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English Assignment

Story Telling About Experience

Nama : Nadya Rachmah Azizah

NIM : 21042012

Academic Year 2022/2023

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb,
Good Morning Mr. Henry.

Since elementary school I loved English, but I never learned seriously because I
didn’t had a teacher. And when I was in junior high school in Balikpapan, for the first
time I used the Ablo application to communicate with my friends who came from
abroad. And when I was in high school in Tenggarong, I had friends named Meylin
and Mila, they invited me to join the English Community at school, in a short time
my friends from abroad increased. But after I graduated from high school, I always
forgot every vocabulary I had learned and ignored every new invention I knew and I
regretted it for a long time. After that I went back to studying the materials that I got
during school and it was useful for me in the future, but it was not easy. I used to
crying, laughing, falling and getting up alone, because my parents have taught me to
be responsible with the choices I have chosen and be independent under any
circumstances and cry loudly when I feel tired to vent everything so I could found my
spirit again afterward.

So, I will retell my experience, and this is my experience using Ablo application. I
remember it, because it was my first experience.

Five years ago in 2017,

Kenta was my first friend from japan, he said this is second time he came to
Indonesia and when we met he was 19 years old with dumpling white skin, slanted
eyes and a very funny voice, he couldn't speak english, for 16 days he being in
Tenggarong, we spend a lot of time going where he wants, to Ladaya Park, Kumala
Island, Kayu Museum, Tenggarong Museum, and taking time to tell stories about
Anime, Japanese food, Japanese culture, how he got to Indonesia and his friend who
really likes Indonesian food with google translate and he told me he was very
impressed with Mila and he didn't like Meylin lol, he always told Meylin to stay away
from him but didn't allowed Mila to stay away, as a mediator between them I laughed
at Kenta's funny behavior, and the day before he returned to Japan, we chose to met
and relax under the Tenggarong Bridge but for 2 hours we waited, Mila didn’t came
because her mother was sick. After arriving at the hotel he cried and thanked us for
being able to met and be friends with us and he said he'd be back to Indonesia in a
few years.

And this is my second experience. Two years ago in 2020,

When I was on vacation with my family, my friend Marcus from Morocco came to
Indonesia and it surprised me. Because at that time he said he was going on vacation
with his friends to Sudan. He landed at 04.00 pm and we first met at Jakarta Airport,
my cousin was very surprised to saw him so tall and has exotic skin. He said, it was
an interesting experience because he flew alone from Morocco to Indonesia. After 10
days in Jakarta, my family and I returned to Balikpapan, and a few days later Marcus
visited Balikpapan. I took him to Merdeka Square and explored the food he wanted,
at 05.00 pm we went to Melawai, to saw the sunset, he said he was very curious about
Nasi Kuning because he often saw it on Youtube. So the next day, I took Marcus to
eat Nasi Kuning on the side of the road near the hotel, he also said the lady selling
Nasi Kuning was very funny because her front teeth were made of gold lol and I
laughed at the joke. The next day, after spending 14 days in Indonesia, to be exact 7
days in Jakarta and 7 days in Balikpapan, Marcus returned to Morocco. Before my
brother and I took him to the airport and said goodbye, we gave him Amplang, Abon,
Apollo and a black T-shirt I Love Indonesia.

Of course this experience was a very extraordinary big surprise for me, I didn't expect
my dream of having friends from abroad actually come true.

Thank You,
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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