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1) Historical development, branches and scope of Pharmacology. Sources and nature of drugs.
Pharmacological terms and definitions.
2) Principles of drug activity: Pharmacokinetics – Routes of drug administration, absorption,
distribution, biotransformation and excretion of drugs. Pharmacodynamics – concept of drug
and receptor, dose – response relationship, terms related to drug activity and factors
modifying the drug effect and dosage.
3) Fundamentals of drug – screening and assay of drugs. Adverse drug reactions, drug
interaction, drug designing and development, bio prospecting of drugs. Introduction to
biopharmaceutics and gene therapy.
4) Drugs acting on digestive system: stomachics, antacids and antiulcers, prokinetics,
carminatives, antizymotics, emetrics, antiemetics, purgatives, antidiarrhoeals, cholerectics
and cholagogues, rumen pharmacology.
5) Drugs acting on cardiovascular system: cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, vasodilators
and antihypertensive agents, haematinics, coagulants and anticoagulants.
6) Drugs acting on respiratory system: Expectorants and antitussives, respiratory stimulants,
bronchodilators and mucolytics.
7) Drugs acting on urogenital system: Diuretics, urinary alkalizers, and acidifiers, fluid therapy,
ecobolics and tocolytics.
8) Pharmacotherapeutics of hormones and vitamins. Drugs acting on skin and mucous
membranes: emollients, demulcents and counter irritants.
9) Bio – enhancers, immunostimulants and immunosuppressants. New drugs and drug

1) Drugs acting on autonomic nervous system: Neurohumoral transmission, adrenoceptors

agonists and antagonists, adrenergic neuron blockers, chlinoceptors agonists and
antagonists, ganglionic stimulants and blockers.
2) Autacoids: Histamine and antihistaminic agents 5 – Hydroxytryptamine and its antagonists,
prostaglandins, angiotensin and bradykinin.
3) Drugs acting on central nervous system (CNS): Pharmacology of neurotransmitters. History
of general anaesthetics and theories and anaesthesia.
4) Inhalant, intravenous and dissociative anaesthetics; hypnotics and sedatives; tranquilizers,
psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, opioid analgesic, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
analeptics and other CNS stimulants, central muscle relaxants.
5) Drugs acting on somatic nervous system: local anaesthetics and peripheral muscle relaxants.
6) New drugs and drug formulations


Introduction to veterinary chemotherapy
with special reference to History of magic bullets
Antibacterial agents,
Antibiotics- classification based on different methods, general principles.
Antibacterial resistance
Sulphonamides and diaminopyrimidines
, nitrofurans, nalidixic acid- fluroquinolones
-classification, mechanism of action, adverse effects
classification , different generations
Aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides
Miscellaneous agents-
lincosamides and vancomycin.
Antifungal agents -topical
and systemic agents, antifungal antibiotics
drugs used aganist cestodes, trematodes, nematodes,broad spectrum anthelmintics
Antiprotozoal agents
- drugs used in trypanasomiasis, theileriosis, babesiosis, coccidiosis
Antiviral and anticancer agents
Antiseptics and disinfectantsCommon indigenous drugs of plant origin
with proven pharmacological and therapeutic efficacy invarious animal ailments


1) Introduction history classification surgical terminology and development of veterinary

2) Asepsis antisepsis, their application in Vety.Surgery.
3) Surgical Risk & Surgical judgement. Management of shock, haemorrhage & its management.
Principle of fluid therapy in surgical patients.
4) Differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of abscess, tumors cyst, haematoma, necrosis,
gangrene burn, wound, classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment & complication
,their treatment and prevention.

VGO 411:

1)      Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of ovaries and salpinx in domestic

