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By: Ayesha Waheed & Mehr un Nisa
Edited by: Altaf Hussain Wani
Aug 6th, 2020


The seminar titled “Changing the Demographics of Indian Occupied Kashmir-Understanding the
New Domicile Law”, was organized by Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR), held at
National Press Club. Altaf Hussain Wani, the Chairman of KIIR, welcomed all the participants and
honorable speakers. The panel of speakers included the renowned names from the National and
International political domain. Ahmad Qureshi Executive Director YFK, Farooq Rehmani, Senior
Leader APHC, Yousaf Naseem Senior Leader APHC, Ambassador ® Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry DG
ISSI, Rafiq Ahmed Dar Leader APHC, Ambassador ® Ishtiaq Andrabi, Syed Mohammad Ali Senior
Research Fellow IPI, Bilal Ahmer Soofi Former Minister of Law & Justice, Parliamentary & Human
Rights, Justice ® Shah Khawar, Mushtaq Muhammad Khateeb Convener APHC attended the
seminar as honorable speakers.

Welcome & Introductory Remarks by Altaf Hussain Wani Chairman KIIR

After a humble recitation of the Quran by Sheikh Abdul Mateen Sahab, Altaf Hussain Wani,
Chairman KIIR, officially opened the house for the discussion. He encouraged and requested all
the speakers to formulate the
suggestions and proposals,
which could be helpful to
generate solutions and way
forward for Kashmir. He
proposed to the Prime Minister
of Pakistan, Imran Khan, to
formulate the National Action
Program, for the purposefully uniting the political parties of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and
Pakistan. He suggested that we should submit an FIR against Modi, the commander of Indian
security forces, who are violating human rights in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

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Aug 6th, 2020

Ahmad Qureshi, Executive Director YFK, emphasized on improving the ways of lobbying
through which Pakistani and Kashmiri youth could
confront the Indian policies which are absolutely
demolishing the idea of self-determination in Indian
occupied Kashmir. He discussed the changing
dilemma of diplomacy in both India and Pakistan.
The international community and media has
recognized the human rights violation in Indian occupied Kashmir, thus the condemnation of India
has been increased rapidly, which could be evident as the success of Kashmiri people. Moreover,
his idea was to educate our youth academically so we could fight for the freedom of Kashmir, on
international forums by using every possible political, social, cultural, humanitarian and economic
aspects and struggles of Indian occupied Kashmir. He said that we need to improve our ways to
critique the so-called Democratic Republic of India. The two internationally recognized Human
rights reports by the UN in 2018 and 2019, are evidence that the Kashmir issue is a global issue,
as it is the deadliest ongoing conflict on the earth in terms of Human Rights Violation. He also
expressed that International relations do not remain the same. Indian diplomacy, which was
known to be the best in the international arena, is now being criticized worldwide from the past
four years, due to the Human rights violation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Farooq Rehmani, Convener APHC, truly depicted the essence of the Kashmiri struggle. He
emphasized on resolving the Kashmiri
issue by skeptically analyzing the strategic
flaws of Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said
that international great powers must
condemn India on violating human rights
in IOK rather than considering Kashmir
dispute as internal affairs. He declared India as A NEW ISRAEL. India under the autocratic rule
of Modi Sarkar is not threatening Pakistan or its immediate neighbors, but it seems to be a global

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Yousaf Naseem, Senior Leader APHC, explained the Modi doctrine “Hindutva” as the
alleged brutal frame to violate human rights
deliberately. He expressed how Modi made
BJP and his government so powerful that they
had amended the foremost important
protection laws of the Indian constitution
regarding Kashmir. It’s been a year since the
Indian government abrogated and manipulated
Article 370 and 35 A of the Indian constitution,
thus making Indian occupied Kashmir a JAIL.

Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI, appreciated both the national and
international political forums that have
raised awareness and their cumulative
voice that have condemned Indian
autocratic policies regarding Indian
occupied Kashmir. He said that now it is
the need for urgency. We need to raise
our concerns. We need to expose India
on a global level. He declared RSS as a
terrorist organization. Modi’s extremist policies are also being criticized by their own people.
Indian people deliberately are declaring the human rights violation in IOK as a Genocide. India is
in an apologetic state because its government is working on autocratic policies instead of its
secular democratic status. It's high time that India should be felt isolated in the region, as it had
already disturbed all of its neighbors. So we should cumulatively join hands against the human
rights violations in IOK. He also appreciated the step of changing the geographical interpretation
of the map of Pakistan.

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Rafiq Dar, Leader APHC, revealed that contemporarily, India’s attitude is activist in nature.
We should grab this opportunity to expose
India. Indeed India had made a move of
amending the new domicile law to disintegrate
Indian occupied Kashmir. He suggested that we
should introduce the peculiar step to integrate
that to Azad Kashmir. He indicated that we
should recall the Kashmir issue out of
bilateralism, as India had demolished the
bilateral agreements between Pakistan and India, then why are we holding up to this matter. Even
we should not involve in such bilateral dialogues too. Additionally, he also considered the Human
Rights Commission reports of no use because the perpetrators are still out of jail and they had
not mentioned any structural laws, suggestions and amendments.

