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Metamagnetic Quantum Criticality in Metals

A. J. Millis,1 A. J. Schofield,2 G. G. Lonzarich,3 and S. A. Grigera4
Center for Materials Theory, Department of Physics, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Road,
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom
Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, St. Andrews,
Fife KY16 9SS, United Kingdom
(Received 21 September 2001; published 14 May 2002)
We present a renormalization group treatment of metamagnetic quantum criticality in metals. We
show that for clean systems the universality class is that of the overdamped, conserving (dynamical
exponent z 苷 3) Ising type. We obtain detailed results for the field and temperature dependence of
physical quantities including the differential susceptibility, resistivity, and specific heat. Our results are
shown to be in quantitative agreement with data on Sr3 Ru2 O7 except very near to the critical point itself.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.217204 PACS numbers: 75.30.Kz, 71.10.Hf, 75.20.Hr, 75.40. –s

Quantum phase transitions in itinerant electron sys- A metamagnetic transition is empirically defined as a
tems have been intensively investigated recently [1–3], rapid increase in magnetization at a particular value of ap-
because of the intrinsic interest of quantum criticality, the plied magnetic field. Because there is no broken symme-
non-Fermi-liquid behavior near the critical point, and the try involved, one expects a first order transition from a
possibility of novel ground states including non-s-wave low magnetization to a high magnetization state as an ap-
superconductivity. An apparently controlled theory has plied magnetic field H is swept through a (temperature
been presented [2], but many of the experimental realiza- dependent) critical value Hmm 共T兲. The curve of first order
tions show deviations from the predicted behavior [4]. transitions Hmm 共T兲 terminates in a critical point 共H ⴱ , T ⴱ 兲.
It is presently controversial whether a straightforward By appropriately tuning material parameters it is possible
modification (interplane frustration reducing the effective to reduce T ⴱ to 0, yielding a quantum-critical end point.
dimensionality, or a disorder induced crossover [5]) will This situation is depicted in Fig. 1: (b) shows a typical
solve the discrepancy, whether more fundamental modi- metamagnetic line and the critical end point in the field-
fications are required such as “spectator modes” [6], or temperature plane and (a) shows a possible variation of the
whether the whole picture should be scrapped in favor of a temperature of the critical end point with pressure. It has
new kind of criticality [7]. been argued [11,14] that at ambient pressure Sr3 Ru2 O7 is
In this Letter we present the first renormalization group naturally tuned to a quantum critical end point at moderate
treatment of a new type of quantum criticality, namely, the magnetic fields.
metamagnetic quantum critical end point. Metallic meta- Quotes are placed about “spin-up” and “spin-down” be-
magnetism was studied via mean field theory [8,9] and via cause in many metamagnetic materials spin-orbit coupling
the “SCR” method [10]. To date, however, the critical phe- is large and spin is not a good quantum number. However,
nomena have not been investigated. The significance of our for most purposes one may adopt a “pseudospin” notation
work is that we show that this new type of quantum critical [15] labeling the two Kramers-degenerate states in zero
behavior provides a clean test of the original [1,2] frame-
work and the complicating factors added by other workers
do not apply here. By a direct comparison of our theory
with experiments [11], we show that Sr3 Ru2 O7 is close to a
quantum critical end point. Our theory explains a number
of outstanding issues in this system: the finite temperature
peak in the weak-field susceptibility [12] and the paramag-
netic ground state in a metal that should, according to band
structure calculations, be ferromagnetic [13]. One should
further note that at the metamagnetic critical end point the
material does not have a well-defined Fermi surface: the FIG. 1. (a) Schematic phase diagram, showing a variation
of the end point of a line of metamagnetic first order phase
positions of the “spin-up” and “spin-down” Fermi surfaces transitions as the control parameter (e.g., pressure) is varied.
undergo critical fluctuations leading to “non-Fermi-liquid” (b) Schematic phase diagram in the H, T plane for p , p0
physics. showing a metamagnetic line and location of the end point.