2)      Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of uterus and cervix in domestic
3)      Clinical evaluation and abnormalities of vagina, vestibule and vulva in
domestic animals.
4)      Puberty and sexual maturity and factors causing delayed puberty and
sexual maturity.
5)      Estrus cycle and estrus detection in cattle, buffaloes and mare.
6)      Estrus cycle and estrus detection in sheep, goat and sows.
7)      Estrus cycle and estrus detection in bitches and cats.
8)      Follicular Dynamics, Ovulation.
9)      Aberrations of estrus and estrous cycle.
10)    Seasonal breeding.
11)    Pregnancy diagnosis- different methods- in cattle, buffaloes and mare
12)   Pregnancy diagnosis- different methods- in sheep, goat and sows.
13)   Pregnancy diagnosis- different methods- in bitches and cats.
14)    Superfoetation and Superfecundation.
15)   Definitions of Fertility, Infertility & sterility. Anatomical & hereditary
16)    Nutritional and Managerial causes of infertility.
17)   Hormonal and infectious causes of infertility
18)    Anoestrus – causes, diagnosis and treatment.
19)    Ovulatory defects and cystic ovarian degeneration.
20)   Repeat breeding: Fertilization failure, early embryonic mortality.
21)   Specific and non- specific infections affecting genital organs-endometritis,
cervicitis, vaginitis.
22)    Fertility parameters. Sexual Health Control and Reproductive Health
23)   Clinical use of hormones in female infertility (GnRH and PG)
24)   Clinical use of hormones in female infertility (Pituitary and non pituitary
25)   Clinical use of hormones in female infertility (Estrogen, progesterone and
other steroids)
26)   Breeding management, mis-mating, pseudo-pregnancy and pyometra in
27)   Transmissible venereal tumor and infertility in bitches.
28)    Induction of estrus.
29)   History, advantages, limitations and scope of Embryo Transfer technology.
30)   Synchronization of estrus.
31)   Superovulation, Embryo collection and Embryo Transfer.
32)    Immuno-modulation for enhancement of fecundity

VGO 412:

1)      Types and functions of placenta in different species.

2)      Diseases and accidents during gestation.
3)      Abortion in domestic animals-diagnosis & control.
4)      Dropsy of fetal membranes and fetus.
5)      Fetal mummification, maceration, pyometra and mucometra.
6)      Prolonged gestation Teratology   and premature birth.
7)      Uterine torsion.
8)      Cervico-vaginal prolapse and Termination of   pregnancy.
9)      Parturition: Signs of   initiation of   parturition.
10)    Stages of parturition.
11)    Puerperium and involution of uterus in domestic animals.
12)   Care and management of dam and new born.
13)   Dystocia. Types of dystocia: Maternal and Foetal: Approach, diagnosis,
14)   Epidural and other anesthesia in obstetrical practice.
Obstetrical operations- mutation, forced tractions, fetotomy and cesarean
15)    Injuries and diseases in relation to parturition. Postpartum diseases and
complications: uterine prolapse, retention of fetal membranes, metritis,
postpartum paraplegia.
16)   Animal birth control- ovario hysterectomy and non- surgical interventions.

VGO 511:
1)      Introduction to Andrology.
2)      Development of male genitalia and gonads.
3)      Neuroendocrine control of male reproduction, puberty, sexual maturity,
sexual behaviour and libido.
4)      Factors affecting maturity and sex drive in bulls.
5)      Forms of male infertility.
6)      Factors causing infertility in male, its diagnosis and treatment.
7)      Abnormalities, malformations, diseases of male genitalia and coital
injuries, their diagnosis and treatment.
8)      Testicular hypoplasia and degeneration. Diseases of the accessory sex
9)      Introduction, history, development, advantages and limitations of artificial
insemination (A.I.).
10)    A. V. Method of semen collection in various species.
11)   Other methods of semen collection in various species.
12)   Factors affecting quality and quantity of semen.
13)   Macroscopic/physical, microscopic, biochemical and biological tests for
evaluation of semen.
14)   Extenders used for semen preservation.
15)    Extension of semen, preservation of semen at different temperatures.
16)    Storage and shipment of semen. Technique of A.I

No. Lecture Schedule for theory

Introduction to Parasitology, types of animal associations, parasite and types of parasitism (Comens
1. Phoresis and Mutualism).

Types of Hosts (Final, intermediate, paratenic and reservoir), vector, natural and unnatural, host p
2. parasites

Effects of parasitism to their host, specificity of parasites in relation to species, breed, sex of host
3. specificity)

4. Modes of transmission of parasites and methods of dissemination of infective stages of parasites

5. Resistance of host to parasitic infections/infestation. Complete, incomplete age and reverse age re

6. Immunity to parasitic infections (natural and acquired)

7. Nomenclature of parasites, standardized nomenclature of animal parasitic diseases (SNOAPAD)

8. General characters of Phylum: Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes and Acanthocephala

9. General description of helmith parasites affecting domestic animals and birds. Classification of hel

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
10. and general control measures including treatment of liverfluke Fasciola spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
and general control measures including treatment of liver fluke Dicrocoelium spp., Opisthorchis sp
11. fluke Fasciolopsis spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
12. and general control measures including treatment of blood flukes Schistosoma nasale spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
and general control measures including treatment of flukes causing cercarial dermatitis and viscera
13. schistosomosis (Schistosoma, S.spindale, S.indicum, S.incognitum and Ornithobilarzia spp.)

