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ABEERA SHAHEEN (S/2018-2415)

Assignment 1

What is the difference between leadership and management? Describe in detail.


The purpose of writing this assignment is to differentiate between the concepts of management

whose responsibility is to accomplish task through the work of others to leadership whose job is

to organize other people to reach a common goal. Even the managers already can also be

developed and converted into leaders by organizing appropriate training and mentoring for them.


It is mandatory to understand difference between leadership and management. Management and

leadership are two vital concepts in the world of business. Is there any difference between

leadership and management? Or leadership and management are the same? However these two

concepts are separated due to the fact that managers used to follow orders, assign people their

duties and organize work while leaders influence people within the organization towards their

goal. From this observation we can say that many managers are not leaders, although they’re

successful in their field. They are not the same thing, but they are linked to one another. Leaders

lead from the front and managers control and plan things for better results of the organization. A

manager makes the staff to work, a leader work with the people. Some leaders show

management skills and some mangers show leadership qualities. It is now well established that

there is difference between a manager and a leader. For any organization to be successful, it

needs management that can plan, organize and coordinate with its people, while also need

inspiration and motivation to perform to the best of their ability. In this assignment we will

identify the difference between management and leadership in order to provide the understanding

of these two concepts.

Leadership versus Management:

People often think that leadership and management as the same thing but in actual, they are very

different. The main difference between the two is that leaders have people that follow them,

while managers have people who work for them. A difference between leadership and

management is that leadership involves leading a group of people towards common goal whereas

management is the process of controlling things.

Leadership is about engaging people and inspire them to turn their vision into reality. They are

transparent and realistic. They have people who help them build their brand and achieve their

goals. They are comfortable in their own shoes and willing to stand out. They are willing to try

out new things even if they fail miserably because they know failure is often a step on the path to


On the other hand managers have people who work for them. Management is for formal and

organized group of people. It is the art of getting the work done through and with others. It can

be found in all the fields, like education, hospitality, sports, offices etc. Managers focus on

achieving goals. They control situations to exceed their objectives and work to minimize risk.

They seek to avoid or control problems rather than embracing them. Managers assign tasks and

provide guidance on how to accomplish them.

 Leaders influence people to attain the required objective while managers discipline things in

best possible manner.

 Leaders motivate others to act on their vision and encourage them to overcome obstacles in

pursuit of their vision. Mangers mostly plan, organize and coordinate things and make sure

that they’re progressing as they planned.

 Leadership is more about creating new visions and aims while management is about

implementing actions.

 Leadership is about making new rules and policy while management is about applying them.

 Leadership is about developing the organization while management is about developing the


 Leadership focus on encouraging change while management is all about stability.

 Leaders always have proactive strategy while managers show response to stimulus.

 Leadership is about inspiring and empowering other while management is about motivating

and encouraging others.

 Leaders don’t necessarily hold the management position. He doesn’t have to be an authority

in organization, a leader can be anyone.

 We can say management is a function of leadership. Managers impersonate the capabilities

and behaviors they learn from others and adopt their leadership style rather than defining it.

Most managers also tend to be leaders, if they carry out leadership responsibilities of

management, which includes communication, motivation, providing inspiration and

guidance, and encouraging employees.

Leaders create a vision, managers create goals:

 Leaders inspire and engage their people in turning that vision into reality. They think beyond

what individuals do. They influence people to be part of something bigger. They know that

teams can accomplish a lot more working together than individuals working.

 Managers focus on, planning and achieving goals. They control situations to reach their


Leaders create change, managers maintain the current situation:

 Leaders like to bring new innovation. They know that even if things are working, there could

be a better way of doing it to bring out the best. They understand fact that make changes to

the system often create more opportunities.

 Managers mostly manage to refine the system to make it better.

Leaders are unique, managers’ copy:

 Leaders believe in themselves. They work passionately to build their own brand and always

come up with creative and unique ideas. They have visionary mindset which helps them

think broad. They are comfortable in their own shoes rather than relying on others.

 Managers implement the behaviors they learn from others and adopt their leadership style

rather than defining it.

Leaders take risks, managers control risk:

 Leaders try out new things even if they may fail badly. They know that failure is often a step

on the path to success.

 Managers work to minimize risk. They seek to control problems rather than embracing them.

Leaders think for the long term, managers think short-term:

 Leaders have intention to do something and they are always highly motivated and bring

inspiration with them. They focus on long terms because they have very distant goals.

 Managers work on shorter-term goals, focus on regular acknowledgment.

Leaders grow personally, managers rely on existing skills:

 Leaders always remain curious to seek for knowledge because they believe if know if they

aren’t learning something new every day, they’re falling behind. They seek out for

information that will expand their thinking.

 Managers often focus on already existing skills and adopting methods which will make them


Leaders build relationships, managers build systems:

 Leaders talk with all the stakeholders in order to realize their vision. They spend most of

their time with them. They build loyalty and trust by delivering on their promise.

 Managers rely to build structure and achieve goals. They focus on the methodology to get the

desired outcomes. They work with individuals and their goals and objectives.

Leaders teach, managers direct:

 Leaders focus on personal development of individual, they see their people as competent and

are optimistic about their potential. They always boost and encourage to face the challenges.

 Managers assign tasks and provide guidance on how to accomplish them.

Leaders make fans, managers have employees:

 Leaders have people who go beyond following them and become their fans and help them

build their brand and achieve their goals. Their fans help them increase their credibility.

 Managers have staff who follow directions and seek to please the boss.

Vision Establishment:

 Leader takes a passionate view towards the vision and develops strategic plans and achieve

the vision.

 Manager is in charge of details; creating budgets, plans and process and shows impersonal

attitude about the vision and goals

Vision Execution:

This is the one of main difference between two:

 Leaders work on a broader role. Motivation and inspiration is their key responsibility, and

they do so in a way that helps employees overcome their problems.

 Managers on the other hand are the people involved with execution. They control processes,

identify and solve problems, and monitor results.

Vision Outcome:

 Leaders promote new ideas and dramatic changes. In this sense, leader role is more


 The manager is expected to provide consistent, predictable results to key stakeholders.

Leader leads from front, managers have subordinates:

 A leader leads from the front. He uses management techniques to manage others. Followers

voluntarily follow the leader. A leader has his interest common to the follower and they just

follow the instructions of a leader.

 On the other hand a manager believes in planning and coordinating the work. Subordinates

has been asked to obey the instruction of the manager. The subordinates obeying the manager

as a part of their duty.

Difference in working style:

 A leader attracts the people with his charismatic personality. He has an upper hand in

technological knowledge than the workers. A leader set his vision and the followers follow

his vision voluntarily.

 On the other hand the management is different in its way of functioning. He has to do certain

tasks as per the guidelines set by the organization. He then plans to achieve this by his people

by using the management tools.

Aspects of Leadership:

 Leaders give confidence to the people to achieve their goals in respective field or with in


 Leaders set example before followers and be their ideal. People follow them for who they are

not because of their position.

 Leaders develop commitment, loyalty and dedication among their followers for productive


 They have inspiring vision and set direction to achieve something big. They have dynamic

personality who set high standards of performance.

 They develop enthusiasm and confidence in their followers for their personal growth and


 Leaders motivate their followers to take up challenge and develop team spirit. They have

ability of persuade others to seek their objectives.

 They look ahead and if they don’t get satisfied with things as they, they do brain storming for

better outcome.

 Leaders develop strategic plan to achieve the vision and shows passionate attitude about the

vision and goals.

