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~ [yeyuu's fSYJu's of ARURUAL LORE ; You might have wondered about who you are, where you came from and who came before you. Is there life anywhere else in this universe? There are no answers to some of these questions, all we know is that our Milky Way galaxy contains tens of billions of potentially habitable planets which may or may not have life on them. Right now the Earth is the only known planet to harbor life and out of all the living things on our planet homo sapiens are the only known species to have developed advanced technology. As a matter of fact, humans did not evolve from apes, gorillas or chimps. We are all modern species that have followed different evolutionary paths, though humans share a common ancestor with some primates, such as the African ape. The timeline of human evolution is long and controversial, with significant gaps. BYJU'S preven) Who Came Before Us? Given below are some species of animals who evolved over a period of time. Match the species of animals with the timespan they came into being: Timespan (in forme of "x" ‘Animal pacies million years ago) 3 6 a : Ge “ 6 ACL ea Timespan (in terme of "x" million years ago) 66 45 BYJU'S 05 = <6 wel All living organisms need food to grow and remain healthy. Food gives us energy to work and live. Plants can make their own food but animals can’t. Different animals have different eating habits. They either eat plants or other animals. Some animals eat plants, while some eat the plant-eating animals. There are some animals that eat both plants and ‘animals. _ 'pyewu's 06 preven) Identify and categorize the following group of animals into carnivores, omnivores, and parasites based on the type of food they eat. © ¥e @ | | 8 EXCLeOy, preven) rere y A parent's love for their child knows no boundaries, and this is true for both humans and animals. Parents everywhere would agree that raising children is no easy feat. From feeding their young ones to spending nearly a decade teaching essential life skills, some animal parents go to extraordinary lengths to raise their family. A SES er Down |. They carry their young ones in a pouch on their body. 2. This animal reproduces by laying eggs and leaves them unprotected. 4. This animal gives birth to young ones from its body. Across 3. This animal is a mammal that lays eggs. 5. This animal reproduces by laying eggs in another bird's nest. 6. This snake gives birth to young ones. SS 0 OLEAA ay preven en sy Ever wondered how small creatures like beetles and ants can stand up to bigger species? How about frogs and fishes? Scientific research shows that many animals are very intelligent and have sensory and motor abilities that dwarf ours. Dogs are able to detect diseases such as cancer and diabetes and warn humans of impending heart attacks and strokes. Elephants, whales, hippopotamuses, giraffes, and alligators use special techniques involving sound to communicate over long distances. And bats, dolphins, whales, frogs, and various rodents use the same methods involving special sounds to find food, communicate with others, and navigate. 1) A] Uk Ie) preven) Let's find some terms in the given grid about birds. The words are given to you in the box below. Also use the words to fill in the blanks after the grid. Wings Tailbone Dragonfly Eagle Ostrich Bat Penguin BLXNAZBYJVITT BIUGGNZXE BHC XUHULYJIBFYB QYFIEJ QADY WP UJINJGDWSRZE UEVWIEXIMOVU BXHTBMRTAILB DJSJDMHCXJHO JVGHZQX1AHHA OCGUBXVNJKGM CRXELYVTEGIO QGHUCONCOSGO UWJEF YEOSCXQ CZRMERUGPARI DWHC@EZMAPLA ICUSAIYTY WBA FWUGVBNRCRI I PKYKQXMEI PTC |. Birds use this part fo fly. _______ 2. Birds use this bone to decide the direction of their flight. NZ™@ RO VO VX4IOETAXNEZ EX ne OO UMOTM-ChCCHTETNE c-oamugz-Z0RUzZOOr2AT mp DOXEXK VOXETODIMOLXE 3. This bird has very strong legs due to which it can run very fast. U.Thie mammal hes wings made of skin. _ 5. This is the fastest flying insect. ___. 6. This is one of the most powerful birds of prey which can fly. 7. This bird swims with the help of fins and flippers. 1B [ENOL preven) Going on a jungle safari is one of the best ways of to observe animals in their natural habitat. It's a much better experience than going to a zoo as the latter cages animals and doesn’t give them the freedom to move around. In a jungle, they are more at home and you will have a fun time watching them grazing around. After enjoying the safari Robert and his family returned to their homes with happy memories. He started writing the conversation in his diary but couldn't remember some words. The words have been marked by blanks. Help him remember by filling out the blanks. Robert: Son, see the pack of wolves over there? am: Yes Dad, looks like they have a protector too, like you, in their family. 