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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 477–480

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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

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Benefit quantification of interoperability in coordinate metrology

E. Savio (2)a,*, S. Carmignato (2)b, L. De Chiffre (1)c
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, via Venezia 1, 35131 Padova, Italy
Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padua, Stradella S. Nicola 3, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Produktionstorvet, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


Keywords: One of the factors contributing to limited reproducibility of coordinate measurements is the use of different
inspection software. Time-consuming efforts for translation of part programmes are sometimes needed, and
interoperability of inspection equipment has the potential to reduce these inefficiencies. The paper presents
Coordinate metrology
a methodology for an economic evaluation of interoperability benefits with respect to the verification of
geometrical product specifications. It requires input data from testing and inspection activities, as well as
information on training of personnel and licensing of software. The model is illustrated using an automotive
case study and the related assessment of an investment in interoperability.
ß 2014 CIRP.

1. Introduction for debugging and validation. This time-consuming activity is not

adding value, and therefore should be avoided.
Modern manufacturing is characterised by globalised produc- The need of interoperability as well as its expected benefits
tion of parts and subsystems, assembled into final products. The have been addressed by various authors, with focus on the
role of metrology in manufacturing is fundamental, as demon- exchange of technical product data in computer-aided design and
strated e.g. by the large number of coordinate measuring machines engineering in the automotive industry, and potential savings of
(CMMs) available at automotive production facilities as well as in billions of USD have been reported [2,3]. The STEP standardisation
energy, aerospace and other relevant industries [1]. project [4] and related application protocols (APs) development
Quality control efforts are today often distributed in different efforts are the best known example towards general interopera-
plants and locations, and the durable inspection equipment available bility at industrial level.
at these manufacturing facilities may be diverse, due to a number of The lack of true interoperability due to limited or no compatibility
reasons. Inspection equipment from a specific manufacturer is, in of measuring programmes, interfaces and control systems is still a
some cases, justified by metrological reasons e.g. very specialised peculiarity of the inspection equipment industry. By comparison,
measurements, patented measuring solutions, ultraprecision mea- machine tools feature an higher level of interoperability: users have
surements. However, in many cases, equipment from different more degrees of freedom for independent selection of machine tool,
manufacturers may be regarded as equivalent in terms of capabilities control system and CAM software while CMM users are more limited
andmetrologicalperformances.Inthelattercase,varietyofinspection in independent selection of measuring equipment and software.
equipment within production facilities is the consequence of several As a matter of fact, the need for true interoperability within a
and sometimes concomitant reasons: lack of specific corporate specific company may force single-supplier solutions, especially in
standardisation guidelines, different previous production focus, small-medium enterprises, the selection of new inspection
different previous owner of the plant, procurement policy, local effort equipment being restricted to a specific vendor. This is somewhat
in sales and support by equipment vendors, and others. As a conflicting with the requirements of large organisations in the
consequence, when production of a specific part is moved from one automotive industry, whose procurement policy may refuse a
location to another (e.g. from prototype to series production, or from single-supplier solution to preserve independency, flexibility and
one country to another), there might be inefficiencies due to limited cost reduction potential for future investment needs, as well as to
reproducibility of measurements, resulting in wrong acceptance/ reduce the risk of potential discontinuation of maintenance
rejection decisions. One of the most important factors contributing to services and associated production stops.
limited reproducibility of measurements is the use of different Well known efforts towards interoperability of CMMs are the
inspection software, preventing the use of the same part programme; Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) that defines a
this may results in different implementations of the measuring neutral language for communication between information sys-
strategy and data evaluation. To ensure good reproducibility, careful tems and dimensional measurement equipment [5], and the I++
re-codingofthemeasuringprogrammeisneededwithassociatedtime DME initiative supported by seven European automobile manu-
facturers [6], that allows running a dimensional inspection part
programme in a supported CMM software on different brands of
* Corresponding author. measuring machines.
0007-8506/ß 2014 CIRP.
478 E. Savio et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 477–480