217204-1 0031-9007兾02兾 88(21)兾217204(4)$20.00 © 2002 The American Physical Society 217204-1


field. The Kramer’s degeneracy is broken by an applied corresponding to overdamped but conserved fluctuations,
field, leading to two Fermi surfaces and the theory carries and yielding the dynamical exponent z 苷 3. Here y is
through as in the non-spin-orbit case with one important a velocity, presumablyR dof the order of the Fermi veloc-
ity and c共q, vn 兲 苷 ad Ec dt ei q៬ ?៬x 2ivnt c共x, t兲. Note
exception noted below: if spin-orbit coupling is strong, x

impurity scattering may affect the dynamics differently. that we are concerned only with longitudinal fluctuations,
Our key assumption (which is the basis of the stan- so “precession” terms ≠t c៬ ? =2 c៬ 3 c៬ are not important.
dard [1,2] theory of metallic quantum criticality) is that Strong (pseudo)-spin-conserving scattering would lead to
the electronic degrees of freedom may be integrated out diffusion (jvn j兾yq ! jvn j兾Dq2 兲 changing z to 4. A
leaving a model of an overdamped bosonic mode which momentum non-conserving spin orbit coupling (as from
may then be analyzed by renormalization group methods. impurities in the presence of strong spin orbit scattering)
For the case of the metamagnetic quantum end point, the would lead to relaxation (i.e., Eq. (2) with yq replaced by
tuning parameter (magnetic field) is conjugate to the order a momentum independent scattering rate) implying z 苷 2.
parameter allowing an unambiguous identification of the An important scale is the characteristic energy vsf of a
relevant fluctuations: longitudinal fluctuations c共x, t兲 苷 spin fluctuation at momentum qc 苷 1兾a, vsf 苷 yj02 qc3 .
关jmj 2 mav 共H ⴱ 兲兴兾m0 of the magnetization density m about Typical vsf values for transition metal magnets are of the
its average value mav at the critical field H ⴱ , normalized to order of 500 K; for heavy fermion systems they are at least
some typical magnetization density m0 (for example, the an order of magnitude smaller [18].
high-field saturation magnetization). We define the critical We analyze the theory by the usual one loop renormal-
field H ⴱ by the requirement that at T 苷 0 the action has ization group equations [2] which, after mode elimination
no static third order terms. We write h 苷 共H 2 H ⴱ 兲兾H ⴱ , and rescaling, relate the theory with parameters d, u, h to
introduce a cutoff length a (for example, the lattice con- a new theory with parameters d0 , u0 , h0 . The behavior at
stant), and define an energy scale Ec by the requirement h 苷 0 has been previously reported [2]; we focus here on
that the coefficient of the static quartic term is 1兾4. The the h dependence. The scaling equations are (we assume
action in d space dimensions and imaginary time becomes henceforth that z 苷 3)
Z dd x
Smeta 苷 Sdyn 1 ≠d
Ec dt 苷 2d 1 3u共l兲f关T共l兲兴 , (3)
∑ ∏
1 2 1 4 ≠u
3 j 共=c兲 1 dc 1 c 2 hc 1 . . . .
2 2
苷 共1 2 d兲u共l兲 . (4)
2 0 4 ≠l
(1) The field h scales as h共l兲 苷 e 关共d15兲兾2兴l and T 共l兲 苷 Te3l .
Here d (which may be varied, e.g., by changing pressure) The effect of eliminated modes on d is contained in f
tunes the system through the metamagnetic critical point which is calculated by expanding the theory about the
and Sdyn (discussed below) expresses the order-parameter value c共dh兲 which extremizes the static part of Smeta at
dynamics. the rescaled field, and then using the Gaussian approxi-
We have used a conventional gradient expansion for the mation to the resulting action to evaluate the integral over
static part of the action and assumed that the coefficients eliminated modes. Operationally, this means that we cal-
are simple numbers and that the parameters vary with tem- culate f assuming the scales of interest are larger than
perature only as T 2 , as usual in Fermi-liquid theory. For an the running “mass” reff 苷 d 1 3uc and then stop scal-
O共3兲 ferromagnetic quantum critical point this may not be ing at reff 苷 1. Expressing momenta and frequencies
the case [16,17], but in the presence of a symmetry break- R0 dd u dy
in units of qc 苷 1兾a and vsf , then f 苷 L 共2p兲d p 3
ing field, the T 2 and gradient expansions are believed [6] y y兾u
to apply. coth共 2t 兲 共 y兾u兲2 1u4 with L 苷 共vsf 兾Ec 兲 共a兾j0 兲2 (the 0 de-
The dynamic part Sdyn follows because the order pa- notes summation over eliminated modes).
rameter is essentially the difference in position of the The solution of Eqs. (3) and (4) follows [2] and is dis-
spin-up and spin-down Fermi surfaces. Fluctuations at cussed in detail elsewhere [19]. Because in all cases of
nonzero q correspond to locally increasing the number of physical interest the model is at or above its upper criti-
spin-up electrons and decreasing the number of spin-down cal dimension, quantal fluctuations lead only to a finite
electrons. If spin is conserved such a fluctuation can re- renormalization of the T 苷 0 parameters of Smeta while
lax only via propagation or diffusion of electrons within thermal fluctuations are controlled by a “dangerous irrele-
each spin manifold. In a clean spin-orbit-coupled system, vant operator,” so the effects of quantal fluctuations may
pseudospin is conserved (at least for fields aligned along be absorbed into the T 苷 0 parameters and only thermal
a crystal symmetry axis) and the same arguments apply. effects need be explicitly treated. We note, however, that
Therefore, in a clean system one expects (the term is most the effects of quantal fluctuations are not small in general.
conveniently written in frequency-momentum space) Thus band theory predictions of parameters of the model
(such as u) are a priori not a good estimate of the low
T X Z ad d d q jvn j
Sdyn 苷 jc共q, vn 兲j2 1 . . . , (2) energy properties. Further, their sign reduces the tendency
Ec n 共2p兲d yjqj to order predicted by band theory [13].
217204-2 217204-2