1) A] Ua be) preven) Robert: Yes Sam. All the wolves in the pack have different kinds of work and roles. You see the wolf walking in front of the pack? They are called 1, wolves. They have been assigned the job of leading the group. Sam: What do other wolves do? Robert: The next set of wolves walking closest to the leader wolf are called 2. _ wolves of the pack. Their job is to follow the leader wolf, And, to answer your question of a protector, do you see the wolf walking cautiously at the end of the pack? That wolf is assigned the Job of making sure the pack isn’t attacked, in other words, protecting the pack. This wolf is called the 3. wolf, Sam: Wow dad, I would have never noticed that. How come you know all this? Robert: Because I am your dad Sam: Dad, see the herd of elephants there? ( Robert: Yeah, that’s a good sight to see. Sam: Who is their leader dad? Robert: The 4. --------- elephant is their leader: The whole herd relies on her for all decisions. The size of the herd is generally 6-I2 elephants. If the herd size increases to more than 20, the leader elephant asks the 6. ___----- elephants to take half the herd and get separated. Sam: Thanks, dad, I am learning a lot about many things from this trip. Robert: That’s good to hear Sam. Okay, enough animal talk now, let's enjoy the safari. ED A] Uke) preven) From social butterflies to solitary scavengers, all animals gather into groups at some point in their lives. Safety in numbers is one reason for this, since a pack of animals is less prone to a predator's attack. Many animals also rely on collective wisdom to help them make better decisions. Whatever draws them together, something odd happens when a creatures form crowds: They suddenly have bizarre, often silly names. Your task here is to identify these names and match the below given animals/birds with the names of their groups or collective nouns and write down the correct answer in the space provided BYJU'S preven) WA Animal Groups Animal Group | Lion A Paddling J 2 Leopard B Leap eo 3 Monkey Cc Parliament 4 Pigeon D Pride % 5 Bear E Troop 6 Cat F Clutter 7 Crocodile G Flight 8 Duck H Sleuth q Parrot I Float 10 Owl ef Company SAOPNANCHWN- Dsus is preven) Animals are not only found roaming in the wild, there are many of them who co-exist with us and these are called domesticated animals. They play a significant role in our lives by providing food and companionship and also help us fo corry out different tasks. This process of domestication helps improve our lives. Given below is a list of domesticated animals. SS ‘Dsus i preven en sy Match the animals with the work they help us with on a day to day basis. One has already been done for you. Animal Usage (Activity/Product) Horse A Transportation , Pigeon B Leather Bull » Ic Pearl NS BYJU'S preven) Animal Usage (Activity/Product) ’ 4 Sheep D Milk ® f o 5 Cow E Silk mi wa Me v ie r sa t eR 6 Bees F Ploughing farms ‘Ss BOE preven en sy Animal Usage (Activity/Product) 7 Silkworms G Wool Rearing 8 Oyster H Honey q Kangaroo I Communication Pecauss preven en sy Timespan (in ferme of "x" Animal Species niillion years ago) 66 oe . 45 “Ne fs cuceen preven en sy Timespan (in terme of "x" Animal Species million yoars ago) Y ® oe 6 ° 02 Psyu's 25 preven) Food Habits Herbivores: 3, 6, 4, 10, 13, 17, 22 ee! Carnivores: |, 4, 7, Il, 14, 18, 21. \ nl ¢ Omnivores: 2,16, |9, 20, 23, 24. 9 Parasites: 5, 8, 12, |S. o SS BOE preven en sy 'K A al tw Mic *PiL[alt H R ‘H I 0 *c c|K|o/|0o B 0 R) ft g| |A °R T[tlels|NlAlK/E NS - ! BYJU'S 27 preven) SSYP)IVTKSDRCCWKE TIQEECQCPZMZLHZ D R BLXNAZBYJVITTKN|A BIUGGNZXEBHCRFGG XUHULYJIBFYBRPC|O QYFIEJ QADY WPUGQIN UJ IINJ GDWS R ZEUN WF UEVWIEXIMOVUWOGLL BXHTBMRTAILLBONE |W DJSJDMHCXJHOXBWW JVGHZQX1AHHATKLFE OCGUBXVNJKGMVD CRXELYVTEGIOST QGHUCDNCOSGOIN UWJEF YEOSCXQZD CZRMERUGPARIZB DWHCQEZMAPLBAU 1 CUSAI YTYWBATR FWUGVBNRCRIILT PKYKQX MEI PTCMM x NZ19xXOVOQVXADETAXNE Zo-a0zc|a emzarz2ze c-0o7 m@GZeeox+ zo m>VOXExXXUVOXIODI |. WINGS 2. TAILBONE 3. OSTRICH 4, BAT 5. DRAGONFLY 6. EAGLE 7. PENGUIN 1B [ENOL preven) OLoNa Alpha Beta Omega Matriarch Female Ne | ! BYJU'S 29 preven) Animal Groups L Lion = D. Pride ee 2. Leopard - B. Leap \ a : 3. Monkey - E. Troop . 4. Pigeon - . Flight eo: 5. Bear __H. Sleuth is 6 Cot - F Clutter 7. Crocodile - I. Float 8 Duck —- A. Paddling 4 Parrot - J. Company 10. Owl ~ C. Parliament SS Dsus 30 preven en sy |. Horse A. Travelling 2. Pigeon I. Communication 3. Bull F. Ploughing farms 4. Sheep 6. Wool Rearing 5. Cow D. Milk 6. Bees H. Honey 7. Silkworms E. Silk 8. Oyster C. Pearl 4. Kangaroo B. Leather Dsyu's 3i preven en sy

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