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regunta 1

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Read and fill in the blank with the correct option.
A: How old are you?
B: I ________ 29 years old.
Seleccione una:
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. was

Pregunta 2
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Choose the correct answer according to the picture and the sentence:
Hello!!! I'm Lucy. .....
Seleccione una:
a. This is my small family. My Dad, My Mom, My brother and me.
b. This is my big family. My father, my grandmother, my sister and aunt.
c. This is my small family. My Dad, My Mom, My sister and me.
d. This is my huge family. My grandfather, My Mother, My sister and me.

Pregunta 3
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "get up"
Seleccione una:
a. To go to bed.
b. To wake and rise from one's bed.
c. To fall down
d. To go to sleep

Pregunta 4
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Answer the questions according to Reading 3:
From the following options: What is the best ending for the story? 
Seleccione una:
a. They get rid of the cockroaches.
b. They go to do their nails.
c. They ask for directions about how to operate the equipment.
d. They go for lunch and relax.

Pregunta 5
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Choose the proper word(s) to fill in the blank: 
¨Visit Georgia, the city with the _______ weather in the country¨
Seleccione una:
a. Nicest
b. Most nice
c. More nice
d. Nicer

Pregunta 6
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Listen to the audio: Mongolia 
Choose the correct picture to answer the following question
What is probably the most popular meat in Mongolia?
Seleccione una:




Pregunta 7
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Listen to the audio: Kayla: My summer job   and choose the correct option:
Where is she working in summer? 
Seleccione una:
a. In an office.
b. Summer camp.
c. In a church.
d. At  school.

Pregunta 8
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "can"
Seleccione una:
a. Without skill or aptitude
b. To be able to
c. Lacking qualification or ability
d. Not qualified

Pregunta 9
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Listen to the audio: Locations 
Choose the correct picture to answer the question:
Where is the post office?
Seleccione una:
a. There is a post office in front of the park.

b. There is a post office near to the bank.

c. There is a post office in the shopping center.

d. There is a post office on Main Street.

Pregunta 10
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Choose the correct answer according to the picture: 

Seleccione una:
a. There's a computer and a picture.
b. There's a dinning table and two chairs.
c. There are two chairs and one picture.
d. There are two lamps and a picture on the wall.

Pregunta 11
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Read the next sentence and select the wrong word in it.
Does you like to eat pineapples?
Seleccione una:
a. like
b. pineapples
c. eat
d. does

Pregunta 12
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Choose the word that best matches the following definition.
One who speaks formally before an audience is a _________________________.
Seleccione una:
a. Guess
b. Native speaker
c. Reader
d. Speaker

Pregunta 13
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Listen to the audio "My school" 
Choose the correct image.
Which one is another subject that he likes?
Seleccione una:





Pregunta 14
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "teacher"
Seleccione una:
a. A person who operates  an aircraft in flight.
b. A person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects
c. One who attends classes at  school
d. A person whose occupation is journalist.
Pregunta 15
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Choose the word(s) that best matches the following definition.
He is moving following a rhythm and in a pattern of steps specially to the accompainment of
music. He is  ___________________.
Seleccione una:
a. listening to music
b. studying
c. dancing
d. walking

Pregunta 16
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Listen to the audio 
Choose the correct answer according to the audio:
How do the scientists follow the shark?
Seleccione una:
a. By diving.
b. By phone.

c. By plane.

d. By satellite.

Pregunta 17
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "expensive"
Seleccione una:
a. When a price is reasonable.
b. Low in cost
c. Costing a lot of money.
d. Economical

Pregunta 18
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Read and fill in the blank with the correct option.
A:What are you doing today?
B: I _____ going shopping.
Seleccione una:
a. are
b. am
c. is
d. was

Pregunta 19
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Choose the correct meaning for the word  "should"
Seleccione una:
a. Bound to by an imperative requirement.
b. Something that is mandatory.
c. To have an ability.
d. To give an advice.

Pregunta 20
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According to Reading 1
Answer the following question:
Who died from a terminal illness?
Seleccione una:
a. Nancy Davis
b. Roy Disney
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Walt Disney

Pregunta 21
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Answer the questions according to the Reading 2:
What is the most appropriate title for the reading?
Seleccione una:
a. Patients
b. Jenny´s job
c. At the dentist
d. Professions

Pregunta 22
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "difficult"
Seleccione una:
a. Something that is manageable
b. Easy to do
c. Not easy to do
d. Effortless

Pregunta 23
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Choose the correct meaning for the word "usually"
Seleccione una:
a. It refers to something that is usual
b. At no time; not ever.
c. It refers to an inconstant practice
d. It means hardly ever, one should not say something rarely ever

Pregunta 24
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Listen to the audio Katie GB My house 
Choose the correct option.
What is her favourite place in her house? 
Seleccione una:
a. Kitchen
b. Bathroom
c. Bedroom
d. Living room.

Pregunta 25
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Enunciado de la pregunta
 Choose the correct meaning for the word   "milk"
Seleccione una:
a. A viscous liquid derived from petroleum.
b. The liquid obtained from or present in fruit.
c. A colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers.
d. A white liquid produced by a woman to feed her baby.

Puntos / Calificación /
Estado 25,0 125,0 Revisión

FinalizadoEnviado: sábado, 2 de julio de 21,0 105,0

2016, 10:09

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