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Name Sequencing

No More Tears
DIRECTIONS: Read the story. Then put the events in order.

Once there was a very mean boy name Roger who was a bully to
his classmates. His teacher, who had some magical powers, decided
to teach him a lesson. She put a spell on the boy that made him so
sensitive and caring that he would start crying at the first hint of
anything sentimental. He cried when his teacher read the class a
story about a kitten. He cried when a girl said she had a new baby
sister. He cried when his team won a game of dodgeball at recess.
By the end of the school day, the teacher’s spell had worn off, but
her lesson hadn’t. When the boy was walking home, he saw a
smaller and younger boy who was struggling to carry his books.
Roger did not cry, but instead of taking advantage of the small
boy’s weakness, he offered to help carry the small boy’s books
instead. From that day forward, Roger was one of the nicest boys in
town. No one but his teacher ever knew what had caused his
change of heart.

Roger cries when his teacher reads about a kitten.

The spell wears off.

Roger sees the small boy struggling with his books.

Roger is a bully to his classmates.

Roger cries when his team wins at dodge ball.

Roger offers to help carry the small boy’s books.

Roger’s teacher puts a spell on him.

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