 Leaders take high risk approach. They are not afraid of failures as they know that any failure

may lead to success.

 Leaders are constantly learning something new. They always aim at changing the system to

make them work better.

 A person can be a good leader if he has characteristics like popularity, confidence,

intelligence, and inter-personal skills etc.

Aspects of Management:

The ability to execute a Vision:

 Managers build a strategic vision and break it down into a roadmap for their team to follow.

The ability to Direct:

 Managers are responsible for everyday work while reviewing necessary resources, and

anticipating needs to make changes.

Process Management:

 Managers have the authority to establish work rules, process, and operating procedures.

People Focused:

 Managers are known to look after the needs of the people they are responsible for: listening

to them, involving them in decisions, and listening to their reasonable requests to increase the


Features of management as a process:

 Management is a social process as it deals with human beings.

 Management is an integrating process as it organizes human resources for the efficient use of

other resources like capital, materials, technology, machines, etc.

 Management is a continuous process. It is always involved in identifying the organization

problems and solving them.


There is a difference between leadership and management. Managers are more concerned about

planning, controlling and organizing. Leaders are more concerned about leading and influencing

people. They act as representative of the followers. People follow them voluntarily because of

their charismatic personality and broader mindset. Leaders have high emotional intelligence.

Managers with good leadership skills can produce best result. Successful business people are

good leaders as well as good manager. To be successful in the long run a manager should have

leadership skills.

Assignment 2

"Leader are born not made". Do you agree or not with this statement? Describe it.


I disagree with the statement “Leaders are born not made” because I believe in the theory that it

really doesn’t matter who you are but what you do. If you’re bringing any change in the

deteriorated system, if you’ve done your tasks properly and your team is happy with you only

then you can call yourself a true leader. If someone believes in this statement that leaders are

born and not made then maybe he start thinking that even I’m capable of all the qualities to lead

still I won’t become a good leader because I’m not born that way, he will have that insecurity in

his heart that what if I couldn’t do my job properly. Obviously he will think that my leadership is

not genetic and if I learn it I will lack somewhere. This thinking will lead him to nowhere and we

might lose a great leader having all the capabilities and potentials to bring up a change.


Leading Skills:

I believe in leadership are the skills that can be developed and improved with the passage of

time. When more organizations have better leaders in them they give better performance and

people working there enjoys work. That’s what great leaders do: they know there are still things

to learn because the world’s evolving- it’s changing, so if you want to be a great leader stay

teachable. They have ability to teach and mentor. They build and maintain a strong and

collaborative team of individuals working toward the same goal.

Being Decisive:

Secondly, a great leader is all about taking right decisions for his followers. When talking about

a leader whose leadership is inherited, he may take his decisions on the basis and principles of

previous leaders. He might think that if their idea worked for this problem then the same would

work for me, and this is where he goes wrong. A great leader once said: “I don’t worry about

taking the right decisions. I take the decision and make it right.” So one shouldn’t be afraid of

taking the decisions. Instead of relying upon other people’s decisions, make your own. Being

decisive as a leader is the key

Being Adaptable:

Thirdly, as I stated above the world is continuously evolving, everything is changing so quickly,

our economy changes on daily basis, the leader should take decisions in accordance with the

situation. A good leader must be adaptable.

Acquiring new skills:

As a genetic leader, he may think that he doesn’t need to learn new things because he already

knows enough or he’s just born to rule. While a person whose learned leader will have the desire

to keep learning new things for his own betterment and the betterment of his followers. He will

definitely have a great affection towards his followers because they will have faith in him

because of this capabilities and qualities not just because of his genes!

Development and nurturing:

The best leaders never stop growing and developing using their experience and continuous

learning. Some may start of bigger than others, some may start of in a better environment than

others but none of them matters. Only those that go through the right process of growth will

actually fulfill their full potential. Remember that the best and strongest trees never stopped

growing and developing overtime with continuous nurturing.

Leadership isn’t an inborn quality:

All the heads, commanders and bosses in any segment of life don’t become leads by themselves.

They are:

 Trained.

 Guided.

 Educated.

 Be aware.

People can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning, training and observations.

It’s a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, aptitude an experience over-time.

We can say that it’s a lifetime learning activity. Good leaders seek out development

opportunities that will help them learn new skills. Some people have a passion and keen desire to

lead. They’re always focused to do so even if they’re not born with a golden or silver spoon.

There are a number of aspects of leadership that requires practice. It's not all built around inborn

personality traits. Even the best leaders we can think of didn’t have these skills honed from day

one. We know many great people who set the world on fire just because of their own

capabilities. Some of them did remarkable and sensational speeches which they wrote

themselves. Effective leadership is all about continuous learning for betterment.

Experience and Circumstances:

Life’s experiences and circumstances make polished leaders. The experiences, happenings and

affairs of your life journey is what makes you a leader. The qualities that they gain overtime and

the events they’ve gone through is what makes a person learn new skills. I don’t think of any

other person rather than Our Prophet (PBUH) who was a born leader.

Challenges and Struggles:

As a genetic leader, one may not have to face difficult times and hardships in life. To lead, for

him, is just a piece of cake. On the other hand, a skilled and learned leader will know what

courage it takes to face challenges of life. There will always be people on your team, in your

organization and in your working life who are difficult. Your goal, as a leader, is to handle them

with grace and kindness. Don’t feed into them. Don’t prolong your exposure to them. Above all,

don’t let them get you down.

Understanding of opportunity cost:

Leaders know that many situations and decisions in business involve risk and there is an

opportunity cost associated with every decision you make. An opportunity cost is the cost of a

missed opportunity. This is usually defined in terms of money, but it may also be considered in

terms of time, person-hours, or any other finite resource. Great leaders understand the

consequences of their decisions before making them.


All those passionate people who have a keen desire to lead someday, have a role model or a

mentor. Mentoring develops effective leadership skills. It lets you learn new affairs and educate

you in a proper manner. A good mentoring relationship is identified by the willingness and

capability of both parties to ask questions, challenge assumptions and disagree. It’s important to

note that there's no one way to mentor. Every mentoring relationship is as unique as the

individuals involved.


A learned and skilled leader has an inspiration in life. It drives the integrity of a leader. He

doesn’t follow everyone blindly, he learn things himself, verifies their authenticity and then

follows. This is the ideal behavior of a true leader. He leads by an examples, and examples only

come through experiences.

Doing the Right Thing:

This is a skill which needs to be practiced and won’t come naturally in you. To be successful, all

leaders – whatever their leadership style, type and so on - must choose the right action at the

right time and “keep a steady eye on the ball”. They must be courageous, self-aware – and ensure

the consistent support of their team of followers.

Never Stop Learning:

It’s easy for someone to call themselves a leader, but to truly deserve the title, he or she needs to

not only manage a team but to manage it well. It’s also clear that the greatest leaders are prone to

seeking knowledge and committed to always learning. It’s more important than ever for a leader

to keep up to date with the changes in their field. A true leader knows that they need to be able to

convey new information, and this is best done when the leader ensures that they’re keeping

informed. A good leader is always a good listener and a quick learner, and he keep on learning

new things. He keeps himself up-to-date and doesn’t rely upon what has taught to him in the



Motivation comes from the passion and longing to become better than everyone else. As an

acquired leader, he always desires to seek more knowledge. He motivates himself first to

encourage others later. This type of leader desires to achieve beyond expectations.

