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Rheol Acta 36:262-268 (1997)

© Steinkopff Verlag 1997

Jagesh V. Shah Strain hardening of fibrin gels and plasma clots

Paul A. Janmey

Abstract Biological macromole- times the moduli at small strains.

Received: 2 January 1997
Accepted: 22 April 1997 cules have unique theological prop- The strain hardening of fibrin gels
erties that distinguish them from was eliminated by the addition of
common synthetic polymers. platelets, which caused a large in-
Dedicated to Prof. John D. Ferry
on the occasion of his 85th birthday. Among these, fibrin has been stud- crease in shear storage modulus in
ied extensively to understand the ba- the low strain linear viscoelastic
J.V. Shah sic mechanisms of viscoelasticity as limit. The reduction in strain hard-
Harvard-MiT Division of Health Sciences well as molecular mechanisms of ening may result from fibrin strand
and Technology
Experimental Medicine Division coagulation disorders. One aspect of retraction which occurs when plate-
Brigham and Women's Hospital fibrin gel theology that is not ob- lets become activated. This interpre-
221 Longwood Avenue served in most polymeric systems is tation is in agreement with recent
Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA strain hardening: an increase in theoretical treatments of semi-flex-
Dr. R A. Janmey ( ~ ) shear modulus at strain amplitudes ible polymer network viscoelasticity.
Experimental Medicine Divison above 10%. Fibrin clots and plasma
Brigham and Women's Hospital
221 Longwood Avenue
clots devoid of platelets exhibit Key words Fibrin - viscoelasticity
Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA shear moduli at strains of approxi- - strain hardening - clot retraction -
E-mall: j mately 50% that are as much as 20 platelets

Introduction constituent of mammalian blood clots. The rheology of

fibrin clots has been studied for over 50 years (Wag-
reich and Tarlov, 1945; Ferry and Morrison, 1947), in
Many types of biological macromolecules form gels work pioneered by Ferry and his coworkers (Ferry,
that exhibit viscoelastic properties differing in several 1983).
respects from those of synthetic polymer networks and Initial work established that the network strands in a
gels. The unique viscoelasticity of biopolymers is fun- fibrin gel form by linear polymerization of bi-functional
damental to their biological function and the mainte- monomers activated by the enzyme thrombin. Mono-
nance of normal physiology. Defects that alter the vis- mers combine by non-covalent interactions to form pro-
coelasticity of biopolymers such as those comprising tofibrils of 10 nm diameter by a staggered overlapping
the cytoskeleton or the extracellular matrix are impor- arrangement of symmetric, elongated subunits. Such
tant in a number of disease states. In addition to their protofibrils can associate laterally with other protofibrils
biological function, biopolymers have uniquely macro- to form wider, branching fibers (see (Mosesson, 1990)
scopic size, length and time scales making them useful and (Hermans and McDonagh, 1982) for review). The
for probing fundamental theories of viscoelasticity and width of these fibers depends on pH and ionic strength,
polymer dynamics (e.g., Wang and Bloomfield, 1991; suggesting a dominant role for electrostatic interactions.
Perkins et al., 1994; Yanagida et al., 1984; Gittes et al., By modulating fiber width, gels with elastic elements
1993; K~s et al., 1994; Kishino and Yanagida, 1988). ranging from single protofibrils (fine clots) to fibers of
Perhaps the best characterized and most informative of diameter > 300 nm (coarse clots) can be prepared in vi-
the gel-forming protein polymers is fibrin, the major tro. During and after gelation (Bale et al., 1984) cova-
J.V. Shah and E A. Janmey 263
Strain hardening of clots