The actual implementation of an interoperability project within including taxation effects and excluding the initial investment
a specific company is therefore possible using one or more of the cost. Other useful indicators are the internal rate of return (IRR)
mentioned tools, however the related decision-making process and the payback period [9].
requires the quantification of the economic benefits and associated
costs. While costs are relatively easy to identify, benefit 3. Assessment of benefits of interoperability
quantification related to metrological activities is more complex
[7,8] since it requires mapping of redundant work in programming The methodology is illustrated with reference to CMM based
CMMs as well as understanding of other potential savings. Benefit inspection of prismatic parts, to be later assembled in automotive
quantification is even more challenging when interoperability is products. Due to high part variety, to reduce complexity, modelling
required among CMMs implemented at different steps of the of benefits is performed at part family level. Therefore, parts are
product development process, e.g. between a CMM for prototype grouped into families using group technology, i.e. based on
testing in a R&D department and a CMM in a manufacturing plant. similarity of function, geometry and production step.
In the following, a methodology for the quantification of Benefits a–c as identified above can be computed as differential
benefits of interoperability in coordinate metrology is presented costs between two scenarios: AS-IS (no interoperability) and TO-BE
and illustrated using an industrial case study. (interoperability). For better clarity, interoperability is here
intended between two measuring systems: CMM-A and CMM-B;
2. Model for the assessment of an investment for CMM it is expected that CMM-B will take the benefit from interopera-
interoperability bility, i.e. part programmes of CMM-A might be reused to run
CMM-B. It is also assumed that metrological performances,
The general model for the assessment of an investment in measuring strategy and evaluation of measurands using a CMM-
inspection equipment is based on the quantification of both costs B are equivalent in both scenarios; this means that costs of the AS-
and benefits. Investment costs are relatively easy to quantify: IS scenario include all efforts to develop part programmes for
depending on the existing equipment and target interoperability CMM-B fully equivalent to those available for CMM-A.
system, software) or replacement of CMMs, new or upgrade of 3.1. Savings from reduction of programming costs
measuringsoftware, initialtrainingofprogrammersand operatorson
the new system, redesign of databases and management procedures, The approach for quantification of programming costs is based
as well as costs for metrological validation of the new system, i.e. on the assumption that in both scenarios these costs should be
intercomparisons of measurements on relevant case studies. These minimised, using the available resources (i.e. programmers and
one-off costs can be estimated, in the framework of a feasibility study, CMM) in optimal manner. Therefore, modelling of their activity is
onthebasis ofoffersfromvendorsofCMMequipment and software as required, as well as information on the demand. For a realistic
well as using common internal accounting procedures. assessment, the procedure is using as input information the
Benefits are more evasive in nature and may require significant foreseen demand of programming tasks for CMM-B, including their
efforts for quantification, e.g. detailed analysis of company records maintenance over a period of time.
on past programming activities, as well as consensus on the Programming costs are related to time and resources need by
approach for the actual computation. The following main savings the following tasks: programming (online or offline), debugging,
can be identified: documentation of measuring instructions, testing using a real part,
and other minor tasks. The time taken by most of these activities is
(a) reduction of CMM programming costs, as a result of elimina- usually linearly depending on the number of characteristics to be
tion or reduction of redundant programming efforts; inspected, as well as to programmer experience and part family.
(b) reduction of operating costs e.g. periodic training of personnel, In the AS-IS scenario, the total time spent by programmer i for a
software licensing and maintenance, or outsourcing due to programming task related to part family j can be expressed as:
overload of internal programmers;
(c) reduction of unproductive time related to delay and inefficien- tibj ¼ tipj þ tidj þ tii j þ t cj þ tiaj (2)
cy of CMM programming activities.
where tipj ; tidj ; tii j ; t cj ; tiaj indicate the times respectively spent in
Section 3 illustrates how these savings can be quantified programming, programme debugging, documentation of measur-
according to the proposed methodology. ing instructions, testing on a real part and other minor tasks.
Other benefits in interoperability can be summarised as follows: In the TO-BE scenario, programmers of CMM-B may partially or
totally reuse a part programme previously developed for CMM-A. The
(d) reduced dependency from a single vendor of measuring equip-
amount of reuse of existing code depends on a number of reasons,
ment, flexibility and cost reduction potential for future invest-
including, e.g. measuring technology, type of interfaces, programming
ments, reduced risk of discontinuation of maintenance services;
language, software, as well as availability of existing code for the given
(e) time compression in product development, reduced time-to-
programming task. This amount must be investigated through a
market, reduced work in progress and inventory.
feasibility study encompassing representative examples for each part
family. It is worth mentioning that in case CMM-A is used to measure
Accurate quantification of benefits d–e is complex and beyond
the same part for different purposes (e.g. prototype testing instead of
the scope of the work here presented. Some authors [2] investigated
process validation or incoming parts inspection), the number of
analogous benefits of interoperability in data exchange for
actually measured characteristics is different, therefore the amount of
computer-aided design and engineering; they assessed their extent
reuse could be limited. It is here assumed that the number of
on the basis of interviews of key industry executives.
characteristics to be considered when programming CMM-B is higher
Once benefits are quantified, common managerial procedures
than those inspected on CMM-A, that being the worst-case situation
for the evaluation of investments can be used to calculate relevant
when evaluating interoperability benefits.
quantities and indicators, such as the calculation of the net present
It is therefore expected that the times required for program-
value (NPV) over N years:
ming and debugging tirjp and tirdj are linearly depending on the
CF h number of nj added characteristics:
NPV ¼ CF 0 þ h
h¼1 ð1 þ rÞ
tirjp ¼ mip n j þ qip ; tirdj ¼ mdi n j þ qdi (3)
where CF0 is the initial investment cost, CFh is the annual cash flow
and r is the interest rate. CFh can be calculated as total value of Parameters mip , qip , mdi
and qdi are to be calculated as well through
annual savings made possible by interoperability investments, a feasibility study, encompassing representative examples for each
E. Savio et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 477–480 479