To succeed as a leader, you need to be motivated, and no one else can do that for you except

yourself. He set higher standards for himself to have strong values. Self-motivation can be one of

those things that you either have or don’t have, but an acquired leader will have this indulged in

himself through practice and aspiration to perform better.


In my perspective, confidence is something in which an innate leader can lack in. As it is built

through your experiences and dealings during your life. To build your confidence you need to be

open to new experiences and be willing to fail or you’ll never grow and find the strength needed

to push the limits of what you’re capable of. When you learn, you become well-aware of new

things and current affairs which will automatically help you become more confident.

Passion and Courage:

Passionate leaders often have a strong, uncontrollable desire that pushes them forward. The

amount of passion you have directly affects your attitude, energy and that of your followers as

well. Leadership sometimes involves making unpopular decisions which requires a certain level

of bravery. If you want to be more courageous you need to try new things, have more trust and

confidence in others, as well as be able to raise difficult issues that others would leave


Personality Traits of an acquired leader:

The more you practice, the better you will be. Given are some personality traits of a learned

learner which he develops over time and become proficient at. Most of them doesn’t come in you


But only if you practice.

 Patience.

 Assertive.

 Optimistic.

 Positive.

 Emotional intelligence.

 Time-management.

 Social Skills.

 Boldness.

 Empowerment.

 Ability to inspire.

 Turning vision into reality.

 Consistency.

The Evolution of a Leader:

Let me justify my statement with few examples.

Steve Jobs is a classic example of someone who learned to lead despite not being born a natural

leader. We all are aware of his remarkable work in the world of technology. Even after his death,

his reputation and his company lives on.

Abraham Lincoln is another example. He did not have experience leading teams and yet no one

questioned his leadership. One of his greatest leadership traits was his sense of integrity and his

Strong belief in his principles. Also, his communication skills were extraordinary.


To conclude my statement, genetic factors do not define who you are. Leadership traits can be

possessed through learning, or developed though training. However, all humans born with

unique strengths and it enable to be a successful leader. Leadership is a skill, a proper leader

needs to have and can be improved with practice. As a person gain more and more practice his or

her leadership qualities improve. In my view, someone can born with some personal qualities

and characteristics that makes it easier. When the responsibility is given to a person it gives an

opportunity to get broad skills. Hence, they can be motivated and perform on their own skills and

knowledge to succeed the company.

Assignment 3

What are the Functions of Management? Describe in the light of POSDCORB.

An extraordinary administration scholar, Luther Gullick, authored POSDCORB as an

abbreviation for portraying his rundown of the management functions. Gullick and Urwick have

used the word POSDCORB to diagram the functions of management. This depends on Henry

Fayol's work, Industrial and General Administration. POSDCORB alludes to the functional

elements of

 Planning

 Organizing

 Staffing

 Directing

 Coordinating

 Reporting

 Budgeting.

Before talking about the elements of management or components of POSDCORB in detail, we

should have a thought regarding the term the management. A significant approach to portray

certain parts of organization is by the utilization of the term management. Each association or

business must be managed, and in the event that it is managed well, it has a superior potential for

success of achievement. Mc Farland states "the management is characterized for theoretical,

hypothetical, and diagnostic purposes as that procedure by which managers make, direct, keep

up, and work purposive associations through methodical, coordinated, co-employable human


Functions of Management


In managing procedures, planning is the essential function that goes before different exercises,

such as organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling and so on. At the end of the day, in the

nonattendance of planning, there would be nothing to sort out, no staff to manage, nobody to

guide and no compelling reason to control. It is the preliminary advance for executive function.

Henceforth, a manager must have the aptitude of deduction ahead to figure future condition

inclines that may influence the association. In the whole arranging process aside from

contemplating the objective setting aptitudes, the instinctive capacities of the director

additionally assume a prevailing job. The manager must have vision to investigate the future and

get ready for what he/she sees. He/she should see the impacts which will influence the

association and the prerequisites that should be met.

Basic Contents of Planning:

Viable planning includes responding to these fundamental inquiries i.e.

 What move is to be made?

 Why is that specific activity important?

 Where will it be finished?

 When will it be finished?

 Who will do it?

 With what will it be finished?

 How will it be finished?


After the goal or the objective has been resolved and important work-plan chosen, the chairman

proceeds with his work of organizing. Organizing is fundamentally concerned about the task of

work among the gathering of individuals and giving imperative position to the helping out of

their particular jobs through assignment of power.

A basic and compact definition as we have created expressed as: Organizing is the setting up of

functions to be performed by people or gatherings separately for the fulfillment of characterized

targets given the vital position and duty.

Basic factors in Organization:

The four basic factors involved in organizing are:

1. The work:

The works or activities are determined by the objectives of the enterprise. These activities

form the basis for the organizing effort.

2. The people:

The people who are to do the work constitute the next important factor.

3. The capital:

The money and machinery which the principal means provided for people to carry out

various by performing the assigned jobs.

4. The workplace:

The fourth basic factor in organizing is the place where a work is to be done. Performance

standards and job satisfaction have some relation to the condition of the work environment.


Staffing is the entire faculty capacity of acquiring and preparing the staff and keeping up good

states of work. Staffing comprises of labor arranging, enlistment, determination, preparing, pay,

joining, and support of workers. Staffing essentially includes coordinating occupations and


Process of Staffing:

This procedure establishes appraisal of Managerial Manpower needs, enrollment, choice,

position, direction, advancement and vocation arranging.


In the management practices, directing is the administrative capacity which impels composed

activity. Administrative choices, to be considerable, must be converted into solid activity.

Directing is the methods through which the management does it. Directing includes giving of

mandates, guidelines, or requests to the subordinates.

Techniques of Direction:

The three principle procedures of direction that the managers utilize are participative, let go, and


Process of Directing:

The Process of directing comprises of the accompanying advances:

 Issuing requests and guidelines that are clear, finished and inside the capacities of


 Continuing direction and management to guarantee that the appointed assignments are done

adequately and effectively.

 Maintaining discipline and compensating the individuals who perform well.

 Inspiring the subordinates to buckle down for the accomplishment of foreordained targets.


Coordinating is viewed as a result of coordinating. It is a key capacity of the official and a

persistent worry of top administration. Co-ordination neutralizes singular contrasts in approach,

exertion, or intrigue and goes further to cultivate agreement in the working gathering.

Coordination (Means and ways):

Coordination is something in which can't be achieved by a request. This includes a progression

of intentional advances which incorporate the accompanying:

Clarifying Authority and Responsibility:

Clear boundary of functions and the force and obligations that go with them will forestall

covering of authority.

Checking, Observation and Guidance:

These are control measures. The official here isn't to stay as an observer simply watching the

show; he should look at and discover how far the endeavors at coordination have succeeded.

Effective Communication:

The third significant measure for guaranteeing coordination is to encourage simple


Bringing into Play Leadership Skills:

Coordination can't be accomplished without successful administration. Indeed the very

accomplishment of an initiative connotes the degree of coordination accomplished most



Reporting functions, firmly identified with the coordinating function, comprises of keeping

those to whom you are mindful, educated concerning what is happening. It is basic that skillful

directors keep the data, streaming particularly in this age when there is so much data being

communicated in such a large number of structures.

Characteristics of Reporting:

The primary qualities of the reporting are following:

 The reporting function is more than setting up a yearly report, citing measurements, and

educating your staff about current turns of events.

 The reporting function is right around an assessment work since it contrasts how you are

getting along and what you set out to do.

