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Assalamulaikum and good morning to madam rosiah and fellow friends.

Today im
going to talk about my vision board. First of all, im going to talk about relationship.
Who do I want to have a close relatioship with? So, of course im getting married in
the next 10 years from now. I want to have a good relationship with my husband. I
want to travel around the world with him and having our kids to know about the
world. And not to forget about my parents, I want them to be happy for what I have
become in the next 10 - 15 years. I want to be a good wife to my husband, a good
daughter to my parents, and a good mother to my children. Next, lifestyle. How much
money do I want to spend? Of course, all of us wants a lot of money. With money, I
can send my children to a good school, provide them with the best facilities and teach
them how to love themselves. I want to teach my children that we have to love
ourselves first and embrace the moment in our life as what my parents had taught me
in this almost 19 years of living. I want them to feel free to share everything with me.
I want them to have a good life. Then, the emotions. What I want to feel In the next
10 - 15 years. I want to be happy and I guess everyone want the same thing,
happiness. I have read something that really hits me, if you want to have life that is
worth living, which I mean happiness or anything that you want in life, a life that
express your deepest feelings emotions and cares and dreams, you have to fight for it.
So, I will fight for my happiness. Before I end my speech, I want to tell you guys
something. Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen.
Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. Learn to enjoy
every minute of your life. Be happy now. don’t wait for something outside yourself to
make you happy in the future. Think how precious is the time you have to spend
whether it is at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and
savored because it was the small things that make big difference. Thank you.

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