lent bonds between subunits either within or between Human fibrinogen

protofibrils can be introduced by the enzymatic activity
of Factor XIlIa in a reaction that depends on both Human fibrinogen was partially purified from platelet-
thrombin and mM Ca 2÷ concentrations (Shen and Lor- poor plasma (Mosher and Blout, 1973). One volume sa-
and, 1983). The ability to vary the mass to length ratio turated ammonium sulfate was added to three volumes
of the network strands and to introduce covalent bonds platelet-poor plasma and incubated at 4°C for 1 h with
between strands has enabled a thorough study of the occasional mixing. The precipitate was collected by
importance of these factors on the rheology of fibrin centrifugation at 1000xg for 30 rain, and the pellet re-
clots. Such studies have been relevant both to elucidat- suspended in Tris-buffered saline (150raM NaC1,
ing the physical origin of fibrin viscoelasticity, and to 10 mM Tris, pH 7.4). Fibrinogen content was assessed
providing insight into the clinical complications arising by optical density (E= 1.52 at 280 nm) and SDS-PAGE.
when some of these reactions are compromised in dis- Fibrinogen yield varied from 2 to 2.5 mg protein per
ease (Schreiber and Schmer, 1984). one ml of plasma.
Among the unusual features of fibrin rheology is a
very large degree of strain hardening: an increase in the Rheologic analysis
elastic modulus measured under shear as the magnitude
of the deformation is increased. Such strain hardening Shear deformation of clot samples was carded out on a
was apparent in early studies showing plots of stress vs. Rheometrics RFS II Fluids Spectrometer (Piscataway,
shear strain with a distinct upward curvature for strains NJ) equipped with a cone and plate geometry. The prin-
above 10% (Roberts et al., 1973). The dependence of ciple of operation of this instrument is described by
dynamic shear moduli measured during oscillatory de- Janmey (1988). All samples were placed within the in-
formation at moderate to large strain amplitudes was strument immediately after the clotting agent was added
later studied systematically using fine fibrin clots either to allow the clot to form between the instrument plates.
with or without covalent ligation (Janmey et al., 1983; Clotting of plasma was initiated by addition of 20 mM
Bale and Ferry, 1988). These studies report an increase CaC12 and 1 NIH U/ml thrombin. Fibrin clots were in-
by a factor of more than 20 in the differential shear itiated by addition of 3 mM CaC12 and 1 NIH U/ml
storage modulus (dG'/dy) when the shear strain, y, in- thrombin. The clots were monitored over time until the
creases from 1% to 50%. In the present report, rheolo- storage modulus reached a steady value. The plateau in
gic studies of coarse fibrin clots and clots of human storage modulus took no longer than 1 h for all condi-
plasma both with and without platelets are compared. tions considered. The clot was then subjected sequen-
The addition of platelets to human plasma and fibrin in- tially to frequency dependence and strain dependence
creases gel stiffness and eliminates strain hardening. measurements. Since the storage (G') and loss (G")
moduli are calculated from the in-phase and out-of-
phase components, respectively, of an oscillating stress
measured after imposition of a calibrated oscillatory
strain, these values are strictly accurate only in the limit
Experimental considerations of linear viscoelasticity. As the moduli become strain-
dependent, the stress response is no longer perfectly fit
Human plasma by a sinusoidal function, and therefore a quantitative in-
accuracy will occur. Most previous oscillatory measure-
Human blood, obtained from volunteers upon informed ments (Bale and Ferry, 1988; Janmey et al., 1983) were
consent, was drawn into a 0.1 volume of citrate-based made with a torsion pendulum in which small oscilla-
anticoagulant (8.5 mM sodium citrate, 69 mM citric tions (1%) were applied to a sample held at a steady,
acid, 20 mg/ml glucose, pH 4.6). The samples were larger strain to obtain a differential shear modulus
centrifuged at ll0xg for 15 rain. The platelet-rich plas- (dG'/dT). Control experiments measuring the same
ma (PRP) was further centrifuged at 1000×g for 15 rain samples by both methods, however, confirm that the
to yield platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Gel-filtered plate- differences between measurements are minor, although
lets were prepared from platelet-rich plasma as de- the magnitude of strain hardening may be slightly un-
scribed in (Hartwig et al., 1995), stored at 37°C in derestimated by the types of forced oscillatory measure-
Platelet Buffer (145raM NaC1, 5raM KC1, 2raM ments done in this study. All rheologic studies were
MgC12, 0.5 mM Na2HPO4, 10 mM HEPES, 10 mM glu- performed at 23°C.
cose, 0.3% albumin, pH 7.4) and used within 2 h. Lyo-
philized bovine thrombin was obtained from Sigma (St. Light microscopy
Louis, MO), diluted in deionized water to 100 NIH U/
ml and frozen. Thrombin aliquots were thawed and Clots and platelets were imaged by phase contrast mi-
used immediately. croscopy on a Nikon Diaphot 300 microscope with a
264 Rheologica Acta, Vol. 36, No. 3 (1997)
© Steinkopff Verlag 1997

60X oil immersion objective and a Sanyo CCD camera 1000 A i i i

with a 2X image coupler. Images were captured to a
Macintosh computer equipped with a Scion video cap-
ture card and NIH Image software. Plasma clots for mi-
croscopy were initiated by recalcification alone, fibrin lOO
clots were initiated by addition of 3 mM CaC12 and m-
0.1 NIH U/ml thrombin. Slides were prepared by addi-
tion of the clotting agent directly to a small volume of
sample on a glass slide. Samples were sealed with nail & lO
polish and then allowed to sit for at least 1 h before
being visualized. All microscopic visualizations were
performed at 23°C.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time (s)

