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Write the term under the picture: elbow bump, blow a kiss, air hug, namaste, bow,
foot bump, hand on heart, fist bump, hip bump.

Write the correct expression on the line.

1. _____________ You purse your lips, put your open hand to your mouth and blow.

2. _____________ Open your arms wide; you want to show your affection.

3. _____________ You stretch your legs and touch each other’s feet.

4. _____________ Traditional in some Eastern countries; a very respectful greeting.

5. _____________ Traditional among Hindus; place your hands together and bow.

6. _____________ Make a fist, but keep it friendly!

7. _____________ Put your forearm forward and touch elbows.

8. _____________ Place your hand on the left side of your chest.

9. _____________ This was a popular dance back in the nineteen eighties.

 Which of these greetings do you think is a good replacement for a handshake?

 Can you think of any more ways of greeting people?
 How do you greet your friends in these coronavirus days?

Hip bump bow Elbow bump

Namaste Fist bump Foot bump

Blow a kiss Air hug Hand on heart

1. Blow a kiss
2. Air hug
3. Foot bump
4. Bow
5. Namaste
6. Fist bump
7. Elbow bump
8. Touch your heart
9. Hip bump

More greetings:

Wave, high fives, nod of the head, stick out your tongue (impolite in some cultures!)
shaka (touch thumb and index finger, popular in Hawaiian cultures), any more?

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