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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, JUIY 1990, p. 3492-3499 Vol. 64, No.

Copyright © 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Envelope Cross-Reactivity between Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Types 1 and 2 Detected by Different Serological Methods:
Correlation between Cross-Neutralization and Reactivity against
the Main Neutralizing Site
Department of Immunology, National Bacteriological Laboratory, S-105 21 Stockholm, Sweden'; Sodersjukhuset, Box
38100, S-J00 64 Stockholm, Sweden2; National Public Health Laboratory,3 and National Hospital Simao Mendes,
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau; and Department of Virology, Karolinska Institute, S-105 21 Stockholm, Sweden5
Received 31 October 1989/Accepted 16 April 1990

A total of 70 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and 42 HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples,
collected from groups of individuals in which only one type of HIV prevails, were tested for cross-reactivity
against HIV-2 and HIV-1 proteins by Western blot (WB) (immunoblot), radioimmunoprecipitation assay
(RIPA), neutralization analysis, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with as antigen synthetic peptides
representing selected parts of the envelope (env) glycoproteins. Cross-reactions against the env glycoproteins
were observed by WB in 10% (7 of 70) and by RIPA in 40% (28 of 70) of the HIV-1 antibody-positive serum
samples and by WB in 29% (12 of 42) and by RIPA in 48% (20 of 42) of the HIV-2 antibody-positive serum
samples. Testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay against a 36-amino-acid peptide (Cys-301-Cys-336)
of the external glycoprotein of strain HTLV-IIIB of HIV-1 (HIV-1lTLVIIIB) (known to represent a dominating,
linear neutralizing site) showed type-specific reactions in 67% (38 of 57) of HIV-1 antibody-positive serum
samples. Type-specific reactions against a homologous 35-amino-acid peptide of strain SBL-6669 of HIV-2
(HIV-2sBL-6669) were found in 75% (30 of 40) of HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples, and these reactions
were correlated to neutralization against HIV-2SBL6669. Cross-reactions against these peptides were seen in
23% (13 of 57) and 33% (13 of 40) of the HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples, respectively.
These cross-reactions were correlated to cross-neutralization against HIV-1HTLV-111B and HIV-2SBL-6669.
Cross-neutralization against one heterotypic virus strain was demonstrated in 16% (9 of 57) of HIV-1
antibody-positive serum samples and in 22% (5 of 22) of HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples, but no
correlation was found between cross-neutralization and env cross-reactivity in WB or RIPA.

The worldwide epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency serological cross-reactivity. The envelope (env) glycopro-
syndrome (AIDS) (22) has so far been caused mainly by teins are less well conserved, and cross-reactivity against
infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) these structures has hitherto been considered to be a rare
(28). Another, more recently identified retrovirus, human event. However, in a recent study, considerable cross-
immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2), has also been de- reactivity to the envelope glycoproteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2
tected in patients with AIDS (9). Infections with HIV-2 have was demonstrated by Western blot (WB) (immunoblot)
occurred principally in West Africa (16, 18), but cases have analysis (24). We and others have previously shown that
now also been identified in central Africa (A. J. Georges, neutralization can be cross-reactive between HIV-1 and
M. C. Georges-Courbot, D. Salaun, P. M. V. Martin, F. HIV-2 (5, 27). This observation led us to study further the
Barre-Sinoussi, X. Couland, and E. Chouaib, Lancet i: presence of cross-reactions of HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-
188-189, 1988), Europe (25; G. Biberfeld, B. Bottiger, U. positive sera against the env glycoproteins of the heterolo-
Bredberg-Ratden, P. Putkonen, L. Eriksson, 0. Berglund, C. gous virus by the use of several serological methods, e.g.,
Starup, and C. H'akansson, Lancet ii:1330-1331, 1986; G.
Brucker, F. Brun-Vezinet, M. Rosenheim, M. A. Rey, C. radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA), Western blot (WB)
Katlama, and M. Gentilini, Lancet i:223, 1987), and North analysis, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
America (19). The simultaneous presence of HIV-1 and with synthetic peptides as antigen. This study shows that
HIV-2 infections will have implications for diagnostic serv- serological cross-reactivity against the env structures can be
ices. demonstrated by all of the test systems used. We also show
HIV-1 and HIV-2 have similar biological properties and that, among HIV-2 antibody-positive sera, type-specific neu-
similar overall genetic organization (8). The gag- and pol- tralization was correlated to positive reactions by ELISA
encoded proteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 show a high conser- against a 35-amino-acid peptide representing a part of the
vation of the genome, which is reflected in a high degree of env glycoprotein of HIV-2 homologous to a region shown to
be the dominant neutralizing site on the external env glyco-
protein of HIV-1 (14, 17). Furthermore, the cross-neutral-
izing activity of sera was found to correlate with their
Corresponding author.
capacity to react with the heterotypic peptide.


