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Work with Computing Systems 2004. H.M. Khalid, M.G. Helander, A.W. Yeo (Editors) .

Kuala Lumpur: Damai Sciences. 849

Collision Free Multi Agents (Crowd) Motion Planning in

Complex Virtual System

Muhammad Shafie Abdul Latiff a, and Setyawan Widyarto b

Faculty of Computer Science and Information System, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Lampung, Indonesia.

Abstract. This paper covers the definition of Virtual Environments (VEs) and the issues of Collective
Behavior in complex virtual environment. We present a systems architecture to deal with a complex
VEs. The architecture of crowd system allows behavior of the group and coordination among them to
avoid collision. One result of this study is maximum dispersion or total dispersion. The dispersion
ensures that the path taken for every agent from the same start and the destination location is distinct
from one another. We use SNA* (Synchronous Near-Admissible A*) algorithm to generate the paths
that are no longer tend toward admissibility.

Keywords. Group behavior, Multi agents, Synthetic construction, Complex virtual system.

1. Introduction of virtual reality as the generation by computer software of an

image or environment that appears real to the senses. Virtual
Complex virtual environment may be defined as a huge reality is also known by various terms: virtual environments
representation of real world. It may consist of three main (Barfield, 1995), artificial reality (Foley, 1987; Krueger,
components i.e. space, crowd and movement. Space comprises 1991), spatial immersion (Kalawsky, 1998), etc. It would
a number of cities, alternative roads, tunnels and multi-layer seem that each researcher on the subject identifies with a
planar. Moreover, crowd is an animated character in the form particular term, or even proposes a new term, that will best
of batches or represents a group of people that move around in describe or represent their own views of virtual reality.
virtual environment. Furthermore movement is the ability for Therefore, it is clearly confirmed that there is always a
the crowd to move in 3 dimensional mod, i.e. the animated difference between physical, virtual environment and virtual
characters is not only to move forward and backward, but be reality.
able to move up and down. This paper may simply define VEs as a representation
In many cases in real world, this complex environment of actual world in three dimensional graphical world. We are
is not well thought-out at the stage of designing and rather to use Virtual Environment instead of Virtual Reality.
restructuring. This will results with the congestion, traffic and The property of sensory-immersing is not yet applied.
even casualties. For examples, people going out from a However, the object in VEs can be positioned, oriented and
football stadium at the end of the match, people rushing out scaled using direct and indirect manipulation techniques.
from a railway or LRT (Light Rail Transit) station at the time This paper is organized in such a way that after the
of peak hour and the performance of ritual Hajj (one of the description of problem overview in the following section, we
Muslim’s sacred activity). Virtual environment is one of the will introduce the overall system architecture for the solution
possible solutions in term of simulating the environment and of the problem. The literature reviews is included in every
proposing a better solution at the phase of designing and section while describing on every parts of the system
planning of town, building and path. architecture. Finally we conclude the paper.
Motion planning on the other hand involves some
planning or scheduling activities. We are concentrating 2. Problem Overview
activities as a movement of crowd to achieve same objective.
For example “moving out” is an objective for peoples to In this paper we present the on-going research results
collectively move, “reaching a certain and several destination” concerning development of the crowd simulation for complex
is an objective for the Muslim in order to complete their Hajj virtual environments. The simulation is aimed to reproduce
duties. This paper refers motion planning as a condition of realistic scenarios involving large number of the virtual human
breaking a crowd into several groups (up to three group at this agents. This large number of agents is purposely to break into
stage), looking the alternative path, scheduling the movement a smaller group and this small group will coordinate among
at the appropriate time and controlling traffic flow at the them self as well as among the other group. Coordination will
limited number of path. involve motion planning specifically scheduling the
There are some accepted definitions of virtual reality. movement and controlling traffic flow. This paper will
The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus (1993) gives meanings propose system architecture of the overall problem and apply
Work with Computing Systems 2004. H.M. Khalid, M.G. Helander, A.W. Yeo (Editors) . Kuala Lumpur: Damai Sciences. 850