When thrombin is added to either purified fibrinogen 1000

under coarse clotting conditions or whole blood plasma, B
• . ." ~_--
the shear storage modulus (GI), measured at constant
strain amplitude (2%) and frequency (1 rad/s), increases
as the gel forms and is strengthened by increasing fi- E~
brin polymerization, as shown in Fig. 1 A. The magni- -I

tude of the shear modulus for platelet poor plasma is lOO 0

within a factor of 3 of that of an equivalent concentra-
tion of polymerized fibrinogen purified from that plas- Q

ma, but the modulus of platelet-rich plasma is approxi- o

mately 5-10 times greater. This large difference in (,9
shear moduli is most apparent in the limit of small
strain amplitudes (<10%) and disappears when the 10 I I 1 I I I r I I I I r T i i i i i i r

strain amplitude of oscillatory deformation exceeds 1 10 100

40%. Figure 1 B shows a large increase in G / at strains
Strain (%)
above 15% for both fibrin and PPP gels, but a nearly
strain-independent modulus for PRP clots. Moreover, Fig. 1 Time-course and strain dependence of plasma and fibrinogen
the shear moduli of both fibrin and PPP gels at 40% clots. The time-courses of clot formation (A) for platelet-rich plasma
maximal strain are very near those of PRP clots at that (O), platelet-poor plasma (O) and purified fibrinogen (El). The in-
creased storage modulus of platelet-rich plasma, over that of platelet-
deformation. poor plasma and purified polymerized fibrinogen is apparent. Panel B
The frequency dependence of both the shear storage shows the dependence of G' on the magnitude of deformation. An
(G ~) and shear loss modulus (G r~) for the samples in increased degree of strain hardening for platelet-poor plasma and fi-
Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 2. Over a broad range of fre- brin compared to platelet-rich plasma is observed. Time-course mea-
surements (A) were made at a strain amplitude of 2% and frequency
quencies the storage modulus (A) is nearly independent of 1 rad/s. Strain sweep measurements (B) were made at 1 rad/s
of deformation frequency for all samples. However, the
loss modulus (B) is independent of frequency only for
the platelet-rich plasma clot. Both the platelet-poor plas- Figure 3 shows structural differences of PPP (A) and
ma and fibrin gels display a decline in G ~ with decreas- PRP (B) clots observed by phase contrast microscopy.
ing frequency, with fibrin exhibiting a stronger depen- While the general appearance of individual fibers is
dence. The similarity in the frequency dependence of similar in the two samples, the network of strands in
the storage moduli suggests that all samples are exten- the PRP clot is notably more heterogeneous, with clus-
sively interconnected either by direct fibrin-fibrin con- ters of aligned fibrils bridging foci where activated
tacts or through fibrin-platelet bonds, and that the pres- platelets have aggregated and contracted. A large differ-
ence of platelets does not qualitatively alter the broad ence in crosslink density is not observed.
plateau modulus at small strain characteristic of fibrin The large effect of platelets on the rheology of plasma
gels. The decreased frequency dependence of G ~t in clots is further evident in Fig. 4, where the strain-depen-
PRP clots suggests that some modes of relaxation, per- dent moduli of three homologous plasma samples differ-
haps by internal motions within fibrin strands, are di- ing only in the density of platelets are compared. Similar
minished by the action of the platelets. to the results in Fig. 1, as increasing numbers of platelets
J.V. Shah and R A. Janmey 265
Strain hardening of clots

1000 , i i i i,iJ I , i i i I,L, I , i i LILll I


"5 100
0 0 0 0 '


