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1. What is fitness?

Fitness is a state of optimal healthiness of a person. Fitness is not only determined physically but
it also encompass the whole mental and emotional condition of a person. Becoming fit is much
more beneficial than the unhealthy people because if one person is fit, he/she is more capable
of doing countless of activities that the unhealthy person can’t. Fitness is achieved by nurturing
the different aspect of health in a human being (emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and
physical) by enough exercise, enough and right intake of food and liquid, and enough
assessment of the mind. In short terms, fitness is an act of living a healthy lifestyle.

2. Why is it important to be physically fit?

In a state of optimal healthiness, a person is more capable of living its life to the fullest; unlike people
who aren’t physically fit. Becoming physically fit is never becoming prone to common sickness, healthy
muscles that control the body also makes our body prevent cardiac issues, being physically fit stables
the entire systems in the body enforcing it to work normally, and being physically fit is considered great
and attractive because it shows the sign of self-respect and self-love—it shows that we care for our
bodies and ourselves.

3. How can you become more physically fit?

There are actually enumerable ways for a person to be physically fit but to be able to be physically fit;
we should first prioritize our mental and emotional health because if we let our intellectual health do
their thing, they might do it wrong. With regards to the mental and emotional aspect: we should learn
how to control and stabilize our peace of mind and feed it more information to keep it healthy—I
believe that if the information is taken and made it credible enough for the brain to believe, what we
believe changes our behaviour, perspective, and personalities—and if we stabilize our intellectual
health, then we can proceed to be physically fit. Becoming physically fit requires a wide range of options
to do, fr01om diet, hobbies, activities, exercise, etc. But to be able to achieve it we must contemplate
and plan the enumerated options attaining fitness of physique.

4. What is physical fitness?

Fitness means the condition in which a person is healthy in an immeasurable extent. Then so, physical
fitness is the state where a person is healthy in an immeasurable extent with its physique. Physical
fitness does not only limit to the body, it includes activities we do for the body to be fit, and it is the
nurturing of the body through certain activities.
5. What is the difference between exercise and physical activity?

Although both partially have the same definition but it isn’t entirely the same. For some, both mean the
same but in actuality, it doesn’t. Exercise is an activity we do for our bodies to be healthy, no matter
what activity may it be, if it includes the stress of the muscles then it’s considered an exercise. Stress
sounded negative but what makes exercise positive is that it secretes a hormone called endorphins
which is responsible of mood stability and a natural pain-reliever and also it gives more strength in the
muscles and transforms the body making it look better. On the other hand, physical activity is part the
same as exercise because both requires the stress of muscles. What makes it different from each other
is that, physical activity is only an activity that requires our physique; exercise—as I mentioned earlier—
is an activity for the body.

6. Enumerate the two types of exercise and explain each then give examples.

There are actually 5 known types of exercise known today, here I explain the 2 of the most important
among all.

a. Aerobic Exercise – Aerobic exercise is an exercise that results one person perspire a lot.
This exercise takes away our breaths making us hyperventilate and seeking to normalize
our breathing pattern. There are numbers of activities classified in this category: dancing,
cycling, swimming, zumba, and any other activities that make you sweat and breathe a lot.
This raises our overall health and fitness up.
b. Strength Building – This type of exercise is known to muscular people. It is the process of
gaining strength from stressing the muscles with heavy weight. Some examples of this type
of exercise are weightlifting, push-ups, sit-ups and squats, working with resistance bands,
cycling, etc.

7. Enumerate the 5 components of physical fitness and explain each.

a. Muscular Strength – this is the strength in every person. People who have muscular power
do a lot more than people who have lesser power, they move heavier objects, does
anything that requires excess strength, and etc. It is one of the key components in which a
person could say that another person is physically fit.
b. Muscular Endurance – it is the ability of our muscles to execute and carry stress in a longer
period of time. It is the time available for the muscles to work until it tires itself off. This is
prolonged if the muscular strength is taken good care.
c. Cardiovascular Endurance – its center is the lungs and the muscles in our heart pumping
and keeping up with our breaths from different activities such as jogging, running, and
anything that requires breathing.
d. Flexibility – this is the extension and the softening of our limbs and any part of the body.
Without flexibility, our muscles would look stiff and cannot perform certain objectives and
activities; our movements would be limited.
e. Body Fat Composition – this only refers to the fat within the person’s body. To identify and
measure the residing fat and adjust or execute activities to maintain perfect fat level.

8. What are the health benefits of exercise and physical activity?

If a person did an exercise or even a physical activity, that person is stepping nearer to physical fitness. If
he/she already achieved physical fitness, he/she become healthier.

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