by using a combination of C programs, Perl scripts, and Shell scripts using the
Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Those scripts were executed by the operating system,
and the results were served back by the web server. Many modern web servers can
directly execute online scripting languages such as ASP and PHP either by the web
server itself or via extension modules (e.g., mod_perl or mod_php) to the web server. For
example, WebDNA includes its own embedded database system. Either form of scripting
(i.e., CGI or direct execution) can be used to build up complex multi-page sites, but direct
execution usually results in less overhead because of the lower number of calls to
external interpreters.
Dynamic websites sometimes use custom web application servers, such as the
Python “Base HTTP Server” library, although some may not consider this to be
server-side scripting. When designing using dynamic web-based scripting techniques,
like classic ASP or PHP, developers must have a keen understanding of the logical,
temporal, and physical separation between the client and the server. For a user’s action
to trigger the execution of server-side code, for example, a developer working with
classic ASP must explicitly cause the user’s browser to make a request back to the web
server. Creating such interactions can easily consume much development time and lead
to unreadable code.
Server-side scripts are completely processed by the servers instead of clients.
When clients request a page containing server-side scripts, the applicable server
processes the scripts and returns an HTML page to the client. For example, an ASP page

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is not processed by the browser; instead it is interpreted by the server which can process
ASP scripts and return an HTML page to the client.

1.6.2 Languages
There are a number of server-side scripting languages available, including:
● ASP (*.asp)
● ActiveVFP (*.avfp)
● ASP.NET (*.aspx)
● ASP.NET MVC (*.cshtml)
● C (*.c, *.csp) via CGI
● ColdFusion Markup Language (*.cfm)
● Go (*.go)
● Groovy Server Pages (*.gsp)
● Hack (*.php)
● Haskell (*.hs) (example: Yesod)
● Java (*.jsp) via JavaServer Pages
● JavaScript using Server-side JavaScript (*.ssjs, *.js) (example: Node.js)
● Lasso (*.lasso)
● Lua (*.lp *.op *.lua)
● Progress WebSpeed (*.r,*.w)
● Pascal (*.p, *.pas, *.inc, *.px) (example: ModernPascal)
● Perl via the module (*.cgi, *.ipl, *.pl)
● PHP (*.php)
● Python (*.py) (examples: Pyramid, Flask, Django)
● R (*.rhtml) - (example: rApache)
● Ruby (*.rb, *.rbw) (example: Ruby on Rails)
● SMX (*.smx)
● Tcl (*.tcl)
● WebDNA (*.dna,*.tpl)

1.7 Client-side Technology

Client-side scripting generally refers to the class of computer programs on the web
that are executed client-side, by the user’s web browser, instead of server-side (on the
web server). This type of computer programming is an important part of the Dynamic
HTML (DHTML) concept, enabling web pages to be scripted; that is, to have different and
changing content depending on user input, environmental conditions (such as the time of
day), or other variables.
Client-side scripts are often embedded within an HTML or XHTML document (hence
known as an “embedded script”), but they may also be contained in a separate file, to
which the document (or documents) that use it make reference (hence known as an
“external script”). Upon request, the necessary files are sent to the user’s computer by
the web server (or servers) on which they reside. The user’s web browser executes the
script, and then displays the document, including any visible output from the script.
Client-side scripts may also contain instructions for the browser to follow in response to
certain user actions (e.g., clicking a button). Often, these instructions can be followed
without further communication with the server.

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By viewing the file that contains the script, users may be able to see its source code.
Many web authors learn how to write client-side scripts partly by examining the source
code for other authors’ scripts.
In contrast, server-side scripts, written in languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, Java,
ColdFusion, Perl, Ruby, Go, Python, and server-side JavaScript, are executed by the
web server when the user requests a document. They produce output in a format
understandable by web browsers (usually HTML), which is then sent to the user’s
computer. The user cannot see the script’s source code (unless the author publishes the
code separately), and may not even be aware that a script was executed. Documents
produced by server-side scripts may, in turn, contain client-side scripts.
Server-side scripts require that their language’s interpreter be installed on the server,
and produce the same output regardless of the client’s browser, operating system, or
other system details. Client-side scripts do not require additional software on the server
(making them popular with authors who lack administrative access to their servers);
however, they do require that the user’s web browser understands the scripting language
in which they are written. It is, therefore, impractical for an author to write scripts in a
language that is not supported by popular web browsers.
Due to security restrictions, client-side scripts may not be allowed to access the
user’s computer beyond the web browser application. Techniques like ActiveX controls
can be used to sidestep this restriction.
Client-side scripting is not inherently unsafe. Users, though, are encouraged to
always keep their web browsers up-to-date to avoid exposing their computer and data to
new vulnerabilities.
The latest group of web browsers and web pages tend to employ a heavy amount of
client-side scripting, accounting for an improved user interface in which the user does not
experience the unfriendly “refreshing” of the web page, but instead sees perhaps an
animated GIF file indicating that the request occurred and the page will be updated
shortly. Ajax is an important addition to the JavaScript language, allowing web
developers to communicate with the web server in the background without requiring a
completely new version of the page to be requested and rendered. This leads to a much
improved user experience in general.
Unfortunately, even languages that are supported by a wide variety of browsers may
not be implemented in precisely the same way across all browsers and operating
systems. Authors are well-advised to review the behaviour of their client-side scripts on a
variety of platforms before they put them into use.

