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Materi Kuliah Farmakoterapi Lanjut (Farterlan) Prodi Apoteker ISTN

Dosen : Sulina Kristiono dan Tahoma Siregar / Refdanita

1. Pendahuluan : Persamaan pemahaman perihal Farmakologi dan Farmakoterapi

(Terminologi, dll)
2. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
3. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
4. Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
5. Urinary Tract Infections
6. Asthma
7. Tuberculosis
8. Central Nervous System Infections
9. The drug therapy of Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders :
a. Review of Hormonal system
b. Adrenocortical Dysfunction and Clinical use of Steroids
c. Thyroid Disorders
d. Parathyroid Disorders
e. Diabetes – Treatment of Endocrine Disorders : Diabetes Mellitus
10. Drug therapy for Viral Infections (Non-HIV)
11. Drug therapy for Viral Infection (HIV0
12. Sexual Transmitted Diseases
13. Individual Variation in Drug Responses (Review)
14. Drug Therapy across the Life Span (Drug Therapy in Certain Groups of Patients) :
a. Drug Therapy during Pregnancy
b. Drug Therapy during Breast-feeding
c. Drug Therapy in Pediatric patients
d. Drug Therapy in Geriatric Patients
e. Drug Therapy for patients with Liver dysfunction
f. Drug Therapy for patients with Renal impairment

Note :
Materi untuk UTS : butir 1 sampai dengan 7.
Materi untuk UAS : butir 8 sampai dengan 14.

Jakarta, 10 Agustus 2020

Sulina Kristiono

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