 It reviews your goals and decides how much you are meeting your destinations.

 It comprises of more than yearly insights, however relates program course, strategy changes,

refinement in destinations, and changes in structures and needs.

 It likewise utilizes the vertical and flat progressions of data.

Along these lines, records, and reports are the foundation of control. Records must be efficient

what's more, intended to encourage a speedy however exhaustive survey. Reports must be

compact. An excessive number of reports just serve to confound. On the off chance that they are

excessively voluminous, the surveying authority's time is squandered, acceptable introduction,

intelligibility outlines, and tables make even genuinely long reports understandable.


Presently as at no other time there is developing valuation for the requirement for budgeting and

budgetary control. In straightforward terms, budgetary control implies use of control comparable

to spending plans. As indicated by Institute of Cost and Work Accountants, London, A budget

plan is a money related or quantitative understanding, preceding a characterized timeframe, of an

approach to be sought after for that period to accomplish a given objective." Thus, if budgeting

sets up an objective, control gauges the exactness of the shot.

Purpose of budgeting:

The fundamental reason for budgeting are:

 Budgets are a basic and compelling implies that can be utilized in controlling the exercises of

the endeavor.

 To advance and guarantee proficient usage of capital assets of an endeavor.

 Budgets cultivate and advance co-appointment between various divisions and offices.

 Budgetary control bears a general image of the exhibition of different capacities, and

empowers the administration to make money related courses of action in front of the


Constructing and coordinating the budget:

Budget organization:

The effective establishment of budgetary control necessitates that the obligations, authority, and

duty of every official are obviously characterized. A manual of budget system is likewise useful

in the foundation and support of budgetary control.

Budget period:

The period for which budgets are to be readied has additionally to be chosen.

Preparation of Budgets:

The association having been set up and the spending time frame having been picked, there stay

to be chosen the beginning stage for the development of the budgets.

Coordination of Budgets:

It was the obligation of an official to see that each spending plan networks with every other

budget. This is additionally called 'Coordination' of the different budgets.


However, the general conclusion seems to be that the P-O-L-C functions of management still

provide a very useful way of classifying the activities managers engage in as they attempt to

achieve organizational goals.

Assignment 4

“Describe the characteristics of Transformational Leadership”.


Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire

their followers and motivate them to work towards common goals. They are energetic,

enthusiastic and passionate. They are concerned and involved in the process, they also focused

on helping group team and also on individual basis. They raise their followers to high level of

morality and motivation. They know that they’re role model for their followers, so they

establishes integrity in working relationship. Transformational leaders are those who encourage

and inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes and develop their own leadership.

Transformational leaders help their followers to grow and develop into leaders by responding to

their needs and empower them by defining the objectives and goals of the individual followers.

Transformational leadership motivate their followers to exceed performance, up to high level of


 They are model of integrity and fairness.

 They set clear goals.

 They always have high expectations.

 They encourage others.

 They provide support and recognition.

 They energize the emotions of people.

 They get people to look beyond their self-interest.

 Inspires people to reach for the improbable.

Characteristics of a Transformational Leader:

The two most important characteristics of a Transformational Leader is Morality and Virtue.


 The concept of moral leadership is proposed as a means for leaders to take responsibility for

their leadership and to aspire to satisfy the needs of the followers.

 According to ‘Burns’ position is that leaders are neither born nor made; instead, leaders

evolve from a structure of motivation, values, and goals.

 The result of this leadership is a mutual relationship that converts followers to leaders and

leaders into moral agents.

 Transforming leadership occurs when one or more persons engage with one another with

high levels of motivation and morality.

 According to ‘Burns’ also contends that leadership is a moral undertaking and a response to

human wants as they are expressed in human values.


 On the other hand, moral life rests upon foundations of individual virtue and that the

individually virtuous person transformed others as well as the social environment.

 It is the presence of virtue in an individual that brings about personal and social

transformations. The moral person in each tradition would sacrifice anything for the sake of


As Confucius said,

“Wealth and honor are what every person desires. But if they have been obtained in violation of

moral principles, they must not be kept. Poverty and humble are what every person dislikes. But

if they can be avoided only in violation of moral principles, they must not be avoided. In

moments of haste, one acts according to it. In times of difficulty or confusion, one acts according

to it.”

Components of Transformational Leaders:

Organizations emphasize the concept of leadership in training managers or group leaders to push

the organization forward. Within leadership, the effectiveness of the transformational versus

transactional leader is often debated. Transactional leadership relies more on a "give and take"

understanding, whereby subordinates have a sense of duty to the leader in exchange for some

reward. Transformational leadership theory, on the other hand, involves a committed relationship

between the leader and his followers. "Transformational leaders are those who stimulate and

inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and develop their own leadership

capacity. Transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by responding

to individual followers' needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives and goals of

the individual followers."

There are four different components of transformational leadership:

Intellectual Encouragement:

 Transformational leaders not only challenge the status quo; they also encourage creativity

among followers.

 They encourage followers to explore new ways of doing things and new opportunities to


 Transformational leadership values creativity among their followers.

 Transformational leaders support their followers by involving them in the decision-making

process to identify solutions.

 Transformational leaders ask for ideas from their followers without criticizing.

 They help their followers to change the way of thinking about their problems and obstacles.

 They help their followers to see at the big picture and succeed in their efforts.

Individual Attention:

 Each follower or group member has specific needs and desires.

 Transformational leadership recognizes the element of individual attention.

 The leader must be able to recognize or determine what motivates each individual.

 Through coaching and mentoring, the transformational leader provides opportunities and

training sessions for each team member.

 These activities allow team members to grow their positions.

 Transformational leadership also offer support and encouragement to individual followers.

 Transformational leaders keep friendly environment among their followers and keep

communication open so that followers feel free to share ideas.

 Transformational leaders recognize the unique contributions of each follower.

Inspiring motivation:

 Transformational leader acts as a model for subordinates. They have ability to share a vision

and mission which emotionally connects them with their followers.

 Transformational leaders’ ability to inspire confidence, motivation and a sense of purpose in

his followers.
 Communicates a vision and uses symbols to focus efforts.

 These leaders are also able to help followers experience the same passion and motivation to

fulfill these goals.

 The transformational leader give a clear vision for the future.

 They fulfil the expectations of the group and establish a commitment to the goals that have

been placed.

 This aspect of transformational leadership requires superb communication skills as the leader

must convey his messages with precision, power and a sense of authority.

 Other important behaviors of the leader include his continued optimism, enthusiasm and

ability to point out the positive.

Ideal impact:

 Charisma marks one of the most easily identified transformational leadership characteristics.

 Transformational leader provides vision and a sense of respect, trust and increases


 The transformational leader serve as a role model for followers. Because followers trust and

respect the leader.

 They excites and inspires subordinates.

 They have a charismatic personality which influences others to want to become more like the


 Idealized influence can be most expressed through a transformational leader's willingness to

take risks and follow a core set of values, convictions and ethical principles in the actions he


 It is through this concept of idealized influence that the leader builds trust with his followers

and the followers, in turn, develop confidence in their leader.

This quality increase the admiration and respect in heart of followers for their leader.

So what are some typical signs of a transformational leader? Groups led by this type of leader

tend to be both successful and loyal. They give a lot to the team and care deeply about the

group's ability to accomplish its goals. Turnover tends to be quite low as transformational leaders

are able to inspire a great deal of commitment in their followers.