1.7.1 Client-controlled or Client-generated Client-Side Scripting

Besides scripts created by the programmer(s) of the site, sent from the server to the
client to be executed by the client, outsourcing page-rendering work to the client, there is
another class of client-side scripting that is under the control of the client or its user
respectively. This is used to automate repetitive surfing-tasks, like form filling or Web
testing. It is not used to render a single page but to make the browser accomplish
different tasks beginning from filling a login form up to testing complete websites or
automated gathering of the latest data from numerous websites. An especially easy to
learn and use example is iMacros. Another increasingly popular use is the augmented
browsing that gives the user more control over how web content is displayed to him.

1.7.2 List of Client-side Scripting Languages

● JavaScript

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● Action Script (used to create animated interactive web applications for Adobe
Flash Player using Adobe Flash Pro)
● Dart
● VBScript (NOTE: VBScript can also be used as Server-side so that processing
is done on the server.)
● Typescript
● Python

1.8 Search Engine Optimization Tools and Techniques

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a
website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as “natural”,
“organic”, or “earned” results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search
results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. SEO may target different kinds of
search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news
search and industry-specific vertical search engines.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what
people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and
which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may
involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to
specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.
Promoting a site to increase the number of back links, or inbound links, is another SEO

Search engines use complex mathematical algorithms to guess which websites a

user seeks. In this diagram, if each bubble represents a website, programs sometimes
called spiders examine which sites link to which other sites, with arrows representing
these links. Websites getting more inbound links, or stronger links, are presumed to be
more important and what the user is searching for. In this example, since website B is the
recipient of numerous inbound links, it ranks more highly in a web search. And the links
“carry through”, such that website C, even though it only has one inbound link, has an
inbound link from a highly popular site (B) while site E does not. Note: Percentages are

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16 Web-Enabled Business Processes
Businesses are growing more aware of the need to understand and implement at
least the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). But if you read a variety of blogs
and websites, you’ll quickly see that there’s a lot of uncertainty over what makes up “the
basics.” Without access to high-level consulting and without a lot of experience knowing
what SEO resources can be trusted, there’s also a lot of misinformation about SEO
strategies and tactics.
1. Commit yourself to the process: SEO isn’t a one-time event. Search engine
algorithms change regularly, so the tactics that worked last year may not work
this year. SEO requires a long-term outlook and commitment.
2. Be patient: SEO isn’t about instant gratification. Results often take months to
see, and this is especially true the smaller you are, and the newer you are to
doing business online.
3. Ask a lot of questions when hiring an SEO company: It’s your job to know
what kind of tactics the company uses. Ask for specifics. Ask if there are any
risks involved. Then get online yourself and do your own research—about the
company, about the tactics they discussed, and so forth.
4. Become a student of SEO: If you’re taking the do-it-yourself route, you’ll have
to become a student of SEO and learn as much as you can. Luckily for you,
there are plenty of great web resources.
5. Have Web Analytics in place at the start: You should have clearly defined
goals for your SEO efforts, and you’ll need web analytics software in place so
you can track what’s working and what’s not.
6. Build a great website: I’m sure you want to show up on the first page of
results. Ask yourself, “Is my site really one of the ten best sites in the world on
this topic?” Be honest. If it’s not, make it better.
7. Include a Site Map page: Spiders can’t index pages that can’t be crawled. A
site map will help spiders find all the important pages on your site, and help the
spider understand your site’s hierarchy. This is especially helpful if your site
has a hard-to-crawl navigation menu. If your site is large, make several site
map pages. Keep each one to less than 100 links. I tell clients 75 is the
maximum to be safe.
8. Make SEO-friendly URLs: Use keywords in your URLs and file names, such
as Don’t overdo it, though. A file with 3+
hyphens tends to look spam and users may be hesitant to click on it. Related
bonus tip: Use hyphens in URLs and file names, not underscores. Hyphens are
treated as a “space,” while underscores are not.
9. Do keyword research at the start of the project: If you’re on a tight budget,
use the free versions of Keyword Discovery or Word Tracker, both of which
also have more powerful paid versions. Ignore the numbers these tools show;
what’s important is the relative volume of one keyword to another. Another
good free tool is Google’s Ad Words Keyword Tool, which doesn’t show exact
10. Open up a PPC Account: Whether its Google’s Ad Words, Microsoft adCenter
or something else, this is a great way to get actual search volume for your
keywords. Yes, it costs money, but if you have the budget it’s worth the
investment. It’s also the solution if you didn’t like the “Be patient” suggestion
above and are looking for instant visibility.
11. Use a unique and relevant title and Meta Description on every page: The
page title is the single most important on-page SEO factor. It’s rare to rank
highly for a primary term (2-3 words) without that term being part of the page