The results of the calculation may be summarized as fol- T 苷 0; a line of first order transitions extends upwards in
lows. At d 苷 0 (i.e., parameters tuned so that the material the h, T plane and terminates at a critical end-point tem-
is at the metamagnetic quantum critical point) as T ! 0 perature T ⴱ ⬃ d z兾共d1z22兲 . Finally, we note that correc-
the differential susceptibility ≠m兾≠h scales as u1兾3 h22兾3 ; tions to scaling may be numerically important, as is seen
as T ! 0 the specific heat coefficient g 苷 C兾T is pro- from the numerical results below.
portional to lnh21 in d 苷 3 and to h21兾3 in d 苷 2 and The preceding considerations were generic. It is pos-
the resistivity r共T 兲 has the leading T dependence r共T兲 2 sible to proceed further in the particular case of Sr3 Ru2 O7 ,
r共T 苷 0兲 苷 AT 2 with A varying as h21兾3 in d 苷 3 and because it seems (see below) that at ambient field this
as h22兾3 in d 苷 2. The crossover to the thermally domi- material is very near to a weakly first order ferromagnetic-
nated regime occurs at T ⬃ h1兾2 (d 苷 3) and T ⬃ h2兾3 paramagnetic quantum phase transition. The physics over
(d 苷 2). If d . 0 then the scaling in h is cut off when a wide range of fields and temperatures should therefore
h2兾3 ⬃ d and there is no phase transition in the h, t plane. be describable by a generalized Ginzburg-Landau action
If d , 0 then a first order transition occurs as h is varied at for a three-component order parameter f (corresponding
to long wavelength fluctuations of the magnetization):
Z dd x Ω
1 2 r 2 1
S0 苷 Sdyn 1 d
dt j0 关=b fa 共x, t兲兴2 1 fa 共x, t兲 1 uab fa2fb2
a 2 2 4
1 2 2 2 ៬ ៬
1 yabc fa fb fc 2 geff mB h ? f共x, t兲 1 . . . . (5)
Here repeated indices are summed, the ellipsis denotes
higher order terms, and the notations are as above, except s s
23ucc 23ucc 6u2cc
that we have added a sixth order term and here the pa- mcⴱ 苷 , geff mB Hcⴱ 苷 . (6)
rameters r, uab , yabc have dimension of energy. The data 10yccc 10yccc ccc
(isotropic susceptibility as T ! 0 but some angle depen- Figure 1 of Ref. [11] shows that at low T and low ap-
dence at higher fields and temperatures) require a breaking plied field the susceptibility is about 0.025mB 兾T implying
of rotational invariance in the mode-coupling terms, but r 艐 160mB 2 T 艐 100 K. This small value implies a
not in the quadratic one. We take f to be a dimensionless very large enhancement of the susceptibility over the band
magnetization variable measured in units of the putative value, as noted previously, and implies that the material is
saturation magnetization 2mB 兾Ru (the important electrons near a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition. For fields
are d electrons, of which there are four in the t2g orbitals, directed along the c axis the observed metamagnetic tran-
leaving two holes, and the g factor should be close to sition occurs at a magnetization of about 0.25 0.3mB 兾
2). Scaling is as described previously, except the sixth Ru implying ucc 苷 3000 4300 K and yccc 苷 40 000
order term renormalizes the fourth order one and in the 80 000 K with the larger values corresponding to the
presence of a field the mass (coefficient of the quadratic smaller m. The consistency of these estimates may be veri-
part of the fluctuations) becomes anisotropic, with the fied by substitution into Eq. (6); use of geff 苷 2 yields an
component corresponding to fluctuations along the field
2 4
becoming reff 苷 r 1 3uf 1 5yf . A Heisenberg-
XY or Heisenberg-Ising crossover occurs when the larger
12 14
of reff or r passes through unity and scaling stops when
Differential Susceptibility
Differential Susceptibility

