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Verdi's opera Nabucco (= Nebuchadnezzar, set in Babylon) has a famous

Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves. Verdi was both unhistorical - yet inspired
in his choice of this title. For 'Hebrews' is a term which had probably
died out and ceased to be used by the period of the Babylonian exile,
and yet when it does appear within the OT it seems to hint at an
oppressed class - outside the normal structures of society.

References to Hebrews in the OT are surprisingly few:

1. One (probably late) reference in Jonah

2. Abram called a 'Hebrew' in Gen 14:13

3. Israelites called Hebrews during their sojourn in Egypt. See Book of

Exodus esp. ch. 1 & 2. Note also that Yahweh is called God of the
Hebrews in these chapters.

4. During the wars with the Philistines , in the early days of Saul, the
Israelites are described several times as 'Hebrews'. See I Sam 13-14.

5. In the law codes there are 2 points where Hebrew slaves are referred
to. (Exodus 21:1-6// Deut. 15:12-18). Jeremiah 34:8-22 (the freeing of
the Hebrew slaves ) also fits in here.

NB Hebrew and Israelite are not exact synonyms. See I Sam 14:21

How do the Biblical Hebrews relate to the Middle Eastern Habiru/Apiru,

who are referred to in extra biblical texts dating from 2000-1000 BC?


The revealed yet mysterious name of God. Yahweh. LXX 

Exodus 3:14
Exodus 33-34

Compare: Gen 32:29

Judges 13:18
Exodus 20:7
I Kings 20:13
Ezekiel 20
Leviticus 18 - 19.
*W.Zimmerli: OT Theology in Outline.p.17-21

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