Ritual Hajj and Umrah as a case study. been studied in detail. Path planning, motion planning, path
finding and shortest path are typical terms related to the
3. The proposal of System Architecture research area in the field of computer animation (especially in
computer games), computer networks and robotics. In the field
We base our solution by proposing the complete system of computer animation or virtual reality, path planning is one
architecture. Figure 1 shows the overall solution for Motion of the important aspects of the interaction between an
Planning of Multi-Agents or Crowd in a Complex Virtual autonomous agent and its environment.
Environment. Kallmann et al. (2003) collect new techniques based on
probabilistic motion planning for controlling human-like
articulated characters. The techniques have succeeded to
synthesize valid, collision-free grasping motions while taking
into account several human-related issues. The techniques
mainly concentrate on the reaching phase problem, i.e., how to
compute a valid collision-free motion between two postures.
The method operates on 22 DOFs of an abstract control layer,
mapped to the actual DOFs of the over 70characters. Yet the
techniques presented therein has not arrived at multi agents
motion planning in complex virtual system rather trajectory
planning in complex environment.
In our project, path planning for multi agent is a model
of a crowd in complex environment. It is assumed that a
crowd is similar with a vector field. A crowd is a group of
agents that consists of more than two agents. Complex refers
to more than two crowds. In general, a moving agent is
represented by a vector. The configuration of a vector field on
an open set in Rn is classically defined as a function:
X:O ⎯
⎯→ Rn

In component form, the function X is given by:

X (x) = (X1(x), … , Xn(x))

The proposed scenario of collision free multi agents

motion planning starts by first breaking a given crowd into
smaller groups, as illustrated in Figure 2. The crowd is
represented by water. The water may be flowing and/or facing
an obstruction. On the contrary the water may be stable and
disrupted by an invader. Both cases cause the water splashed
giving an ideas of crowd dispersion.

Figure 1. An overall system architecture

for motion planning of multi-agents or crowd in a complex
virtual environment.

In the first part, the crowd from the large is splashed

Figure 2. The ideas of hierarchical crowd decomposition
into a several smaller groups. In the second part, the virtual
environment with several paths to a several destinations is
However, the splash water will go disorderly and
constructed. In the third part, schedule and control the
unpredictable. The research is aimed to synchronize a looked
movement of the crowd are applied.
like splash water condition in term of flow rate, direction and
interval time. This method would be termed as hierarchical
4. Hierarchical Crowd Decomposition
crowd decomposition.
The splashing of the multi-agents (crowd) uses an
4.1. Path planning and co-ordination of multi agents
extension of the A* algorithm. Whereas, collective behavior
Path planning may be defined as a path taken by animated
based on the co-ordination of multi-agent is included in the
character or robot (in the field of robotics) from source to
path planning process. The behavior is related to the
destination that was derived from certain calculations or more
movement co-ordination between two or more synthetic actors
specifically an algorithm. The computational complexity of
or agents in a Virtual Environment.
some basic formulations of the path planning problem has
Work with Computing Systems 2004. H.M. Khalid, M.G. Helander, A.W. Yeo (Editors) . Kuala Lumpur: Damai Sciences. 851

The first coordination of the collective behavior control be following the predecessor pilgrim otherwise they will
is dispersion amongst the smaller groups that have been collide. The collision may be avoided by changing direction.
splashed. Their each path is not allowed to collide each other. Therefore, without changing direction Equation 2 must apply
To get them, we use maximum dispersion behavior. The on some time scale τ,
maximum or total dispersion in path planning ensures that the
path taken for every agent from the same start and the dvi (t ) vi +1 (t ) − vi (t )
destination location is distinct from one another. However, we = Equation 1
want to specifically address multi-agent communication and dt τ
co-ordination through the use of near-admissible search
algorithms in path planning. The development of more natural motion will be described in
The basic idea behind co-ordinated path planning is to Section 4.2.
use a variant of A*ε for each agent taking part in the process.
The various A* algorithms will be synchronized according to a
measure of collective behavior, for instance maximum
dispersion of the artificial actors. In other words, each agent
uses its own A*ε for path planning but the secondary heuristic
used to select the best candidate node in FOCAL is based on a
measure of the global behavior of the group of agents. For
instance, in our experiments we used as a global criterion the
maximum dispersion of agents in the environment.
Motivation from the result of maximum dispersion for
three agents (Abd.Latiff and Cavazza, 2000), we are going to
use Synchronous Near-Admissible A* or SNA* as motion
planning algorithm. However, the number of alternative paths
does not have to match the number of agents. Splitting a large
group of agents into three smaller groups taking different
routes can be sufficient for many applications. This dispersion
behavior is incorporated into a path planning algorithm using
secondary heuristic (Figure 3).

