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Attract or Repel

Magnetism is an invisible force that pulls certain substances towards a magnet .

Not only is magnetism a fascinating natural phenomena 1 it also has many practical

People have known about magnets for thousands of years and they 1 ve been

Every magnet has magnetic poles that is wher·e the force of magnetism is
strongest. The north pole of one magnet will always attract the south pole of
another magnet.

If two south poles or two north poles are placed

near one anotherI they wi II repel each other.

When two magnets repel1 they push away from

one another. Earth is a gigantic magnet - it has a
magnetic north and a south pole.

Did you Know?

Earth1 s hot liquid core contains iron which1 as it moves1 creates an electric
curren t that gen erates a magnetic field aroun d the planet.

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