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Learning Log 2

Games and Ethical Issues

While watching this video, I kept thinking that the speaker had an incredibly optimistic

outlook on the future and how technology will impact education. This article intrigued me

because it dealt with augmented reality instead of just a point and click game. The attention-

grabbing aspect of Augmented reality for me is the opportunities for exploration that it opens up

in the classroom. However, the speaker does not speak on whether or not it will be practical for

all types of people and how accessible it will be. I can easily see this being used as a time waster

for some classrooms, but that voice in the back of my head still screams for the possibilities.

Having this extremely up-to-date technology in the classroom might cause students to

develop a dependence on it or it might just cause them to be distracted. As it is with games in the

classroom, it would be up to the teacher to be vigilant in making sure the potential does not go to

waste. I agree with the speaker that this will someday be our worlds future, but I disagree with

the timeframe that he has given. The possibilities are awe-inspiring but that cannot blind us to

the fact that technology in the classroom must serve a purpose. Once this technology is available

enough for teachers and school to have it, we would need to have many guidelines in place to

make sure the students do not misuse it. I think the next step would be to have professional

developments where teachers could have open access to this augmented reality technology so

they can gain a better understanding of how to effectively use it to teach concepts and lessons.
Works Cited

TEDxTalks. (2017, April 19). How Augmented Reality Will Change Education Completely | Florian

Radke | TEDxGateway. Retrieved August 31, 2020, from


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