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title. The meta description tag won’t help you rank, but it will often appear as
the text snippet below your listing. So, it should include the relevant keyword(s)
and be written so as to encourage searchers to click on your listing. Related
bonus tip: You can ignore the Keywords Meta tag, as no major search engine
today supports it.
12. Write for users first: Google, Yahoo, etc. have pretty powerful bots crawling
the web, but to my knowledge these bots have never bought anything online,
signed up for a newsletter, or picked up the phone to call about your services.
Humans do those things, so write your page copy with humans in mind. Yes,
you need keywords in the text, but don’t stuff each page like a Thanksgiving
turkey. Keep it readable.
13. Create great, unique content: This is important for everyone, but it’s a
particular challenge for online retailers. If you’re selling the same widget that 50
other retailers are selling, and everyone is using the boilerplate descriptions
from the manufacturer, this is a great opportunity. Write your own product
descriptions, using the keyword research you did earlier (see #9 above) to
target actual words searchers use, and make product pages that blow the
competition away. Plus, retailer or not, great content is a great way to get
inbound links.
14. Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally: Anchor text
helps tells spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that say “click here”
do nothing for your search engine visibility.
15. Build links intelligently: Begin with foundational links like trusted directories.
(Yahoo and DMOZ are often cited as examples, but don’t waste time worrying
about DMOZ submission. Submit it and forget it.) Seek links from authority
sites in your industry. If local search matters to you (more on that coming up),
seek links from trusted sites in your geographic area — the Chamber of
Commerce, local business directories, etc. Analyze the inbound links to your
competitors to find links you can acquire, too. Create great content on a
consistent basis and use social media to build awareness and links. (A blog is
great for this; see below.)
16. Use press releases wisely: Developing a relationship with media covering
your industry or your local region can be a great source of exposure, including
getting links from trusted media websites. Distributing releases online can be
an effective link building tactic, and opens the door for exposure in news
search sites. Related bonus tip: Only issue a release when you have
something newsworthy to report. Don’t waste journalists’ time.
17. Start a blog and participate with other related blogs: Search engines,
Google especially, love blogs for the fresh content and highly-structured data.
Beyond that, there’s no better way to join the conversations that are already
taking place about your industry and/or company. Reading and commenting on
other blogs can also increase your exposure and help you acquire new links.
18. Use Social Media Marketing wisely: If your business has a visual element,
join the appropriate communities on Flicker and post high-quality photos there.
If you’re a service-oriented business, use Quota and/or Yahoo Answers to
position yourself as an expert in your industry. Any business should also be
looking to make use of Twitter and Facebook, as social information and signals
from these are being used as part of search engine rankings for Google and
Bing. With any social media site you use, the first rule is don’t spam! Be an
active, contributing member of the site. The idea is to interact with potential
customers, not annoy them.
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18 Web-Enabled Business Processes
19. Take advantage of local search opportunities: Online research for offline
buying is a growing trend. Optimize your site to catch local traffic by showing
your address and local phone number prominently. Write a detailed Directions/
Location page using neighborhoods and landmarks in the page text. Submit
your site to the free local listings services that the major search engines offer.
Make sure your site is listed in local/social directories such as CitySearch, Yelp,, etc. and encourage customers to leave reviews of your business on
these sites, too.
20. Take advantage of the tools the search engines give you: Sign up for
Google Webmaster Central, Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo Site Explorer to
learn more about how the search engines see your site, including how many
inbound links they’re aware of.
21. Diversify your traffic sources: Google may bring you 70% of your traffic
today, but what if the next big algorithm update hits for you hard? What if your
Google visibility goes away tomorrow? Newsletters and other subscriber-based
content can help you hold on to traffic/customers no matter what the search
engines do. In fact, many of the DOs on this list—creating great content,
starting a blog, using social media and local search, etc.—will help you grow an
audience of loyal prospects and customers that may help you survive the
whims of search engines.

1.9 Search Engine Optimization Techniques

The leading search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!, use crawlers to find
pages for their algorithmic search results. Pages that are linked from other search engine
indexed pages do not need to be submitted because they are found automatically. Two
major directories, the Yahoo Directory and DMOZ both require manual submission and
human editorial review. Google offers Google Webmaster Tools, for which an XML
Sitemap feed can be created and submitted for free to ensure that all pages are found,
especially pages that are not discoverable by automatically following links. Yahoo!
formerly operated a paid submission service that guaranteed crawling for a cost per click;
this was discontinued in 2009.
Search engine crawlers may look at a number of different factors when crawling a
site. Not every page is indexed by the search engines. Distance of pages from the root
directory of a site may also be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled.

1.9.1 Preventing Crawling

To avoid undesirable content in the search indexes, webmasters can instruct
spiders not to crawl certain files or directories through the standard robots.txt file in the
root directory of the domain. Additionally, a page can be explicitly excluded from a search
engine’s database by using a meta tag specific to robots. When a search engine visits a
site, the robots.txt located in the root directory is the first file crawled. The robots.txt file is
then parsed, and will instruct the robot as to which pages are not to be crawled. As a
search engine crawler may keep a cached copy of this file, it may on occasion crawl
pages a webmaster does not wish crawled. Pages typically prevented from being
crawled include login-specific pages such as shopping carts and user-specific content
such as search results from internal searches. In March 2007, Google warned
webmasters that they should prevent indexing of internal search results because those
pages are considered search spam.

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1.9.2 Increasing Prominence Notes

A variety of methods can increase the prominence of a webpage within the search
results. Cross linking between pages of the same website to provide more links to
important pages may improve its visibility. Writing content that includes frequently
searched keyword phrase, so as to be relevant to a wide variety of search queries will
tend to increase traffic. Updating content so as to keep search engines crawling back
frequently can give additional weight to a site. Adding relevant keywords to a web page’s
meta data, including the title tag and meta description, will tend to improve the relevancy
of a site’s search listings, thus increasing traffic. URL normalization of web pages
accessible via multiple URLs, using the canonical link element or via 301 redirects can
help make sure links to different versions of the URL all count towards the page’s link
popularity score.

