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Method statement is submitted by the contractor to the consultant at the beginning of the project

for approval. It can also be submitted before the contractor start the work on site. Method
statement describes the construction methodology for the work.The method statement
encompasses the following:

1. purpose

2. scope

3. references

4. definitions

5. responsibilities

6. equipment / resources

7. safety

8. procedure

9. Bar Chart

Programme shows the logical sequence for the work as defined in the method statement.

please be reminded that the method statment is the the cotractor detailed method of construction
ad it will show the cotractor procedures in doig the works and it will show the purpose , the
matrials,the equipmets, the methods and sequace of construction,testing , safety measures.

the construction program should be submitted i compliance with  clause 14 of the general condito of
contract and has also to comply with other cotract requirements it show the logic,sequace
,quantiiyies, duration,resources,production rate,the relation between the activities,the eterface
betwee the main parts of the projecct for example iterfane between utilities ad structure ad the
utilities ad roads and roads and structure.

it should be sufecintly detailed program to the satisfation of the egineer ad the cliet.

In layman term, 

Method statement -  HOW the work to be done

Construction program - WHEN the work to be done

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