MATERIALS AND METHODS of HIV-1HTLV-IIIB and HIV-2SBL-6669. Microdilution plates

were coated with 1 jig of antigen per well and were blocked
Sera. A panel of 70 HIV-1 antibody-positive serum sam- with 1% bovine serum albumin. Sera from Sweden and from
ples and 42 HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples was Guinea-Bissau were diluted 1:20 and 1:50, respectively, in
used. The sera were collected from groups of individuals phosphate-buffered saline with 20% fetal calf serum and
expected to be infected with only a single type of virus. The 0.5% Tween 20. Two hundred microliters of the serum
HIV-1 antibody-positive sera were collected from homosex- dilution was added, and the plates were incubated for 1 h at
ual men in Sweden at different clinical stages of HIV disease: 37°C. After the plates were washed thoroughly, 100 RI of a
14 asymptomatic, 22 with persistent generalized lymphade- rabbit anti-human immunoglobulin peroxidase conjugate
nopathy, 10 with Kaposi's sarcoma, 14 with AIDS-related (Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark), diluted 1:5,000, was
complex, and 10 with AIDS with opportunistic infections. added. After 45 min of incubation at 37°C, a color reaction
The HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples were obtained was developed by adding 1,2-phenylenediamine dihydro-
from 19 patients suspected of having AIDS or HIV-related chloride as substrate and A405 was read. Sera with an optical
disease at Simao Mendes hospital in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, density above the maximum optical density of the control
from 11 presumably healthy individuals (pregnant women sera were considered positive. All sera were also tested by
and blood donors) and from 12 outpatients attending the research HIV-1 and HIV-2 peptide ELISA kits (R. W.
National Public Health Laboratory because of suspected Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, San Diego, Cal-
tuberculosis. Because of a shortage of some sera, all samples if.), in which peptides representing the immunodominant
were not tested by all serological methods. Sera from part of the transmembrane env glycoprotein of HIV-1 and
Swedish blood donors and sera from subjects in Guinea- HIV-2, respectively, were used as antigens. In the HIV-1
Bissau, attending an outpatient clinic because of suspected peptide ELISA, two partly overlapping peptides were used:
tuberculosis, who were all HIV seronegative, served as the previously described E34 (23) and a longer peptide, E35,
controls when HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive sera were representing the amino acids Ala-587 to Ser-618. In the
tested, respectively. HIV-2 peptide ELISA kit, a peptide homologous to E34 but
HIV antibody screening. Antibodies against HIV-1 were including an additional C-terminal cysteine (20) was used as
determined by ELISA by using two commercially available antigen. The tests were performed according to the instruc-
kits (Organon-Teknika NV, Turnhout, Belgium, and Abbott tions of the manufacturer. In some tests, another conjugate,
Diagnostics, Wiesbaden Delkenheim, Federal Republic of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated rabbit anti-human immuno-
Germany). Antibodies against HIV-2 were determined by globulin (Dakopatts), diluted 1:500, was used in combination
ELISA with strain SBL-6669 of HIV-2 (HIV-2sBL-6669) as with serum dilutions of 1:50, and the cut-off value for
antigen as previously described (3). positive reactions was then determined as three times the
WB analysis. All sera were tested by HIV-1 WB analysis mean value of the negative controls.