10 ~I i i i liliil t l i lillll r I I lllf~l

0.1 I I 0 I O0
Frequency (rad/s)

100 :'t g ' ' ' '''"1 ' ' ' ' .... I ' ' ' ' ' ' " -





0.1 ~1 i ~ r ~ 1 ~ t r r~t~l ~ ~ ~ r~l~[

0.1 1 10 1 O0
Frequency (rad/s) Fig. 3 Plasma clots visualized by phase contrast microscopy. Plate-
let-poor plasma clots (A) and platelet-rich plasma clots (B) are visua-
Fig. 2 Frequency dependence of plasma and fibrinogen clots. Fre- lized in phase contrast microscopy. Note the same general fiber width
quency dependence of both the shear storage modulus (A) and shear but increased heterogeneity of the network near the retracted platelets
loss modulus (B) for platelet-rich plasma (O), platelet-poor plasma
(C)) and purified fibrinogen ([]). The storage modulus is independent
of frequency for all samples. The loss moduli of platelet-poor plasma moduli are compared for fibrinogen polymerized in the
and fibrinogen have a moderate dependence on frequency, whereas presence or absence of gel-filtered platelets. The plate-
the platelet-rich plasma has frequency-independent loss modulus. All
measurements where made at a strain amplitude of 2% let-fibrinogen mixture exhibits a dramatic increase in G /
compared to fibrinogen alone (A). This increase is simi-
lar to that seen in the PRP clot shown in Fig. 1 A. The
are left in the plasma after differential centrifugation, the platelet-fibrin mixture also exhibits a very small degree
modulus at small strain increases strongly (A), but the of strain hardening when compared to the fibrin sample
maximal modulus at moderate strains is only slightly al- (C). Again, this is similar to the finding for PRP clots
tered (B). The shear modulus of the PPP gel increases at (Fig. 1B), where the PRP clots had virtually no strain
strains above 15% and reaches a maximum at 100% that hardening when compared to PPP or fibrin. The strain
is near the level of the PRP clot at small strains, which hardening seen in the platelet-fibrin mixture is likely
exhibits no strain hardening (B). Moreover, the strain at due to dilution of the platelet concentration from physio-
which rupture of the clots occurs, as evidenced by a de- logic PRP values as a result of gel filtration and mixing
crease in modulus, decreases with increasing platelet with fibrinogen. Fig. 5 B shows that G / for the platelet-fi-
count. brinogen mixture is independent of frequency, again par-
The importance of activated platelets in determining alleling the PRP clot frequency dependence seen in
the shear modulus of purified fibrin clots is shown in Fig. 2. The finding that the relatively low modulus of
Fig. 5, where the time-course (A), frequency dependence the fibrin gel at low strain is increased to the levels of
(B) and the strain dependence (C) of the shear storage PRP clots simply by the addition of platelets confirms
266 Rheologica Acta, Vol. 36, No. 3 (1997)
© Steinkopff Verlag 1997

1000 1000 L-- , I I I

cE 100
L~ lOO m


0 10

10 o

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Time (s)
~ , I i i , .X_ , , F I , f ~
1 --'
1000 '1 ' * ' ' .... t . . . . . . . . ~ ' ' ~ ..... I
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
T i m e (s) v

1000 ~i ........ ~ ~" ....... I

B -o 100

o o

~ 100 10 L I F itTlll I I I lITIlI I 1 I plllrt

O. 1 10 100
Frequency (rad/s)
1000 .... i .......................

10 . 100
1 10 100
Strain (%) Q

Fig. 4 Time-course and strain dependence for a variety of platelet C~

concentrations. Low speed ceutrifugation, 100×g, yielded platelet-rich
plasma (O), centrifugation at 300×g resulted in a lower platelet content
plasma (qualitatively assessed by turbidity) (©), and centrifugation at
1000xg resulted in clear platelet-poor plasma (r~). The time-course of 1 i t i1[ i t i i illll i i ~ Iiiitl i i i ItlIL

polymerization demonstrates that increasing number of platelets in- 1 10 1 O0 1000

creases the value of the storage modulus (A) at low (2%) strain. Plate- Strain (%)
let-poor plasma was measured for only 20 rain, but allowed to sit for 1
before strain sweep measurements were conducted. However, strain Fig. 5 Time-course, frequency and strain dependence of fibrin and
dependence measurements (B) show that increasing platelet concentra- platelet-fibrin mixtures. Time-course of polymerization (A) is shown
tions decreases the degree of strain hardening seen. Time-course mea- for a gel-filtered platelet-fibrinogen mixture (O) and an equivalent
surements were performed at a strain amplitude of 2% and a frequency fibrinogen concentration alone (O). Time-course indicates the in-
of 1 rad/s. Strain dependence was also measured at 1 rad/s crease in storage modulus created by addition of platelets to the fibri-
nogen. Both samples have storage moduli which are independent of
frequency (B). The addition of platelets decreases the degree of strain
that the large difference between plasma clots and pure hardening seen at moderate strains (C). The small strain hardening
fibrin results mainly from the presence of platelets and seen in the platelet-fibrin mixture is likely to be due to dilution of the
platelets both during gel filtration and preparation of the mixture.
not from other proteins such as fibronectin (Kamykows- Time-course measurements were made at a strain amplitude of 2%
ki et al., 1981; Hansen, 1984) or albumin (Galanakis et and a frequency of 1 rad/s. Frequency dependence was measured at
al., 1987; Torbet, 1986) that may add to or alter clot struc- 2% strain. The strain dependence was performed at a frequency of
ture. 1 rad/s
J.V. Shah and E A. Janmey 267
Strain hardening of clots

