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We created this workbook to share with and fulfilment. We’ve created a glo-
you some of the most important lear- bal brand and community for positive,
nings from our experience as digital no- open-minded and highly driven people.
mads. It’s a like-minded crowd of change-ma-
kers, ready to ditch the office and the
Working from the most beautiful places 9-5, question the status quo and create
on earth, experiencing novelty and dif- a business and life that they love. It’s
ferent cultures, establishing successful such a crazy feeling!
online businesses, creating financial
freedom... It’s been a hell of a blast - but
believe us, the road there has been very
bumpy at times.

Today, we’re living our dream: a remo-

te lifestyle full of freedom, happiness

If you ask us:

What are the most important things to become successful?

Here are our answers:

1 | Be CRYSTAL Clear on Your Vision Page 4

2 | Replace Your Limiting Beliefs Page 8

3 | Build a Business Based on Your Passion Page 12

4 | Big Rock Strategy - Getting Shit Done Page 16

5 | Automate Your Business Page 20

6 | Manage Your Money - Systems for Financial Freedom Page 26

7 | Enjoy the Process Page 31


To build up a successful online business and create a life of freedom and
purpose, you need to be 100% clear about your vision. Without being able to
see the big picture, you simply won’t get anywhere. Entrepreneur life can be
dazzling and throw you from one side to the other. So before you start head-
long into work mode, you need to define the following:

• Who are you and how is your life now?

• What should your life look like in the future?

See it clearly! If your goal seems blurry, you will have a hard time achieving it.

Don’t settle for a life that is any less than what you know you’re capable of.
The law of attraction is very forceful. How should others believe in yourself
if you don’t? Live your life as if you have already achieved your dreams. Vi-
sualize it, feel it…and then act! So actually the law of attraction should be
named Law of Satisfaction. The secret is to feel, live and act as if you have
already accomplished the goal. Don’t aim for something you don’t have yet,
as it shows the universe a lack - and you always get more of what you have

Do you feel overwhelmed by your big dream? We naturally first focus on all
the obstacles in our way. Sure, climbing a steep mountain seems scary when
you look up from the bottom. But what if you imagine yourself sitting at the
top, looking down and then think about how you got there. Much better, right?

Visualization is highly empowering. Picture yourself succeeding in your mind,

before it actually happens. If you can do that, then chances are big that it will

1 | Be CRYSTAL Clear on Your Vision 5

Many entrepreneurs make the same mistake: They limit their visions to their
business only. As digital nomads, we think outside the box. We look at all
areas in our lives and imagine exactly what they should look like. Your health,
personal growth, relationships and environment - they all play a huge role in
helping you to design the life of your dreams.

These 12 points are a great inspiration for creating a life that’s balanced in
all areas.

Your Love Relationships Your Health and Fitness
Your Friendships Your Intellectual Life
Your Adventures Your Skills
Your Environment Your Spiritual Life


Your Career
Your Creative Life

1 | Be CRYSTAL Clear on Your Vision 6


#1 Ask yourself: if anything were possib-

le, what would I want to do? Without
judging your ideas, just write them
down. Break out of the things that
other people tell you aren’t possible.
Dream boldly.

Write up your vision & mission state-
ment. Even if you don’t have a website
yet. Start drafting and refine along the

#3 Spend about 10-15 minutes visualizing yourself

achieving your goals. Do this each day for at least 1
week. Be as detailed as possible. Imagine what you
would do once you achieved your dream. How ama-
zing does it feel? What will you do to celebrate? How
will this change the course of your life?

Visualize yourself in 20, or even
50 years. What impact do you want
to have on the world? How do you
want to contribute? What legacy do
you want to leave behind?

Look at the 12 life areas above. Set

your goals for the year for each
of those categories. Check in with
yourself: 1) Where are you now?
and 2) Where do you want to be?

1 | Be CRYSTAL Clear on Your Vision 7

Now that you have set the vision for your life, you need to develop a freedom
mindset that goes in line with it. One that is free from limiting beliefs.


We are very much influenced by the beliefs and rules passed on through so-
ciety. Stories about how we should get a good college degree, that we should
get a well-paid secure job in a company, that we should settle down when
we’re over 30, that we should get married and have kids, that we should dress
in a certain way...