by using a commercially available kit (Du Pont Co., Wilm- Neutralization assay. Neutralization was determined by an
ington, Del.) according to the instructions of the manufac- infection inhibition assay with MT-4 cells as previously
turer. Sera from HIV-1-infected individuals reacted with described (5). Briefly, twofold dilutions of serum samples
both the external and the transmembrane env glycoproteins were mixed with an appropriate dilution of stock virus and
of HIV-1, as well as with at least one of the gag- or were incubated for 1 h in microdilution plates. Thereafter,
pol-encoded proteins. MT-4 cells were added and the plates were incubated for
All sera were tested by HIV-2 WB analysis with HIV- 6 days, at which time the cytopathic effect was visually
2SBL-6669 as antigen as previously described (1), and some inspected and the cell growth was measured by [3H]
were also tested by a HIV-2 WB kit (Du Pont Co.). Sera thymidine incorporation. Only serum dilutions giving the
from HIV-2-infected individuals reacted against at least one same cell growth as cell cultures without virus and with no
of the env glycoproteins of HIV-2 and, in addition, against cytopathic effect visible were considered positive for neu-
one of the gag- or pol-encoded proteins. tralization.
RIPA. All HIV-1 antibody-positive sera were tested by Statistics. Comparison of proportions of serum samples of
RIPA against HIV-2, and all HIV-2 antibody-positive sera different groups was done by chi-square test and Fisher's
were tested by RIPA against HIV-1. The RIPA was per- exact test.
formed essentially as described previously (7). HIV-1 anti-
gens were prepared both from cell lysates and from cell-free RESULTS
supernatants of strain HTLV-IIIB of HIV-1 (HIV-
lHTLVIIIB)-infected Molt 4 cells. The virus was radioac- Envelope cross-reactions observed by using RIPA and WB.
tively labeled by incubation in medium containing The proportions of HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive
[35S]cysteine (150 pXCi/ml) for 14 h. Intracellular antigen was serum samples reacting with the heterotypic env glycopro-
prepared from cells by lysis in RIPA buffer (140 mM NaCl, teins are shown in Table 1. Positive reactions in RIPA or WB
1 mM dithiothreitol, 10 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 0.035% phenyl- were classified as strong (++), clear (+), or weak (+W-)
methylsulfonyl fluoride, 0.5% Nonidet P-40) and clarification (representative reactions can be found in Fig. 1 through 4).
by centrifugation (10,000 x g for 15 min). The supernatants Only sera with at least a clear cross-reactivity have been
of the cell cultures were clarified and thereafter were centri- considered to be positive. By RIPA, only cross-reactions
fuged at 65,000 x g for 75 min. The pellet, constituting the against the external env glycoprotein gpl20 of HIV-1 and
extracellular antigen, was then lysed in RIPA buffer. Intra- gp125 of HIV-2 or their precursors (gpl60 of HIV-1 and
cellular and extracellular antigens of HIV-2SBL-6669 were gpl40 of HIV-2) or both were observed (Fig. 1 and 2).
prepared in the same way from U937 clone 2 cells persis- Cross-reactions could also be detected by WB against the
tently infected with HIV-2SBL-6669. The antigens were incu- transmembrane env gp36 of HIV-2 when WB strips (of our
bated with protein A-Sepharose for 2 h prior to usage. own fabrication) with HIV-2SBL6669 antigen were used (Fig.
Peptide ELISA. All sera were tested by ELISA against 3a) but not when the commercial WB strips were employed
peptides representing selected parts of the env glycoproteins (Fig. 3b and 4). HIV-2 antibody-positive sera showed a

