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Summary Points

Poi Main Supportin

No. nt Idea g
cocoa beans as a form of
1 money

the explorer Cortez was the first person to

2 bring
chocolate to Europe
presented it to the Spanish Royal Court in
3 Madrid

Coenrad van Houten, (who was Dutch) first person

4 to
extract the cocoa butter from cocoa bean (in
the 1827.)
5 Joseph Fry, (who lived in England), mixed the cocoa
butter with other ingredients oli
to make a d
chocolate bar.
Daniel Peter, (who was a confectioner in
6 Switzerland),
invented milk
7 Henri NestlÈ developed the process

cocoa tree originally comes from the Amazon

8 rainforests

Brazil, West Africa and Ecuador produce (most of

9 the)
1.5 million-tonne
world cocoa crop.
Mexicans put chocolate in savoury
10 dishes

It takes all the beans from one cocoa tree to make

11 500g
of chocolate.

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