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
and general control measures including treatment of Amphistomes, Paramphistomum, Cotylophoro
14. Gastrodiscus, Gastrodiscoides, Psuedodiscus and Gigantocotyle spp.) and immature amphistomiasis

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
15. and general control measures including treatment of lung flukes (Paragonimus spp.) and oviduct flu

16. Study on general characters of cestodes and larval metacestodes (bladder worms) of tapeworms

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
17. and general control measures including treatment of ruminant tapeworms (Moniezia spp., Avitellin

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
18. and general control measures including treatment of equine tapeworms (Anoplocephala, Paranoplo

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
19. and general control measures including treatment of poultry tapeworms ( Davainea, Cotugnia, Rail

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
20. and general control measures including treatment of dog tapeworms (Dipylidium, Taenia spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
21. and general control measures including treatment of Human tapeworms (Taenia saginata and Taen

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
22. and general control measures including treatment of dog tapeworms (Multiceps, Echinococcus spp.)

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
and general control measures including treatment of Broad fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium, Spiro
23. (Hymenolepsis spp.)

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
24. and general control measures including treatment of Ascaris spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
25. and general control measures including treatment of  Parascaris and Oxyuris spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
26. and general control measures including treatment of Toxocara spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
27. and general control measures including treatment of Toxocara spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
28. and general control measures including treatment of Ascardia and Heterakis spp.
Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
29. and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongyloides and Strongylus s

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
30. and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongylus contd., Chabertia a

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
31. and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongylus contd., Chabertia a

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
32. and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worm Oesophagostomum spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
33. and general control measures including treatment of kidney worm (Stephanurus spp., Dioctyophym

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
34. and general control measures including treatment of hookworms (Ancylostoma spp., Agriostomum 

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
35. and general control measures including treatment of hookworm Bunostomum spp., Trichostrongylu

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
36. and general control measures including treatment of hookworm Oestertagia spp., Cooperia spp., N

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
37. and general control measures including treatment of stomach worms Haemonchus spp. Meicistocirr

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
38. and general control measures including treatment of tissue round worms Draschia spp., Habronema

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
39. and general control measures including treatment of tissue round worms Spirocerca, Gongylonema 

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
40. and general control measures including treatment of Filarial worms Dirofilaria, Parafilaria spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
41. and general control measures including treatment of filarial worms Onchocerca, Setaria, Stephanof

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
and general control measures including treatment of lung
42. worms Dictyocaulus spp., Mullerius spp., Protostrongylus spp., Metastrongylus spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
43. and general control measures including treatment of guinea worm Dracunculus spp.

Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, sym
44. and general control measures including treatment of guinea worm Trichinella and Trichuris spp.

General principles of control of helmithic diseases by adapting physical, chemical, biological contro
45. IPC)