1.9.3 White Hat versus Black Hat Techniques

SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories: techniques that search
engines recommend as part of good design, and those techniques of which search
engines do not approve. The search engines attempt to minimize the effect of the latter,
among them spamdexing. Industry commentators have classified these methods, and
the practitioners who employ them, as either white hat SEO, or black hat SEO. White
hats tend to produce results that lasts for a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that
their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search
engines discover what they are doing.
An SEO technique is considered white hat if it conforms to the search engines’
guidelines and involves no deception. As the search engine guidelines are not written as
a series of rules or commandments, this is an important distinction to note. White hat
SEO is not just about following guidelines, but is about ensuring that the content a search
engine indexes and subsequently ranks is the same content a user will see. White hat
advice is generally summed up as creating content for users, not for search engines, and
then making that content easily accessible to the spiders, rather than attempting to trick
the algorithm from its intended purpose. White hat SEO is in many ways similar to web
development that promotes accessibility, although the two are not identical.
Black hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the
search engines, or involve deception. One black hat technique uses text that is hidden,
either as text colored similar to the background, in an invisible div, or positioned off
screen. Another method gives a different page depending on whether the page is being
requested by a human visitor or a search engine, a technique known as cloaking.
Another category sometimes used is grey hat SEO. This is in between black hat and
white hat approaches where the methods employed avoid the site being penalized.
However, do not act in producing the best content for users, rather entirely focused on
improving search engine rankings.
Search engines may penalize sites they discover using black hat methods, either by
reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from their databases altogether. Such
penalties can be applied either automatically by the search engines’ algorithms, or by a
manual site review. One example was the February 2006 Google removal of both BMW
Germany and Ricoh Germany for use of deceptive practices. Both companies, however,
quickly apologized, fixed the offending pages, and were restored to Google’s list

1.10 Web Hosting

“Anything and Everything on the Net” is the culture of the day. It has become
essential to keep the information about the organization and self in the cyberspace. Web
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20 Web-Enabled Business Processes
hosting is a service that allows users to post Web pages to the Internet. It allows users to
publish their own information resources to any Internet user interested in accessing them.
It is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for websites to be
viewed on the web.
Web hosting utilizes the server/client model to distribute content. A web hosting
provider will offer its clients access to a web server that will push the client’s content to
recipients on request. Recipients use web browsers to request content from the Web
over their own Internet connection. BSNL provides the web hosting server and other
technical resources that are required to provide a consumer with their own customized
Web hosting services are more advantageous because they are outsourced,
meaning that the physical location of the web server does not reside at the consumer’s
premises. By outsourcing the Web, the customer effectively transfers responsibility for
maintaining his website to BSNL and obtain access to world-class capabilities to control
IT functions. The administrative control of the website remains with the customer, though
the website is in the BSNL server. Generally, Web hosting does not include authoring of
a website or the development of database-driven components or code. It is incumbent
upon the consumer of Web hosting services to develop this material or have it developed
on his or her behalf.
Web hosting is offered to the consumer in multiple formats based upon the user’s
requirements. These requirements are incumbent upon cost and infrastructure provided.
The Web Hosting Services of BSNL has been launched and are being hosted
presently through web servers located at New Delhi and Bangalore. The number of sites
will increase based on the demand and the requirement of the customers of the country.
By hosting their pages through the Web servers of BSNL, the customer can save lot of
access time. As the server is available within the safe hands of BSNL, any modifications
required by the customer can be done immediately to suit the requirements.
The following are the salient features:
● Domain name hosting
● Web Publishing : HTML pages with Browser supported MIME pages
● Server side scripting: Perl. Java Servlets, JSP
● Web Server: Apache, Tomcat.
● Data base : MYSQL
● SMTP (Exim) and POP3 (apop3d) service for each domain
● Multiple e-mail IDs per domain with flexible mail quota possible
● FTP access for uploading/downloading files
● Centralized authentication for SMTP, POP3,FTP and for administration
Multiple Web Hosting Plans to choose:
● Multi-user Admin – Administration Console for the management of services
and usage reports.
● Multi-user – User Administration Console for limited management of services
and usage reports
Data Transfer quota exceeded Message Display.
● No hard limit on quota
● Round-the-clock technical report support through Help Desk (1957)

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1.10.1 Managed Web Hosting Notes

Managed web hosting gives you several options from shared web hosting (which is
essentially managed web hosting), VPS managed web hosting, where you have a part of
a web server that has dedicated resources for you, but the administration of the server
such as OS security patches and other software updates/patches and security settings
are managed by the hosting company. And lastly, there is the dedicated managed web
hosting account that gives you a server of your own, but it is still being managed by the
hosting company (much like the managed VPS web hosting account)
Now with most managed web hosting services you don’t have root access to the
web server, since it is very easy to override settings that the system administrators, that
are managing the server, put in place or to inadvertently install a malicious piece of code.
You will need to have the hosting company’s technicians (usually system administrators)
do all the software installs, that way they can make sure it will not harm the server. While
a little more costly to operate compared with unmanaged services, they are much easier
for non-technical people since all the hard work is done for you.

1.10.2 Managed Web Hosting Account Applications

While most people who use a managed web hosting account use them because
there is an expert standing by to make sure your server is running smoothly, there are
different types of uses and users for the various administered web hosting accounts.