TABLE 1. Cross-reactivity against envelope glycoproteins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

of HIV-1 and HIV-2
Sera positive No. positive/no. tested in: ..~ i gp 160
for: Western blot analysisa RIPAb gp 1 20
HIV-1 antibody 7/70 (10%) 28/70 (40%)
HIV-2 antibody 12/42 (29%) 20/42 (48%)
a Reactions with heterotypic antigen against the transmembrane env gp3O-
36 or the external env gp125 of HIV-2 or both; reactions against the external
env gp120 or its precursor gpl60 or HIV-1 or both.
b Reactions with heterotypic antigen against the external glycoproteins or
their precursors (gpl20 and gpl60 of HIV-1; gp125 and gpl40 of HIV-2) or

m_ 4M1- p24
higher frequency of cross-reactivity than did HIV-1 anti-
body-positive sera both in WB and RIPA, but the difference
was significant (P < 0.01) only for the former test.
Separate identification of the HIV-2 env gp125 and its
precursor gpl40 was not always possible in all RIPAs. Still,
among the 28 HIV-1 antibody-positive serum samples, FIG. 2. Serum samples from nine HIV-2-infected subjects react-
where cross-reactions against the env glycoproteins could be ing against intracellular HIV-1 antigen by RIPA. Lanes 3, 5, and 8
detected by RIPA, separate cross-reactions against gp125 show a strong reactivity and lane 7 shows a clear reactivity against
and gpl40 could be distinguished in 20 serum samples. In all gp160. Lanes 2 and 6 show clear reactivity against gp120. Lane 10,
but 2 of these 20 serum samples, clear cross-reactions to HIV antibody-negative serum; lane 11, HIV-1 antibody-positive
gpl40 were seen, and in 13 cases (approximately 25% of all serum. Lanes 10 and 11 are from another RIPA tested under
HIV-1 antibody-positive serum samples), reactions to gp125 identical conditions.
were observed. Among the HIV-2 antibody-positive serum
samples showing cross-reactivity, 19 reacted with the env
precursor gpl60, and 7 (17% of all HIV-2 antibody-positive between cross-neutralization and cross-reactivity in WB or
serum samples) reacted with the gpl20 of HIV-1. RIPA in either HIV-1 or HIV-2 antibody-positive sera.
Correlation of neutralization and RIPA and WB results. Type-specific reactions and cross-reactions observed by
The fraction of HIV-1' and HIV-2 antibody-positive serum peptide ELISA. All sera were tested by ELISA against
samples that could neutralize HIV-lHTLv-IIB and HIV- synthetic peptides representing selected regions of the env
2SBL-6669 are shown in Table 2. No correlation was found glycoproteins of HIV-lHTLVIIIB and HIV-2sBL-6669, and the
results obtained are presented in Table 3. In this study, we
have focused on the reactions against peptides representing
A B C D E the dominant neutralizing antigenic site. on the external env
glycoprotein of HIV-1 (14, 17) and the homologous region of
Ix i x i x ix jX HIV-2, presented in the form of a longer (I-l'and 1-2; Table
t....'- 3) and a shorter peptide (IT-1 and II-2; Table 3), and peptides
j p 1 4@
0 ._:
-2 00 k0C representing one main type-specific nonneutralizing site of
ip 1 25 ". *.:.' Ii -92.SkD
1.OOkD the transmembrane glycoproteins of H V-1 and HIV-2.
0 Positive type-specific reactions against the longer peptides
-69kD I-1 and 1-2 were seen in higher proportions of HIV-1 and
HIV-2 antibody-positive sera, respectively, than were type-
specific reactions against the smaller peptides TI-1 and 11-2,
-4 6k D representing the N-terminal parts of the longer peptides
(Table 3). The same was true for the cross-reactions ob-
served against these peptides.
When sera were tested against peptides representing the
p26- 6^. _
*4 * -30kD immunodominant part of the transmembrane env glycopro-
teins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 by using the research ELISA kits,
no cross-reactions were detected among the HIV-1 anti-
body-positive sera against the HIV-2 peptide. However,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
48%o (20 of 42) of the HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples
cross-reacted with the HIV-1 peptides (recommended cut-off
FIG. 1. Serum samples from five HIV-1-infected subjects (lanes value, 0.15) and 12% (5 of 42) had optical density values
A through E) reacting by RIPA against HIV-2 intracellular (i) and above 0.4. By using other test conditions, with sera diluted
extracellular (x) antigens. A clear reactivity against gp125 and gpl4O 1:50 and an alkaline phosphatase conjugate diluted 1:500,
of the intracellular antigen is shown in lane 3; lanes 1, 5, and 9 show
weak reactivity, and tane 7 shows negative reactivity. A clear only 1 of 40 HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples cross-
reactivity against gp125 of the extracellular antigen is shown in lanes reacted in the HIV-1 ELISA. All HIV-1 antibody-positive
4 and 6, and a weak reactivity is shown in lane 10. Lane 11, HIV-2 serum samples were still positive under these conditions,
antibody-positive control showing strong reactivity; lane 12, HIV although one of the HIV-1 antibody-positive serum samples
antibody-negative control; molecular size markers are shown in lane had as low an optical density value as the cross-reacting
13. HIV-2 antibody-positive serum samples.

