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What is Culture?

Types of Culture, Elements of Culture, Characteristics of Culture

January 13, 2020

Culture is a word for the way of life of groups of people, the behavior, beliefs, values, and
symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that passed along by
communication and imitation from one generation to the next generation. There is different
Types of Culture.

Culture is the feature and knowledge of a particular group of people, bounding language,
religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture is an integrated set of pattern of human
activities, knowledge and belief within a community or social group and the symbolic
structures. Culture is purity Of savor in the fine arts and humanities.

Culture is circle of religion, food, what we wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music,
what we believe is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we meet visitors, how we
behave with some ones, and million other things. The outlook, attitudes, values, morals, goals,
and customs shared by a society all are include in culture. Culture is a complex concept which
impacts virtually every aspects of our lives both consciously and subconsciously.

Culture is the expression of own nature in our way of life and thinking in our everyday dealings
in art, literature, religion, reaction and enjoyments as member of society. Culture is a system of
values and beliefs which we share with others, all of which gives us a sense of belongings or

Types of Culture

Studying culture to understand patterns of human behaviour is a big job. While there are
unlimited ways that people can express their culture, social scientists have developed two basic
categories to define things produced by a society. First is Material Culture and second is
Nonmaterial Culture.

 Material Culture

Material culture mentions to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people use to
define their culture. These include homes, schools, churches, mosques, offices, temples,
factories and plants, clothes, utensils, roads, ornaments, T.V, radio, machines, tools, goods and
products, stores and many more. All of these man-made objects and things that have been
evolved over ages for man’s well-being and comfort are material culture.

Now material culture does not mean that it is an object that is bought and sold; it can also be
something we all make. For example, cocking art is a common thing we all do, and therefore is
a part of our material culture.
 Non material Culture

The other type of culture is non material culture which cannot be touch, feel, taste or hold. Non
material culture belongs to the nonphysical ideas that people have about their culture,
including beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals, languages, social roles, ethics, music, literature,
customs, traditions, organizations and institutions. Non material culture is just as big of impact
on our lives as material culture.

Elements of Culture

The culture of any specific society consists of several elements, or parts. Followings are some
elements of culture.

 Social Organization

In most cultures, society divides people by social organization. Mostly there is a ruler who is
more powerful than other persons. Social organization is an important element of culture that
shows how the society treats the relationships between different members of that culture.

 Customs

Customs are traditions, values, and social standards of a society and establish practices. These
help a society indicate the rules of behaviour which enforce ideas of right and wrong. These
can be traditions, rules, written laws, etc.

 Rituals

Rituals are processes or set s of actions that are repeated in specific conditions and with
specific meaning. They may be used in such as when someone is promoted or retires. They
may be associated with company events or special day.

 Religion

Religion is another important element of culture, which describes a society’s morals and beliefs
about humanity’s spirituality and reason for existing.

 Language

Language is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture
is written, acted and transmitted. Language is always evolving as societies create new ideas.
Rules of speaking and writing vary in every language even within cultures.

 Norms

There are different norms, standards and expectations in cultures for behaving. Norms are
divided into two types.

1. Formal norms also called mores and laws considered most important in any society.
2. Informal norms also called folkways and customs, considered less important.

 Symbols
Some symbols are type of nonverbal communication, while others are material objects. Every
culture has many symbols, of things that stand for somethings or show reactions and

The world is filled with symbols, like sports uniform, school uniform, company logo, gold ring
and traffic signs are symbols.

Characteristics of Culture

Culture has its own characteristics, here are some discussed.

 Learnt

Culture is learnt from their elders because it’s not biological. Culture is not the thing you study
or inherit but it is just the process you pass from it. Instead, you learn culture subconsciously
without paying any attention. Children learn culture by watching their parents and family. They
copy behaviours and adopt different roles and values. We learn our culture not only from our
parents but also from families, institutions, media and other people.

 Shared

Culture is something that is shared because we share our culture with other members of our
group. Culture is always transferred by sharing. Culture is shared in many ways like social
communication, group discussions, public speaking, TV, internet. Although culture is share but
it doesn’t mean culture is homogeneous.

 Social

Culture is social, it is not the one person phenomena. It is the product of society and raise and
grows through social interaction. Culture can be thoughts of social influence and it must be
social without it there is no concept of culture.

