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 Which of the following word pairs correctly completes the sentence below?
_______ are corrosive substances characterized as having a strong smell, a
sour taste, and a _______.
A. Acids; pH less than 7 C. Acids; pH greater than 7
B. Bases; pH greater than 7 D. Bases; pH less than 7

2.  The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
Heartburn occurs when some of the stomach juices flow backwards up the
esophagus. To help relieve heartburn, a person should take medicine that is
A. Basic C. Neutral
B. Acidic D. Acidic or basic

3. The sample of soil from a particular place was tested for its pH value. It came
out to be 5. Which one of the following should be added to the soil to make it
suitable for the plant growth?
i. Calcium chloride
ii. Calcium Hydroxide
iii. Calcium oxide

A. Both (i) and (ii) C. Only (i)

B. Both (ii) and (iii) D. Only (iii)

4. If an acid is combined with a base of equal strength, the result will most likely

A. a stronger acid D. impossible to tell without

B. stronger base testing the pH.
C. a neutral solution.

5. Which of the following is an acid?

A. baking soda C. ammonia
B. coffee D. soap

6. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Blue litmus paper turns red when placed in a base.
b. Red litmus paper turns blue when placed in a base.
c. Blue litmus paper stays blue when placed in an acid.
d. Red litmus paper stays red when placed in a base.

7. Litmus paper can be used to determine the _______ of a substance.

A. chemical formula C. relative volume
B. relative ph D. temperature

8. The pH of a solution is tested, and it is found to be a basic solution. Of the

following choices, what could the pH have been?
A. 3 C. 7
B. 5 D. 9

9. What would be considered the weakest acid? 

A. 3 C. 6.4
B. 5 D. 7.2

10. Human blood has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Which of the following
best describes human blood?
A. strongly acidic C. slightly acidic
B. strongly basic D. slightly basic

11. It has the chemical formula Ca(OH)2.

A. a base C. both acid and base
B. an acid D. neither

12. When using pH paper, the pH of a solution can be determined by

looking at the _______ of the paper.

A. color C. mass
B. length D. texture

13.  Many cleaning solutions are bases. Which of the following is a

property of most bases?
A. can only be liquid C. white color
B. feels slippery D. taste sour

14. Which of the following is a base?

A. dishwashing detergent C. vinegar

B. orange juice D. water

15. What do you call the acid found in batteries?

A. Acetic C. Malic
B. Lactic D. Sulphuric

16. What do you call the acid found in milk?

A. Acetic C. Malic
B. Lactic D. Sulphuric

17. Which of the following is an olfactory indicator?

A. Onion C. Gumamela
B. Litmus D. Methyl orange

18. Which of the following is very acidic?

A. black coffee C. tomato juice

B. milk D. urine

19. Which of the following is the strongest base?

A. ammonia C. bleach
B. baking soda D. soapy water

20. Which of the following is the weakest acid?

A. lemon juice C. vinegar
B. gastric juice D. urine

21. Which of the following has a pH of 7?

A. saliva C. saltwater
B. distilled water D. egg

22. Which food is the most acidic?

A. banana C. lemon juice
B. fish D. orange juice

23. According to the pH range which substance is more acidic than lemon juice

A. cabbage C. lye
B. hydrochloric acid D. milk

24. Which of the following is true about acids and bases?

A. The lower the pH, the stronger the acid
B. The lower the pH, the more neutral the acid
C. the higher the pH, the stronger the acid
D. The higher the pH, the weaker the base
25.  Williams collected a rain sample and measured its pH to be 5.6.  What does
this mean?
A. the rain water is a weak base
B. the rain water is a strong acid
C. the rain water is neutral
D. the rain water is a weak acid


1. A 6. B 11.A 16.B 21.B

2. A 7. B 12.A 17.A 22.C
3. B 8. D 13.B 18.C 23.B
4. C 9. D 14.A 19.C 24.A
5. B 10.D 15.D 20.D 25.D

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