1 2 3 4 5 a 1 2 3 4 5 b 1 40

*gp 1 25



S am Om,p26

FIG. 3. Serum samples from three HIV-1-infected subjects (lanes 1 through 3) tested in parallel by HIV-2 WB strips made in our lab (a)
and by commercial HIV-2 WB strips (b). All three serum samples show a clear reactivity against the transmembrane glycoprotein gp3O-36 (a)
and weak reactivity against gp125 and gpl40 (b). Lane 4, HIV antibody-negative serum; lane 5, HIV-2 antibody-positive serum.

Correlation of neutralization and peptide ELISA results. DISCUSSION

Among HIV-1 antibody-positive sera, neutralization against We have shown that sera from HIV-1- or HIV-2-infected
HIV-lHTLV IIIB was correlated to reactivity against the patients can react with the env glycoproteins of the heterol-
longer peptide (II-1) representing the dominant neutralizing ogous virus and that these cross-reactions can be detected
site of HIV-lHTLV IIIB (Fig. Sa) (chi-square value, 23.3; P < by several different methods: RIPA, WB, neutralization
0.001). The correlation of neutralization against strain assays, and ELISA with synthetic peptides as antigens.
HTLV-IIIRF of HIV-1 (HIV-lHTLV IIIRF) and reactivity It is very unlikely that any of the patients in our study
against the same peptide was less pronounced but was also were infected with both HIV-1 and HIV-2. The HIV-1
significant (chi-square value, 5.8; P < 0.05) (data not shown antibody-positive sera were from patients in Sweden, where
in figures). only four cases of HIV-2 infection, all of them in individuals
Furthermore, among HIV-2 antibody-positive sera, a sig- from West Africa, are known. The HIV-2 antibody-positive
nificant correlation (P < 0.01) was found between type- sera were collected in Guinea-Bissau, a country in which the
specific neutralization against HIV-2sBL-6669 and type-spe-
cific reactivity against the peptide 1-2 (Fig. 6a). This peptide, TABLE 2. Neutralization against HIV-1 (strain HTLV-IIIB)
derived from the external env glycoprotein of HIV-2SBL-6669, and HIV-2 (strain SBL-6669) of HIV-1 and HIV-2
represents the homologous region to the dominant neutrali- antibody-positive sera
zation site of HIV-1.
Among both HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive sera, Sera positive No. positive/no. tested in:
cross-reactivity to the heterotypic peptide I, representing the for: HIV-lHTLV IIIB HIV-2SBL-6.69
neutralization site, was significantly correlated (P < 0.05) to HIV-1 antibody 38/57 (67%) 9/57 (16%)
cross-neutralization against HIV-2sBL-6669 (Fig. Sb) and HIV-2 antibody 5/22 (22%) 17/22 (77%)
HIV-lHTLV IIIB (Fig. 6b).

TABLE 3. Proportions of HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sera with reactivity against synthetic peptides representing
parts of the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 and HIV-2
_,gp 1 60 No. positive/no. tested in:
_p 120 Peptide
Amino acid sequence of
peptides and their origin
HIV-1 anti-
HIV-2 anti-
tive sera tive sera
I-1 Cys-301-Cys-336 of HIV-1a 38/57 (67%) 13/40 (33%)
1-2 Cys-301-Cys-335 of HIV-2b 13/57 (23%) 30/40 (75%)
II-1 Cys-301-Ala-321 of HIV-1 20/56 (36%) 8/40 (20%)
11-2 Cys-301-His-321 of HIV-2 5/56 (9%) 27/40 (68%)
a Strain HTLV-IIIB of HIV-1.
gp4l b Strain SBL-6669 of HIV-2.

