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Yardistic International College

Business Research Methodology

Mock Exam
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Instructor: Temesgen Dagne (Ph.D.)
Section I: Multiple-choice questions (20%). Read the following questions and encircle the
letter of your best answer.
1. Which one of the following is correct about the Focus Group (FG)?
A. FG is recommended to be led by a trained moderator
B. The moderator uses group dynamics principles to focus or guide the group
C. FG is good for exploratory research
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
2. In conducting a research, it is important to evaluate the research problem in the light of the
following except:
A. The financial resources at our disposal,
B. The time available to conduct the research
C. The expertise and knowledge the researcher has
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
3. Of the following one is different?
A. Cluster Sampling
B. Snowball sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Random sampling
E. A and B
4. Research proposal include the following except
A. Summary and Conclusion
B. Statement of the problem
C. Research Methodology
D. Literature Review
E. All of the above
5. One of the following is true regarding secondary data except
A. It fills a need for a specific reference on some point in time
B. It helps a researcher to decide what further needs to be done
C. The information often meet one’s specific needs
D. All of the above

E. None of the above
A. None of the above
6. In the process of analysis, tabulation is important to:
A. Arrange the same data in some kind of logical order
B. Summarize and display data in compact form for further analysis
C. Facilitates the process of comparison
D. All of the above
7. Identify the correct statement.
A. Collecting primary data consumes less time than secondary data.
B. More relevant and reliable information can be obtained from primary data.
C. Questionnaires and interviews are instruments of collecting secondary data.
D. All of the above
8. Which one of the following is an advantage of questionnaire as a data collection method?
A. Some items may not be responded.
B. Respondents may react for those questions that manifest social acceptance.
C. All respondents give responses.
D. It can be administered to a large group.
9. While doing your research proposal, it is necessary to situate your research in the context of
what is already known about the topic. This part is done in the _____ of your proposal.
A. Background of the problem
B. Research design
C. Literature review
D. Operational definition
10. A researcher is expected to behave in all conditions except:
A. Thinking critically
B. Designing clear and feasible plans
C. Clearly specifying information
D. Plagiarize the works of others
11. Which one of the following level of measurement have all the properties of other
measurement scales
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Ratio scale
D. Interval scale
12. On the job training improves performance of employees. In this statement, the dependent
variables is__________________________.
A. Employee
B. Performance
C. On the job training
D. Improvement

13. A feature of research which reflects the process of arriving at dependable solutions to
problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data is
A. Research is a voyage of discovery or a journey
B. Research is an art of scientific investigation
C. Research is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
14. A research approach that is concerned with subjective assessment of attitudes, opinions and
behavior is
A. Quantitative approach
B. Qualitative approach
C. Mixed method/Multi-method
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
15. Identify the one that clearly explains cross-sectional design
A. A study of one particular section of society, e.g. the lower classes
B. One that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
C. The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
D. A comparison of two or more variables over a long period of time
E. All of the above
16. The focal point of every research activity is
A. Research problem
B. Research methodology
C. Literature review
D. Discussion of results
E. Conclusions and recommendations
17. A Sample frame is:
A. A summary of the various stages involved in designing a survey
B. An outline view of the main clusters of unions in a sample
C. A list of all the units in the population from which a sample will be selected
D. A wooden frame used to display tables of random numbers
E. None of the above
18. What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research report
A. It explains how concepts were operationally defined and measured
B. It contains a useful review of the relevant literature
C. It outlines the methodological procedures that were employed
D. It summarizes the key findings in relation to the research questions
E. All of the above
19. Which one of the following is true about an outlier?
A. A type of variable that cannot be quantified

B. A score that is left out of the analysis because of missing data
C. An extreme value at either end of a distribution
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
20. A master plan/conceptual structure that specified the methods and procedures for collecting
and analyzing needed information is
A. Research methodology
B. Research design
C. Research approach
D. Sampling
E. All of the above
Part II: Short Answer Questions
1. List the process of conducting research.
2. Mention the qualities of research
3. What is the purpose of reviewing literatures? Explain the essence and difference
between theoretical framework and conceptual framework
4. What are the key component of a problem statement
5. Why sampling?
6. Mention the major component of a research proposal
7. What issues should included in an abstract of a thesis?
Part III: Discussion Questions
1. Explain briefly the components of research onion
2. Compared and contrast qualitative research and quantitative research
3. Compare and contrast probability and non-probability sampling. Explain the types of
probability sampling and non-probability sampling.
4. Compare and contrast explanatory research approach and exploratory research
5. Discuss at least three data collection tools.
6. What is the reliability and validity of an instrument? How one can check the reliability
and validity of an instrument.
7. What is a variable? Explain briefly dependent and independent variables.
8. Explain R2 (Coefficient of determination) = 0.75
9. Interpret r (coefficient of correlation) = 0.93

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