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Cell membrane

All animal cells have a plasma membrane. This is a barrier that surrounds the cell and
holds it together. It controls what goes in and out of the cell.

The cell membrane is made of proteins and lipids (fatty substances). It is

‘semipermeable’, which means that some chemicals can get through it, but others
Most of the organelles within an animal cell are also surrounded by their own


The nucleus is a big organelle. It controls the activities of the cell. The nucleus contains
chemical instructions in the form of DNA.


The cytoplasm is a jelly-like liquid that fills the cell. It contains enzymes that accelerate
the chemical reactions that take place within the cell.

Mitochondrion (Plural: Mitochondria)

Mitochondria are organelles that produce energy for the cell. They are where the cell’s
aerobic respiration takes place. Aerobic respiration transfers energy from glucose (a
simple sugar). It requires oxygen to take place.
The number of mitochondria in a cell depends on the function of the cell. Some animal
cells (e.g. red blood cells) contain no mitochondria. Others, such as liver cells, have over

Mitochondria are usually oval-shaped.

Lysosomes are important organelles that help break down, or digest, certain materials inside
the cell. After the material is broken down by powerful enzymes inside the lysosomes, any
wastes are expelled from the cell through exocytosis.

Its job is to package up proteins and ship them to different parts of the cell.


Ribosomes are very small organelles. They are not surrounded by a membrane. They
are where protein is made within a cell.

Plant cells have the same organelles as animal cells, but also contain the following
additional structures:

 Cell wall – tough outer wall made of cellulose

 Chloroplasts – where photosynthesis takes place
 Large central vacuole – contains cell sap
Cell wall

Plant cells have a tough cell wall made of cellulose. The plant cell’s plasma membrane is
under the cell wall.


Chloroplasts are small, flat organelles found scattered throughout the plant cell’s
cytoplasm. They are where photosynthesis takes place. The chlorophyll in chloroplasts
gives them a green color.

Chloroplasts are not present in a plant’s root cells and the cells inside its stem.

Single large vacuole

Most plant cells have a single large vacuole. The vacuole is filled with a liquid called cell
sap. This is a weak solution of sugar and salts. The vacuole helps the cell to keep its
shape. If a plant doesn’t have enough water, the vacuoles shrink, and the plant wilts.

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1. Gel-like fluid where the organelles are found

2. Control center of the cell; contains DNA
3. Produces the energy a cell needs to carry out its functions
4. Stores food, water, wastes, and other materials
5. Has passageways that carry proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to
6. Captures energy from the sunlight and uses it to produce food in a plant cells
7. Controls what comes into and out of a cell; found in plant and animal cells
8. Found inside the nucleus and produces ribosomes
9. Ridged outer layer of a plant cell
10.Uses chemicals to break down food and worn out cell parts
11.Assembles amino acids to create proteins
12.Receives proteins & materials from the ER, packages them, & distributes them

cytoplasm nucleus chloroplast vacuole lysosome

cell wall cell membrane nucleolus golgi bodies

endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria ribosomes

A cell membrane is like a school security guard. A cell membrane controls what is allowed to enter

and exit a cell, like a school security guard controls what is allowed in and out of school. Cell walls
are like school doors. ... A school bus breaks down, like smooth ER breaks down drugs and alcohol.
The principle's office is analogous the nucleus. The principle's office directs all the activities of
the school much like the nucleus directs all the activities of the cell.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: The rough ER is like the school hallways because they transport

proteins, just like the hallways are used for students to transport themselves between classes.

The ribosomes of the school is the cafeteria. The cafeteria gives students the proteins they need to
get through the day, like the ribosomes in the cell. The golgi apparatus can be compared to the buses
of a school.

robably the best analogy of a cell vacuole to a house is a storage closet or storage room.
The vacuole is an organelle with a surrounding membrane that contains any number of things
including water, enzymes, food, or waste products.

The vacuole is like a refrigerator because the vacuole stores materials for later use in the same way a
refrigerator stores food.

The cytoplasm is like the floor in a house because the floor contains all the parts of the house and
holds them together, like the cytoplasm does for the cell.

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