Ambassador ® Ishtiaq Andrabi explained that Kashmir should get freedom from India. We
should use social media forums to raise our
voice against the brutal policies of India. He
focused on educating people about creating
narratives and slogans that would be helpful to
expose extremist India. He explained the
power of phrases and slogans. Furthermore,
he also made a historical comparison between
Israel to India and Palestine to Kashmir.

Syed Mohammad Ali, Senior Research Fellow IPI, defined that Kashmir dispute is not
restricted to geographical, political or Human Rights Violation but it is contemporarily a matter
of hybrid warfare. The international community should recognize this aspect. We are living in the
global era thus each and every person has the right to connect and speak, so there is a dire need
to raise voice for the freedom of Kashmir on an individual as well as cumulative level. He
suggested that there should be equal distribution of power among the houses of Azad Jammu &
Kashmir assembly. Instead of just protesting and condemnation, there should be a proper
comprehensive united forum for policy-making based on the Kashmir issue. He also

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recommended that there should be an appointment of a special envoy on Kashmir, who would
be constantly dedicated to engaging Kashmir to the International community. He also proposed
that there should be a whole dedicated team
who will establish a place where all of the laws,
constitutions, UN resolutions and
international community’s statements and
concerns regarding Indian occupied Kashmir,
would be accurately combined to form
policies and it should be available on Foreign
ministry webpage as a database. He conveyed that there should be structured and frequent
meetings on such Kashmir representative forums. Every person should participate in local
journalism to spread awareness regarding the Kashmir dispute. He also proposed that Kashmiri
diaspora should write letters and raise voice against the human rights violation on their local
forums in front of their councils. In addition to this, he said that the rapidly increasing defense
budget of India, their extremist Hindutva policy and their adherence to nuclear power, is a threat
to the world, so the world should keep an eye on India’s moves. He declared that violence in an
instrument of Indian policy. He said that we should spread the narrative of declaring RSS, BJP and
Bajrang dal as terrorist organizations.

Bilal Ahmad Soofi, Former Minister of Law & Justice Parliamentary & Human Rights,
encouraged the question answers
session from the participants. He
cleared their queries efficiently and
accurately. He suggested that we should
not only use the abrogation of article 35
A and article 370 of Indian constitution
by the Indian government of 5th August
2019, to legally condemn the Indian
government on the international level, but we should take the consideration of other serious
legalities too. We should challenge the demographic change of IOK by amending article 35 A
unilaterally. Though India used article 35 A as an instrument of annexation in Indian occupied

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Aug 6th, 2020

Kashmir it should be dealt with distinctively to article 370. We could use the social media forum
to expose the perpetrators, and while doing so, when these types of videos which are created
by the registered government-sponsored organizations, are removed by these international
forums like youtube, we could condemn Indian actions on international levels. He also proposed
to analyze the specific boundaries of IOK, in which the plebiscite by the UN could be done.
Moreover, he emphasized the importance of Kashmiri’s right of self-determination to increase
momentum across the world.

Mushtaq Muhammad Khateeb, Convener APHC, explained the factual historical aspect of
Indian Occupied Kashmir. He described how
the geographical and political changes erupted
in IOK. He suggested that each and every
person who has the power to speak should be
responsible to raise voice against the Indian
atrocities. Both national and international
NGOs, Human Rights organizations and
government institutions should speak for the right of self-determination of Kashmiris. He spoke
against the unilateral action of the Indian government to revoke the special status of Kashmir. He
requested that the Organization of Islamic Conference should listen to these voices of the
Kashmiris. He said that instead of Pakistan’s blacklisting in FATF, India should be on that list
because of the destructive and extremist policies of Modi’s government, from the incident of
exterminating Muslims from Gujrat to IOK. He threw some light on the demolishing of the Babri
Masjid by Modi sarkar and converting it into Ram mandir, definitely showing brutal and fascist
policies of India.

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Aug 6th, 2020

Justice ® ShahKhawar emphasized that these suggestions given by the well-known speakers
should lead to practical implementation. He
encouraged the raising voices in the favour of
Kashmir across the world. He said that these
united voices would surely break the silence
of the international community. Furthermore,
he suggested that these raising voices should
not be confined to one day only, but we need
to constantly enchant the slogan of freedom
to support the Kashmiri cause. He expressed sorrowfully that even Muslim countries mainly OIC
have remained silent on this issue. Despite the Indian atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir,
Muslim states have made diplomatic, social and economic relations with India for their self-
interest. It is the urgent proposal that the Prime Minister of Pakistan needs to join hands with the
representatives of permanent members of the Security Council on one line agenda, ‘Kashmir’.
The foreign minister of Pakistan needs to visit important states individually to brief the situation
of human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He also proposed the appointment of a
special envoy on Kashmir.

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Aug 6th, 2020

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