46. International regulations for control of different helminthic diseases

1)         General description and characterization of arthropods,

Characterization of Class           Insecta & Class Arachnida.
2)         Classification of Insecta, Development of Insects, Metamorphosis, Types
of           Metamorphosis – Complete & Incomplete, Types of Larvae & Pupae
3)         Study of Culicoides spp. & Simulium spp.
4)         Study of Phlebotomus spp.; Characterization &Classification of Family
5)         Study of Culex spp. Anopheles spp. & Aedes spp.
6)         Study of Tabanus spp. & Haematopota spp.
7)         Study of Musca spp., Stomoxys spp., Haematobia spp
& Sarcophaga spp.
8)         Blow fly myiasis: Study
of Lucilia spp., Calliphora spp., Chrysomyia spp. and Phormia spp.
9)         Screw worm fly myiasis – Study of  Chrysomyia spp. & Callitroga spp.&
types of    myiasis – Obligatory, Facultative & Accidental
10)       Study of Oestrus ovis & Gasterophilus spp.
11)       Study of Hypoderma spp., Hippobosca spp., Pseudolynchia spp.
& Melophagus      ovinus.
12)       Study of Fleas – Ctenocephalides spp., Pulex spp., Echidnophaga
gallinacea &       Xenopsylla spp.
13)       Study of Lice – Anopleura- Haematopinnus spp.,
Linognathus spp. & Mallophaga –            Damalinia spp., Heterodoxus spp.
& Trichodectes spp.  Menopon gallinae, Lipeurus           
caponis & Menacanthus straminus & Bugs ( Cimex lectularius)
14)       Study of Gamasid mites – Dermanyssus spp. & Soft ticks
– Ornithodoros spp. &     Otobius spp.
15)       Study of Argas persicus
16)       Study of hard
ticks- Boophilus spp., Rhipicephalus spp., Haemaphysalis spp.,         
Hyalomma spp., Amblyomma spp. & Ixodes spp.
17)       Follicular Mange – Demodex spp.
18)       Study of Sarcoptes scabiei., Notoedres cati, Psoroptes spp.
& Chorioptes spp.
1)         General description of protozoa, Differentiation from Protophyta
2)         Nutrition, excretion, respiration & locomotion in protozoa
3)         Reproduction in protozoa & classification of protozoa
4)         Study of Entamoeba spp.
5)         General features of zoomastigophora, its Orders & Family
Trypanosomatidae. Life-         cycle stages of the family, Genera of
Trypanosomatidae, pattern of developmental     cycle of the members of the
6)         Genus Trypanosoma, Types of Development – Salivaria & Stercoraria –
Subgenera &       species of Trypanosoma, Study of cyclically transmitted
Salivarian Trypanosoma spp.
7)         Study of Stercorarian Trypanosoma spp. (T. cruzi & T. theileri)
8)         Study of Mechanically transmitted Trypanosomes – Trypanosoma evansi
9)         Study of Trypanosoma equinum & Trypanosoma equipardum
10)       Study of visceral leishmanosis – Leishmania spp.
11)       Study of cutaneous leishmanosis – Leishmania tropica & Giardia spp.
12)       Study of bovine trichomonosis – Tritrichomonas foetus
13)       Study of avian trichomonosis – Trichomonas gallinae & Histomonas
14)       General features of Phylum Apicomplexa, Class  Sporozoea, Subclass
Coccidiia, Order     Eucoccidiida & Piroplasmida. Suborders of Eucoccidiida –
Eimerina, haemosporina &       Adeilina.  Family Eimeriidae  & its Genera –
Eimeria spp., Isospora spp.
15)       General pattern of life-cycle of coccidia
16)       Study of Poultry coccidiosis – Eimeria tenella & Eimeria necatrix
17)       Study of Poultry coccidiosis – Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria
maxima & Eimeria brunetti
18)       Epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, control & immunity of poultry
19)       Study of bovine coccidiosis-
20)       Study of ovine,caprine, dod, cat and pig coccidia
21)       Study of Cryptosporidium spp.
22)      Study of Sarcocystis spp.
23)       Study of Toxoplasma spp.
24)        Continuation of Toxoplasmosis and Study of Neospora caninum
25)       Study of avian malaria – Plasmodium gallinaceum & Plasmodium bubalis
26)       Study of Haemoproteus columbae & Hepatozoon canis.
27)       General features of Babesia & Life-cycle patterns of Babesia spp.
28)       In general pathogenesis of Babesia spp. &Strudy of bovine
piroplasmosis- Babesia            bigemina & Babesia bovis
29)       Study of canine piroplasmosis (Babesia canis & Babesia gibsoni)  & equine
piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi & Babesia equi)
30)       Study of Theileria spp.
31)      Continuation of Theileriosis
32)       Study of Ehrlichia spp.
33)       Protozoan vaccines
34)       Control of Protozoan infections in animals and man – General principles
35)       Molecular tools in diagnosis of protozoan infections in animals & man.


