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Affirmations that support your 1st chakra: I have a right to be here.

 I am
safe. I love my body and trust its wisdom. I live a life of abundance. I choose
to be here in this body in this lifetime. I love my life. I am meaningfully
connected to my family. I draw on my family for love and support. I honor
my connections to my tribe and transcend them. I have plenty of money
now. I nurture my connection with nature

To heal wounds of your 1st chakra: Get hugged or held. Create good

bedding to you feel safe and comfortable as you sleep. Garden. Cook. Take
a walk. Go barefoot. Have a picnic. Physical exercise. Lots of touch,
massage. Reconnect with your body. Look at your earliest childhood
relationship to your mother. Eat meat, proteins, red fruits and red
vegetables. Resolve old family conflicts. Get out of survival mode and feel

Affirmations: I have a right to enjoy pleasure. I accept and celebrate my

sexuality. I deserve to have fun. I feel comfortable as a man/woman. My
sexuality is sacred. My life is pleasurable. I am flexible and go with the flow
in life. I nurture and support all my relationships. I let go of all past
emotional traumas. I am creative.

To heal wounds of your 2nd chakra: Give or receive massage. Take a bath.

Work with your hands. Swim. Sit in a rocking chair. Clean your house. Feel
music. Inner child work. Allow your hips to sway when walking.

Affirmations: I honor who I am and who I have a right to be. It is safe for me
to feel my feelings. I can do whatever I will to do. I take pride in my work. I
keep my word. I respect myself. I know who I am. I can say no when I need

To heal wounds of your 3rd chakra: Protect your solar plexus by imagining

a screen in front of it. Visualize energy coming from the crown of your head
and pushing out from your 3rd chakra like water pouring out of a fire
hydrant. Express your anger in appropriate ways, punch a pillow, roll up
the windows of your car and yell. Ask yourself how you are really
feeling. Take risks. Deep relaxation, stress management. Martial arts. Learn
to say no. Develop your willpower. Eat yellow fruits and vegetables. Balance
your blood sugar.
Affirmations: I love myself unconditionally. I am able to give and receive
love. I balance giving and receiving in my life. I deserve to be loved. There is
an infinite supply of love in my life. I am the place that love flows through. I
am loving to myself and others. I love what I do. I am surrounded by love
and support.

To heal wounds of your 4th chakra: Carry your own baby picture. Write
yourself a love letter. Eat green fruits and vegetables. Create a spiritual
family of friends who really love you. Say I am sorry to someone you need
to Adopt an animal from the pet rescue. Write a gratitude list. Work with
your arms. Hug and be hugged. Forgive yourself and
others. Journal. Breathing exercises. Do what you love to do.

Affirmations: I speak my truth with love and grace. I express myself

clearly. I listen with my whole heart. I allow my thoughts to flow. I speak
from my heart.

To heal wounds of your 5th chakra: Play a musical instrument. Write letters

that you later burn and release to the universe. Practice silence. Listen to
music. Sing, chant, tone. Tell stories. Write in a journal. Laugh. Express who
you really are. Eat blue fruits.

Affirmations: It is safe for me to see the truth. My life evolves with clarity. I
honor my psychic vision. I can manifest my vision. I am open to the wisdom
within. I imagine wonderful things for my life. I like what I see.

To heal wounds of your 6th chakra: Get enough natural sunlight. Purchase

a light therapy box. Meditate/Create visual art – paint, draw. Visit art
galleries. Look at beautiful scenery. Climb to the top of a mountain and
enjoy the view. Always look your best. Get a makeover. Surround yourself
with beauty. Use full spectrum light-bulbs. Garden.

Affirmations: I honor the divinity within me. I am connected to God and all
that is. I am guided by my higher power. I am guided by a higher wisdom. I
honor my knowing. I follow my inner guidance. Information I need comes
to me whenever I need it. I am a soul with a physical body. I am passionate
about my life. I do the best I can. I am open to new learning. I accept all
parts of myself. I accept everything that happens in my life as a blessing
from God. I know and experience that I am blessed by God.
To heal wounds of your 7th chakra: Read spiritual literature. Attend
church, synagogue, or meditate regularly. Wear white clothing. Connect
your body, mind, and spirit. Pray. Attend programs of learning and
study. Listen to the silence. Use “cancel that” for any negativity. Practice
watching your thoughts. Talk to God. Rest one day a week.

By Catherine Carrigan

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