The problem is these beliefs and rules” are often completely outdated. Time
to update! Remember that the world around you has been built by people
no smarter than you. This means you can challenge beliefs that you regard
as wrong and question them. Identify beliefs that no longer work for you and
are holding you back.


There is a meaning-making machine deep down in your mind. It creates me-
aning around all the experiences you have. But this meaning is often based
on wrong conclusions that we take on from a very young age.

Did you ever wonder why you have certain beliefs about money? Or love, or
health, or yourself? There are beliefs we know we have, like “the 9 to 5 model
of work is outdated.” But we also hold beliefs about ourselves that we are not
conscious about. They are hidden. And they are the ones that hold us back
from achieving our dreams.

The key is to become aware of your thoughts. Get to the root. What do you
believe about yourself? What do you believe about others? Are you overly cri-
tical of yourself? Are you being harsh? Do you say negative things to yourself?

2 | Replace Your Limiting Beliefs 9

>> I am not good enough” / I am not worthy”<<
The result: you constantly hustle to prove yourself,
losing energy for the essential stuff

>> The things I have to say are not important <<

The result: you never start your blog, podcast, website etc.
and underestimate your value to the world

>> I never have enough money <<

The result: you will always struggle with money

>> Work needs to be hard to be successful <<

The result: you might burn out as you don’t give yourself
enough time to rest and play

Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, you need to get rid
of them. How? By replacing them with positive statements and
repeating those to yourself, over and over again.
Your subconscious mind will take them in.


Take a large piece of paper or a journal. Title it,
“What I Love About Myself.” Now write down what
it is that you love about you as a human being. It
can be simple things like “being a morning person,”
“my sense for adventure” or “my love for nature.”
Do that every morning.

2 | Replace Your Limiting Beliefs 10

Identify 3 limiting beliefs that are hol-
ding you back from what you want to
achieve. #2
#3 Replace them with 3 empowering beliefs. Rewri-
te them into positive statements. Repeat them to
yourself daily.

Our subconsciousness doesn’t like change. Go step by step and work your
way up to your vision. Don’t set the bar too high and say things that you
know aren’t true just yet.

Avoid telling yourself things like >> I am completely confident and mastering
my life every day <<.” Your subconsciousness will figure out that that’s a lie.

Instead, create positive statements like >> Every single day I’m gaining in
confidence, and I’m feeling better and better. <<”

Good times to repeat your positive affirmations:

• After getting up in the morning
• During exercise, as your mind is focused
• Before going to bed in the evening

As a reminder, put Post-Its on the wall or in your purse.

Follow these simple techniques and you’ll manifest new, positive beliefs
within just a few months.

2 | Replace Your Limiting Beliefs 11


If there’s one thing that helps you to kick off digital nomad life, it is finding
something you’re passionate about and turn it into a living.

Digital nomad life is amazing, but it can be very challenging. Living on the
road, not knowing about the Wi-Fi situation, adjusting to new conditions,
staying focused and productive while others hang out at the beach…

If you want to make it work, you have to build your business around so-
mething that you love. Something that excites you!

Imagine you wake up early and jump out of bed every morning, excited to
get things done. You open your laptop and work away for hours, because it
doesn’t feel like work and time just flies by. It is fun and interesting and ex-
citing. You are fully in flow, while sitting in the most beautiful surroundings.
It’s not a job; it is your passion!

So, you found your passion, but there’s already many other online busines-
ses doing what you want to do? Don’t worry! You don’t have to reinvent the
wheel. It even can be helpful; you can see what already works, and then do it
slightly different and better.

Each person is completely unique. What is it that you could help other peo-
ple with? What problem do people have that you might be able to solve? To
turn your passion into a successful business and potentially earn a decent
income, you need to think of something that can solve a problem for many
people at once.

Don’t make things too complicated. Play. Take a break from business thin-
king. Let your curiosity and excitement guide you. Temporarily letting go of
that money-making thought can help you tap into genuine interests. These
are the ones that help you realize what makes you unique. Unlock your cre-

3 | Build a Business Based on Your Passion 13

Also think back in your life and remember things you wanted to be and loved to
do, but maybe forgot about. These are habits that came into your life naturally.
Think about books you read or games you played.


Very often, the problem isn’t finding your passion. It really is how you percei-
ve that passion. You might think >> Yeah, I really love animals. But that’s not
something you can make a business from.” <<

Have you ever tried? Most people fail by ignoring their passion. Even though
it’s already there, they are just afraid to try. That happens mainly because of
some silly, limiting beliefs (see secret 2) passed on by your environment. Or
yourself. Don’t be afraid to try!