Figure 4. Agent following motion

Musse et al. (1998) have described a model for the

creation of a behavior is based on inter-groups relationships
and collision detection analysis.

4.2. Modeling approach of group behavior

Behavior in groups of a system may be described at three
levels: the individual agent, relationships among individual
agents and collective structure of a group. Each level has its
own complexity and emergent phenomena. Collective
behaviors have been studied and modeled with very different
purposes. Besides single work concerned with generic crowd
simulation (Musse, 2000), most approaches were application
specific, focusing on different aspects of the crowd behavior.
The behavior in groups of a system can be controlled by
Figure 3. Path planning with SNA* two different ways: The first one is known as an autonomous
control where the user determine the interest goals and actions
The second proposed coordination of the collective in function of the simulation environment to generate path or
behavior control is planning the flow rate, path capacity and motion planning and the agents will behave accordingly to this
scheduling to avoid dead lock or collision. The coordination is definitions, avoiding collision with the other agents and
simple for single lane and agent following motion but it will obstacles. The second controlling way represents a group of
be complicated when attraction and repulsion are involved. agents which can be scheduled and directed by a user, an
Therefore, some assumptions are needed. operator, an avatar and etc.
Agent following theories are based on the assumption Musse (1997, 1998) have developed the Virtual Crowd
that the motion of agent I+1 is governed exclusively by the model to simulate crowds with different types of control:
motion of the preceding agent i. To avoid collision, the programmed (pre-defined behaviors using a script language),
motions of all agents have an equal velocity. Illustration of autonomous (rule-based behaviors) and guided (interactive
equal velocity motion can be seen in Figure 4. A pilgrim must control) depending on the goal of the simulation.
Work with Computing Systems 2004. H.M. Khalid, M.G. Helander, A.W. Yeo (Editors) . Kuala Lumpur: Damai Sciences. 852