Discussion The large effect of fibrin gel retraction by platelets to

increase the modulus at low strain and to eliminate
The large increase in the shear modulus of fibrin gels strain hardening is consistent with this model for visco-
that occurs at strains between 15% and 100% is one of elasticity. Applying tension to strands within a network
the most remarkable rheologic properties of these poly- would serve to pull out the slack within network
meric systems (Bale and Ferry, 1988; Janmey et at., strands, and thereby increase their stiffness, rather than
1983). In contrast, the rheologic properties of most increasing the number of elastically active junctions.
common gels composed of flexible polymers are inde- This picture is consistent both with the images in
pendent of strain or show a decrease in shear modulus Fig. 3, which show no increase in the number of obser-
over the range where fibrin exhibits strain hardening. vable junction points, and with previous results that the
Even aqueous gels composed of relatively stiff poly- increase in shear modulus of plasma clots caused by
mers such as polysaccharides exhibit either a very platelets could by mimicked by application of an elon-
broad linear viscoelastic range, or become weaker at gational strain to a platelet poor plasma clot (Jen and
strains between 10% and 100% (Ross-Murphy and McIntire, 1984).
Shatwell, 1993). Some protein polymer gels, however,
such as those formed by cytoskeletal actin filaments
(Janmey et al., 1988) and intermediate filaments (Le-
terrier et al., 1996; Janmey et al., 1991) show similar Summaryand conclusions
degrees of strain hardening.
The molecular origin of the strain hardening seen in Much of the elastic resistance to deformation of platelet
fibrin is unknown, but thought to be related to the rod- rich plasma clots, and therefore presumably of clots
like or semi-flexible nature of the fibrin strands. Initial formed in vivo, depends on the presence of platelets. In
studies of strain hardening (Bale and Ferry, 1988; Jan- part, the contribution of platelets may arise from an in-
mey et at., 1983) were interpreted in terms of a theory creased number of contacts between fibrin strands, but
that considered the increase in steric contacts within the relatively small increase in interfilament contacts
isotropic systems of long rods as these systems were within the inherently branched and covalently ligated fi-
deformed in shear (Doi and Kuzuu, 1980). In this mod- brin network is too small to explain the nearly ten fold
el the increase in shear modulus is due to an increased increase in shear modulus observed. An alternative ex-
number of elastically active network junctions. This in- planation suggested by the data in this report is that the
terpretation accounted qualitatively for the increase in contractile function of platelets pulls out the slack in fi-
G r at moderate strain. Collapse at larger strains could brin strands between crosslinks, and thereby mimics the
be due to either collapse of filaments into separated large increase in shear modulus of pure fibrin gels at in-
bundled domains or breakage of the strands between creasing shear strains. The strain hardening observed in
junction points. The finding that strain hardening did fibrin networks may be a general feature of networks
not depend on the presence of covalent ligation (Bale formed by highly elongated protein networks with mesh
and Ferry, 1988) supported the concept that steric inter- sizes on the order of a micron.
actions play an important role. The rheological analysis of fibrin gels over the years
Previous theoretical treatments, however, have not has yielded many insights into the physics and chemis-
been able to explain the quantitative aspects of strain try of polymeric systems as well as shed light on the
hardening in fibrin. More recently a model has been molecular origins of pathologic states due to defects in
proposed to explain strain hardening in networks com- a number of clotting factors. Since many of the visco-
prised of the cytoskeletal polymer actin that could ap- elastic properties of fibrin and other biopolymers gels,
ply equally to fibrin. In this model, the elasticity of such as strain hardening, are radically different from
semi-flexible polymer networks derives from the reduc- those of common rubber-like materials, continued study
tion of entropy that results from the stretching of semi- of such materials is likely to provide data valuable to
flexible chains with a thermal distribution of transverse testing theories of polymer dynamics as well as under-
undulations (MacKintosh et al., 1995). As a network of standing basic physiology and disease.
such filaments is sheared, some elastically active junc-
tions, either steric or covalent, become separated, and
the strands between them are stretched. The resistance
increases as the filaments lose transverse undulations, Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical
assistance of Louise Z. Wang. This work was supported by grants
and a limit, corresponding to the yield point, is reached G957 from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and NS29031 from the
when the distance between junctions equals the contour National Institutes of Health. E A.J. expresses his deepest gratitude to
length of the polymer. John Ferry for the introduction to rheology.
268 Rheologica Acta, Vol. 36, No. 3 (1997)
© Steinkopff Verlag 1997

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