#1 Find out what your passion is by answering

these questions:

• What do you already love to do?

Your hobbies - cooking, cycling, etc.
• What is it that you love talking to your others about?
• What do you love to share with others?
• What did you always want to try, but never have?
• What would you love to learn more about and spend
hours reading about? Pets, yachts, real estate, travel...

Tip: Passion is a big word. If it overwhelms you, try asking

yourself, ”>> What am I most excited about?”<<

3 | Build a Business Based on Your Passion 14

Take a piece of paper and write down what a
perfect day would look like for you. Be really
specific. Visualize yourself doing the things
that you love and feel the excitement. What
are the major themes and activities? What ex-
cites you the most?

#3 Ask your friends what they think you’re passionate

about. Sometimes we’re too blind to see...

Find something that excites you. Do as much rese-

arch as possible online. Think about 3-5 keywords
around your passion area. Then Google what
others are doing. Find other digital nomads, online
entrepreneurs, bloggers, Facebook groups, thought
leaders. It helps you to see if there’s a market or a
niche for what you want to offer.

#5 Make a list of people who are already where you

want to be. Get in touch with them and quiz them
about their business. How did they get started? How
much do they make? What is their top advice? Don’t
be shy. Most people will be more than happy to help
and share their wisdom.

IMPORTANT: Don’t give up too fast! If you can’t figure out your passion
straight away, keep your mind and eyes open. Repeat exercise #1 every
day. Thought you found your passion but then realized it actually doesn’t
excite you that much? No problem. Just rewind and look again. Be patient.
After all, it can change your life forever.

3 | Build a Business Based on Your Passion 15

A huge key to becoming a successful online entrepreneur is to act and to be
consistent. You can visualize your success all day and work on your limiting
beliefs, but if you don’t ACT in the physical world nothing will happen and no
opportunities will present themselves. But getting things done all the time is
not that easy. Often, you will find yourself distracted and jumping up and down
your to-do list. Let’s change that!


This is one point in Steven Covey’s >>7 Habits of Highly Effective People”<<
and we LOVE it! If you don’t conquer your biggest tasks first, you’ll never get
it done.

Imagine you put big rocks into a glass jar. You’ll still be able to fit in some
smaller stones and lots of tiny sand grains. But it doesn’t work the other way
around. If you first fill in the pebbles and tiny sand grains, there’s no more
space for the big rocks. Make sense?


Balancing your time between being creative, throwing out content AND run-
ning and growing your business (finding clients, invoicing, marketing, sched-
uling…) can be extremely tough. And if you don’t batch your time, your day will
feel like a mess. Believe us, we’ve been there. You drown in to-do’s and feel
overwhelmed. It kills your creativity and productivity. What helps instead:

Identify your MIT (your Most Important Task ) and schedule it in first thing in
the morning. Then split up your day into chunks and batch all of your tasks.

8-9am Meditate & work out
9-9.30am Take time for a healthy breakfast
9.30am-1.30pm Do your MIT - creative work (writing, designing,
podcasting) phone on flight mode,
no inbox notifications etc.
1.30-3.30pm Lunch break, time for play, surf, kitesurf, swim, cycle
3.30-5.30pm Schedule social media and newsletter campaigns
5.30pm-6.30pm Go through emails and to social media,
answer requests, read up on research

4 | Big Rock Strategy - Getting Shit Done

Do you find it hard to stay on track? It’s not just you. Most online entrepre-
neurs struggle with that at some point. Here are some actions you can take
NOW to help you get more done with less effort:


#1 Identify your big rocks! What actions will really make your
business move forward? They are not on your daily to-do
list. It could be creating a new product or a new page, ge-
nerating more traffic, creating a sleek email sign-up form.
Think big and make them your MIT.

Focus on your >> why”<<! Why are you doing this? Re-
member you set your vision in secret 1? This is a huge
help to stay on track and work towards your goals. Think
of your last trip abroad. It was probably easier to save up
for that than saving money in general. You had a clear
goal and vision in front of you.

Tip: Keep it visible. Draw it on a piece of paper and fix it on

your wall, your desk, or put it on your laptop screen saver.