part family. The total time spent by programmer i for a programming xbijk ; xri jk ; xm
i jk 2 N 0
task related to part family j in the TO-BE scenario is therefore

tirj ¼ tirjp þ tirdj þ tii j þ t cj þ tiaj (4)

W i j 2 f0; 1g; i 2 f1; . . . ; Ig; j 2 f1; . . . ; Jg
Maintenance of part programmes must also be accounted for in
where xbijk , xri jk and xm
i jk are the programming tasks, Aik is the amount
both scenarios, for a proper computation of total programming
of time available to programmers, Fjk and Rjk are respectively the
costs and related optimisation. This activity is required by, e.g.
demand for new part programmes and the availability of reusable
minor changes of part geometry, tolerances, inspection plan, to
part programmes, Mjk is the demand for maintenance of part
adapt the part programme accordingly. Eq. (2) can be adapted as
programmes and Wij is expressing the ability of programmer i to
develop part programmes for part family j.
timj ¼ P i j ðtipj þ tidj þ tii j Þ þ t cj þ tiaj (5) Reduction of programming cost Bkp can then be computed as

Bkp ¼ ðSk ÞASIS  ðSk ÞTOBE (7)

where Pij is the fraction of time required in average for
modifications by programmer i and part family j with reference
3.2. Savings from reduction of operating costs
to corresponding activities.
Programming costs calculations should then take into account
The presence of multiple programming systems in the AS-IS
the needed resources, as summarised in Table 1 where cip is the
scenario regularly requires costly efforts to keep personnel trained
hourly cost of programmer i and cc is the hourly CMM cost.
and updated on those different systems. Moreover they require
Table 1 support and maintenance from a number of vendors, as well as
Programming costs summary. multiple upgrading costs. Therefore operating costs are
Activity Online programming Offline programming COk ¼ training costs þ maintenance costs þ upgrading costs (8)
New part programmes cibj ¼ ðtipj þ tidj þ t cj Þ cibj ¼ ðtidj þ t cj Þðcip þ cc Þ
(AS-IS) ðcip þ cc Þ þ ðtii j þ tiaj Þcip þðtipj þ tii j þ tiaj Þcip
and the related savings due to interoperability
cirj ¼ ðtirjp þ tirdj þ t cj Þ cirj ¼ ðtirdj þ t cj Þðcip þ cc Þ BCOk ¼ ðCOk ÞASIS  ðCOk ÞTOBE (9)
Reuse of existing part
ðcip þ cc Þ þ ðtii j þ tiaj Þcip þðtirjp þ tii j þ tiaj Þcip
programmes (TO-BE)
cimj ¼ ðP i j ðtipj þ tidj Þ þ t cj Þ cimj ¼ ðP i j tidj þ t cj Þðcip þ cc Þ
Maintenance of part 3.3. Savings from reduction of unproductive time
ðcip þ cc Þ þ ðP i j tii j þ tiaj Þcip þðP i j tipj þ P i j tii j þ tiaj Þcip

