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A painful swelling of the soft tissue of the mouth and face resulting from a diffuse spreading of purulent

exudate along the fascial planes that separate the muscle- CELLULITIS

Abscess ruptures to produce a draining_______ sinus tract

•Considered an acute state- CELLULITIS

is a an area that exists potentially between muscles until the fascia becomes separated by pus, blood,
drains or the surgeons fingers or instruments- FASCIAL SPACE

Well defined localized borders- ABSCESS

A drainage pathway or abnormal communication between two epithelium lined surfaces due to
destruction of the intervening tissue- FISTULA

limited action on anaerobic- CEPHALOSPORINS

Represents a state of spreading infection- CELLULITIS

broad spectrum, less effective than penicillin- ERYTHROMYCIN

effective only against anaerobes- METRONIDAZOLE

established osteomyelitis- QUINOLONES

Considered a chronic state- ABSCESS

Fluctuant to palpation- ABSCESS

Pus accumulation in tissues- ABSCESS

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