How to Become a Transformational Leader:

A process that you can use to become a transformational leader. This involves you:

 Creating an inspiring vision of the future.

 Motivating people to buy into and deliver the vision.

 Managing delivery of the vision.

 Building ever-stronger, trust-based relationships with your people.

Creating an inspiring vision:

 People need a compelling reason to follow your lead, and this is why you need to create and

communicate an inspiring vision of the future.

 Your vision sets out your team or organization's purpose – why you all get up in the morning

to do what you do.

 You develop this partly by understanding the values of the people you lead, by

understanding the capabilities and resources of your organization, and by conducting an

analysis of your environment, and selecting the best way forward within it.

 If you're developing a vision for your team, start with the company's mission and vision, and

explore the ways in which your team can contribute directly to it.

Motivate People to Buy Into and Deliver the Vision:

 Now, starting with your mission statement, you need to appeal to your people's values, and

inspire them with where you're going to lead them, and why.

 Use business storytelling as part of your call to action: this will help people appreciate the

positive impact of your vision on the people you're trying to help.

 Then, talk about your vision often. Link it to people's goals and tasks to give it context, and

help people see how they can contribute to it.

 Transformational leaders also know that nothing significant happens unless they encourage

their people. So, make sure that you know about the different kinds of motivation, and use

these to inspire your people to deliver their best.

Manage Delivery of the Vision:

 A vision is no use on its own: it needs to become reality. However, many leaders make the

mistake of developing a vision, but of not putting in the hard and often mundane work of

delivering it.

 To manage the delivery of your vision, you'll need to combine effective project management

with sensitive change management.

 This will help you deliver the changes you need with the full support of your people.

Communicate each person's roles and responsibilities clearly, and connect these to your


 Everyone should fully understand what they're responsible for, and know how you will

measure their success.

 Next, set clear, SMART goals for everyone, including some short-term goals that will help

people achieve quick wins and stay motivated.

 Use management by objectives to link short-term achievement to your longer-term goals.

 You may need to build your self-discipline and stamina, so that you don't let yourself down.

And, set a good example to your people – especially if they're affected by delays or

difficulties by being a model of hard work and persistence.

Build Ever-Stronger, Trust-Based Relationships with Your People:

 As a transformational leader, you need to focus your attention on your people, and work hard

to help them achieve their goals and dreams.

 It also underlines the fact that leadership is a long-term process, and that, as a leader, you

need to work constantly to build relationships, earn trust, and help your people grow as


 Meet your people individually to understand their developmental needs, and help them to

meet their career goals. What do they want to achieve in their role? Where do they see

themselves five years from now? How can you help them reach this goal?

 You can build trust with your people by being open and honest in your interactions. Use the

Johari Window to disclose safe personal information about yourself, and to get a better

understanding of "what makes your people tick."

 Lastly, set aside time to coach your people. When you help them find their own solutions,

you not only create a skilled team, but you also strengthen their self-confidence and their

trust in you.

From a subordinate development point of view, the intellectual stimulation dimension of

transformational leadership in particular has been associated with challenging subordinates to be

creative, think critically and independently and find novel ways of solving problems while

seeking a wide range of opinions before deciding upon solutions


Whether it is transactional or transformational leadership, leaders are known by their followers

hence for a leader to succeed it is important that he has followers. Every leader should be able to

create a vision, inspire subordinates, communicate well with subordinates, should have the

required knowledge, should be able develop team spirit when working in teams and build trust

among members. It is well suited in organizations with instability and uncertainty today.

Transformational Leadership gives an opportunity for an individual to innovate and develop

where by an individual is trained to deal with a more complex situation in future. They are

trained to be future leaders of the organization. Successful leaders are able to influence followers

to obtain the objective set.

Assignment 5


1. ________ is the ability to be certain about one’s companies and skills.

a. Self- Confidence

b. Courage

c. Motivation

d. Intelligence

2. As human skills deal with people, technical skills deal with _______.

a. Ideas

b. Things

c. Goals

d. Memory

3. Gives below are major leadership traits, except:

a. Integrity

b. Self- Confidence

c. Sociability

d. Communication

4. Which leadership consists intuiting subordinates:

a. Supportive leadership

b. Participative leadership

c. Achievement oriented

d. Transformational leadership

5. Leadership that is based on occupying a position in an organization is ______.

a. Assigned leadership

b. Improved leadership

c. Emergent leadership

d. Team- oriented


1. The three informational roles include ______, monitor and spokesperson.

a. Disseminator

b. Negotiator

c. Leader

d. Employees

2. ______ refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.

a. Efficiency

b. Leading

c. Power

d. Management

3. The field of study that researches the action (behavior) of people at work is called ______.

a. Organizational behavior

b. Leadership

c. Quality management

d. Pedagogy

4. Functions of communications are, except:

a. Control

b. Motivation

c. Empowerment

d. Information

5. Value chain management is a process of managing the sequence of _____.

a. Objectives

b. Activities

c. Researches

d. Behaviors

Assignment 6

Choose a leadership theory that fits in Pakistani public schools. Support your point of view

with examples.


The government schools in Pakistan are showing low performance for different reasons such as

low level of leadership, untrained teachers, 2% education budget, and non-availability of

resources. This assignment clarifies the way through self-development of schools to get

effectiveness and how instructional leaders can help them in development. The purpose of this

assignment is to discuss the key role of leadership especially in facilitating school improvement

and to discuss in detail which leadership (school of thought) fits in our education system and also

explores the issue of headship in the context of public schools in Pakistan. This assignment

identifies and explores the key variables that may contribute to a sense of personal development

for these heads, such as accountabilities made by the school system in which they work, and their

own individual personalities.


Education is considered as the backbone of every country’s development. The future of a society

depends upon its quality of education. Every country wants social and economic development;

therefore it is expected that by promoting education and developing human capital these

development goals can be achieved. The quality of education relies upon the educational leaders,

the heads of the schools, colleges or universities. A leader develops the effective organizational

routines, sovereignty and social interaction. In this way they make organizations such as schools

more productive.

These leaders first possess leadership skills and using these skills they develop their faculty to

improve student learning. These leadership skills include

 Knowledge skills.

 Social skills.

 Problem-solving skills.

 High quality teaching

Among all high quality of leadership are most necessary for a successful education system.

Various studies have been conducted to find the real problems related to the quality of education

in Pakistan. These studies mainly highlighted leadership deficiency in schools whose qualitative

study on community schools and Government schools investigated the quality of instructional

contribution. Private schools in Pakistan deliver quality education. The\main factors behind the

private sector success are quality instruction and the monitoring system. While main problem

with leadership is that leaders in Pakistani schools are promoted on the basis of teaching

experience, although they do not possess leadership skills.

Generally, there is a wide spread perception that the quality of education is associated with

efficiency and effectiveness of an institution. Similarly, the effectiveness of institution is deeply

related with the effectiveness of leadership. Thus, leadership is a key factor that can make the

difference in the institution. In terms of educational institutions, head teacher occupies central

role. His / her position in school hierarchy assigns him/her a greater role and importance. His/her

effectiveness and ineffectiveness is meant the effectiveness or in-effectiveness of the school or

entire educational organization. Therefore, in order to ensure effective functioning of educational

institutions, the promotion of quality of education, fair access to all the students and equal

opportunity to all the learners, school world needs change, innovation and improvement.

However, this very purpose cannot be achieved without having context based competent and

knowledgeable head teacher, because school head plays a central role in implementation and

management of change and innovation.