When using the CMM for programming, debugging or testing

In the proposed approach, the underlying assumption is that in part programmes, no measurements can be performed and this
both scenarios costs should be minimised, using the available time can be considered as unproductive. The mean unproductive
resources (i.e. programmers and CMM) during a given period of time l jk can be written as:
time k (e.g. one specific month) in optimal manner. Therefore, a PI p b rp r
d b rd r c
linear optimisation problem [10] can be formulated for minimisa- i¼1 ðti j xi jk þ ti j xi jk þ ti j xi jk þ ti j xi jk Þ þ ðF jk þ R jk Þt j
l jk ¼ (10)
tion of programming costs Sk as follows: F jk þ R jk
2 3
XJ XI Note that tipj and tirjp should be zero if programmer i works
min 4 b b r r m m 5
ðci j xi jk þ ci j xi jk þ ci j xi jk Þ ¼ Sk (6) offline. Benefits from unproductive time reduction are then
j¼1 i¼1
2 J 3 J
b b r r m m
ðt x þ t1 j x1 jk þ t1 j x1 jk Þ 7 2 Btk ¼ ððl jk ÞASIS  ðl jk ÞTOBE Þcc (11)
6 3
6 j¼1 1 j 1 jk 7 A1k j¼1
6 7
6 .. 7 6 . 7 4. Case study
6 . 7  4 .. 5
6 7
6 X J 7 AIk
4 5
ðtIbj xbIjk þ tIr j xrI jk þ tImj xm
I jk Þ The feasibility study here presented refers to a CMM
j¼1 interoperability project within a main automotive supplier, with
2 3 application first at local level then at business line level.
6 xbi1k 7 2 3 The first assessment refers to interoperability between two
6 7 F 1k
6 i¼1 7 CMMs: one located in a prototype testing lab (CMM1) and a second
6 .. 7 6 .. 7
6 . 7¼4 . 5 one placed in a quality control lab (CMM2) of the same plant in
6 7
6X I 7 F Jk Europe. Since newly developed products are first tested using
4 b 5
CMM1, there is an opportunity to reuse part programmes on
CMM2 that will later measure the same parts during production.
2 3 The approach to interoperability is here built on DMIS-based
6 xi1k 7 2 3 software, currently not available on both CMMs; investments costs
6 7 R1k
6 i¼1 7 are related to software, control system, initial training and start-up
6 .. 7 6 . 7
6 . 7 ¼ 4 .. 5 activities, for a total amount of 50,500 s. Three CMM programmers
6 7
6X I 7 RJk are available on site, with partial overlap of competences (i.e. part
4 5
families) and different productivity. The relationship between
programming hours and number of characteristics, shown in Fig. 1,
2 3 was mapped during the feasibility study, using data mining on
6 xmi1k 7 2 3 representative records of past activities.
6 7 M 1k
6 i¼1 7 An example of programming costs is shown in Fig. 2; for some
6 .. 7 6 .. 7
6 . 7¼4 . 5 part families (e.g. DN, EK, BD and FH) saving enabled by
6 7
6X I 7 M Jk interoperability are clear, while the benefit is reduced in case of
4 m 5
others (e.g. DQ, AV, AJ) due to different focus of inspection on
CMM1 (functional testing) with regard to CMM2 (quality control).
In such a situation, the economic justification of the investment is
not obvious since only a fraction of the programming costs is saved
xbijk þ xri jk þ xm
i jk > 0 ! W i j 6¼ 0 8 i; j for some part families.
480 E. Savio et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 477–480

are improving due to individual learning curve effects, or may

rapidly decrease due to personnel turnover with introduction of
less experienced programmers. A Monte Carlo experiment was
partially implemented for the demand of part programmes as well
as for productivity of programmers. Results were analysed
focusing on NPV calculations, which exhibited deviations up to
30% depending on the input information. Since reliability of input
data is of paramount importance to obtain a sound decisional basis,
further modelling and simulation work is planned.