prevalence of HIV-2 infection is high and infection with

HIV-1 is rare (18). The findings of double reactivity against
HIV-1 and HIV-2 among the sera we tested, therefore, most
probably represent cross-reactivity between HIV-1 and
HIV-2. ELISA, with synthetic peptides derived from an
is _ :.p24
:I- immunodominant site on the transmembrane glycoprotein as
antigen, has proved to be a highly type-specific test to
discriminate between infection with HIV-1 and HIV-2 (12,
20). In this study, and also in the report by Norrby et al. (20),
a few double-reactive serum samples were found. However,
the type-specific reactions were considerably stronger than
were the cross-reactions. In our hands, site-directed serol-
ogy by ELISA was a simple and objective method for
FIG. 4. Serum samples from five HIV-2-infected subjects tested discrimination between infection with HIV-1 and HIV-2 in
against HIV-1 antigens by WB. Lanes 1 through 4 show a clear subjects with double serological reactivity in WB or RIPA. It
reactivity and lane 5 shows a weak reactivity to gpl60. Lane 5, HIV has to be further studied whether a peptide ELISA can be
antibody-negative serum; lane 6, HIV-1 antibody-positive serum. made sensitive enough to detect all sera with type-specific
antibodies without detecting any cross-reacting sera. How-
ever, sera with high and equal reactivities by ELISA against
both HIV-1 and HIV-2 type-specific peptides have been

a X
b t
2.o - 00 2.o -

1.5- l .5

1.0 - 1.0 0
0 so 0

0.5 - S 0.5 - 0*-


0 0@ S..

@5 :-


Controls Neutr.- Neutr. + Controls Cross neutr.- Cross neutr.+

FIG. 5. Reactivity by ELISA against the HIV-1 peptide Cys-301-Cys-336 among sera from HIV-1-infected subjects positive (Neutr. +)
or negative (Neutr. -) for type-specific neutralization against HIV-lHTLV IIIB and among HIV antibody-negative sera from Swedish blood
donors (Controls) (a) and reactivity against the HIV-2 peptide Cys-301-Cys-335 among the same sera positive (Cross neutr. +) or negative
(Cross neutr. -) for cross-neutralization against HIV-2SBL-6669 (b).

a 4
2.o- 2.o
1.5 - 0
1.5 - S

1.0 - so
1.0- S

0.5 - U.
0 0.5- S S.
I. 0 _*
*0 .

Controls Cross neutr- Cross neutr. +

Controls Neutr. - Neutr +
FIG. 6. Reactivity by ELISA against the HIV-2 peptide Cys-301-Cys-335 among sera from HIV-2-infected subjects positive (Neutr. +)
or negative (Neutr. -) for type-specific neutralization against HIV-2SBL-6669 and among HIV antibody-negative sera from Guinea-Bissau
(Controls) (a) and reactivity against the HIV-1 peptide Cys-301-Cys-336 among the same sera positive (Cross neutr. +) or negative (Cross
neutr. -) for cross-neutralization against HIV-lHTLV-IIIB (b).

