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Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi

Name: Wilson Quendi

Date: 28/05/2016
Level: Second pre- intermediate
Parallel: E-T
Teacher: Verónica Coral
Dear teacher Veronica,
How are the things going? Sorry, I have not written for so long, but I've been busy with
college classes. However I have him a new news is that holiday I went to the city of
Sangolqui and met my grandparents for the first time.
This was a great surprise to me because he wanted to know once, but have not yet made.
In a weekend we decided to travel to Quito to spend some quality family time.
Once we were in Quito we visited several places and also met several churches was the
Basilica, San Francisco among others. Then we decided to visit my aunt and I traveled
to Sangolqui. Before reaching my aunt decided to check the park of the city but my
mother and my uncle decided to take me to meet my grandparents. For me it was a great
joy because after so many years it was known, came to a house and knocked the door
when suddenly there came a lady.
Such was the surprise for her that all he did was look at me at that moment. I did not
know who he was, but then I said she was my grandmother that was a big surprise and
all I did was mourn like my grandmother. We entered the house and then talked my
grandfather came to see me and the stay could not hold back tears.
The reason was that I'm just like my father. After a few hours of conversation we went,
but I expressed my grandparents to visit them on holidays. We visited my aunt and the
next day we returned to the city of Tulcán. With the satisfaction of having met my
Well, that´s all for now.
Teacher Verónica

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