Schweiss (1999) combined the control of human agents (i.e. before deadlock) to avoid another agent j (i.e. to keep a
performing “intelligent actions” (guided by a Rule-Based certain distance). However the agent j has both an attractive
Behavior System – RBBS) with the management of effect and repulsive effects which can be described by
autonomous crowds which perform pre-programmed actions. r a uurr
In the guided control, the Crowd client handles the quantities f ij , fij respectively. They are a measure for
information about IP (interest points) and AP (action points) direction and strength of psychic motivation of i to approach
that can be specified during the simulation or avoid j and they are not forces yet. The simulation of
Crowd simulation for interactive virtual environments Helbing Model as shown in Figure 5.
with application as a training system for urban emergency In our previous model, a FOCAL is used for term for a
situations (Ulicny, 2001) define architecture of multi-agent set of nodes as discussed in section 3.1 above. Regarding to
system allowing both scripted and autonomous behaviors of extend our model, FOCAL will be a counterpart of wall.
the agents as well as their interactions with the virtual
environment and immersed users.
The background motivation for our model is the fact
that in group structure, a different person can behave (in VEs
term: an agent can act) in different ways causing complicated
crowd behavior. For instance, a person who probably suddenly
stops walking will interfere the crowd dynamics as a whole.
Furthermore, the incident may threat the comfort and safety of
the agent itself or the whole group. Situations like those
motivated our work, in order to propose a scenario where a
determined agent reacts only as individual leader in a group.
The initial contribution of our work is to allow the
model to deal with different agent behaviors emerged as a Figure 5. An image of Helbing´s simulation model.
function of the leading agent. The other main aspect in this
model is the possibility of grouping people. In this case,
agents are able to form groups which cause them to merge or 5. Synthetic Construction (SC) Method – A Case Study of
dispatch amongst existing groups as a function of the safety or Modeling the Ritual Hajj and Umrah
The traditional approach to predicting the crowd motion Virtual Reality and its application in industry must be easy to
models the crowd as if it were a continuous homogeneous use, have intuitive interactions, and present information in
mass that behaves like a fluid flowing along a pipe. The high quality assessment of the application. Applications
traditional approach assumes that the crowd is made up of include crowd simulation for interactive virtual environments
identical agents. In fact, the diverse behavior of an agent as a with application as a training system for urban emergency
part of a group can drastically change the way in which the situations (Ulicny, 2001), animation used in entertainment
crowd as a whole behaves. Helbing (1996; 2000) was able to industry (Bashforth 2001), crowd behavior models used in
model the collective phenomenon of escape panic in the frame training of military personnel (Varner, 1998) or policemen
of possessing self-reaction. The model assumes a mixture of (Patten, 1999), crowd motion simulations to support
socio-psychological and physical forces influencing the architectural design both for everyday use (Bouvier, 1996).
behavior in, say a crowd in matrices I, with Ni agents where The VR applications involve some type of collaboration. This
each agent of i has mass mi, with vector certain desired speed collaboration would take the form of shared design spaces
v i0 and direction e i0 and therefore tends to correspondingly such as virtual reality training system for urban emergency
situations. Two of the key problems in the development of
adapt its velocity v i , within a certain characteristic time τi . At shared virtual environments are real-time and concurrency
the same time, it tries to keep a velocity-dependent distance control. Therefore, Methods in Synthetic Construction by the
from other agent j and FOCAL (walls) W in order to avoid process of constructing intelligent virtual environments will be
neither collision nor deadlock. This effort of collision free also included in the next research.
motion can be modeled by ‘interaction force’ fij and fiW , Methods in Synthetic Construction (SC) proposes the
process of both immersive and realtime constructing
respectively. Derivation of velocity in time t results the intelligent virtual environments. The proposed SC method of
acceleration equation the virtual environment passes through several main phases.
The first phase is tracking and mapping and it may be a
dvi v 0 ( t ) e 0i ( t ) - v i ( t ) Equation 2
= mi i
+ ∑f ij + ∑f iW
digitized surface of satellite images or a synthetic
j( ≠ i) W construction, Figure 6. Position tracking and mapping of the
human movement and environments is a basic requirement
Meanwhile, the velocity is resulted from the that permeates virtual environment (VE) systems.
derivation of position ri (t ) in time t, v i (t ) = . In order
to get a collision free motion, an agent i decides at time t i
Work with Computing Systems 2004. H.M. Khalid, M.G. Helander, A.W. Yeo (Editors) . Kuala Lumpur: Damai Sciences. 853

memory. The same things can be also applied in virtual


Figure 7. The modelling of the environment [Courtesy:]

6. Conclusion
Figure 6. A satellite image [Courtesy:]
This paper has come out with an overall system architecture
for motion planning of multi-agents or crowd in a complex
The second phase is the modeling of the environment virtual environment. There are three parts of architecture
(see Figure 7). To model the environment, a collection of involve in this problem solution. The first part is how to
scene descriptions (if possible from a different transcription manage the crowd from the large into a several smaller
angle) is needed. The model would be simplified from images groups. The second part is how to construct the virtual
of the real world or creation using CAD models. This phase environment with several paths to a several destinations.
has not a Virtualized Reality yet (Kanade, 1997). However, Finally, the third part is how to plan, schedule and control the
constructing fine details and preserving the visible detail of the movement of the crowd. We are proposing the overall system
real-world images may be needed in relation with generating architecture as shown in Figure 1 section 3.
specific nodes.
The third phase is that rendering the simplified point. 7. References
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