 Continuous

Culture is a continuous process and adapts changes in the environment. Culture is growing
whole with the achievements of the past and present and provide the future achievements of
mankind. Culture is the result of past and present experiences.

 Integrated

Culture is also integrated because its various parts are interconnected. All components of
culture are connected to one another and to gain a extensive Understanding of culture, we
must learn about all these different components. 

Effects of Geography on Culture

One of the most intense factor that affects culture is geography. The development of a culture
is mainly depends on its geographical location. Geography affects culture by number of
languages spoken in a given area, clothes people wear, their political ideas, and their religious

For example, location that is ideal for hunting, affects that culture by encouraging people to
teach their posterity to hunt, tell hunting stories or celebrate hunting skills.
Another good example is Japanese culture which relies on water because Japan is surrounded
by water. Water has a strong influence on their art and culture such as haiku poems and bonsai

Effects of Culture on Society

Since the beginning of the civilization culture has strong effects on the society. Scientists,
various experts and specialists want to answer how exactly one culture can affect our modern
society. Culture is a part of our lives and defines the nation as it is.

Culture is actually a group of people that belongs to a particular society. The combination of
one culture and society makes one country and nation that live in that country. Culture is the
identity of the nation which makes it unique. Culture is the basic root of any community, which
teaches us to think for the whole nation not individually. Culture gives the concept of family
and nation.

Culture and Business

Culture has very strong effects on modern business. For example, during a business meeting
where people from different cultures are communicating with one another, cultural differences
have to be taken into account. Cultural differences frequently impact the success or failure of
multicultural business debates. In the world we live around, socialize and work with people
from different cultural backgrounds and different parts of the world. Business owners must
keep in mind these differences throughout the product’s life cycle, from its design to marketing
and beyond.


Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________
Course/Year/Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Time/Class Days: __________________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________

WORKSHEET #1: Features of Culture

Directions: For each feature of culture, think of one example common to people in the Philippines or in the
country where you were born. Use another sheet of paper if you need more space to write.
1. Style of Dress 16. Concept of fairness

2. Ways of greeting people 17. Nature of friendship

3. Beliefs about hospitality 18. Ideas about clothing

4. Importance of time 19. Foods

5. Paintings 20. Greetings

6. Values 21. Facial expressions and hand gestures

7. Literature 22. Concept of self

8. Beliefs about child raising (children and teens) 23. Work ethic

9. Attitudes about personal space/privacy 24. Religious beliefs

10. Beliefs about the responsibilities of children 25. Religious rituals

and teens

11. Gestures to show you understand what has 26. Concept of beauty
been told to you

12. Holiday customs 27. Rules of polite behavior

13. Music 28. Attitude toward age

14. Dancing 29. The role of family

15. Celebrations 30. General worldview

Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Course/Year/Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Time/Class Days: __________________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________

WORKSHEET #2: Everyone Has a Culture --- Everyone Is Different

Directions: Respond to each question. Use another piece of paper if you need more space.

1. What languages do you speak? 6. How often do you see your extended family
(for example, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
cousins)? What role do they play in your life?

2. What music do you listen to? What dances

do you know?

7. What holidays and ceremonies are important in your


3. What foods do you eat at home?

4. In your family, what is considered polite

and what is considered rude? What manners
have you been taught? (Think about
such things as table manners, behavior
toward guests in your home, what to say
when answering the telephone, how to say
thanks for a meal.

8. Describe something very important to you. It

could be a value, such as respect or honesty. It
could be a person, such as a parent, brother,
sister, or friend. It could be a goal, such as going
to college or designing a Web site. It could be a

5. What do you wear on special occasions?

9. Based on what you’ve written, how would
you describe the characteristics of the culture
you’re a part of

6. How often do you see your extended family

(for example, grandparents, aunts,
uncles, and cousins)? What role do they
play in your life?

Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Course/Year/Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Time/Class Days: __________________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________


I. Define the following terms in your own words.

1. Cultural Lag

2. Cultural traits

3. Cultural complex

4. Cultural diversity

5. Cultural pattern

II. Choose one Filipino value and explain the attachment of Pilipino people to it.

Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Course/Year/Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Time/Class Days: __________________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________

Answer the followng questions:

1. How has print media influenced you and your family?

2. In what ways do you make use of electronic media?

3. How might teachers use social media to strengthen school and community ties?

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