Throughout the world, and especially in the countries that have colonial legacy, Educational

administration is governed through hierarchal system. Under this system, School head is

assigned a critical administrative role. In this role he/she shares major responsibilities.

Nonetheless, this does not mean that school head has a direct role depending everything on

him/her including change and creativity. School heads have indirect role. They only indicate to

be guide and facilitator to the teaching community. As a matter of fact, the leadership

effectiveness and ineffectiveness depends on favorable and unfavorable situation or school

setting. In other words, the situational factors determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a

principal or head teacher. The significance of situation has been addressed by many researchers.

School heads in their leadership can be successful if behave according to situation. Similarly, the

leadership styles and behaviors have also situational effectiveness. According to Conrad and


“The unique situation and culture of any given organization greatly influence the

leadership activities and the follower’s way of dealing with the leader”.

Situational understanding of leadership means that no leadership behavior can be effective in all

situations and context. Nevertheless, leadership is a global phenomenon. Its practice is exercised

in varied contexts and cultures according to their ground realities. Most of the understanding and

insights about leadership theory and practice have been developed in the context of more

developed countries, especially American and European contexts, keeping in view of the ground

realities of those cultures.

The leader is sometimes God gifted and may be able to see the future and plan his/her actions

accordingly. However some of the oppressive leader’s qualities are listed below.

 An autocratic leader is known to be status conscious and also egoistic.

 He does not believe in the power of the members of an organization.

 He is primarily motivated by money and has no regard for relations with the members.

 He believes his order to be the best and does not take any suggestions or feedback from all

the other members

The performance of a teacher is divided into different levels. As described by Sultana N., the

performance, tendency and skill of a teacher are the vocal and non-verbal attitude/behavior of

his/her. Basically, performance is described as the outcome of his/her capabilities under a given

scenario. Next is the capacity of a teacher to do the best when trying its best. The distinctive

work what a teacher does in normal situation is described as his/her activity.

A teacher has to choose a path to make the learner more desirable and fascinating towards its

studies and to make transformation in his/ her attitude. The way of teaching students physically

or non-verbal is counted as his/her performance. What a teacher does, the way of her/his

teaching skill are all dependent of his/ her teaching career.

The key factor of teaching is his/her performance, its way of handling thing, his/her influence on

students and being satisfied with its occupation. Satisfaction with a profession produces the best

out of a person, because then he/she are given the favorable condition to show his/her creativity.

This creativity enhances one’s mind, both the teacher and the students. This creativity produces

quality outcome. A teacher becomes experienced when he/she has been has teaching for a long

period in his/her era and thus, makes necessary for both the experienced and the new comers to

cope up with their easily, because a new comer/faculty is updated about the current knowledge,

whereas an experienced teacher has the hold over his/her subject. Therefore, the principle has to

know about its faculty and their performance to extend their contract. Now the fashion of a

person affects his/her performance

To summarize, school leadership in the Pakistan educational system is distressing; the lack of

qualification, training and experience of an educational institution leader is posing serious threats

to the quality of education in the country.

Contingency Theory:

Moving towards the main point where my focus rely in this assignment is that which school of

thought (leadership theory) should be followed in our public school system for its betterment. All

the leadership theories I have studied in my course, I opt to go with contingency theory. In my

opinion, this model best suits our government education system. It gives us alternative strategies

to deal with events occurring and problems we are facing in our educational institutes at primary

and secondary level.

Implementation of Contingency Theory:

Hanson also gave the idea of contingency theory as a way for organizations to adapt uncertainty

by developing a strategic plan with alternative scenarios. He also urges school administrators to

join businessmen and public managers in using a technique described as "the most powerful

current sweeping over the organizational field."

Hanson and Brown found that problems emerging from; a school’s turbulent environment must

proceed through a series of stages and can ’be deflected in any number of directions depending

on the set of contingencies surrounding each stage. Similar types of problems (e.g., discipline,

academic weaknesses, or resource shortages) tend to generate similar types of contingencies;

therefore, some degree of predictability tends to emerge once the type of problem and the nature

of the contingencies facing it have been identified. At this point it might be useful to construct a

conceptual framework that incorporates the major contingency theory ingredients discussed thus

far. This framework will be cast in an educational setting to illustrate the core elements of the

emerging perspective.

Traditional views of organizational structure concentrate on such elements as the hierarchical

relationship of roles, centralized authority, rules and regulations, and span of control. System

theorists, however, tend to view structure more in terms of the interdependence of subunits and

the relationship of each to the whole. The school, for example, is made up of academic

departments that in turn are made up of specific classes. Central to understanding the actions of

the system as a whole is an understanding of what each subsystem is doing and the functional (or

dysfunctional) contribution each is making to the whole.

Leavitt has categorized the key ingredients of a subsystem as the interactions of:

 Task

 Structure

 Technology

 People

Additionally, the various subsystems maintain degrees of differentiation ’and integration. The

differentiation and integration establish the condition for what Weick calls a “loosely coupled

system,” with the subunits maintaining various degrees of autonomy and decisional discretion. A

school system maintains many such subsystems: guidance, maintenance, personnel, evaluation,

learning and instruction, information management, food service, and athletics. As above figure

points out, these various subsystems interact with one another and are linked through a

leadership, or management control, subsystem to make up the whole.

Contingency theory suggests that as some aspect of the environment becomes turbulent (e.g.,

parental complaints over course content or an increase in school accidents), the appropriate

subsystem is in place and can emerge to treat the issue. Thus, time and energy from the entire

organization duo not have to be diverted from various priority projects.

Unfortunately, all too often educational organizations seem to prefer constraining the

differentiation and integration of the subsystems by practicing what Cyert and March earlier

called “uncertainty avoidance.” This practice tends to place tight constraints on the various

subsystems by applying standard operating procedures and by’ making traditional bureaucratic

responses that are intended to suffocate or ignore turbulent issues.40 Long-range planning efforts

are limited and energy and resources are diverted to short-term “firefighting.” All too often the

outcome is organizational survival, but at the expense of resolving, or at least treating, its major

long-run, persistent problems often the outcome is organizational survival, but at the expense of

resolving, or at least treating, its major long-run, persistent problems.

In short, the conceptual framework of contingency theory introduced in above Figure has

emphasized the major ingredients of: internal and external environments, which range between

turbulent and placid on, specific issues; an open system, which is made up of subsystems; a

particular technology associated with each subsystem; and degrees of differentiation and

integration between subsystems.

Given the diversity of problems and processes a contingency theory view of

management, a significant question arises. How can an organization such as a school make

intelligent choices in what appears to be a very uncertain environment? Such choices are

essential in establishing the desired close match between the organization and its environment.

As will be pointed out in the next section of this paper, the answer is a very special set of

planning processes uniquely suited to the ‘situational character of organizational life.

Overview of Contingency Theory:

Contingency theory is perhaps the most powerful current sweeping over the public and private

sectors of management. An understanding of the "situational" characteristics of the

organizational forces that influence the relationships between environmental, management, and

performance variables is now coming to be seen as a key to understanding the management

process itself.

Currently, a number of teachers still copy some old models in the teaching practice, which makes

the reform scheme lacks in flexibility and focus. That’s why the teaching quality is undesirable

and students’ initiatives cannot be invoked. Methods for the adoption of contingency theory in

the reform of teaching practices amongst which the student’s develop special characteristics.

 It analyzes the internal adjustments of the educational organization (e.g., decision making

process, structure, technology, instructional techniques) as it seeks to meet the shifting

demands of its external or internal environments.