1.11 Small Business Administered Web Hosting

Small business owners usually don’t have the budget or the need to have a full-time
or even part-time system administrator working for them. So, if they are not familiar with
the administration of a web server, they might be better off with a hosting provider
controlled web hosting account for their small business. Web hosting on a shared server
or a managed hosting account is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is upload your
website and that is about it, but if you require any special applications for your website or
have a dedicated server on your small business web hosting account, then even a low
level managed web hosting option might be for you.

1.11.1 High-end Managed Web Hosting

There are some large website packages or better named high traffic hosting
packages that are essentially lots of managed servers put together in a cluster, for load
balancing. These servers are usually all managed by the web hosting company and have
one or more load balancers going to multiple managed dedicated servers that are tied in
to one or more managed dedicated database servers. This whole solution is for a very
load intensive website (high traffic or high number crunching) and can be a completely
administered solution, so you don’t have to do a thing. I just works so you can
concentrate on your business.

1.11.2 What is Managed Web Hosting?

What is managed web hosting you ask? Well, managed web hosting is where
someone else looks after your technical issues on your hosting account. Depending on
the service level you require you have everything taken care of from regular system
maintenance to installing custom scripts (software) and even uploading your web files
and backing them up.

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22 Web-Enabled Business Processes
Managed web hosting can apply to all types of hosting accounts from small shared
web hosting to VPS and dedicated servers. Pricing can be either in a monthly
management fee or a per hour charge and even a hybrid between the two.

1.11.3 Managed Web Hosting Pros

Managed web hosting offers some great pros. Starting with the fact that you will not
require system administrators on staff or on contract to do any technical work on your
hosting account since a managed web hosting account includes this service. Keep in
mind there is usually a limit to the included management, and additional time/work may
cost extra, but at least you have someone you can use at a moment’s notice should the
need arise.
For the most part, you will have worry-free hosting on a managed web hosting
account. When you use a self-managed web hosting account, you have more
responsibility to update your system with the latest security patches and secure your
server on your own. Having your account managed for you takes care of these tasks, so
you can concentrate on your business.

1.11.4 Managed Web Hosting Services

There are some basic and then some more advanced managed web hosting
services. For the average user, a basic account dealing with systems and security
updates is all that is required and these services can be very affordable. But in some
instances, the need for an advanced management service arises if you have special
software that needs to be installed and maintained with updates. Remember that updates
are critical to keeping your server secure and safe from potential threats. Since over time
people may find exploits to your software and if it is not patched, you my lose control of
your server or have your data compromised.

1.11.5 Managed Web Hosting Cons

Managed web hosting services are a great way to have minimal work other than
updating your actual web pages and creating your website(s). However, there are some
cons to managed web hosting. The main one being that some web hosting companies
that offer system administrator directed web hosting accounts require that their staff do
all software installation on the server/VPS that they are managing on your behalf. What
this means is that you will pay a premium for the installation of some software packages
that their system administrators are not familiar with. Or in some instances when you
purchase software package, the company that you are buying the software from will
include installation in the cost. If your hosting provider forbids other people doing installs,
you will have to pay your web hosting company to do it. This is not necessarily a bad
thing, since from a security perspective, I too would recommend that you only have
people that you trust access your server or VPS hosting account to install software. But if
you have your own system administrator and want to add some packages or make some
customizations to the operating system or apache (your web server), you will have to go
through your web host.

1.12 Summary
Web development is a blanket term that can be used to cover all the people who
plan, build, and manage a given website—which can include everyone from product and
project managers to writers, designers, information architects, programmers, and
database administrators. Web development professionals are charged with nothing less

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than conceiving, designing, building, programming, populating with content, branding,

marketing, supporting, and managing websites.

Static Websites:
Static Websites can be defined as the elements of the internet that are fixed and are
not at all able to change. A static website can provide information that is written in HTML
language. The information written in this cannot be changed and one only can change in
after writing change in the source page. When a browser requests a static website, the
server automatically returns the web page to the browser and take only that much
information which is written in HTML coding. There are numerous advantages and
disadvantages of these static websites.

1. They are usually cheaper to implement on small scales if only few or little
pages are required.
2. They are ideal for mid or small organizations as they do not require any
specialized management system.
3. Flexibility is there as you are not at all restricted to pick any layout template or
anything else.
4. You need not do any kind of transformations in web hosting.

1. If need to maintain for long term, then it proves quite expensive as every page
need to be transformed individually.
2. Not ever updated by the client. One can only rely on the web designer to edit it.
3. Risk in business also gets increases because if the person with the web skills
is not there, then one cannot be able to maintain the complications of the
4. Maintenance is restricted; it can only be possible with an editing tool.

Dynamic Websites
Its interface is completely different from the content presented in it. This has effect of
making the structure of the website.
In a dynamic website, you can easily pick a link and you are presented in the
interface and can text the one. In these websites, the interface design is constant and
text cannot be pulled from the database on demand.

1. Enhances functionality of a website.
2. Simple and easy to update.
3. New content is responsible for bringing traffic to the site that helps in the
search engines optimization.
4. Acts as a system to permit staff or users to collaborate.

1. For smaller companies, it proves to be a highly expensive option as the
investment done is not at all justified.
2. It takes longer initial development time.
3. Cost of implementing training sessions in terms of how to manage content.