the smaller of the two becomes of order unity. In the 10 10
Heisenberg regime extra precession terms in the dynamics
may be important. A detailed analysis of the behavior of 8
this model will be presented elsewhere [19], extending
the important work of Yamada and collaborators [10], 6
who showed that such an analysis was possible but did 2

not consider the precession terms or anisotropic scaling 4

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
and also used a simplified version of the SCR theory
instead of the renormalization group method. At T 苷 0, 2
one may use mean field theory provided one interprets
the parameters in Eq. (5) as renormalized parameters. If 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
9u2 兾20y . r . 3u2 兾16y and u , 0 (for simplicity we
do not write the directional subscripts here) the model has
a T 苷 0 metamagnetic transition. The point r 苷 9u2 兾20y FIG. 2. Differential susceptibility, x021 共≠m兾≠h兲, as a function
of applied field H at temperatures T 兾T0 苷 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, for a
corresponds to the quantum critical end point. At the two dimensional metamagnetic critical point. Inset: Dependence
quantum-critical end point the magnetization m 苷 具f典 ᠨ of x021 共≠m兾≠h兲 on temperature T at h 苷 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08.

and magnetic field H are, for fields in the c direction, (Normalizations are discussed in text.)

217204-3 217204-3

80 tified the universality class and the form of the order

parameter dynamics, and we presented detailed results
for a range of physical quantities. Our theory accounts

