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This work is dedicated to my

parents, because they were and
are the reason that allowed me
to enter the police training
school and, to this day, they
have not stopped supporting

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 What is exposed in this individual work is based on everything that

I have been able to experience and enjoy in my vacation week
that recognized us for all the effort given during our second
academic semester.

I will make known day by day what I lived in each one of them.

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 We get up like every day at 4:30 a.m. to carry out the cleaning and
calisthenics, with the service instructor, once finished, we went to the
bedrooms to shower and change, after that we proceed to line up in the
dining room patio, once the food was over, we went to the bedrooms to
do our activities and then to clean up our area of responsibility.

Later we formed to know the list of services during the whole week that
was going to be the holidays, luckily I was not on duty during those days,
we immediately made our way outside the school. When I got home I
went to buy a ticket for Chiclayo, my bus left at 4:30 in the afternoon, I
waited in the same place until it was time to travel, as the hours passed I
found some promotions from the school that They were also going to
travel to Chiclayo, we all had the same departure time.

The bus left at 4:30 in the afternoon, exact time, in the direction of
Chiclayo, we all traveled in the last seats, accompanying us throughout
the trip.

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 The trip lasted 16 hours, we arrived at the company terminal in Chiclayo
at 8:30 in the morning together with my promotions, we said goodbye
and everyone went home. I had a surprise, because I did not think that
my partner was going to welcome me in the terminal, then we went to
have breakfast and I stayed in a hotel, I showered and rested.

In the afternoon I went out to have lunch with my partner, a tasty mostrito
and its chilled chicha morada, finishing off we went for a walk as we used
to do every weekend and visit some recreational places in Chiclayo. We
returned home to have dinner with his parents and my sister-in-law,
grilled chicken, soda and chocolate cake for dessert. At night we had to
return to the hotel and rest.

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 I woke up very early, I took a bus to the whereabouts of Jayanca, to go to
my parents' house to visit them who live outside the city of Chiclayo, I
only found my mother and some of my brothers in my house, I told them I
was surprised by my arrival after a year since I saw her before entering
the school. My father was not there; he had traveled to the city of Lima to
visit my uncle Juan who lives there with his family.
I talked with my mother about how I had been doing all this time inside
the school, then we had coffee with bread and cheese for breakfast, we
did the activities of the day that is done in the field. When 1:00 p.m. We
had rice with chicken for lunch, their Russian salad and their purple girl
soda. Afternoon arrived, we went to visit a man named Antonio, who
does dislocations because I had a sprained arm.

At the end of the afternoon, he said goodbye to all my family and my

brother took me back to the bus terminal that travels to Chiclayo. I
arrived in Chiclayo and stayed at the same hotel as the day before. I had
to return the same day because it was raining hard, in order to travel to
Tarapoto on Thursday afternoon. At night we took a taxi to go to Mall
Aventura, there we had KFC chicken for dinner, when we were in the
food court it started to rain very hard, we left immediately, we took a car,
but we got off a few blocks before, we walked in the rain Until we got to
the hotel, even though we got all wet, it was a very fun experience that
will remain etched in our minds.


 In the morning, we got ready very early to share the few hours we had
left together, before returning to Tarapoto. When we got off the hotel we
enjoyed a delicious and pleasant breakfast, when we finished we went to
buy a chore and then went to the "Real Plaza" shopping center and other
stores in the city to buy some clothes.

At noon to close the vacation with the best, we walked to the "Elias
Aguirre" square, where the restaurant and cevichería "Fogón Norteño" is
located, there we had lunch a delicious mixed ceviche, rice with seafood,
accompanied by its very cold Inca kola We also took some photos for

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We left the restaurant and went to the agencies to ask for the exits, we
took a motorbike taxi to take us to the Ángel Divino agency terminal, we
bought the ticket and returned to my girlfriend's house where I dressed in
a suit to sign out. At the police station, I went back to see my girlfriend
and we were talking until 6:00 p.m., unfortunately due to the heavy rain
that day, she could no longer accompany me to take the bus, sadly we
said goodbye, she was looking at me from the door of her house raising
her hand with a goodbye and I from the car staring at her told her that
soon we would see each other again.

 We woke up on the bus that had stopped due to the mudslide, which occurred
at night in the place known as “El cuello”, so we had to wait until they managed
to clear the road. At 10 in the morning they just opened the road, the bus
proceeded to continue with its destination and around 12 it stopped in a district

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called Chamaya, to have lunch. After lunch he continued with his destination to
At 5 in the afternoon the bus stopped again, because there was a landslide 5
kilometers from reaching Pedro Ruiz, we had no choice but to wait until the next
day, so that they can open the road, I slept on the bus.

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 I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and I went down to look for breakfast, since there
were ladies selling juanes, after breakfast I went to see where the
mudslide had occurred, when I arrived at the place there were machines
that were working on the reconstruction of the road. I got back on the
bus, because it was too ugly to cross and I didn't want to take the risk
that something bad could happen to me.

At 4 in the afternoon they just opened the road and we arrived at

Tarapoto at 11 at night. I called a friend so that I could move to my room
because it was raining very hard and I went to my room, took a shower,
changed my clothes and went out to dinner. Later I returned to my room,
I watched a movie for a moment, then I rested because my day had been
very tiring.

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 My vacations were very pleasant in Chiclayo because I was able to share

wonderful moments with my partner and my parents, despite the fact that
on the return I had problems on the road to Tarapoto, due to the heavy
rains that were taking place as a consequence of the landslide that
disabled the road for few days. Thank you

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