described (M. C. Cot, M. Poulain, J. F. Delagneau, M. kilodaltons on commercial WB strips, were shown to be
Peeters, and F. Brun-Vezinet, AIDS Res. Hum. Retrovi- primarily multimers of the HIV-1 transmembrane gp4l and
ruses 4:239-241, 1988), supporting the existence of true to react with monoclonal antibodies to gp41 (S. Zolla-
double infection or infection with variants of HIV-1 or Pazner, M. K. Gorny, W. J. Honnen, and A. Pinter, N.
HIV-2. Engl. J. Med. 320:1280-1281, 1989). If our results were to be
By RIPA, we found cross-reactions against env glycopro- interpreted according to these findings, the cross-reactions
teins, in addition to those observed against gag-encoded against the high-molecular-size env glycoproteins observed
proteins. Cross-reactions were seen mainly against the env by WB could be directed partly against the transmembrane
precursors of HIV-1 and HIV-2 (in 48 and 40% of the serum glycoproteins. In a recent study in which cross-reactions
samples tested, respectively), but also, in a lower propor- were studied by WB by using commercial WB kits, Tedder
tion, against the external env glycoproteins. In an earlier et al. (24) showed that at least 6 out of 17 HIV-2 antibody-
study, Kanki et al. (15) have described similar patterns of positive serum samples reacted clearly with the external env
cross-reactivity in RIPA against the env glycoproteins of glycoproteins of HIV-1 whereas 2 out of 17 HIV-1 antibody-
HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), previously positive serum samples reacted with the env glycoproteins of
called simian T-lymphotropic virus type III and closely HIV-2. Our findings are in good agreement with these
related to HIV-2 (3, 6, 11). In the study by Kanki et al. (15), results. Cross-reactivity of HIV-1 antibody-positive sera
5 of 23 U.S. HIV-1 antibody-positive serum samples cross- against the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV-2 have been
reacted with the env gpl20/gpl6O of SIV and 10 of 16 West reported earlier by us (4) and others (2, 26).
African SIV antibody-positive serum samples reacted with Several neutralizing linear as well as discontinuous anti-
the env gp160 of HIV-1; of these serum samples, 4 also genic sites have been identified on the external env glyco-
reacted with the env gpl20. The cross-reactions were rela- protein and the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV-1 (10,
tively faint as compared with the type-specific reactions. 13, 14, 17, 21). Among these sites, one dominant linear
Another more recent study has also shown a weak but region of the high-molecular-size env glycoprotein of HIV-1
reproducible cross-reactivity by RIPA of HIV-1 antibody- was demonstrated in several studies (13, 14, 17, 21). A
positive sera against HIV-2 and SIV antigens (S. Butt6, P. monoclonal antibody, preventing infection of cell-free virus
Verani, F. Titti, G. Rezza, L. Sernicola, and G. B. Rossi, and cell fusion of HIV-1-infected cells, has been shown to
AIDS 2:139-140, 1988). bind to amino acids Asn-308 to Gly-331 of the external
When we tested HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody-positive sera glycoprotein of HIV-lHTLV-IIIB (17). Furthermore, Goud-
by using commercial WB kits, cross-reactions were seen smit et al. (13) have reported that antibodies to this site,
only against the external env glycoprotein and its precursor detected by ELISA by using a similar synthetic peptide
of HIV-2 and HIV-1, respectively. By using WB strips made (amino acids Lys-305 to Gly-321) as antigen, were found in
in our laboratory with HIV-2SBL-6669 as antigen, cross- sera that could inhibit HIV-lHTLV IIIB cell fusion. In this
reactions against the transmembrane gp3O-36 of HIV-2 were study, we have also demonstrated a strong correlation
clearly visualized and, in a few cases, reactions to the between neutralization against HIV-lHTLV IIIB and positive
envelope gp125 were also seen. In a recent report, the HIV-1 reactions by ELISA against a 36-amino-acid peptide repre-
viral antigens, migrating with mobilities of 160 and 120 senting the same neutralization site of the external env

glycoprotein. We found a higher proportion of sera positive immunodeficiency virus from macaque and its relationship to
by ELISA (67%) than did Goudsmit et al. (8 to 44%). This other human and simian retroviruses. Nature (London) 328:
difference might be explained by the use of slightly different 543-547.
peptides and different test conditions for ELISA. 7. Chiodi, F., U. Bredberg-Raden, G. Biberfeld, B. Bottiger, J.
This study further demonstrated a correlation among Albert, B. Asjo, E. M. Fenyo, and E. Norrby. 1987. Radioimmu-
noprecipitation and Western blotting with sera of human immu-
HIV-2 antibody-positive sera between neutralization of nodeficiency virus infected patients: a comparative study. AIDS
HIV-2sBL6669 and reactivity to a 35-amino-acid peptide, Res. Hum. Retroviruses 3:165-176.
representing the homologous region of the external env 8. Clavel, F. 1987. HIV-2, the West African AIDS virus. AIDS
glycoprotein of HIV-2SBL-6669 as one already known neutral- 1:135-140.
izing site of HIV-1. This finding indirectly suggests that this 9. Clavel, F., D. Guetard, F. Brun-Vezinet, S. Chamaret, M.-A.
region, defined by amino acids Cys-301 to Cys-335, is Rey, M. 0. Santos-Ferreira, A. G. Laurent, C. Dauguet, C.
possibly also a dominating neutralizing site for HIV-2. Katlama, C. Rouzioux, D. Klatzmann, J. L. Champalimaud, and
However, further experiments demonstrating whether pep- L. Montaigner. 1986. Isolation of a new human retrovirus from
West African patients with AIDS. Science 233:343-346.
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