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Notes 1.13 Check Your Progress

I. Fill in the Blanks
1. WYSIWYG stands for ________.
2. To create a bulleted list, use ________.
3. A file that specifies how the screen is divided into frames is called a ________.
4. ________ tag is used to insert images into your web page
5. Screen colors are defined by ________ colors.
II. True or False
1. Application architecture is a specification of the technologies to be used to
implement information systems.
2. The logical data flow diagrams specify the technologies to be used to
implement information systems.
3. A physical data flow diagram can be used to communicate the technical
implementation characteristics of an information system.
4. A physical process is either a processor, such as a computer or person, or the
technical implementation of specific work to be performed, such as a computer
program or manual process.
5. A logical process is either a processor, such as a computer or person, or the
technical implementation of specific work to be performed, such as a computer
program or manual process.
6. Each logical process must be implemented as one or more physical processes.
Some logical processes must be split into multiple physical processes for a
variety of reasons.
7. A reason that a logical process might be split into multiple physical processes
is because part of the process is performed by people, and part is to be
performed by the computer.
8. A reason that a logical process might be split into multiple physical processes
is because of the use of multiple different technologies in the same information
9. A reason that a logical process might be split into multiple physical processes
is to add processes that are necessary to handle exceptions or to implement
security requirements and audit trails.
10. A reason that a physical process might be split into multiple logical processes
is to add additional data requirements.
III. Multiple Choice Questions
1. A webpage displays a picture. What tag was used to display that picture?
(a) picture
(b) Image
(c) Img
(d) src
2. <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold?
(a) <strong>
(b) <dar>
(c) <black>
(d) <emp>

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3. Tags and test that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____
(a) <html>
(b) <head>
(c) <title>
(d) <body>
4. Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page?
(a) <hr>
(b) <line>
(c) <line direction=”horizontal”>
(d) <tr>
5. What should be the first tag in any HTML document?
(a) <head>
(b) <title>
(c) <html>
(d) <document>
6. Which tag allows you to add a row in a table?
(a) <td> and </td>
(b) <cr> and </cr>
(c) <th> and </th>
(d) <tr> and </tr>
7. How can you make a bulleted list?
(a) <list>
(b) <nl>
(c) <ul>
(d) <ol>
8. How can you make a numbered list?
(a) <dl>
(b) <ol>
(c) <list>
(d) <ul>
9. How can you make an e-mail link?
(a) <a href=”xxx@yyy”>
(b) <mail href=”xxx@yyy”>
(c) <mail>xxx@yyy</mail>
(d) <a href=”mailto:xxx@yyy”>
10. What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink?
(a) <a href=”http://”>ICT Trends Quiz</a>
(b) <a name=””>ICT Trends Quiz</a>
(c) <</a>
(d) url=””>ICT Trends Quiz

1.14 Questions and Exercises

1. What are the different application servers and Web Servers supporting J2EE

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26 Web-Enabled Business Processes
2. What is the WebSphere Application Server Console and what is its role? What
is the default URL and port for accessing it?
3. What Development Environment(s) are available to develop applications for
4. How would you ensure that a Websphere Application Server or WebSphere
Application Server Node is started when the OS being Windows 2000/2003 is
5. What type of files are required to deploy an application into Websphere? How
can they be installed?
6. What is Apache?
7. What is use of Apache in Web Server?
8. From where Apache names comes?
9. What are feature of Apache?
10. What is the difference between Web Server and Application Server?

1.15 Key Terms

● Accessibility: Relates to web design/coding standards and refers to how easy
it is for everyone to use your website, including people who are visually
impaired or in any way physically handicapped, or limited by older or less
common computers and software. These days with the smaller screen sized
tablets and smartphones, accessibility for use on all devises is important;
especially with the growing number of people using smaller screen devices to
go online.
● Address Bar: The white bar towards the top of your computer screen will
normally have something typed in it that starts with “http://”. This is where you
type in the address of a website that you want to visit.
● Anchor Text: The text a link (hyperlink) uses to refer to your web page. These
make a difference in your search engine results.
● Browser: When you visit a website, you are seeing it on a browser. Websites
look very different in reality to what you see when you visit it. Everything is in
fact encoded. A browser is the piece of software that decodes everything so
that what you see is an attractive page rather than a lot of coding. Most people
use the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, which comes with all Windows
software. If you look at the top right of your screen right now, just under the “X”,
you will see a little picture. This picture tells you what browser you are using. If
the picture is a wavy square with smaller squares in red, green, blue and yellow,
you are using IE (Internet Explorer). If it is something different, then you
probably know all this already.
● Browser Window: The browser is the type of software you use to view things
on the internet (see above) – the browser window is the actual screen that the
software displays everything on. If someone tells you to open a browser
window, they are telling you to activate your browser so that an internet window
opens up on your computer. You normally do this by clicking on an icon on your
computer screen or task bar (at the bottom of your screen).
● Browsing: Going to different websites on the internet and looking around. A bit
like window shopping, but on the internet instead of in a mall. Think of going
into a bookshop and browsing. It’s the same thing. Taking a casual look around
for anything that may be of interest.