5. Conclusions

A methodology has been introduced for the quantification of

Fig. 1. Example: correlation of programming and debugging hours with number of
the economic benefits of interoperability, with reference to two
characteristics to be inspected. Programmer with two years of CMM programming CMMs that are used at different steps of the product development
experience. process. The approach for the evaluation of benefits is based on the
quantification of savings from reduction of programming costs,
The proposed methodology was applied using deterministic operating costs as well as unproductive time.
historical data for the demand of part programmes and the Calculations are based on company-specific data, as well as on
following main assumptions: scheduling on a monthly basis, tax assumptions related to the CMM programming processes. Input
rate 40%, interest rate 5%, linear depreciation over 5 years. Benefits data need to be investigated during a feasibility study and include:
are mostly related to savings in programming costs, with yearly mapping of programming demand, competence and productivity
amounts in the range 24–45 ks, savings in operating costs of programmers, and quantification of reusable existing part
(6570 s) and savings in unproductive time (range 1–5 ks). The programmes. The accuracy of benefit quantification is clearly
investment assessment was then positive: net present value (NPV) depending on the availability and consistency of these data,
111,414 s, internal return rate (IRR) 47%, payback period 35 assumed to be correct in terms of times and costs.
months. In the proposed approach, the underlying assumption is that
costs should be minimised, using the available resources (i.e.
programmers and CMMs) in optimal manner. A linear optimisation
problem was then formulated and implemented using spreadsheet
The developed methodology was illustrated using a practical
example from a global automotive supplier, both at local and
corporate level, with quantification of considerable benefits.


The authors wish to thank Mr. Claudio Lazzarotto for

comprehensive data analysis during his internship in an automo-
Fig. 2. Average programming costs for measuring programmes developed by the
same programmer of Fig. 1 on CMM2: scenario TO-BE refers to reuse of part
tive company and for practical implementation of the linear
programmes previously developed on CMM1. optimisation problem. Disclaimer: for confidentiality reasons, the
company is not explicitly identified and data on costs and
The analysis was extended at production unit level and at productivity have been adapted.
business line level, in order to assess the potential benefits of
interoperability for the entire organisation. Currently, 33 CMMs
are operated in 11 plants across the globe using 6 different
programming software. Within most plants, a situation similar to References
the one described above is verified; therefore, the analysis was
applied using local hourly costs of resources (programmers and [1] De Chiffre L (2007) The Role of Metrology in Modern Manufacturing, Keynote
Paper. in Gyenge Cs., (Ed.) 8th Int. MTeM Conference, 973-9087-83-31–6.
CMMs). In Table 2 the main data and results of the analysis are [2] Brunnermeier SB, Martin SA (1999) Interoperability Cost Analysis of the U.S.
shown, demonstrating that the total NPV of the interoperability Automotive Supply Chain, Final Report, Research Triangle Institute, USA.
project at corporate level is approaching 1 Ms using a prudential [3] Horst J, Hartman N, Wong G (2010) Metrics for the Cost of Proprietary
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tember 28–30.
Table 2 [4] ISO 10303 series, Industrial Automation Systems and Integration – Product
Main data and economic assessment of interoperability for the entire business line. Data Representation and Exchange, International Organization for Standardi-
zation (ISO).
Manufacturing location Europe USA China India Brazil [5] ISO 22093 (2011) Industrial Automation Systems and Integration – Physical
Device Control – Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS), ISO.
Number of CMMs 15 6 5 5 2
[6] I++ DME (2008) Dimensional Measurement Equipment Interface, Version 1.7, I++
Net present value (NPV) s 544,165 210,633 95,061 95,485 45,584 Working Group (Audi, BMW, Daimler, GM, Porsche, VW and Volvo).
Average NPV/CMM (s) 36,277 35,105 19,012 19,970 22,792 [7] Kunzmann H, Pfeifer T, Schmitt R, Schwenke H, Weckenmann A (2005)
Productive Metrology – Adding Value to Manufacture. Annals of the CIRP
[8] Savio E (2012) A Methodology for the Quantification of Value-Adding by
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Main sources of variability were identified in programming 1:503–506.
demand forecasting and programming and debugging time. These [9] Sullivan WG, Wicks EM, Luxhoj J (2002) Engineering Economy, 13th ed. Prentice
time estimates are complex because depending on operator [10] Vanderbei RJ (2007) Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions, Spring-
competence and efficiency, which are changing over time: they er978-0387743875.

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