Lecture no Topics

  Introduction, history of Surgery. Veterinary surgery in particular

2 General surgical principles, preoperative and postoperative considerations

3 Asepsis and Antisepsis and their application in veterinary surgery. Sterilization of surgic

4-5 Inflammation

6-7 Wound classification, symptoms, diagnosis, Treatment. Complications and their prevent

8 Aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of abscess, ulcers, sinus, fistula

9-10 Aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cyst, haematoma, tumour, gan

11 Haemorrhage, local and systemic treatment for control of haemorrhage

12-13 Burns, scalds, frost bite. Degree of burns, patho physiological changes during burns. Ma

14 Shock,  Pathophysiology and treatment of shock

15-16 Fracture. Aetilogy, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and healing and complications

17 Dislocation, affections of joints

18-19 Importance of Sutures, suturing materials and different knots

20 Surgical affections, prevention and management, surgical affections of muscles, arterie

Development of anesthesia and its importance in veterinary surgery. General considerat

21 definition

22 Selection of anesthetic and methods of administration. Preparation of patient for anest

23 Local anesthesia, drugs used in local anesthesia and different techniques ie Surface and

24-25 Regional blocks- Petersons technique, corneal nerve block, Paravertebral, spinal, extra

26 Narcosis and premedication in domestic animals

27-28 General anesthesia, definition, methods of inducing general anesthesia, anesthetic drug

29 Inhalation anesthesia, its method of administration in horse cattle and dog

30 Electro anesthesia, acupuncture and hypothermia

31 Anesthetic emergencies and remedies

32 Chemical restraint of wild/ zoo animals and anesthesia of large animals

VSR- 511

Lecture no Topics

1 Surgical approaches to thorax. General considerations of thoracic surgery

Contusions and fracture of rib, injuries of costal cartilage, fracture of sternum, perfora
2 pneumocele

3 Surgical approach to traumatic pericarditis of cattle, heartworm disease in dogs

Surgical approach to abdomen in various species in of animals

4 Hernia, its classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment in various species

Specific hernias: umbilical, perineal (other) ventral, inguinal, crural, pelvic and diaphra
5 animals

Surgical affections of stomach (in dog) cardiac, pyloric stenosis, torsion of stomach, gas
6 foreign bodies in stomach

Surgical treatments for affections of stomach in ruminants, rumenal impaction, trauma

7 displacement, omasal impaction.

Surgical affections of intestine, colic, intestinal obstruction, intussusceptions, strangula

8 animals

Cecal dilatation, torsion, typlilitis, perforation of intestine, perforating wounds and fis
9 rectum, prolepses, tumour, tear of rectum, atresia ani, atresis ani et recti, et coli. Aff
Abscess (supra rectal), recto vaginal fistula, paralysis of rectum, haemorroids, stenosis
10 affections of liver, spleen, pancreas. Surgical affections of kidney, ureter, urinary blad

11 Urolithiasis, urethral stenosis, their sequele and surgical treatment

12 Surgical affections of penis and sheath. Affections of testicle, scrotum, castration in lar

Spaying in various species, their purpose, techniques and complications. Surgical affect
13 tail

14 Lameness its classification, definition and confirmation in relation to lameness.

15 Body confirmation in relation to lameness (hind limb). Diagnosis or lameness. General m

16 Specific joint diseases in large animals and treatment.

Specific joint diseases in dogs and treatment. (inter vertebral disk protrusion, spondylo
17 rupture of cruciate ligament, etc).

18 Application of external and internal fixation for fracture, their adventage and disadvan

19 Shoulder slip sweeny), bicipital bursitis, omarthritis, caped elbow, radial paralysis, car

20 Hygroma of knee, open knee joint. Fracture of carpal bone, fracture of accessory carpa

21 Splints, sore shin, tendonitis, wind puffs, sesamoiditis.

22 Osslets, ringbone, Quitter, side bones, Navicular disease, Pyramidal disease, fracture of

23 Laminitis, Sand Crack, Seedy toe, fracture of third phalanx, pedal osteitis.

24 Canker, thrush and corn.

25 Monday morning disease, cording up, myositis of Psoss muscle, iliac thrombosis.

26 Crural paralysis, sub-luxation of sacro-iliac ligament, rupture of round ligament, trocha

27 Femoral nerve paralysis, upward luxation of patella, stringhalt.

Gonits, chrondromalacia of patella, fracture of fibula, rupture of tendo- Achilles, ruptu

28 myopathy and ossifying myopathy.

29 Thoroughpin, bog spavin, spavin, curb.

Bovine lameness, contusions of sole, ulceration of sole, Septic laminitis. Chronic lamini
30 declawing. Interdigital fibroma, cyst, sand crack. Hoof deformities.

31 Therapeutic shoes and corrective shoeing.

32 Examination of animal of soundness and preparation of soundness certificate.

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