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Introduction of Web Development 27

● Directory or Search Engine Directory: Much like the Yellow Pages, a

directory is a place where information about hundreds, thousands and millions
of websites is stored to allow people to easily and quickly find information
and/or resources. Yahoo is an example of a search engine directory. Trades
Check, for example, is a directory website for people wanting to find local
licensed tradesmen.
● Domain: A domain is a person or organization’s unique space on the internet.
In layman terms, it is commonly used to mean the name of your website.
● Domain Name: A domain is identified by the number assigned to its unique
space. To make it easier to use however, the number is given the name of your
choice and this name is assigned to the number. In this way, people do not
need to remember the number (IP) in order to visit a website, but can use the
easier-to-remember domain name. This websites domain name is
● Search Engine: A programme that collects, stores, arranges and normally
ranks the various resources available on the internet. It is most commonly on a
website and used to find other websites – much like the yellow pages is used in
the brick and mortar world.
● Search Engine Friendly: This relates to how well a site has been put together.
A search engine friendly website is one that search engines can easily read
and find all the links on And which search engines “like” because it is properly
optimized and not breaking any of their rules.
● Search Engine Listing: When someone searches for something using a
search engine, all the sites that are listed in response to that search have a
“search engine listing”.
● Search Engine Ranking: Different to a search engine listing because a listing
means the site appears anywhere on the list. Ranking relates to exactly where
on the list it appears. Closer to the top means it has a higher ranking. A critical
consideration in having your website found on the internet.
● Search Result: When someone searches for something using a search engine,
the list of websites and links that the search engine responds with is the search
result. The aim of any website is to appear high in the search result.
● Web Standards: Standards are specifications recommended by the World
Wide Web Consortium for standardizing website design. The main purpose of
web standards is to make it easier for both designers and those who create
web browsers to make sites that will appear consistent across platforms,
although browsers such as IE – Internet Explorer are slow to add the latest
standards for website design.
● Web Page or Page: Just one page rather than a complete website (see below).
A page is not the same as, for example, the page in a book. The length is not
limited by a fixed height and width, but by user-friendliness, good practice and
● Website: The actual website itself. The website is the content that dictates
what people see and do when they go to your website address, normally
containing a number of web pages not just one page.
● Website Address: This is the location of your website and is normally typed as
● Windows: The most common type (make) of operating system. Windows is
built by the software company Microsoft.

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28 Web-Enabled Business Processes
● Worm: A type of virus (malicious code) that looks for security loopholes in a
system and uses that to replicate itself. It then scans the internet for other
computers that have the same flaw and spreads to them, often creating a new
identity for itself in the process so that it evolves. Where a virus uses a host file
to spread, a worm is imbedded in an actual document, like a Word or Excel
● WWW: World Wide Web. Another name for the Internet.

1.16 Check Your Progress: Answers

I. Fill in the Blanks
1. What You See is What You Get
2. <ul>
3. Frameset
4. Img
5. Red, Green and Blue
II. True or False
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. False
III. Multiple Choice Questions
1. (c) Img
2. (a) <strong>
3. (b) <head>
4. (a) <hr>
5. (c) <html>
6. (d) <tr> and </tr>
7. (c) <ul>
8. (b) <ol>
9. (d) <a href=”mailto:xxx@yyy”>
10. (a) <a href=”http://”>ICT Trends Quiz</a>

1.17 Case Study

Significance of Dynamic Website
A dynamic website is necessary for substance such as online databases,
e-business, mutual content, membership, private areas, information base, a resume or
jobs catalog, online shopping site, etc. A dynamic web page is any web page which has
substance that is distorted by a program or script at the instance the page is called for.

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Introduction of Web Development 29

Dynamic website pages are pages that permit a user to place preferences concerning
what kind of information will be displayed.
Dynamic website is competent of charming the guest and impacting the commerce
more vividly. Both stagnant website design and dynamic design websites can have
search engine optimization for trade occurrence globally through internet. Dynamic
website is required for content such as e-business, mutual content, and member-only.
Types of Dynamic Website:
● Database-driven Website
● E-Commerce Website
● E-Business Website
● Knowledge Base Website
● Jobs Database
● Resume Database
● Member-only Sites
● Intranet
● Extranet
Dynamic pages are perceptibly advantageous, and even though search engines
may be capable to index a few of them, commonly the pure volume alone is an inhibiting
feature to the majority of the chief search engines in the progression of search engine
In a completely dynamic website, all webs filling are stored in a database and
assembled into a web page whilst the page is demanded. The dynamic site is necessary
when recurrent change in website substance is necessary and also to trim down
continuance of the site for the users who are not familiar with HTML. In dynamic websites
when the substance is retrieved, it is amalgamated with a template that affords
components that are general to the whole site or sub-sections of the site and in addition
includes components that organize the style of appearance for the user entered data.
We are proficient with the following dynamic services:
Dynamic Title Tags
Title is a HTML tag of an enormous importance in relative to the search engine
optimization of your entire page. Notice the word ‘entire’ here highlighted, since it makes
no sense to have two pages on the same website with the same title. If the CMS does not
allow you generate the exclusive title tag to all single page, your website will not be very
well optimized.
The use of Title tags can dynamically change for page as:
<?php echo($title);?></title>
$title is the capricious which will dynamically alter depended on the page you click,
Or else you can generate a php file with titles to all files. Then you can describe the file
given name in the header of the page as:
<?php include “title.php”; ?>

Effects of SEO on Dynamic Title Tags

When Google, Yahoo!, and additional engines call search results, they come again
with a title with a short description of the allied page, as seen above. And the user’s
concentration is straight away drawn to the titles for the reason that they are intrepid, blue,
and clearly different from the respite of the page. As you might have estimated, the titles
are created from the authentic <title> tags on the pages of your site.

