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AP1-AA2-EV11: Oferta laboral “Getting Started as a Profesional, Job Offer”

Daniela Campillo Méndez

Tecnólogo en Producción Multimedia

Gyna Patricia Torrez Ortiz, Profesional en Diseño Grafico

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

22 de agosto de 2020
Zijin - Continental Gold
Street 7 N° 39-215 #1208, El Poblado, Medellín Antioquia

22 August 2020

Juan Ortiz

Dear Mr. Ortiz. Zijin - Continental Gold is pleased to offer you a jobi vacancy as a
photographer, starting september 01 at the publicity office of the Higabra project in Buriticá,
Antioquia. The expected working hours are 50 each week, starting from Monday to Saturday.

In this position, Zijin – Continental Gold is offering a salary of 2.300.000 COP per month.

As an employee of the company you will have access to all the rights and benefits provided for
in the law, in addition, if you wish you can move an apartment near your main family nucleus
(wife and children).

If the above offer is acceptable to you, please sign and date this agreement on or before 27
august 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Daniela Campillo
Human Resources Manager

I, Juan Ortiz, Identified by the number of identifcation 1.007.824.114, accept the therms and
conditions of this contract.



A copy is provided for your records.

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