#3 Pick one thing you want to be consistent about and

stick to it! For example: writing a blog post every
week, posting on Facebook every 2nd day, sending
out a monthly newsletter. Your brain only builds up
one habit at a time. Once you’re consistent in that,
you can add the next thing.

4 | Big Rock Strategy - Getting Shit Done 18

Create a schedule. Instead of trying to fit that one

thing in somewhere, build your other work around
it. Remember what we said about batching above.
Set some dates and treat them as sacred. Make it
happen, no matter what.

#5 Don’t feel like a failure if you miss out on your missi-

on one day. We all fall out of our routine sometimes.
There’s so many factors, sometimes it’s out of your
control, sometimes your body just says stop. Don’t
waste time being too harsh on yourself and asking
yourself why that happened. Use your energy to get
back up and move on!

4 | Big Rock Strategy - Getting Shit Done 19


The more parts of your business you can automate, the more freedom you
gain. So this should be your long-term goal.

What does automation mean? You set a part of your business on autopilot and
earn money, while doing something else. Automaton is an essential part in the
digital nomad bible The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, and it is your path
to freedom through passive income.

The most powerful way to do that is setting up a sales funnel that converts.
Simply put: a sales funnel should draw your website visitors in, so that money
comes out.


What you need in short:
• A landing page
• An opt-in form on your landing page
• A newsletter list at your preferred email service
(e.g. Mailchimp, Convert Kit, Get Response)
• A lead magnet - e.g. free email series, webinars or online courses
• A product or service you want to sell
• Traffic to your landing page


We know you’re on fire! But before you start to clutter your page with email
optins and throw together an email series, take a minute and plan your who,
why & what.

1. Identify your avatar

Define a clear picture of your perfect customer. Once you’ve done that, every
move you make becomes 10 times easier. Your avatar is taking the decisions
from you.

5 | Automate Your Business 21

2. Define your funnel’s goals

To avoid wasting your time, you need to be able to measure if your funnel
works. A goal setting strategy we love is the Value Ladder (by Russell Br-
unson). The highest step = your highest value offer. The goal: to sell it. This
is your END goal. Now, walk down your ladder. The lowest step = your lead
magnet. The goal: make people opt in. From there, they climb up your ladder
up to your highest offer.

3. Choose your lead magnet

You gotta be irresistible! Understand exactly what your avatar needs and
how you can help them the best you can. Create amazing value; otherwise,
they simply won’t buy from you.

Great options for value-packed lead magnets are free eBooks, online cour-
ses, webinars, Q&A sessions, checklists...
Which medium does your avatar prefer most?

4. Create your call to action

You definitely need an email opt-in on your website. Build a sign-up form
that is simple, VISIBLE and makes it crystal clear what people get out of it if
they sign up. Above all, it needs an explicit CTA - Call to Action!

Example: >> Get weekly tips on how to build your online business / Sign up

Create urgency and momentum and don’t only use CTA’s on your website. A
Facebook post could be like this: I’m running a live webinar on how to eat he-
althier food that’s coming up this week. Head over to (website) and sign up.

5 | Automate Your Business 22

5. Automate it!

Email clients like Mailchimp let you fix exactly how your email sequence
operates after someone has signed up through your opt-in form. You deci-
de whether your readers get daily emails or just one every other day, what
time the emails go out, etc.

It’s a lot of work, but once you set it up, you’re out of it. (Don’t forget to keep
your lead magnet up to date though).

6. Drive Traffic to your lead magnet

You can create the most amazing sales funnel, but if no one sees it, it’s use-
less. There’s lots of easy and affordable ways to get your word out: set up
Facebook & Instagram ads, share it consistently on social media, write blog
posts related to the topic & link to it, guest post on other people’s blogs,
guest podcasting… But remember to focus on creating value!

Final note: Build up a real, nurturing relationship

Capturing the hearts and minds of your audience is key. Our secret to suc-
cess is to be as authentic and honest as you can. Show empathy and com-
passion. Be real. Remember that your audience is giving you their details and
their trust. Don’t disappoint them. Nurture them with your knowledge, tips
and give them your full energy and attention. If you focus on giving, you will
receive back.

5 | Automate Your Business 23


#1 Define your avatar: Imagine one ideal customer for what

you want to offer. Be as specific as possible and picture
that one person. Give him/ her a name - say David - and
write down:

What are David’s pain points and struggles? What are the
major benefits and solutions David seeks? What is your
value proposition? What makes you unique and different
from your competitors? Who do you not want to work with?