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30 Web-Enabled Business Processes
Idyllically, the contents of your <title> tags would not merely alter with every page,
but they would also be investigative of the information restricted on that meticulous page.
On top of that, you would surely want your titles to demand to humans.
Refer our site for Dynamic title tags.

Dynamic Meta Tags

Meta Keywords and Meta depiction are the two met tags significant for the search
engine optimization, as well as the title tag, if the CMS should permit the writer to classify
the both Meta Keywords and Meta Description exceptionally for every page. Note that
search engine frequently uses the Meta Description as a explanation of your page
portrayed subsequently to the link in their search engine outcome pages. Therefore, it is
very important to inscribe a Meta Description ‘inviting’ the surfer to click on your listing.

Effects of SEO on Dynamic Meta Tags

The Meta Description ingredient is what users observe when they appear across
your website for the duration of a search. They will observe, first, your label, then your
Meta description. If you do not provide a Meta description, users will perceive the portion
of text on your site that is germane to their search. This shred is often out of milieu, and
can sometimes turn users off, so a high-quality Meta description is excellent for drawing
in searchers.
The Meta Tag constituent is in actuality; well, pretty much a waste of time for all
chief search engines. Some crawlers still utilize, it, though, and social bookmarking sites
sometimes utilize Meta tags to settle on what category a site should plummet in. For
these two reasons alone, it’s worth the trivial amount of attempt and code to append your
Refer our site for Dynamic retrieval of descriptions and keywords.

Dynamic Contents
The expression dynamic contents submit to the aptitude to entrée and modify a
portion of a document’s contents without requiring the downloading or building of a
completely novel page. Dynamic HTML provides direct access to the contents of a
document, all the way down to the individual characters. This right of entry enables any
segment of the document to be rapidly and straightaway updated. Once the article is
updated, surrounding contents may reflow, based on the size and location of the new
contents. Redirecting the document also time and again occurs with dynamic styles when
the dimension or display of a component is misrepresented. Dynamic contents expand
this model to changing the text and HTML on the page.
Refer our for Dynamic contents.

Dynamic Sitemap
Sitemaps and breadcrumbs (Sitemap Path) are implausible. For a dynamic site,
they can be critical, since search engines are traditionally agnostic to Query String driven
substance that is general for dynamic websites. A sitemap can assist search engines find
this content and index it fittingly, render breadcrumbs for users, and help users perceive
in one place everything you have to proffer them.

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Introduction of Web Development 31

Effects of SEO on Dynamic Sitemap Notes

A dynamic site map will for all time mirror the current site links. Therefore, there is
no necessitation to update your sitemap. Every time the sitemap is requested, the site
map is rebuilt to replicate the present site.
Refer our for Dynamic Sitemap.

Mod Rewrite
URL rewriting is a priceless tool for every webmaster – it permits you to seize
requests and rewrite them elsewhere. Mod rewrite is purely the Apache module that
encloses the rewrite engine – other servers will route URL rewriting in a different way.
Common uses include:
● Preventing hot linking to cease other sites pilfering your bandwidth:
“Pretty URLs” – replace /index.php?val=var&another=something&more=stuff
with /var/something/stuff.html
● Moving pages but keeping old links and search engine rankings
unharmed: And pretty much any other URL exploitation you can think of. See
the Examples menu for more.
● Rewrite Engine on: Rewrite Rule ^page/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page= $1 [L]
Let’s walk through that Rewrite Rule, and work out exactly what’s going on.
● ^page/: Sees whether the requested page begins with page/. If it doesn’t, this
rule will be ignored.
● ([^/.]+): Here, the enclosing brackets indicate that anything that is harmonized
will be memorized by the Rewrite Rule. Inside the brackets, it spells “I’d like
one or more characters that aren’t a forward slash or a period, please”.
Whatever is established here will be captured and remembered.
● /?$: Makes certain that the only thing that is established after what was just
matched is a promising forward slash, and nothing else. If anything else is
established, then this Rewrite Rule will be ignored.
● index.php?page=$1: The tangible page will be loaded by Apache. $1 is
magically replaced with the text which was captured beforehand.

Effects of SEO on Mod Rewrite

URL rewriting is an additional way to shore up anonymous session tracking. With
URL rewriting, all local URL the user might click on is dynamically modified, or rewritten.
After the URL rewriting, the URLs become welcoming to the search engines.

1.18 Further Readings

1. Web Technology – N.P. Goplan and J. Akilandeswari
2. Internet Technology and Web Design – ISRD Group
3. HTML and Web Designing – Kris Jamsa and Konrad King
4. Ajax for Beginners – Ivon Bayross and Sharanam Shah

1. Teach Yourself Web Technologies – Ivan Bayross – Reprint 2011, Second
2. Web Technology – Ramesh Bangia – Reprint 2008
Amity Directorate of Distance and Online Education
32 Web-Enabled Business Processes
3. HTML for Beginners – Firuza Aibava – Second Edition
4. Internet and Web Design – Ramesh Bangia, Firewall Media
5. Web Design – enkins, Wiley India
6. HTML and Web Designing – Kris Jama and Konrad King, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
7. Using HTML 4, XML and Java 1.2 – Eric Ladd and Jin O’ Donwell, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi
8. Web Technology and Design – C. Xavier, New Age International Publishers
9. Java Server Pages – Ivan Bayross, Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
10. Teach Yourself Web Technologies – Ivon Bayross , BPB Publications – 2002
11. Web Programming – Chris Bates, Wiley – Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.

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