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European Socialist Movements of the Late 19th Century

1. What was the First Internationale? From whom did it get its principles? What
types of political groups participated in it? What impact did the First
Internationale have on European socialism? (4)
2. Describe the early Labour Party in Britain. (2)
3. What was the Fabian Society and what did it believe? (2)
4. List the efforts of 3 prime ministers to deal with political demands of the working
class. (3)
5. What conflicts arose in Parliament during this time? (1)
6. What were the beliefs of Jaures and Guesde? (2)
7. What is opportunism? (1)
8. How did French unions behave politically? (1)
9. What did Georges Sorel promote in Reflections on Violence? (2)
10. Describe the SDP in Germany. (2)
11. How did Bismarck respond to the pressures introduced by the SDP? (2)
12. What was the Erfurt Program and what did it call for? (2)
13. What was Revisionism, and who was its chief proponent? Why did it claim that
traditional Marxism was wrong? (3)

Russian Socialism (11)

Define or describe these terms:
1. Sergei Witte
2. Industrialization attempts in Russia
3. kulaks
4. zemstvos
5. Vladimir Lenin
6. What Is to Be Done?
7. Bolsheviks
8. Mensheviks
9. Revolution of 1905
10. Duma

Explain Lenin’s theory on how Marxism would work in Russia, a largely agricultural

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