Resistivity Exponent
1.8 for the unusual temperature dependence of x共T , H 苷 0兲,
60 1.6 the paramagnetic ground state, and the main features of
behavior seen in Sr3 Ru2 O7 as the metamagnetic critical
point is approached, providing strong support to the
1.2 assumptions made in Refs. [1,2] and much other work on
40 non-Fermi-liquid physics. Subsequent papers [19] will
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. present details omitted here and a quantitive application
to three dimensional materials and will also determine
whether the anomalous behavior observed very close to
the critical point in Sr3 Ru2 O7 [14] (which is not consistent
0.1 0.2 with our results for a metamagnetic critical point at T 苷 0)
is consistent with a metamagnetic end point at a T slightly
FIG. 3. Dependence of specific heat coefficient C兾T on tem- greater than 0 or whether fundamentally new physics
perature T for h 苷 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 calculated for a two di- is required.
mensional metamagnetic critical point. Inset: Dependence of A. J. M. was supported by NSF-DMR-0081075 and the
resistivity exponent ≠ lnr兾≠ lnT on T for h兾H ⴱ 苷 0 (lower EPSRC and thanks the Cavendish Laboratory, the Theo-
curve) and 0.1 (upper curve). (T0 is defined in text.)
retical Physics group at the University of Birmingham,
and the Aspen Center for Physics for hospitality while
estimate of 5 6 T for the metamagnetic field, in the range
parts of this work were undertaken. A. J. S. acknowl-
found experimentally. Expansion of Eq. (5) about the
edges the support of the Royal Society and Leverhulme
metamagnetic point yields Eq. (1) with Ec 苷 22ucc 苷
Trust. We thank A. P. Mackenzie for advice, encourage-
6000 8000 K. The dimensionless critical field gmB H ⴱ 兾
ment, and comments on the manuscript and D. J. Singh for
u ⬃ 0.001 so we should be concerned with variations
helpful comments.
which are small relative to this, i.e., with h 艐 1024 .
At present rather less information about the spin fluc-
tuation frequencies is available; we therefore normalize
our results to the temperature T0 at which the differ- [1] J. A. Hertz, Phys. Rev. B 14, 1165 (1976).
ential susceptibility at the critical field is equal to the [2] A. J. Millis, Phys. Rev. B 48, 7183 (1993).
zero-field zero temperature susceptibility; i.e., ≠h 共d 苷 0, [3] See, for example, S. R. Julian et al., J. Phys. Condens.
T 苷 T0 兲 苷 x共H 苷 0, T 苷 0兲 苷 x0 . Matter 8, 9675 (1996).
We now present the results of a numerical solution of [4] A. Schröder et al., Nature (London) 407, 351 (2000).
the scaling equations. Figure 2 shows the h dependence of [5] A. Rosch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4280 (1999).
the differential susceptibility for several values of T, ob- [6] D. Belitz, T. R. Kirkpatrick, and Thomas Vojta, cond-mat/
tained in the two dimensional case using parameters rea- 0109547.
sonable for Sr3 Ru2 O7 . The inset shows the temperature [7] P. Coleman et al., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, R723–
R738 (2001).
dependence of the differential susceptibility for different
[8] D. Meyer and W. Nolting, Phys. Rev. B 64, 052402 (2001).
h. Note the nonmonotonic temperature dependence for [9] H. Satoh and F. J. Ohkawa, Phys. Rev. B 63, 184401
fields different from h 苷 0 explains the previously myste- (2001).
rious peak seen in the experiments on Sr3 Ru2 O7 and other [10] H. Yamada, Phys. Rev. B 47, 11 211 (1993); H. Yamada
materials [12]. and K. Terao, Phys. Rev. B 59, 9342 (1999).
Figure 3 shows the specific heat coefficient g 苷 C兾T; [11] R. S. Perry et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2661 (2001).
in this quantity the crossover is much less sharp, in part [12] Shin-Ichi Ikeda et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, R6089 (2000).
because a 2D nearly critical Fermi liquid has a specific [13] D. J. Singh and I. I. Mazin, Phys. Rev. B 63, 165101 (2001).
heat coefficient g ⬃ A 1 BT with both A and B divergent [14] S. A. Grigera et al., Science 294, 329 (2001).
as the critical point is approached. This is an example [15] E. I. Blount, Phys. Rev. B 32, 2935 (1985).
of the corrections to scaling mentioned earlier. The inset [16] D. Belitz, T. R. Kirkpatrick, and T. Vojta, Phys. Rev. B 55,
9452 (1997); D. Belitz, T. R. Kirkpatrick, A. J. Millis, and
shows the resistivity exponent a 苷 2≠ lnr兾≠ lnT plotted
T. Vojta, Phys. Rev. B 58, 14 155 (1998).
against temperature for h 苷 0 and h 苷 0.1. The high-T [17] G. Y. Chitov and A. J. Millis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5337
resistivity exponent is not precisely 4兾3 because of the (2001); Phys. Rev. B 64, 054414 (2001).
logarithmic corrections alluded to earlier. The crossover [18] N. R. Bernhoeft, G. G. Lonzarich, and S. M. Hayden
to the expected low-T T 2 behavior is very sharp. (private communication).
In conclusion, we have presented a theory of meta- [19] A. J. Millis, A. J. Schofield, G. G. Lonzarich, and
magnetic quantum criticality in metals. We have iden- S. A. Grigera (unpublished).

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