 Contingency planning helps the organization to respond to uncertainty by identifying

possible events that may occur by preparing alternative strategies to deal with them.

 The purpose of this process as providing "a more effective match between an organization

and its environment.

 The intent of contingency theory is to establish an optimal "match" between environmental

demands (and support) and the response capabilities of the organization including its

structure, planning process, and leadership style.

Areas to Focus:

A set of National Standards should have been established for head teachers where professional

leadership and management practice in these areas. These standards must be made obligatory for

all type of public schools in Pakistan. These areas include:

Determining the Future:

Creating a shared vision and strategic plan for the school (in collaboration with governing body)

that motivates staff and others in the community.

Leading Learning and Teaching:

Head teachers taking responsibility for raising the quality of teaching and learning and for

students’ achievement. This implies setting high expectations and monitoring and evaluating the

effectiveness of learning outcomes. A successful learning culture will enable students to become

effective, enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to life-long learning.

Working with Others:

Building effective relationships and building a professional learning community through

performance management and effective professional development for staff.

Managing the Organization:

Improving organizational structures through self-evaluation, organization and management of

people and resources in order to build capacity across the workforce and deploy cost effective



Head teachers are accountable to students, parents, careers, governors, the local authority and the

whole community to provide a high quality of education for promoting collective responsibility

within the whole school community and for contributing to the education service more widely.

Strengthening Community:

Creating links and collaborating with other schools, parents, careers and other agencies to share

expertise and ensure children’s wellbeing

Improving teachers’ professionalism:

Teachers’ professionalism is a key factor deciding the success of teaching practice. To improve

the teaching effects and students’ satisfaction, first it is necessary to improve the teachers’ basic

theories and practical competence, and minimize the phenomenon that the students are forced to

echo every word that the teacher says in class. Second, teachers are expected to consider the fact

that those majoring in industrial and commercial management have taken program of liberal arts

or science, and therefore have to make proper concessions in the teaching contents. Besides, they

are proposed to encourage the students to explore by themselves and to learn more valuable


Case Study to Support our Claim:

This study is a very valuable addition in the Pakistani context because very little research has

been done on finding and explaining the relationship between leadership styles and the

way teacher’s perform. The results of this study will help educational institutes in training their

teachers. The study will determine the right style to teach in Pakistan and how to be perfect

in the role of leadership and teaching and also to determine a relationship between them.

This research will not only help at the teaching level but will also help principals understand

better ways of administrating their educational institutes and also bringing a change in their

style. It may also help in lifting the image and the standard of the administrative leadership

in all the educational institution and also in determining the various points it lacks at.

This research will help in designing different policies, in making plans and decisions

regarding education at different levels. This study can be used by the teacher training

institutions and even other secondary schools. This will also enhance the leadership styles of the

administration and the different heads who work in secondary education.

Objective of Study:

To understand and determine the different leadership styles under practice by various principals

and how way through which these styles could influence the performance of teachers teaching at

the government secondary school.

 To determine the perception the principal generally have about their leadership style and

the performance of their teachers.

 To determine the perception of the teachers regarding the leadership styles of the

administrative staff and the principal.

 To study the effect of time management upon the performance level of the teachers at the

schools and leadership styles.

 To study the effect communication has on the performance of a teacher and three styles

of leaderships, democratic, laissez-fair and autocratic.

 To study the effect of solving problems and making decisions on the performance of a

teacher and the leadership styles.

Validity of research:

This study is very beneficial as it will give a chance to the educational leaders to improve their

efficiency and effectiveness. As educational institutes are a service being offered, this research

will give them a chance to improve their service. This research will be most beneficial for the

head teachers as it will provide them with an opportunity to increase their abilities by eliminating

their weak points and also to reflect upon their own leadership styles and appraise them.

Eventually this will have an impact on the school. This will also help teachers understand the

role of leadership and why is it good for their institute. Also new ways can be found through

which the teaching can be enhanced. Finally the research conducted could be used as a base for

getting directions for the future research studies.

Literature Review:

It is the right of every human being to have access to the sources of education. It is one of the

strongest factors of a developed country or a country going towards development. It is a

procedure through which skills can be enhanced by adhering to teaching as well as training and

learning. Farooq (1994), has stated in his unique way that traditionally the purpose of education

was to preserve the past as well as the present and to also develop one’s intellect. Education

brings about a permanent change in one’s behavior through development. A child’s education

starts at home because knowledge can also be gained from parents. A person is in a continuous

process of learning. Also knowledge can be gained from a person’s colleagues and there is

another important source of education, a teacher. However not all sources of gaining knowledge

are considered as notion of education and education is solely linked to formal and structured

institutions providing education (Naseer Ahmad Salafi, 2014).

Many studies have focused on the different variables that determine the improved levels of

student achievement and the performance of the school. It is generally assumed that the level of

positive school climate as well as the increase and decrease in the level leadership style of a

principal and their positive attitudes have a two dimensional impact, that is direct and indirect on

the impact on the performance of a teacher (Ibrahim,2013). Nadarasa (2014) further states that

positive role in the leadership behavior and good decision making skills can lead towards the

development of the teachers and will also provide them with job satisfaction.

Contingency theory combines the two theories, trait and situational theory. This theory suggests

that a leadership is basically a process in which when the leader exercise the leadership it mainly

depends on the task at hand in a group and whether the leader has a personality that will be fit

according to this group.

There are three styles of leadership identified by Wiles (1990) and Liberman et al (1994); these

are laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic. The autocratic leader considers his or her judgement

to be the best and tells how the things should be done as well as maintains a low level of

communication with their subordinates (Adeyemi, 2013). The second style of leadership the

democratic style emphasizes on the participation of a leader and group in order to design

policies. Laissez-faire is more inclined towards a group making a decision without the

involvement of the leader so the subordinates have the freedom of doing anything and deciding

anything they want.

Educational administration and management:

It is mentioned in the encyclopedia of education (1971) that an administrators is mainly

concerned about the direction and support given to the student body of an organization. This

incorporates the leadership required to run a school as well. It is expected from a principal that

he or she possesses the qualities such as management, coordination, scheduling, curriculum, staff

utilization and can supervise all the other activities that commonly occur in a school.

Administration is a vital determinant of an education sector. It is impossible to achieve a set or a

group of goals and objectives if the administration is not well coordinated. It has been stated in

Verma (2005) that education is a combination of two words and they are vise educational as well

as the administration. The meaning of the first of these two words ‘education’ is to make an

individual learn or to educate an individual whereas the second word ‘administration’ means the

act of providing a service to educate any individual. In this regard Mohanty (1990) has given a

very meaningful definition according to which it is explained that the “educational institutions

are not only concerned with management of things but also with the human relationship with

their aim towards educating the individuals.” In another study conducted by Gupta (1987)

presented a contradictory statement regarding the role of principles and divulged his views that

the principles basically has the role of designing the policies and implementing it within the

school after which they are not supposed to do anything more.


