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Good morning po sa inyong lahat!

To feed us with hope and encouragement today, here’s our thought for the
day. Let’s watch this short video clip.
(Watching the short videoclip.)
Oscar Wilde once said, “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking
at the stars.”
We all have our struggles, hard times and life problems but despite the
challenges we face, we should decide to remain positive, remain focused
on our dreams and goals and remain blessed for what we have.
We all know that this pandemic has caused anxieties, fears, and
uncertainties. But we are capable, strong, and resilient. We may not be
able to control the situation but we can control ourselves: our thoughts,
actions, and choices. We can rise above these challenging times and
continue our mission together as one PaES community.
May we continue to reach out to those who may have forgotten the light
that shines above. Always remember that there is light in this darkness; all
we need is to look up. Always ensure you are looking at the stars.
Stay strong, remain hungry and always be looking at the stars.
Thank you and good morning.

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