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“The small, beautifully built mud-huts standout conspicuously against
the high mountain peaks and towering fortress palaces. The colour
in dress and decorations contrast with the arid land in the
west and harmonizes pleasingly with the beautiful nature in east .
This spectrum of life in provides a happy blending of art,
culture and literature, of chivalry, love, sacrifice and
loyalty, of abject poverty and of affluence par-excellence,
of illiteracy and profound learning, of deep understanding
of age-old customs, traditions and rites and rituals
and what not..."

- Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor Decorations, Delhi, 1979

The above phrase is written by Saksena, Jogendra in the book Art of

Rajasthan, Henna, and Floor Decorations, Delhi,1979
it explains the environment of India. India is beautifully designed
by the greatest Architect 'The God'. He bonded many little
features to make it enormous. There lies a tiny mud-hut facing
the highest peak Himalayas and the rich palaces in the north-west
(Jaisalmer). The mud huts are colored and ornamented
in illuminating brown which are well contrasted with the
golden dunes in the dessert, drylands of the west and are also perfectly
matched with the green earth of the eastern country-side.

Life in India is induced with people's artistry, culture,

literature, the ones who respect and love each other wholeheartedly,
strive to sacrifice for one's country. India has a mixture
of opposite natures i.e the outrageous poverty and also
the immensely wealthy, the illiterate, and the intensively
knowledgeful, the ones who deeply respect and heed the
traditions of those who left footsteps on time...

- Divya Lakkimsetti, 17C31C4011

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