Decide on your best value lead magnet and then create
it! What is feasible for you and works
best for your avatar?

• PDF download: checklist, infographic or guide
(Example: We got started with our top 10 digital
nomad hotspots PDF. You can find it attached
to your package)
• eBook: >> How to <<,” collection of data from research
you’ve done, collection of blog posts you’ve written
• Live Workshop or Webinar: training, Q&A session
• Free Course: video, audio or a workbook
(just like the one you are doing right now :)

5 | Automate Your Business 24


#3 Use analytics and find out where your traffic comes from
right now. Is it through your homepage? A free download
page? Social media channels like Facebook campaigns? Your
newsletter? Set up a spreadsheet and fill in the numbers.

Look at each one and examine the gaps that prevent

people from buying. What’s missing?

• No email opt-in form on your about page?

• No engaging call to actions and opt-in bonus at the
bottom of your blog posts?
• No 'Join my email‘ list tab on my Facebook page?
• No sidebar ad on your blog to register for your
email course? EXPERIENCES
Now, change it!

Pick your three favorite ways for driving traffic to your

site, and then go ahead and make it happen. Reach out
for doing guest posts, interviews, write a blog article,
create a Facebook ad… The choice is yours!

5 | Automate Your Business 25


Managing your money right gives you control over your earnings. It’s a univer-
sal law; if you know how to handle money, even if it’s still very little, it will grow.
If you cannot manage money, it will never be enough.

The best way to increase your earnings is to learn how to manage the money
you have. Yet, many people are not good with that. They might earn a lot short
term, but then lose it very quickly.

Don’t feel bad if that describes you. Our education system really fails in tea-
ching us about creating personal wealth. There is that false belief that life is
tough and we have to work hard all our lives in order to survive on a lousy re-
tirement. Bullsh**t.

You have the choice to live life on your own terms. But to be financially free,
you need to start building up passive income. Passive income means that mo-
ney is coming in, while you’re doing something else.


a) Through your own business. The automation exercise in secret
5 is a strong foundation for that.
b) Through investments. We’ll come to that in a bit.

Ideal scenario: generating passive income through BOTH.

How can you develop a money mindset that’s based on abundance instead of
not having enough? And what’s the best way to get started with investments?


It’s one of the world’s simplest, easiest and most effective systems to ma-
nage your money right. The core principle: divide your income into jars. The
best thing about this strategy is that everyone can use it! It doesn’t matter
if you have high or a low income.

How does it work? Split your money into six different accounts - either bank
accounts or actual jars. A certain percentage of your income goes straight
into each jar, every month. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot or little money.
What matters is that you get into this habit; the earlier, the better.

6 | Manage Your Money - Systems for Financial Freedom 27

These are the six jars:

4. EDU (education) = 10%
1. NEC (necessities) = 55%

Your rent, bills, food etc. Books, online courses,

conferences, coaching.
Invest in your growth.
Widen your comfort zone
through learning AND doing.

5. FFA (financial freedom
2. LTSS (long term savings
account) = 10%
for spending) = 10%
Money you invest in passive
A big trip, a campervan, or
income streams, e.g. shares.
just the 'rainy days fund‘”for
less profitable times.
This is the most important
one to achieve freedom.

3. PLAY = 10%
GIVE = 5%

Sports, fun, going out, Could be a charity project, an

activities NGO, education program, a
person in need or anything
Make sure you spend this that you love to support
money! Allow yourself to

6 | Manage Your Money - Systems for Financial Freedom 28

A note on giving back: This should be at the heart of every (aspiring) entrepre-
neur. You think that you don’t have enough money to do that? Think again.
Whether you’re just starting out, or already run a successful online business:
5% is doable!

A note on your FFA jar: It’s crazy important! But somehow our society fails in
teaching us about it. In our home country of Germany, the majority of people
would never invest their money. They think it is too risky. You know what is
risky? Not to invest.

In fact, it’s the best way to achieve financial freedom and escape the rat race.
If you keep putting money into your FFA, you will automatically attract more
money into your life. You’ll be surprised, but it works.