In order for an institute to survive, as recognized by the educational practitioners and scholars, it

is essential for them to have leadership. The literature promotes the idea that management is the

task conducted by a group of people who add value by committing to their work and by putting

their efforts to reach the same goal or objective. The definition of leadership that is most agreed

upon has been given by Javidan, Hanges, and Dorfman (2002) they stated that leadership is the

ability to motivate as well as influence other members in order to increase the efficiency and

effectiveness of the organization. Another writer Bennis (1989) stated that leadership is a quality

that is possessed by many individuals but very few of them use it. It is also something that so

common that anyone can learn and possess it, it can also be taught and no one has a right to deny

it to anyone(Isaac, Zerbe, & Pitt, 2001;Pearee & Conger, 2003). Furthermore it is stated that it

not an individual’s property. There are various contexts in which leadership is defined, the most

common out of these is the organizational context which talks about creating circumstances in

which an individual becomes a leader and adopts certain leadership qualities and practices

(Oyetunyi, 2006).

Teacher and Principals as Leaders:

Our leaders are our teachers and principle. Their leadership qualities are all dependent of their

capabilities. It is said that the teacher and his/her performance are main pillars of the sound and

progressive culture, because according to the National Education policy, a teacher’s performance

holds the gates of the implementation of educational reforms. A teacher’s professional,

intellectual and personal outline affects his/her teaching and learning process beyond the shadow

of a doubt. A teacher’s attitude towards its learners is what matters, because student adopts what

it sees in their teachers. If a teacher shows the best traits he/she has they are given the title of role

model. When a teacher is awarded with the title of a role model, he/she shows more dedication,

devotion and loyalty towards his/her teaching career. To be more updated about the up-to-date

knowledge, they are given trainings.

A teacher’s training is essential both in service and preservice, because this enhances and

elevates the standards and performance of the teacher itself. This training builds a character that

makes him/her to maintain a standard and enrich the quality of education. Books are not the only

instrument used by a teacher but yet he/she uses influential methods of teaching with which a

student can easily understood what is being taught by the teacher. As Kaini (2006) says, a

teacher is not a teacher until he/she might help his/her students to have a development in their

character and behavior and to provide them full guidance of everything in everyday life. A

teacher not only makes lesson plan but teaches his/her learner too improve its skill, confidence,

helps build character and provokes them to learn their topic with interest. Moreover, in the final

analysis of Stronge & Tucker (2003), they described the teacher’s evaluation as the procedure of

defining how an individual is performing under a given criteria.

The head master of the school is linked with routine processes of its institution, according to

Sally, McPherson & Bachr (1985). Head mister, head mistresses or principle are name given to

the head of owner of a secondary school, according to his/her wage. A principle is the manager

of the school, looking at the student schedule, maintaining teachers also improving them,

listening to voices of individual and resolving their problem, described by Husen (1985). As

Shukla says, the principle is not only limited to teachers and students, but parents. Principle

ensures that the school’s standard is maintained, the school is organized and the education

quality is up-to-date. The head of intuition is an unchallengeable leader who cannot be

questioned, elaborated by Sidhu. According to Stronge, Richard and Catano (2008), the principle

is the dynamic personality that takes up the responsibility of nurturing the talent of the students

by providing them effective support throughout the curriculum as well as non-curriculum



The research work deals with mixed approaches which define the theoretical framework. This

study makes use of a descriptive method and for this purpose a total of 47 government secondary

schools were incorporated in this study however total 10 schools were selected for further

analysis which included 10 principals and 100 teachers in the selected sample. For the purpose of

collecting data, questionnaires as well as interviews were used as the main source. To analyze

the data, percentage method is used and the data is presented through multiple bar graphs.


The researcher has also presented the recommendations after conducting the study. There was a

structured questionnaire developed to obtain the opinion of the teachers regarding the subject

matter under study. It was developed in the light of the issues and conceptions explored in the

review of the literature.

Questionnaire was prepared for interviewing the principals. The chart shows the statements as

per items (which were collected by interviewing the principals). The results of the interviews that

took place with the principals are given below:


It was hypothesized by the researcher that time management does not have any positive impact

on the three types of leadership styles, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the

performance of the teacher but the results show that the respondents gave different responses.

The findings however suggest that time management does indeed have a positive and a

significant impact on the three styles of leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on

the performance of the teacher therefore the null hypotheses was rejected. Another hypothesis

made by the researcher was that there is not positive or significant impact of communication on

the three styles of leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the performance of the

teacher however the findings show a positive as well as a significant impact of communication

on the three styles of leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the performance of

the teacher therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. The researcher further hypothesized that

decision making does not have a positive as well as a significant impact on the three types of

leadership styles, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the performance of the teacher but

the findings suggested otherwise rejecting the null hypothesis. The research also hypothesized

that problem solving does not have a significant as well as a positive impact on the three styles of

leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the performance of the teacher but the

findings suggested otherwise rejecting the null hypothesis. Another hypothesis made by the

researcher was that team building does not have a positive as well as a significant impact on the

three styles of leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic and democratic on the performance of the

teacher but the findings proved otherwise, hence rejected the null hypothesis. Another hypothesis

made suggested that there is no significant link between principals and a teacher’s favorite

leadership style but the findings showed otherwise and so the hypothesis was rejected. This

research paper concludes that secondary school’s principals failed to incorporate the factors

mentioned above in order to obtain good leadership skills.


The main purpose of conducting this research was to find out the “impact of different leadership

styles of principals on the performance of the teacher at the secondary schools based in Sadder

Town, Karachi.” It is concluded from the results obtained from the questionnaires that leadership

styles such as the democratic, laissez-faire and autocratic have a very strong impact on a

teacher’s performance. These leadership styles were then further measured on decision making,

communication, problem solving, time management and team building. In order to obtain the

objectives of the study, interview were conducted using questionnaire that was designed using

the 5 pointer Likert scale. The different parameters defined in this research work were very

helpful in understanding, determining and as well as evaluating the leadership style possessed by

the principal. Most of the principals are following a democratic leadership style.


 These schools should conduct training programs in order to polish leadership qualities

and to increase their capacity.

 The schools must follow a decentralized system in order to give some power to the staff

members as well in the process of decision making.

 In order to improve the quality of education provided in a school, the administrations

should take steps to improve the performance of the teachers by motivating them.

 A mentoring program should be set for enhancing the performance of the new head

teacher appointed.

 Other mode of teaching should be considered other than the traditional method of face to

face teaching, without compromising the quality of education.

 Principals should be able to handle criticism and should focus on improving their public


 A system should be established for providing teachers with continuous feedback on their


Personal Opinion:

The role of school leadership should have strong policy and an increased focus on training,

qualification and professional development for school leaders within a national plan. More

important the links between leadership and teaching should have been strong and no personal

agenda should come in between that and their main aim is to focus two key items:

 Improving the quality of the Workforce;

 Helping schools to help each other to improve.

A theme should be set with high accountability pressure and school leaders increasingly held

responsible for raising standards of achievement, leading school improvement and enhancing the

quality of teaching in schools. School leadership and its relationship to student learning should

have been monitored by inspecting agency and they should be held responsible for inspecting

schools and providing quality assurance and public accountability. This will play an influential

role in shaping public schools in Pakistan. This extract emphasizes the connection between what

leaders do and what happens in the classroom.

 Effective head teachers provide a clear vision and sense of direction for the school.

 They focus the attention of staff on what is important and do not let them get diverted and

sidetracked with initiatives that will have little impact on the work of the students.

 They know what is going on in their classrooms and have a clear view of the strengths

and weaknesses of their staff. They know how to build on the strengths and reduce the


 They can focus their programme of staff development on the real needs of their staff and

school. They gain this view through a systematic programme of monitoring and


 They have clarity of thought, sense of purpose and knowledge of what is going on mean

that effective head teachers can get the best out of their staff, which is the key to

influencing work in the classroom and to raising the standards achieved by students.


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