Split your FFA jar like this:

50-70% into low risk values (e.g. ETFs) - return: 2-5%
20-30% into mid risk values (e.g. xxx) - return: 8-10%
10-20% into high risk values (e.g. xxx) - return: 20%+

Two things to remember:

• Never ever spend the money from this jar.
You can only use it to invest in passive income streams to grow
your money.
• The key is to develop the habit of managing your money,
regardless of how much money you have. You can start with as little as $1.


6 | Manage Your Money - Systems for Financial Freedom 29


#1 Get 6 jars and start splitting up your

money into the right percentages.

Read up about one topic related to in-

vestment and stick to it for the week
- e.g. low risk values. The next week,
pick another topic, e.g. mid risk valu-
es, and so on. At the end of the month,
decide what speaks to you most and
start building up your passive income.

#3 Search for a good cause that you want to support

and put $1 aside for it today. It doesn’t have to be a
huge charity. Think about what is important to you.
Love the ocean? Animals? Indigenous cultures? Per-
haps give to your favorite Kickstarter project that
brings value into the world, or support someone you
love or believe in. Think small, think big, whatever
you prefer.

6 | Manage Your Money - Systems for Financial Freedom 30


Putting yourself into a state of daily happiness is the key to success in all
areas of your life.

The problem with many entrepreneurs is they often chase a big vision for the
future and tie their happiness to it. What they completely forget is to enjoy the
whole process of getting there!

We tend to say, >> If X happens, then I’ll be happy. << Stop that, it’s dangerous.
If you keep chasing the future, happiness always stays on the horizon, but
you’ll never catch it. Have a clear, bold vision that pulls you forward (see secret
1). But don’t forget to be present and have fun along the way.

But careful. If you are only happy in the now, but have no vision for the future,
you will never be successful. And if you have a big vision for the future, but
forget to be happy in the now, you end up stressed, anxious and burned out. If
you keep these two things balanced, you will be able to achieve your dreams
much faster!

If you radiate out happiness and joy and laughter, it’s like a magnet! If you
send out high vibrations, you’ll get high vibrations back and attract positive
people, things and experiences into your life.

The best part is you can hack these feelings! How? Appreciate the things you
already achieved! Here are two of the most powerful hacks we implemented
in our lives:


A daily gratitude practice is one of the biggest hacks for happiness. It’s such
a simple thing, with a huge result. Being grateful for the things you already
have in your life takes your mind away from worrying about all the things
that still lie ahead of you.

Did you know? Research says that a simple morning gratitude practice can
boost your happiness by 25%!

7 | Enjoy the Process 32

Meditation isn’t just for hippies or monks anymore. It is being used by some
of the brightest, most influential people. World-class performers like Tim
Ferriss, Pat Flynn, Oprah, Richard Branson… all meditate and see it as their
biggest key to success.

Here is why it makes you a better entrepreneur:

• It declutters your brain and helps you focus

• It accelerates your decision making for the entire day
• It reduces anxiety, stress and depression
• It expands your awareness and helps to see things
from a new perspective
• It boosts your enthusiasm and motivation

Only 10 minutes of meditation every day will add more hours to your day
and help you feel present and happy in the now.


7 | Enjoy the Process 33


Live every day in gratitude. Take a notebook and answer these

simple three questions every single day for the next 30 days:

In the morning:
• What are you are most grateful for today?
(Write down three points)
• What would make today great?
(Write down three points)

In the evening:
• Three amazing things that happened today

Share it with a person who’s close to

you. It doubles the effect, and holds
you accountable to open your eyes th-
roughout the day.

#3 Try meditation and do it for 10 minutes every single

day for the next 30 days.

7 | Enjoy the Process 34

Great meditation apps to get started:
• Headspace
• Calm
• Ombana

Or simply try this guided theta meditation, which uses deep theta brain waves
to heal you.

We hope you could draw lots of good information and value out of this gui-
de. We’re excited to join you on your digital nomad journey and to help you to
achieve your goals and dreams. Ready to start living life on your own terms?

Join one of our DNX CAMPS and connect with a global tribe of like-minded
digital nomads from all over the world. We meet in a paradise location to
cowork, live, learn and grow together. Ready to go? See where we are next:

Or come to the biggest remote working event of the year: DNX - Digital Nomad
Conference is happening in Lisbon, Portugal on the 9th & 10th of September
2017. See some of the most inspiring and successful online entrepreneurs live
on stage & connect with around 500 motivated people who all tick like you.
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Lots of good vibes,

Feli & Marcus

7 | Enjoy the Process 35



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